
Chapter 824 Formally Joined

Bai Jie has been hunting for centuries in Xianyu. What kind of world has I never seen?

However, she has never seen a scene of hundreds of white Spirit Stones together!

She has no doubt, even if the True God Realm powerhouse comes, I am afraid it will be jealous.

Well, one less! I like to ask everyone to collect: () Zhai Shuyuan is the fastest to update.

For a moment, Bai Jie held her breath, her heart inexplicably tense.

“You are just the 100,000 years ago that Illusion Domain Divine Fox Bai Jie?” Zhang Haoran looked at Bai Jie a few times, not at all because Bai Jie’s Cultivation Base was high and looked at it differently, and he didn’t care about the latter’s beauty Face.

Fuck, it’s one more missing! Zhai Shu Yuan, the latest chapter updated soon!

Bai Jie said nervously: “I’m Bai Jie, dare to ask you … are you?”

“This is Dean’s father and dean of our Sky Academy.” Bai Ling hurriedly said, “Now most of Dean is not in Academy. Most of the affairs of Academy must obey the arrangement of Deputy Dean.”

Zhang Haoran is not the strongest and the highest status, but his rights are the greatest, although this right comes from Zhang Yu.

“I’m Deputy Dean of Sky Academy. You can call me Deputy Dean directly.” Zhang Haoran didn’t care what he called, he stared calmly at Bai Jie, “Dean has told you about me, congratulations , Passed the test! “

Sun, I ca n’t watch it again! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().

Zhang Haoran didn’t say much. He handed Bai Yu the Sky Contract Book that Zhang Yu kept, and said, “If you sign it, you will be a Sky Academy person.”

“What is this?” Bai Jie looked suspiciously at Zhang Haoran.

Suspicious nature. This is the innate character of Illusion Domain Divine Fox. It would seem strange if she signed the name regardless of asking.

Zhang Haoran is also in no hurry. Differently said: “This is the Sky Contract Book. You can use it as a recruitment contract. As long as you sign your name, it will be the official tutor of Sky Academy and you cannot Join other Academy or forces. Of course, whether you sign or not, no matter what decision you make, no one will persecute you. “

Bai Jie is still cautious. She asks Bai Ling, “Girl, have you signed this Sky Contract Book?”

“Of course I signed it!” Bai Ling wondered, “Is there anything wrong?”

Silent, Bai Jie asked again, “What about other people? For example, those Transcendent Realm powerhouse …”

Bai Ling didn’t know whether to cry or laugh: “Old Ancestor, everyone at the Sky Academy has signed the Sky Contract Book. If you do n’t sign it, you wo n’t be considered to join Sky Academy … do n’t say we in the inner courtyard, The leaders of those outside forces have all signed the Sky Contract Book. “The leaders of outside forces refer to Array Saint, Calligraphy Saint and the others.

When Bai Ling said this, Bai Jie was a little relieved. Since everyone signed the Sky Contract Book and there was no problem, then signing a name by himself should be fine.

Of course, what prompted her to make such a quick decision, after all … Spirit Stone!

Spiritual Spirit Stone!

Took a deep breath, Bai Jie quickly signed the name on the Sky Contract Book, and then returned the Sky Contract Book to Zhang Haoran: “Signed.”

“Congratulations!” Zhang Haoran faintly smiled, “From today, you will be the official tutor of Sky Academy!”

paused, he continued: “According to your comprehensive quality of Cultivation Base, strength and other aspects, I and Dean have jointly decided to rate you as a Level 4 faculty member and manage the Monster Race department with Chen Gu Tutor. The position is temporarily As the deputy head, in the future, the position will be promoted or reduced depending on the situation. The salary is eight Spirit Stones per month. Do you have any objections?

For a moment, everyone’s eyes turned to Bai Jie.

Firstly, it is a Level 4 faculty and staff member who enjoys the same salary as the head of the department, and the right second to only to the head of the department, Chen Gu, is enough to show that Dean attaches great importance to Bai Jie!

“Of course no problem.” Although Bai Jie felt that Chen Gu was not qualified to rest on her own head, she was not a fool, and naturally she would not say her true thoughts at this time, and Chen Gu was Bai Ling’s. Teacher, she takes a lot of care for Bai Ling. Doesn’t it seem that Fox Race is righteous and requite kindness with enmity when she is in trouble with Chen Gu?

At the same time, Chen Gu frowned. Bai Jie’s addition gave him a sense of crisis.

Bai Jie’s experience and insight are many times stronger than him. Bai Jie’s Cultivation Base and strength are far superior to him. If he does not raise the Cultivation Base as soon as possible, I am afraid that he will be replaced by Bai Jie sooner or later. His face was lost.

Not only Chen Gu, Ao Kun, Ao Wuyan, Yinggu and the others also felt an invisible pressure.

Illusion Domain Divine Fox’s name is too loud, and it has been circulating for hundreds of thousands of years in Wilderness World.

“very good!” Only Bai Ling was very happy and said to Bai Jie: “Congratulations, Old Ancestor!”

Fox Race’s Old Ancestor is very close and trustworthy. Bai Jie’s weight in her heart can be said to be no less than Chen Gu’s.

“This girl ……” Chen Gu twitched a bit, “Well, I hurt her so much …”

It seems that after seeing Chen Gu ’s reaction, Bai Ling realized that his actions were inappropriate, and he laughed and said to Chen Gu, “Teacher, shouldn’t you be jealous? Don’t worry, in my mind, you still Dearest! “

Chen Gu rolled the eyes, a look of disdain, but in his heart, there was a hint of warmth: “Finally, I did not raise a thankless wretch.”

At this time, Bai Jie also set her sights on Chen Gu, said slightly with a smile: “little fellow, we meet again.”

“I would prefer not to meet you for a lifetime.” Chen Gu murmured, “Also, don’t call me a little fellow, although according to Age, I am really young and not as good as yours, but I am Bai Ling after all. Teacher and the head of the Monster Race department, you can call me Chen Shi, you can also call me the head of the department, or even just call my name. “

Others respect Bai Jie or are calmed down by Bai Jie ’s name, Chen Gu does not. He is the same as Super Divine Beast. He doesn’t think he will be worse than other Super Divine Beasts.

“I’ll call you Chen Shi.” Bai Jie smiled and said, “Last time last time, how long did it take me to think about it, the original most powerhouse was now Transcendent …” Although she She looks much younger than Chen Gu and the others, but she looks like a big sister.

Chen Gu expressionlessly said: “There are so many things you can’t think of.”

Bai Jie smiled and turned her head towards the Ao Kun. “How many of them?”

Among the many teachers and students of Sky Academy, in addition to Chen Gu, only Ao Kun, Ao Yue, and Ao Wuyan turned a blind eye to her and seemed very calm.

“Ao Kun, the head of the Dragon Race department.” Ao Kun indifferently said.

Ao Yue doesn’t seem to like Bai Jie’s personality very much and simply ignores her.

Ao Wuyan sees that Ao Yue does not speak, and he is too lazy to speak. He is more proud than Ao Yue in the bones.

“Dragon Race?” Bai Jie was a little surprised, but she concealed it well and did not show it. “Dragon Race is so proud that it would even join a human-created Academy?” Dragon Race is the proudest in the world. Race, and possessing extremely terrifying strength, Bai Jie is unbelievable. Such a proud race would choose to join a human-created Academy.

Ao Kun frowned, saying: “Illusion Domain Divine Fox, my Dragon Race ancient book has some records for you. The first and only head of Fox Race is Divine Beast. You are really difficult to deal with, look at Wilderness World. Monster Race history, you are also a great existence, but do n’t forget, you have been defeated by my Dragon Race once by patriarch! “

“I’m so proud of relying on Dragon Ball’s presence and using the power of Dragon Ball to suppress me?” Bai Jie twisted his lips.

But she also has to admit that Dragon Race is really powerful. When she had not left the Wild World, she defeated the peerless in the whole world. She had never defeated, but chose to provoke the Dragon Race patriarch. Then she tasted the first defeat in her life. It was also that battle. She realized how terrifying the power of the Transcendent Realm powerhouse was. The Dragon Race patriarch just borrowed the power of the Dragon Ball and suppressed it. If the real Transcendent Realm Powerhouse, I’m afraid a trick is enough to kill her.

By shaking his head, Bai Jie turned back and said, “that’s all, I have a little friendship with some of your ancestors in Dragon Race, and it is not difficult for you. If you encounter any uncertainty in the future, you can come to me. , Of course, the premise is that it is within my ability, if it is outside my ability, don’t blame me for not being able to help. “

Ao Kun startled: “What is your friendship with my Dragon Race ancestors?”

“There is naturally no friendship in Wilderness World, but out of Wilderness World, we are all natives, naturally we have to support each other, so as not to be bullied by outsiders.” Bai Jie did not elaborate, only explained a few words casually, “It’s not just me. The entire Powerhouse of Monster Race, Human Race, Dragon Race, as long as they are out of the Wild World, they treat each other as their own …”

Unfortunately, those old friends of that year have died tragically, only she is still alive.

She doesn’t know if Wilderness World is still alive with older creatures than her, but she can be sure that in her era, only she was alive and the rest of the powerhouse, whether it was Monster Race, Human Race, or All Dragon Race powerhouses have fallen, and there is no one left.

“Okay, let’s go, remember to gather here at this time tomorrow.” Seeing Bai Jie and Ao Kun and the others seem to have a tendency to continue talking, Zhang Haoran waved his hand.

Zhang Haoran is about to leave, but Bai Jie said at this time: “Wait a minute, Deputy Dean!”

Stopping, Zhang Haoran looks at Bai Jie: “What’s the matter?”

“That …” Bai Jie hesitated, or brace oneself said, “Dare to ask Deputy Dean, I don’t know when Dean will unlock the Seal on me?” Both her Cultivation Base and Divine Soul were Zhang Yu Seal. After three months, she has passed the test and joined the Sky Academy. It seems that Zhang Yu has no reason to continue to seal her.

Zhang Haoran wondered, “Have your Seal been unlocked yet?”

Sun, I ca n’t watch it again! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().

“Then you can wait another day, and then ask Dean to unlock your Seal.” Zhang Haoran shook his head and said, “Your Cultivation Base was Seal by Dean himself. No one can solve it except him. “

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