
Chapter 823 End of Training

“That’s weird. None of your Fox Race Old Ancestor has a similar situation, but Bai Ling has appeared.” Zhang Yu looking thoughtful.

Bai Jie thought for a while, unsurely, “Maybe Illusion Domain Divine Fox bloodline has undergone some evolution in this generation …”

Bloodline evolution is not a rare thing, except that the higher the bloodline level, the smaller the chance of evolution. The probability of Divine Beast becoming Super Divine Beast is very small, but it still appears occasionally, and Super Divine Beast almost Monster Race exists at the very top, and there is almost no possibility of further evolution.

Well, one less! I like to ask everyone to collect: () Zhai Shuyuan is the fastest to update.

“You mean, she did this because the bloodline evolved?” Zhang Yu glanced at Bai Jie, then shook her head, “Impossible! Her bloodline hasn’t evolved, I’m pretty sure of that!”

He can explore very clearly through advanced Insight Technique. The bloodline of Bai Ling, not at all evolved, but it is infinitely close to the level of Illusion Domain Divine Fox. In other words, her innate talent and other aspects will not be better than Bai Jie.

Fuck, it’s one more missing! Zhai Shu Yuan, the latest chapter updated soon!

But when you think about Zhang Yu ’s strength, Bai Jie is not surprised at all. There is a suspected existence of a legendary hero. No one knows what magic means he has. Perhaps, the legendary hero really has this. Ability.

“Then I can’t think of other reasons.” Bai Jie sighed helplessly: “Even Dean can’t see through me, how can I see through a small Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouse?” Although Zhang Yu Did not explicitly indicate his Cultivation Base, but Bai Jie always believed that this mysterious Dean must be comparable to the existence of four legendary heroes.

After thinking about it for a long time, Zhang Yu couldn’t think of any reason, so he could only give up.

“Forget it, don’t think about it if you can’t think of it. Anyway, Bai Ling can accept the powerful information flow shock, it is always a good thing.” Zhang Yu said with a smile: “This way, a month later , I will be able to perform maggot instillation again and instill the knowledge and information of the Eight-Star Illusion Technique, and I wo n’t have to wait longer. “

Sun, I ca n’t watch it again! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().

First place, naturally Zhang Yu!

“Eight Star Illusion Technique …” After hearing Zhang Yu’s words, Bai Ling’s eyelashes trembled, and her heart was extremely excited.

Bai Jie is also hot with eyes. Is Fox Race in Wilderness World finally giving birth to an eight-star Illusion Technique master?

She thought of the legend, the Fox Race who had encountered many Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouses, and the information that patriarch revealed to her, she couldn’t help trembling.

“A month …” For the first time, Bai Jie felt that time was passing so slowly, she wished that the month would be fleeting. “That legend must be true! My Illusion Domain Divine Fox bloodline must be from there ! “

Zhang Yu didn’t know what Bai Jie thought. He thought Bai Jie was just happy for Bai Ling.

“It ’s only less than a month since the end of the training. You better hurry up and practice as much as possible to improve Divine Soul and reduce the risk. Until the end of the training, I will not bother you again. , It is estimated that after opening the next world of training. “Bai Ling was encouraged a few words, Zhang Yu said:” Okay, you guys are busy, I will go first. “

The words fall, and before Bai Jie and Bai Ling stay, Zhang Yu silhouette flashes and disappears.

Looking at the sudden disappearance in the line of sight, Bai Ling said with a bitter smile: “Dean is always like this, there is no shadow, no trace …”

Bai Jie feels very normal, not surprised at all: “Legendary heroes are all like this, they are so scared, no one can find them unless they are willing to show up …” In contrast, Xian The four legendary heroes in the field are even more mysterious, and even the eighth-order True God Realm powerhouse can hardly approach them.

“You should first understand Dean’s biography of your seven-star Illusion Technique, and then concentrate on practicing after Illusion Technique is fused,” came back to his senses, Bai Jie said to Bai Ling.

Bai Ling nodded: “OK.”

She trusts Bai Jie very much, and she has almost no precautionary mind. She will not doubt the proposal of Bai Jie.

Zhang Yu left Sky World and came to Sky World to continue tinkering with Sky World.

Sky World, which was almost fragmented by the extermination of Dan Shi, has been restored by his efforts, but it will take a short time to fully repair it. Although the process is more troublesome, Zhang Yu knows that Sky World is very important, so when he patched it up, he was extremely patient.

Even when Divine Pill, who was making Grade 8 real, ran a dragon, he was not so serious.

Sky World has a very special meaning. It hides too many secrets, and its importance is far from being comparable to a Benwen Longdan!

Sky World Over the mountains in the middle of the mainland, Zhang Yu uses this as the center and gradually repairs it. The criss-crossed space crack is as if erased by an eraser. More and more places are restored to It used to look like the sky is blue, and occasionally dotted with white clouds, and the scenery is beautiful, but in those places that have not been repaired, it is a world of doomsday, like two different worlds.

Although there is a hint of depression in his heart, Zhang Yu is not without gain. At least, his understood Grade 8 is really tervine of Divine Pill. He eats a stack of long and a smart one. In the future, he also knows where to make Grade 8 Really Divine Pill, no place can come.

Over the years, in a blink of an eye, Zhang Yu restored most of Sky World, and on this day, the training time of the Sky Academy crowd has expired.

When the sun condensed by the Fire Element law slowly climbed into the sky, Zhang Yu stopped working, and patted the purple Dean robe on his body, and then thought, a dark twisted vortex appeared in front of him. He stepped forward and stepped into the dark vortex, and then the dark vortex gradually closed and disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

On the other side, the silhouette of Zhang Yu appears directly inside the Doo World branch.

Above the square, Zhang Yu is suspended in midair, all around is empty, there is no one.

I saw Zhang Yu looking around, and his deep eyes seemed to penetrate a distance of hundreds of millions of kilometers. The entire vindictive continent was in his induction, and instantly locked the Sky Academy and Dou World Branch. people.

“Gathering!” Zhang Yu’s mouth closed, and a faint voice passed into everyone’s ears. Before they could react, they found that their bodies were not at all controlled, as if bound by something. Through a wormhole-like space, the scene in the line of sight quickly blurred and changed. When it was clear again, they were already in the square.

Everyone is here at Doopo World and Sky Academy, without exception.

“Dean!” Everyone respectfully moved towards Zhang Yu, there were students and Tutor, and Bai Jie was among them.

“Teacher!” Xiao Yan is the only special being among the crowd, and his title is different from others.

Zhang Yu slightly nodded, and then said: “Three months have passed and the Sky Academy teacher and student experience is over! Next, I will take everyone from Sky Academy back to Wilderness World. And the students of the World Academy, I hope you will hurry Time to cultivate, cherish the peaceful days now, in the future, Sky Academy needs your help, a lot of masters, to resist the invasion of demons! “

Soon, Zhang Yu took the Sky Academy crowd through the huge twisted vortex and returned to the Wild World.

When the sights of teachers and students became clear again, they had returned to the atrium square of Wilderness World Sky Academy.

“Come back!” Everyone felt a sense of loss, “In a blink of an eye, three months passed in a hurry.”

With the improvement of their Cultivation Base, the retreat time is also continuously extended. Each practice is not short in time. After three months of practice in the World Breakout, to them, it is as short as a moment, like Yesterday.

But yes, according to the time of Wilderness World, they really only left for one day. From the outsiders’ point of view, they left yesterday at noon, and came back at noon today. Only they know it. However, they have actually gone through three months.

Zhang Yu’s voice told father Zhang Haoran, and then he gave the training rewards to Zhang Haoran. He hurried to Sky World again and continued to repair Sky World.

Compared to the Shrouding the Heavens World experience, the Cultivation Base of this time has been greatly improved. Wu Mo has also been upgraded from Parting Revolving Middle Realm to Evading Revolving lower realm, and can get the reward of Evading Revolving. The other people also have different levels of improvement, and the rewards are also high.

Of course, the most profitable ones are Ao Kun, Chen Gu and many other Transcendent Realm powerhouses.

Longyan is also a huge gain, making up for the loss of the previous experience in Shrouding the Heavens World. From start to finish, his face is filled with a bright smile, and his mouth is almost smiling.

Bai Jie stared from beginning to end, an incredible look, looked towards the eyes of the people, full of envy and jealousy, she dreamed didn’t expect, there was a reward at the end of the training, and reward This is so rich, you can settle directly with Spirit Stone. If there are only one or two Spirit Stones, that’s all. The key is that there are too many Spirit Stones. Each Transcendent Realm powerhouse has received thirty Spirit Stones!

Thirty Spirit Stones!

Bai Jie’s eyes are red.

Just enter a World and stay a few months, even if you do nothing, you can get thirty Spirit Stones!

This Spirit Stone is too profitable, right?

Not to mention the Transcendent Realm powerhouse, which is the Spirit Revolving Realm, Parting Revolving Realm, Evading Revolving Realm powerhouse, and also get rewards of different grades. The Spirit Revolving Realm powerhouse receives a Spirit Stone, and the Parting Revolving powerhouse receives three Spirit Stones. , Evading Revolving Realm Powerhouse received ten Spirit Stones, that is to say, these Evading Revolving Realm Powerhouses in Sky Academy have spent three months in the World of Fighting, and do nothing, than she is hunting evil spirits in fairyland The five ethnic groups have accumulated more wealth in thousands of years …

“Fortunately, my Cultivation Base was Sealed. Otherwise, I’m not sure if I can’t hold back the snatch …” Bai Jie’s eyes twitched slightly.

Looking at the white flower of a Spirit Stone, Bai Jie felt extremely dazzling, as if to blind her eyes.

Sun, I ca n’t watch it again! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().

The old house seems to have a cold today, a little runny nose, a slight cough, but fortunately there is no fever.

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