Once again, Predator had a clansman Bloodline, refining his soul, Hun Tiandi, and there was a marked improvement.

Look at this, all the souls powerhouse feel like if the rabbit dies, the fox grieves.

“patriarch, can I help you?” Nonsense is only loyal to Hun Tiandi, the life of the soul, and he does not care at all


Hun Tiandi faintly smiled: “No, they can’t escape my hand.”

The spirits powerhouse are angry and scared and yell, “Hun Tiandi, I curse you, and I will not die!”

I am patriarch of the soul, and I will be a fighter, and I will be able to regenerate the soul and lead the soul to unprecedented glory and strength! ”Hun Tiandi quietly said,“ Were you not saying that you were loyal to the soul and willing to dedicate everything to the development of the soul? What, now you really need to dedicate, and you’re not happy? ”

He’s completely insane!

Without waiting for the spirits powerhouse to open again, Hun Tiandi took the initiative, the terrifying black chain, unleashed terror in his hand, the low-ranking jihad could not hold a bullet, and the medieval jihad was badly injured, almost lost battle power, even at a high level, and dared not to touch it hard


Shortly for a minute, a cadre of souls powerhouse, seriously injured.

And Hun Tiandi’s temperature has reached unprecedented altitudes!

“ Death! ”Hun Tiandi killed the last souls powerhouse, including two high priests, who were his real target.

Hun Tiandi Predator wiped out their Bloodline, refining their souls, as if they had reached some limit, the space surrounded by a tremendous earthquake, and the whole spirits as if they were not able to carry such a powerful force with a slight tremor.

“ Not enough, still not enough! ”Hun Tiandi is full of crazy eyes.

He went far, and he went to countless ordinary clansman!

All he just died in was the upper level of the soul, the core powerhouse of the soul, but unfortunately, so many of the upper spirits couldn’t help him break through to become a fighter, and he could only stare at those ordinary clansman


Normal clansman, though far from the upper powerhouse, is better than enough, and if Predator had their Bloodline, refining had their Bloodline, and it didn’t work well.

Hun Tiandi, who began to kill ordinary clansman, was silent over the ruins.

Half a minute, just half an hour, big soul, all clansman, boys and girls, survived, the whole soul was slaughtered!

In the sky of the soul, Hun Tiandi, like the same ancient demon, spreads horror, and the dark fog surrounds him, making the sky as if it were filled with ink!

“ Did it work? ”Nonsense senses that horrible smell and cannot resist whispering.

It is only Hun Tiandi who quickly breathes his breath, and his face is ugly:“ No matter how many Bloodline I predator Bloodline, refining

spirits, there is still a little gap with the Divine… ”His strength has indeed risen many times, become more powerful than ever before, and even has made him believe in the depression of the thousands of years ago, and that equally unpredictable ancient antiquity, that he can defeat them easily, but he is well aware that he still has not reached the realm of the battle,“ I am now, only close to the emperor… ”and that
he has no inflammatory brown.

Hun Tiandi took a deep breath:“ Legendary Fighting is not that easy to achieve, and even if I have the right way to sacrifice the entire soul, it is still a line. ”He had a long expectation of it and was therefore somewhat disappointed, but there were no surprises


“ What’s next? ”Nonsense. The

souls have been completely extinct, with only Hun Tiandi left and no more souls and Bloodline available to Hun Tiandi Predator refining.

Hun Tiandi’s eyes are slight: “For now, there’s only one bet!”

What do you mean? ”The hypocrisy of non-inflammatory hidden speculation is uncertain


“ Pharmaceutical, Stone Race. ”Hun Tiandi indifferently said:” For all these years, we have ascertained the location of the pharmaceutical community, the stone community, and we have not done so before, but the time has come to ignore it all… ”

The futile inflammatory heavier:“ You may consider that medicine, Stone Race, can be different from Spirit Race, Spirit Race has been closed and has little connection with the rest of us, and that even if Spirit Race has been destroyed, no one knows so far that the drug, Stone Race, they are in contact with the rest of them, especially the drug community, are in close contact with the big community, moving the drug community, they must be shocked to all! ”

Reason, I naturally understand. But now, I can’t wait.” Hun Tiandi’s face is ugly: “Shaw Xin and Gun all joined the Sky Academy of mysterious, who knows when they will become fighters? Once they first become emperors, they come to my trouble together, then I will have no power but to let the fish go!”

He looks like he’s not swallowed, and he says, “So I have to kill the drugstore, Stone Race, before everyone reacts!”

Silence silent, whispering: “What if the Pharmaceuticals and Stone Race are extinguished?”


go on! ”Hun Tiandi say coldy:“ The thunderbold, the inflammatory are stronger than the pharmaceutical, Stone Race, Spirit Race, only after that year’s depression, and the souls, Ancient Race, have destroyed them, and I will be able to be a fighter! ”Assuming that he has to exterminate these communities before all of them react, he will not be able to do so once they receive information and flee in advance.

He looked like he didn’t swallow, and he said solsolsolemnly:“ I didn’t have a choice! ”

Shaw Hyun and the ancient ones can wait, but he can’t wait!

“ If I become a fighter, maybe there’s a linear chance, but if I don’t do anything… ”Hun Tiandi lifts my head,“ I will die without a doubt! ”

Nonsense understood Hun Tiandi’s idea, and he whispered and said,” Do you need me to do something? ”

Hun Tiandi:“ When I start, you’re in charge of stopping all those who run away from me, you must prevent them from fleeing! ”Once someone escapes and leaks information… Shaw Xin and Gun will surely come to stop him and may even bring Sky Academy people, Hun Tiandi does not think he can fight Sky Academy.

At least, before he became a fighter, he didn’t have that confidence.

Nodded,” Yes. ”

Well, let’s go now!” Hun Tiandi doesn’t want to wait any longer.

Soon, the two men left the soul, moving straight to Stone Race, and Hun Tiandi chose to start with Stone Race between the drug community and Stone Race, because Stone Race was far from being so close to all communities and exterminating Stone Race and undoubtedly the best option


Hun Tiandi had no idea that Shaw and Gun had become emperors a few months ago, and that inescapable net had long been distributed, waiting for them to show up, but that their whereabouts were too hidden to capture their tracks, even if the major clans joined hands, and that they were not able to locate their souls, and that they were now taking the initiative and were planning to expose Stone Race to the first time.

Not long ago, the two arrived at Stone Race.

And at the moment they appeared, their traces were exposed, and the news about their appearance in Stone Race was the fastest way to break the World Chamber, leading to Shaw and the ancient.

God, I can’t see it again! One second to remember, Ramadan Court.

“Hun Tiandi, even if I die, I won’t let you do it!” Between Heaven and Earth sounded a violent drink.

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