
Chapter 820 World Extinction (Part 2)

Looking at the tribulation thunder brewing in the sky, Zhang Yu’s expression calmed.

The formidable power of the fourth tribulation thunder is so horrible, then the formidable power of the fifth tribulation thunder is afraid of being unimaginably strong.

According to the level of tribulation thunder, the formidable power of the fifth Thunder Tribulation is not weaker than the full blow of True God Middle Realm powerhouse!

Well, one less! I like to ask everyone to collect: () Zhai Shuyuan is the fastest update.

What he is thinking about now is not whether Benwen Longdan can carry the tribulation thunder, but whether the entire Sky World can carry the tribulation thunder!

True God Middle Realm powerhouse’s full blow … Sky World, as one of the top 7th grade Great Worlds, can really handle it?

Fuck, it’s one more missing! Zhai Shu Yuan, the latest chapter updated soon!

If it ’s just when Dan Yu was born, Zhang Yu still has time to change places, but now that Danjie has begun, it ’s too late to change places …

If he forcibly removes Benwei Longdan, it will only lead to one result, that is, Danjie will still descend here, and Benwen Longdan will immediately declare the failure of the Transcending Tribulation and become a waste … !!

“I hope Sky World can carry it, otherwise …” Zhang Yu’s eyes narrowed slightly, “I can only give up this Grade 8 really Divine Pill.”

This tribulation thunder is in Sky World, and Zhang Yu is the supreme existence of Sky World. His will is greater than everything.

Sun, I ca n’t watch it again! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().

Here Zhang Yu’s will prevails above the rules!

At this time, the tribulation thunder is almost over. The horrible energy fluctuations and the devastating atmosphere are scary. The entire Sky World and the endless Spiritual Qi are boiling, and the air is filled with the breath of death.

“Are you coming?” Zhang Yu glanced at Ben Wen Long Dan, and then looked at the tribulation thunder, which was almost spraying out, and murmured.

“hong long long!”

A deafening roar kept echoing in Sky World. The sound of thunder caused the world to tremble slightly. A huge hole appeared in the sky, revealing an empty space, the sky falling, the earth shaking, the sea water boiling, evaporation, everything. It’s like a prelude to the end.

Zhang Yu’s expression became more dignified and his expression was very serious.

He hasn’t taken one thing so seriously for a long time!

When the thunderous sound that stunned the mind, the whole world suddenly darkened, and then the huge cave in the dome that day, after that empty space, a dark rays of light of Predator everything fell from the heavenly dome, the dark beam of light It looks like a passage through the world, as if everything in the world can be Predator, even the eyes can be Predator, so that people can’t see the scene inside it, the only thing they can see is chaos.

The speed of the lacquer black light column is not fast, unlike tribulation thunder, but rather black liquid.

But the breath that radiates from him, but it makes everyone cold.

“This thing is the fifth tribulation thunder?” Zhang Yu held his breath.

The tribulation thunder, like chaos, does n’t look like a thunder, or even an arc. It flows like a black liquid, but wherever it passes, everything is annihilated. There is nothing to resist. Even the space seems to be corroded. Out of the ordinary, it becomes nothing. As soon as it touches it, it is scattered ashes and dispersed smoke without leaving a trace of trace, which makes Zhang Yu tingle.

“嗤 chi chi …”

I saw that the black liquid general tribulation thunder leaked a little energy in the process of flowing into the dragon pattern. For a moment, the entire Sky World trembled violently, the earth split, the mountain collapsed, and the entire Sky World space. There are Space Cracks spreading 100 Million Li, and Space Cracks crisscross each other, covering the whole world, just like broken toughened glass. As long as you put a foot on it with a little effort, it will split into millions. Block …

The terrifying tribulation thunder hasn’t smashed the dragon and the dragon, but the leak of a little power can make Sky World almost ruined!

This reminds Zhang Yu of the moment when he just broke through to Transcendent Realm. At that time, when he returned to the wild world, he leaked a little breath, which made the wild world tremble. With a single strike, he can make the wild world. Falling into the end of the world, if he wants, he can easily destroy the entire wilderness world. How is the situation now similar to the original?

The pond is too small to hold big fish!

Sky World is only 7th grade Great World after all. Even though it is the top 7th grade Great World, it still cannot bear the power of the eighth-order True God Realm!

“That’s all, this beastly dragon and dragon, don’t bother.” Zhang Yu sighed, he didn’t dare to take the risk of Sky World, or he was not afraid, but he was unwilling, after all, Sky World told him In other words, it has incomparable value in the ordinary world, and it may also hide some clues and information of the old master of the system. If it is destroyed like this, it is really worth the loss.

Benwen Longdan can be refined when it is gone, at most it will take more energy and time, but if Sky World is gone, it will be completely gone.

Seeing that the tribulation thunder was approaching Benwen Longdan, Zhang Yu incarnation was the world will of Sky World, the single thought flashed, and the terrifying matchless tribulation thunder began to dissipate at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. Disappeared out of thin air, and the robbery cloud above which the tribulation thunder was still brewing, quickly dissipated, leaving no trace, as if it had not existed from the beginning.

The terrifying tribulation thunder, which is comparable to the True God Middle Realm powerhouse, is wiped out instantly by Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu experienced the horror of the world will for the first time. In front of the world will, no matter how terrible the existence, it seems to become insignificant. No matter how terrifying the tribulation thunder, it is not worth mentioning, as if it is omnipotent.

“hu.” Watching Thunder Tribulation disappear, Zhang Yu sighed in relief, fortunately, Sky World not at all is completely destroyed.

Of course, Sky World isn’t destroyed, but it’s nearing destruction.

The ubiquitous Space Crack makes Sky World unrecognizable and full of danger. The earth is full of scars, as if it has been cut. There are bottomless cracks everywhere. Deep Abyss divides the entire earth into countless places. The block, even the hidden treasure mountain in the center of the sky, is also a big crack from the middle, forming a bottomless canyon.

“Just a bit!” Zhang Yu watched it again, and couldn’t help but wipe the cold sweat, rejoicing secretly.

It is a gleam of power leaked from the tribulation thunder, and it ruins Sky World. It is almost devastating. If the tribulation thunder explodes completely, what kind of damage it will cause is unimaginable!

Zhang Yu has no doubt that once the tribulation thunder explodes, the entire Sky World will be wiped out in no time, leaving no trace.

Derber of terrifying!

No, what is this jealousy? This is simply Divine Thunder!

Looking at the rays of light gradually fading into the dragon pattern, Zhang Yu doubted that this medicine pill could really carry such a terrifying tribulation thunder?

A medicine pill has better defense than an eighth-order True God Realm powerhouse?

“Anyway, Sky World has been kept.” Zhang Yu, although a little regretful, was generally more happy than regretful. “As for this Ben Wen Long Dan …” He glanced slowly at the fall Ben Wen Long Dan, the rich medicinal scent, has faded a lot, which still contains majestic energy, but it no longer has the power of creation, “Waste it, it will waste it!”

However, Benwen Longdan is refined from more than a dozen precious Grade 8 divine medicines. Although it failed in the end, the essence of divine medicine contained in it is not lost at all. The extraordinary magical effect is just that there is no special effect of the real Benwen Longdan. If it is value, it is not lower than the top Grade 7 Divine Pill.

Grade 8 is really Divine Pill. Even if it is a waste, it is not comparable to ordinary Grade 7 Divine Pill.

Flicking his head, Zhang Yu silhouette flashed, waiting for the only way that Benwei Longdan Kaidan had fallen, and when Kaidan fell in front of him, he held it up and put it in Inside a green jade bottle. Looking at the dark red body, as if the flames were burning, Zhang Yu muttered to himself: “People who sell well are not good, and people who don’t know may not be aware that this is a waste Dan. Keep it first and say Maybe when it will come in handy. ”

Zhang Yu is not worried even if others can see that this is a waste Dan. After all, Grade 8 is really a waste Dan of Divine Pill, and there should be many people who want to come.

Zhang Yu’s eyes turned to all around again after putting away Bendan Longdan, and his mouth twitched slightly: “A good top 7th grade Great World, but it turned out like this … I can’t say anything in Sky World in the future Refining Grade 8 is really Divine Pill, otherwise, if one is not careful, the entire Sky World will be ruined.

With this time’s failure experience, Zhang Yu also learned a truth, that is, if you want to refine any medicine pill, you must choose the corresponding level or higher level world, otherwise, it is not in pill concocting But to destroy the world.

Zhang Yu doesn’t have a hobby that destroys the world. He also believes that there is no such crazy person in this world, right?

A moment of self-examination over the sea, Zhang Yu silhouette flickered, and the next moment appeared over the treasure mountain. The space and the earth in this place seemed to have been strengthened, and the damage was far more severe than elsewhere. Smaller, as if the destructive power of the tribulation thunder was weakened by an invisible force. Zhang Yu stood in the air, looking down, and saw the original mountain split into two halves. A bottomless crack penetrated from the center. And over.

In general, the damage to the treasure mountain is not too serious, or the medicinal herb and Spirit Stone on the mountain are not affected at all. Only the edge of the crack has a few medicinal. Herbs, Spirit Stones, etc. were hit.

Zhang Yu silhouette fell slowly, and continued deep along the crack. He was very curious before. Is there an innumerable ore buried under this mountain, but this mountain seems to have an invisible mysterious power blocking him? Exploring, even the world’s will seems to be overwhelmed by it. Now that Dashan is split into two halves, he has finally found a chance. He can explore the situation of the mountain within the body to see if it is within his body. same.

In Zhang Yu ’s eyes, the section of the mountain is split, and the pieces of ore are exposed. There are all kinds of ore. Most of them do n’t know it. They only know that they are very precious because they contain With the majestic energy, it doesn’t look like anything at first sight.

Zhang Yu didn’t stop, and continued to go down. I didn’t know how many ten thousand zhang it had penetrated. When he was close to the bottom of the crack, a faintly discernible … green seed appeared in his sight.


Zhang Yu fixed his eyes, it is indeed a seed, and the surface of that seed emits a faint green light. The closer you are to it, the more you can feel the rich life aura and the magnificent vitality, apart from This seems to be mixed with a lot of weird breaths, like chaos, which makes people unable to distinguish.

Sun, I ca n’t watch it again! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().

“Why is there such a weird seed buried under the mountain?” Zhang Yu’s head was a little bit veiled.

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