Chapter 808, crazy Hun Tiandi

Zhang Yu, did not rush into the cactus sword and the West Traveller Warrior World, but the two worlds were created, and no one could take them away, and there was no need to rush into it. He’s gone through the original vibrant, not as hot as the others in the world before, and when the world’s experience is over, it’s too late to take everyone with the sword World and the West Traveller World


There was a look at the progress of two other

worlds, Zhang Yu slightly frowned: “Journey to the West World is so slow to shape…”
There is no doubt that Journey to the West World is a vast world, with Immortal World, except for the mortal world, but Journey to the West World has so far gathered a little bit and, as in the shadow, grew at a much slower pace than Zhang Yu imagined.

Hey, a little less! I like to invite you to collect: (i) the fastest speed of updating the Japan Court.

“So, Journey to the West World, most of which is an eight-stage real God World.” Zhang Yu implies, “The

wilderness world, Shrouding the Heavens World, and the fight against the world are seven stages Greater World, but it is difficult for the three major seven grades of Greater World to sustain the birth of a Journey to the West World, which, at the rate of growth of Journey to the West World, is simply afraid that it will not be possible to be completely prototyped without hundreds of years…”
This means that Journey to the West World is strong, 100 times stronger than the ordinary seven Greater World.

Shit, a little less! Japan Court, update the latest chapter!

“Journey to the West World is the eighth phase of the real God World, so Journey to the West back of the world, too, is afraid.” Zhang Yu was not surprised that Journey to the West World was the eighth phase of the real God World, which he had long imagined by allowing Old Man Tian Ji and Wine Sword Immortal to spread both stories for the purpose of trying not to create immediately the two worlds


Long time, Zhang Yu sighed: “The bottom is still too thin.”

The world he has created now is Shrouding the Heavens World, the World of Shattering World, the West Traveller World, four of which are seven greater worlds, counting the wilderness world, five of which he can now use, and five of which are Greater World, where the Fairy Sword World and the West Traveller Demon World have not yet opened for the time being, or where he has not been attacked for the time being, so only three, Shrouding the Heavens World, the World of Battle, the Wild World, are really available to him.


‘s obviously not easy to build an eight-stage real God World by relying on these three seven classes of Greater World.

God, I can’t see it again! One second to remember, Ramadan Court.

After cleaning up your mind, Zhang Yu came to the heart and carefully refined medicine pill.


Xiao Yan entire group sits quietly on the cliffs in the old mountains, and in the morning and evening the sun sinks in refinement. Each of them held a Spirit Stone,

extracting Spiritual Qi from which Cultivation Base was saturated, to pick up Spirit Stone, replacing the stone of the rule with the stone of the rule, the stone of the so-called rule of law, which, in fact, is gold, wooden stones, water stones, firestone, soil stones, fluctuations due to the law, the law of admonition, the essence of the law, and thus referred to as the stone of the law.
Speaking of that, they had no idea that the stone of the rule of law had been used as the stone of the law, which they would not have known until after White had told them, they understood that golden stones, wood stones, water stones, sparks, soil stones, and stones were extremely valuable and that they would not have been added to the law of Spiritne.


cornerstone of the rule of law is extensive and can be used for the purposes of consciousness-raising, for the refining of weapons or for the refining of organs, for the laying of Formation, etc., so that each of the principles is valued, and Xiao Yan entire group is very frankly told that for so many years she has accumulated only three pieces of law, which can be seen as precious


When the full use of the stone of the rule of law is known, Xiao Yan entire group is dark, and it’s also a pleasure to say, “There’s an old man with a wide range of insights, too much benefits!” Wu Chen, Wu Mo, Xiao Yan and the others were very fortunate to have invited Bai Ling to join their team, otherwise they had to activate the divine sense left behind by Tutor, even less likely to know so much valuable knowledge, in the face of the Mental powerhouse


For them, white experience and insight are a treasure waiting for them to dig

. As

long as they stay by the white side, they’ll know more about all Heavens and Myriad Realms and even fairies!

“Nonsense, you say.” Hun Tiandi looked for no inflammatory.

“Because of their distress, their desire to be unfavourable to patriarch, their own selfish baggage…” Nonsensense says, “Most importantly, they can’t prove their innocence, and traitors must be mixed in it!”

Wrong. ”Hun Tiandi shakes his head.


“ Now, I’m too lazy to lie to you. ”Hun Tiandi’s mute sounds,“ which is just a pretext, and in fact, the reason I really killed them is because I need their souls, and they need in the body of the soul Bloodline! ”He stood up and unleashed a glimpse of air, which was as suffocating as the dome poured down,” and a thousand years ago I started planning this, and the whole soul was a supplement to my circle, and your soul, Bloodline, could help me breakthrough to the Divine! ”

It is unbelievable for all the souls to rise up and look at Hun Tiandi with shock.

“ Of course, I come out of the soul and, if not necessary, I will not do anything to the soul, so I have set aside the remaining communities of the ancient eight with the aim of seizing their Bloodline, refining their souls… The souls of the temple are hunting outside, and it is just that ’all. ”Hun Tiandi indifferently said:“ If my plan is not wrong, I can be a fighter and soul, even if I do not move, as a guarantee that I have left behind, and I will not touch the soul. ”


his eyes, the soul is also a chess, a food, and if the food is sufficient outside, he can not move the soul, but if the food is not enough to support his breakthrough to the Divine, then the soul will be his target.

“ Devil, you’re the devil! ”A bunch of clansman opened his eyes, trembling and yelling


“ As long as you can be a fighter, don’t say sacrifice a soul or bury this earth? ”Hun Tiandi faintly smiled:“ You don’t even understand that? Besides, if I become a fighter, even at the expense of the soul, the future will produce another soul, a stronger, brighter soul! ”

He looks calm, but he has a little crazy in his eyes.

“ Do you know why clansman has a bad heart and is behind my back? ”Hun Tiandi say with a slight smile:“ Because they concealed my intentions, knew my plans, wanted to get out of my control. Usually, I could turn a blind eye, pretend

I don

‘t know, because they’re all in plot against the big picture, but… ”
His voice turned and his face fell, and his face fell, and it changed from Sky Academy to Sky Academy! All my plans are meaningless! Under their eyes, I never had a chance to do anything to the drugstore, Stone Race or anything! Now even the temple is destroyed by Sky Academy participants!”

He’s getting crazy: “They broke my mind!”

I could have waited, but now I can’t wait! ”Hun Tiandi’s eyes shine crazy, and his face is also a smile of evil,“ and now I can only throw one down and make the last fight! As long as Predator has your Bloodline, refining your soul, I can hope to promote the Battle

“Look at Hun Tiandi’s insane look, the souls are so pale and shaky.

Some people frighten their legs soft, unable to move even a little bit, and others fled towards great hall.

God, I can’t see it again! One second to remember, Ramadan Court.

To be a fighter, to capture that little illusory hope, he will destroy the whole soul!

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