
Chapter 812 Formidable person’s end (below)

“Are you not worried about Xiao Xuan’s safety at all?” Nihwa Yanyan suddenly said.

Gu Yuan glanced at Hun Tiandi and Xiao Xuan, then retracted his gaze and said, “You should be worried, not me. Do you think Hun Tiandi is really invincible?”

Empty ignorance does not understand the meaning of the ancient Yuan, frowned, seriously said: “Hun Tiandi Mister Predator has the Bloodline of the two races and the Bloodline of half of the Stone Race. Not only that, his soul is better than the ordinary emperor. The soul is still several times stronger! Under the emperor, Hun Tiandi Mister is almost invincible, will Xiao Xuan be the opponent of Hun Tiandi Mister? “

Well, one less! Like to ask everyone to collect: () Zhai Shuyuan is the fastest to update.

“Indeed, no one is Hun Tiandi’s opponent under the Emperor.” Gu Yuan agreed with the words of nothingness, and he was deeply nodded.

Nothingness swallows startled: “Then you don’t worry about Xiao Xuan at all?”

Fuck, it’s one more missing! Zhai Shuyuan, the latest chapter updated soon!

Hun Tiandi, who has n’t finished talking about Yan Yan, has suddenly exploded with a terrible fighting spirit. Hun Tiandi, like the same demon, is facing Xiao in the dark mist. Xuan violence rushed away. Last second, he was still a few thousand zhang away. In the next second, he was only a few hunted zhang away from Xiao Xuan, as if he suddenly moved from one place to another.

Xiao Xuan stood with his hands up, watching Hun Tiandi quietly, without emotional fluctuations on his face.

next moment, Hun Tiandi suddenly lifted the dark chain in his hand, and the majestic vindictive spirit poured into it, so that the dark chain released a black light, and the black mist rose against the storm. It seemed to flood the entire stone world, and the dark chain exploded. Extremely terrifying vigour, even small cracks appear in the surrounding space, like the sharpest knife.

“Bound Spirit Lock!”

Sun, I ca n’t watch it again! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().

This is the first time that he has performed this fighting technique in a thousand years. Only a few people, such as Xiao Xuan and Gu Yuan, are eligible for his true ability.

Although he has the absolute confidence to defeat Xiao Xuan, Hun Tiandi does not despise Xiao Xuan at all. His strongest fighting skills are also his greatest respect for Xiao Xuan.

The dark chain with the power to break the sky, moved towards Xiao Xuan, the space where the chain passed, cracked, as if the entire sky was torn into two halves, and the entire stone world seemed to be unable to bear this. The blow from earth-shattering began to tremble violently, and the ground below fell inexplicably, causing the Stone Race patriarch and Stone Race clansman to panic.

Hun Tiandi’s speed is extremely fast, his attack is faster, the dark chain, in an instant, came to Xiao Xuan.

Looking at Xuan Xuan when seeing the chain, I saw Xiao Xuan extend the hand with neither fast nor slow, so I grabbed it with bare hands, the action seemed slow, but actually exceeded the limit of everyone’s sight capture, only for a moment , He firmly grasped the dark chain, on the surface of his palm, covered with a layer of golden spirit, that golden spirit was extremely restrained, and did not emit the slightest vigour, it covered Xiao Xuan ’s entire palm, blocking the chain transmission. Combat strength and impact.

“hong long long!”

A force of destroy the Heavens and extinguish the Earth erupted in the center of Xiao Xuan ’s palm. Once spread, the entire stone world may be unbearable. Even if it is not completely exploded, it will be 40% torn and become each. and everyone small space.

It can be turned instantaneously, the terrifying explosive formidable power extinguished like a flame, silent.

“Bound Spirit Lock, when you sneak attacked me, you used this fighting skill.” Xiao Xuan raised her head slightly, smiling, a calm look, “Tian Xie fighting skill, formidable power It is indeed out of the ordinary, but … it won’t hurt me. “

He was sighed, and seemed a little disappointed: “After so many years, you don’t seem to have made much progress.”

Hun Tiandi looked at Xiao Xuan in shock and couldn’t settle the channel: “How is that possible!”

At this moment, he was holding one end of the black chain, and the other was firmly grasped by Xiao Xuan. The chain was straightened and tightened, and the chain body was trembling slightly. Metal friction sounds were made from time to time.

Xiao Xuan casually grabbed the chain and stared at Hun Tiandi: “What’s impossible?”

Hun Tiandi seemed to be stimulated, and screamed hysterically: “Impossible! Absolutely impossible!” His emotions became as excited as ever. The whole person was crazy, and a terrifying vibe of the body erupted again. Majestic vigor, continuously poured into the chain, struggling to pull the chain.

A few feet away, Xiao Xuan still clutched the chain casually, a relaxed and free look, and expression was mixed with a little laziness.

No matter how Hun Tiandi pulls the chain, the other end of the chain is completely motionless, as if embedded in a rock.

After a few breaths, the chain was overwhelmed, and finally pulled down by Hun Tiandi’s hard work, he suddenly broke down: “ka-cha!”

For Xun Tiandi, a formidable person, Xiao Xuan still appreciates it.

“It’s almost there, Brother Xiao, let him take a ride.” Gu Yuan said suddenly.

Xiao Xuan is nodded, and then looks at Hun Tiandi: “I hope you can keep the bottom line in your next life!”

Say, he has to do it.

But Hun Tiandi is laughing heartily: “hahaha … ha! Xiao Xuan, you want to kill me by yourself, but I’m Hun Tiandi, I won’t let you do it!”

next moment, Hun Tiandi within the body exploded with anger, a force destroying the Heavens and extinguishing the Earth, spreading from within the body from within.

BOSS, the biggest formidable person behind the whole world, is in front of Xiao Xuan, Gu Yuan, Nian Yan Yan and Stone Race, without the slightest hesitation Self-destruction.

His Self-destruction is very thorough, the fleshhy body is turned into powder, even the soul is completely annihilated.

Sun, I ca n’t watch it again! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().

The old house will go out in the afternoon. I don’t know what time to go home for the time being. If it is too late, this is the only change.

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