
Chapter 813 Conquering Nothingness Inflammation

“Everyone be careful!” Xiao Xuan said solemnly, then quickly released the golden spirit, suppressing the huge explosive formidable power generated by Hun Tiandi Self-destruction.

While others do n’t say anything, the ancient Yuan also teleports and releases the fighting spirit at the same time, suppressing that power with Xiao Xuan.

Hun Tiandi is not an ordinary person. Its Cultivation Base has already reached the nine-star Holy Peak, and the soul has stepped into the realm of the emperor. After the Spirit Race, the soul race, and the Stone Race half the Emperor Bloodline in the Predator, his Culture Base It is even more into the realm. It is only one line away from the Emperor. His formidable power of Self-destruction is by no means what the stone world can bear.

Well, one less! Like to ask everyone to collect: () Zhai Shuyuan is the fastest to update.

Netherness swallowed and watched Hun Tiandi Self-destruction die, and said, “Mister!”

Stone Race Everyone felt a thrill, the energy generated by Hun Tiandi Self-destruction in the sky was suffocating.

Fuck, it’s one more missing! Zhai Shuyuan, the latest chapter updated soon!

After dealing with the energy spheres generated by Hun Tiandi Self-destruction, Xiao Xuan and Gu Yuan returned to the stone realm.

As soon as Xiao Xuan and Gu Yuan appeared again, Stone Race patriarch immediately greeted him, thanking him, “Many thanks for the help of the two patriarchs!”

He was really scared this time. If it wasn’t for Xiao Xuan and Gu Yuan, Stone Race and even the entire stone world would be finished.

Inheritance Stone Race, which lasts for more than ten thousand years, if he is finished in his hands, he will face the ancestors without face after death.

Sun, I ca n’t watch it again! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().

Xiao Xuan is looking towards nothingness, indifferently said: “Hun Tiandi is dead, do you want to avenge him?”

For a moment, everyone’s eyes focused on nothingness.

Hun Tiandi has fallen, and the contract-like relationship between Nihwa Yanyan and him has ceased to exist. Since then, he has been a truly free man, as long as Xiao Xuan, Gu Yuan and others do not fight his idea, No one can restrain him.

“Revenge?” The expression of nihilism is complicated, and his mouth is full of bitterness. “Do I dare to seek revenge from the Emperor?”

Not to mention whether he has the courage, even if he does have the courage, he will not be put into action. He is indeed loyal to Hun Tiandi, but that loyalty is more because Hun Tiandi is his master, In charge of his Life and Death, if he is not obedient, he will undoubtedly be miserable and be completely wiped out of consciousness and consciousness … Now that Hun Tiandi is dead, he is relieved instead.

He is really grateful that Hun Tiandi did not erase his mind, but this alone is not enough to make him take revenge for Hun Tiandi.

After all, Hun Tiandi has enslaved him after all. Without Hun Tiandi, he would have lived more freely, and his achievements may have been higher than now.

Shake his head, came back to his senses, respectfully respected Xiao Xuan: “Hun Tiandi opposes the two Misters, and perishes himself.”

Xiao Xuan raised her eyebrows and said, “Did you just speak for him just now? Why, as soon as he died, your attitude changed?”

“The reason why I speak to him is because my Life and Death is in his hands.” Calmly said: “He is my master, single thought head can determine my Life and Death, or wipe out my intellect. But now that he is dead, I am also free and no longer under his control, so naturally I do n’t have to speak to him again.

He looked at Xiao Xuan frankly, with a frank look.

“Really?” Xiao Xuan has lived for thousands of years. Although he has not experienced the long years like Bai Jie, he is still qualified to be called an old monster compared with ordinary people, and his mind is naturally not like ordinary. The person is so simple that he won’t be fooled by the simple words of nihilism, “Would you help him because he gave you hope of being promoted to the emperor?”

Ethereal swallowed up for a moment and said, “This is one of the reasons.”

Since I can’t hide it, I admit it frankly.

He stayed beside Hun Tiandi for thousands of years. The two got along as masters and servants and naturally had no feelings.

“I did things for Hun Tiandi. Although not from my heart, I did contaminate the blood of many innocent people, and Mister could understand if I wanted to kill me.” Took a deep breath, said solemnly: “If Mister is going to kill me, let’s do it.” Even Soul even Celestial Emperor is far from Xiao Xuan’s opponent. He doesn’t think he can fight Xiao Xuan. “I only have one wish, I hope Mister can Give me a good deal. “

Xiao Xuanrao said with interest: “Aren’t you afraid of death?”

Nothing swallows and shakes his head: “Of course I’m afraid. But whether I’m afraid or not, I can’t control Mister’s will.”

“But I changed my mind.” Xiao Xuan laughed suddenly, “I decided not to kill you, you will follow me later!”

hearing this, Nimbus swallowed his face and sank, saying: “Mister kill me! Hun Tiandi has deprived me of thousands of years of freedom. Over the years, I have been like a tool in his hand and have never thought of myself. If it weren’t for him showing me the hope of being promoted to the Emperor, I’m afraid I would have died myself … I have had enough of the days of being enslaved. Instead, I might as well die as I would.

He has just been released. Where can he be enslaved again?

He didn’t have a choice before, but now he would rather die than be manipulated.

“Who said I was going to enslave you?” Xiao Xuan said indifferently: “I just let you follow me, not to enslave you. After all, you have committed many sins after all, if you let it go You, I am afraid, those who died in Spirit Race and Stone Race will not agree, and only by putting you under my eyelids, can I guarantee that you will not do anything that is harmful to the continent. “

He looked at the swallowing of nothingness, with a more serious look: “I won’t restrict your freedom, provided that you don’t do anything that is harmful to the continent.”

This is not rigorous. He demands that nothingness be swallowed to follow him. To a certain extent, it can be regarded as restricting his freedom.

But compared to Hun Tiandi’s approach, his approach is undoubtedly much smarter, at least, it will not make nihilism unacceptable.

This is all due to his powerful strength. If his strength is comparable to Hun Tiandi, I am afraid I can only choose the same method as Hun Tiandi, refining transform to nothingness, swallowing inflammation, and controlling its Life and Death. In your own hands.

There is something unexpected about swallowing inflammation. He hesitated, and asked, “Mister really doesn’t kill me?”

“Do you think, if I am an emperor, would I make such a joke?”

“Okay, I promise Mister!” The nothingness swallowed and said solemnly: “As long as Mister doesn’t refining me, I’ll be willing to follow Mister …” What he desires most is spiritual freedom, not appearance. The body is free, “My body is emptiness of inflammation, the rank of the second fire of the different fire list, Mister If necessary, I can consolidate the child fire for Mister use.”

paused, he also said to Gu Yuan: “Ancient Race has the Golden Emperor’s Heavenly Flame, and I should not need my help, but if the ancient Mister needs it, you can also tell me that I will help you all!”

Golden Emperor Heavenly Flame is the fourth mysterious flame, second only to the mysterious flame of Yihuobang, as well as the emptiness of inflammation, the lotus fire, and more importantly, the Emperor Heavenly Flame also When spiritual wisdom was not born, it was conquered by Ancient Race, and passed down from generation to generation, instead of creating spiritual wisdom like nihilism.

Ancient Race owns the Golden Emperor’s Heavenly Flame, which is no secret in the ancient eight races.

Hun Tiandi, on the other hand, is in control of nothingness, and little is known.

“If I really need you, I won’t be polite.” Gu Yuan faintly smiled.

He said this, which indirectly shows a meaning, that is, he did not have the idea of ​​killing nothingness.

Netherness swallows secretly relieved, he is a nine-star fighter, in front of two fighting emperors, the pressure is so great that most people simply cannot imagine.

Stone Race patriarch can’t stop talking as the conversation between several people is swallowed by nothingness.

Xiao Xuan’s mind moved, and said, “Emptyness swallowed up the blood of countless innocent people in your hands. Hun Tiandi’s crimes are half of your credit. Wouldn’t you plan to make up for it?”

The nihilism startedled, but he quickly reacted and said seriously: “Mister is right, I really should make up for the mistake.”

He turned around and faced the Stone Race crowd. Eventually his eyes fell on the Stone Race patriarch, saying: “Stone Race suffered heavy casualties, and I cannot blame it. I have no ability to bring them back to life. The only thing I can do is Is to gather a Dao Child fire for your use and pay off your sins! I hope you, Stone Race, forgive me! ”

while speaking, nothingness swallows and spreads his palms, mixed with a trace of the original flame, condensed in his palm, the flame of his body is also flowing to that Dao Child fire, letting that Dao Child fire black light flourish, The power of Predator that radiates terrifying, as if it can predator everything in the world, even space, can also be Predator, terrifying extremely.

When Zihuo was condensed completely, and it was divided into nothingness by inflammation, at that moment, his face paled a lot.

He resisted the discomfort and pain, and controlled Zihuo to fly to Stone Race patriarch.

“This Dao Child fire is separated from my body, possesses 10% of my power, and has no consciousness or sage.” Nirvana Swallow Yan said to Stone Race patriarch: “Stone patriarch can always take it Refining, you can also find another person to refining them. If you get help from each other, it will greatly improve the formidable power of the fight, and it will also greatly increase the success rate, speed, etc. of pill concocting.

It can be seen that a Dao Child fire was split, and the damage to nihilism was not small.

His breath has weakened a lot, but he has a feeling that he will fall to the Eight Stars at any time.

The subfires that are swallowed by nothingness are extremely out of the ordinary. Although they are subfires, they are only stronger than those after the 30th place on the different fire list. The flame’s formidable power is even comparable to a fighting sage. Controlling the sub-fire is tantamount to possessing the power of the Saint.

“I wonder if I am compensated, is Stone patriarch satisfied?” Nirvana looked at Stone Race patriarch.

“If those dead clansman can be resurrected, I would rather not have this fire.” Stone Race patriarch said with a bitter smile: “However, it is good that you can make such compensation, how can I expect more “He accepted the subfire, which shows that he forgave nihilism, after all, those who died clansman can never be resurrected, and those who are alive need to continue to live. If you get the subfire of nihilism, Stone Race The future will be much better.

Nothingness swallows up and sees Stone Race patriarch accepts the fire, sighed in relief.

He is not afraid of Stone Race patriarch’s bad attitude. He is afraid that Stone Race patriarch will not accept the fire. As long as Stone Race patriarch accepts the fire, it means that Stone Race patriarch has forgiven him and will not pursue his previous faults, even if Stone Race patriarch still complained to him, at least on the surface he still accepted his apology, and will not talk about it in the future.

Seeing that Nirvana has reached a reconciliation with Stone Race patriarch, Xiao Xuan laughed: “Shi patriarch, things have been resolved, then we will go first.”

Stone Race patriarch: “Troubled Xiao patriarch, ancient patriarch!”

Xiao Xuan was lightly nodded, and then he said to the emptiness, Gu Yuan, “Let’s go!”

Sun, I ca n’t watch it again! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().

It’s just a pity that the soul race and Spirit Race have been in existence for countless years, and they are so extinct. There is no survivor, only countless injustices, wandering in the soul realm and Spirit Realm, telling this paragraph Desolate history.

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