
Chapter 821 Mysterious Seeds

The green seed is extremely mysterious, and Zhang Yu can’t see its origin at all, and its breath is very similar to the original energy, just like chaos. This is the first time Zhang Yu has encountered an atmosphere close to the original energy. Importantly, the seeds contain extremely terrifying energy, as if endless, Zhang Yu’s means of exerting the will of the world are difficult to detect.

This green seed is definitely not something native to Sky World. Even the eighth-order True God World, I am afraid it is difficult to produce such a divide object.

Yes, Zhang Yu is sure, this mysterious green seed is definitely an unknown divine object, with a level beyond eighth order.

Well, one less! I like to ask everyone to collect: () Zhai Shuyuan is the fastest update.

However, Zhang Yu was shocked that the advanced Insight Technique, which has been used forever, has failed this time!

A message emerged from his mind.

Fuck, it’s one more missing! Zhai Shu Yuan, the latest chapter updated soon!

Level: Unknown.

Effect: Unknown.

All are unknown!

In the past, Zhang Yu used the Advanced Insight Technique to obtain complete information no matter what he explored. The Advanced Insight Technique is like an encyclopedia, as if there is nothing in the world that it cannot detect, whether it is a person or a thing. As long as Zhang Yu is willing to know the basic information, however, at this time, the advanced Insight Technique has failed.

Sun, I ca n’t watch it again! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().

“This is not easy!” Zhang Yu looked upright, something that advanced Insight Technique couldn’t detect, it was definitely not simple.

He suspects that this kind of thing is probably the most precious thing in the entire Sky World. The entire treasure mountain is worth less than this mysterious seed!

Zhang Yu stared at the mysterious seed for a long time, muttering in wonder: “What the hell is it?”

Sky World was created by the old master of the system. This treasure mountain, including spiritual medicine, Spirit Stone, and spiritual mines, are all in the collection of the old master of the system. Therefore, this mysterious seed must also come from the system The old master’s handwriting is just the old master of the system. Why is this mysterious seed buried in the ground? In addition, this mysterious seed has the ability to shield perception and exploration. If it was not for this time pill concocting mistake, which caused the treasure mountain to crack, Zhang Yu would never be able to find it. Under the treasure mountain, there was such a mysterious seed buried.

Can it be said that this whole treasure mountain is just to hide the existence of mysterious seeds?

No, it shouldn’t.

Zhang Yu immediately denied his guess again. If the old master of the system really wanted to hide the existence of the mysterious seed, why should he bury it under the treasure mountain? You know, there are many spirit mines buried under the treasure mountain. Excavating along the spirit mine, this mysterious seed will be found sooner or later.

If he really wants to hide this mysterious seed, he can find another unobtrusive place, such as the bottom of a seabed or the underground of some ordinary hills.

Wouldn’t it be contradictory to bury mysterious seeds so deep and create a treasure mountain?

Zhang Yu can’t guess the mind of the old master of the system. He buried mysterious seeds in the deep ground. It’s impossible to plant them? If this is the case, then Zhang Yu can only say that the old master of the system is probably amused and the seeds are buried so deep. How can he take root?

“System, don’t you plan to say anything?” Zhang Yu played with mysterious seeds and thought of communicating with system.

However, at this moment, the system seems to be dead and silent.

Zhang Yu has long seen through this set of system tricks, rolled his eyes, and said, “I come to this set every time, aren’t you tired?”

Seeing that the system did not respond, Zhang Yu shook his head helplessly. It seems that nothing can be said from the system. Although he is sure, the system must know the origin of the mysterious seed, but the system does not speak, he also Take the system.

“It seems that this thing is even more powerful than I thought!” Zhang Yu looked at the mysterious seed in his hand. “I have never seen system so secretive about anything except the old master of system …” From the perspective of system, this mysterious seed is afraid of hiding an amazing secret, and this secret is definitely related to the old owner of system.

After playing for a while, Zhang Yu buried the mysterious seed somewhere in the treasure mountain, and then said to the system, “You can’t tell me about this seed, but can you answer me another question? “

System finally made a sound, still a mechanical electronic sound without emotion: “What’s the problem?”

“tsk tsk, finally willing to speak!” Zhang Yu laughed, this system is wayward.

“Host, you have three more breathing times. If you ask more than this time, the system will refuse to answer.” The voice of system has no emotional fluctuations, just like a cold robot, but it seems to have a little content mood.

Zhang Yu lightly coughed, no longer delaying, immediately asked: “Can you tell me, is your old master still alive?” His expression seemed very relaxed, as if casual, but he His breath was quietly held, apparently he was very concerned about this matter.

“I don’t know.” System answered several breaths later.

“Don’t know?” Zhang Yu raised an eyebrow. “Your old master is dead, don’t you know?”

“I really don’t know this system.” System said: “The system doesn’t know much about old masters, let alone lie to you.”

paused, the voice of the system continues to sound: “I do n’t know, I do n’t know, the system doesn’t bother to lie. If the system doesn’t want to say, just reject you. This kind of thing is not done by the system. Why? Lying? “

Zhang Yu’s mouth twitched slightly. This system really don’t give face.

However, he also has to admit that system makes sense. He has been rejected by the system no more than once or twice. If the system really does not want to say it, he can simply refuse to answer. There is no need to lie to him.

“So … you don’t even know that your old master is dead?” Zhang Yu twitched his lips, despising: “You system, it’s too bad, you don’t even know if the old master is dead … “Being able to seize the opportunity, Zhang Yu ridiculed the system to the best of his ability, or kept testing the attitude and bottom line of the system.

system is no longer silent, as if it disappeared.

It’s the same routine again!

Don’t want to talk, just pretend to be dead!

Zhang Yu felt like a punch on cotton, and suddenly felt dull.

Looking around, I saw the sky-criss-crossed Space Crack, Zhang Yu sighed, flying into the sky, starting from the treasure mountain, repairing them one by one.

Although space has self-repairing ability, the fifth tribulation thunder formidable power of Benwen Longdan is too strong, and the destruction of space is also beyond imagination, and there are strands of energy left, resulting in The speed of space repair has become extremely slow. There is no way, Zhang Yu can only do it by himself and actively repair these Space Cracks.

Sky World hides too many secrets and cannot be destroyed yet!

With the addition of Zhang Yu, the speed of Sky World’s repairs has been accelerated more than ten times. The space cracks that have stretched for thousands of miles have recovered at a speed visible to naked eyes. The energy left by the contribution thunder is also continuously being Zhang Yu cleans up and erases.

Nearly a month later, Zhang Yu watched and repaired one third Sky World, and the corners of his eyes twitched: “Sure enough, construction is much more difficult than destruction …” The tribulation thunder only took a few breaths, They made Sky World so riddled with holes and almost collapsed, and it took Zhang Yu nearly a month to barely repair one third.

Seeing that the January period agreed with Bai Ling had come, Zhang Yu stopped the work at hand, and a twisted and dark space vortex appeared in front of him. He took a step and stepped into the space vortex in one step, silhouette Disappear.

next moment, his silhouette appears in the world of fighting.

Divine sense, he instantly found Xiao Yan and Wu Mo entire group.

silhouette stayed in the void of ten thousand zhang for a moment, then disappeared again, and when it appeared again, it was already in the virgin forest where Xiao Yan entire group was located.

At this time, Bai Ling and Bai Jie are standing on the edge of the cliff. One is constantly demonstrating Illusion Technique, giving serious instructions, and the other is listening attentively, like a dried sponge, madly absorbing nutrients. Its Illusion Technique is almost Improving every moment, but unfortunately, even if she has worked very hard, for a month, even the rest time has been squeezed thoroughly, completely used to comprehend the Illusion Technique, and even the time of cultivation is spent on the Illusion Technique , But still has not reached the six-star Illusion Technique division.

“But that’s normal … if she really reached six stars, it would be strange,” Zhang Yu thought.

He is not disappointed. After all, Bai Ling ’s Illusion Technique has already reached five stars. From five stars to six stars, it takes a few hundred to thousands of years to be normal. Even though Bai Ling ’s innate talent is very out of the Ordinary, almost as inferior to Bai Jie. Even with Bai Jie’s unreserved guidance and imparting knowledge, it is difficult to raise the level of Illusion Technique to a level within a month.

The higher the level, the slower the promotion. Those seven-star professionals who spend millions of years or even more time can make a little progress.

From five stars to six stars, although it is far less difficult than seven stars to eight stars, but it can not be improved just by casual perception.

Zhang Yu slowly approached, watching Bai Ling’s heart perceive Illusion Technique, immersed in the ocean of Illusion Technique, and he was quite satisfied. Although Bai Ling’s Illusion Technique level did not improve, Zhang Yu expressed his regrets to Bai Ling is very satisfied with his persistence, hard work, and diligence. He opened his mouth and prepared to be lightly coughed, reminding Bai Jie and Bai Ling that he was here.

However, he still had time to speak out, but in his mind was the mechanical and electronic sound of system: “Congratulations to the host to complete the task …”

At the same time, Bai Ling seemed to get acquainted in an instant, and the Illusion Technique, which was still slightly on the surface, became realistic in an instant. In front of her, a beautiful wild chrysanthemum fluttered in the breeze. There is even a fragrance in the air, which is almost indistinguishable from the real flower. In any way, it is like a true wild chrysanthemum, not Illusion Technique.

Zhang Yu’s footwork settled and looked at Bai Ling in amazement: “A miracle, really happened?”

Bai Ling unexpectedly ascended to the six-star Illusion Technique master at the last moment of the agreement, as if waiting for him here intentionally, it was unbelievably coincident.

At this time, Bai Ling opened her eyes, a beautiful smile on her beautiful face, and her voice was a little excited: “Old Ancestor, I succeeded! I did not live up to Dean’s expectations!” Perhaps the latter is her. The reason for such hard work and even miracles.

Sun, I ca n’t watch it again! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().

I went to the city to buy New Year’s goods today.

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