
Chapter 825 as if was struck by lightening

Bai Jie wondered, “Why is it a day?”

“Because everyone needs to take a day off before entering the next World of Training.” Zhang Haoran calmly said: “Dean will appear naturally at that time.”

Bai Jie glanced at Ao Kun, Chen Gu and the others, and saw that they didn’t speak, so they no longer doubted.

Well, one less! I like to ask everyone to collect: () Zhai Shuyuan is the fastest to update.

Zhang Haoran just planned to leave, but suddenly remembered something, and asked Bai Jie: “Yes, do you want to live in Academy or somewhere else?”

Hearing this, Bai Jie without the slightest hesitation said: “No, I will find my own place to live.”

Fuck, it’s one more missing! Zhai Shu Yuan, the latest chapter updated soon!

“That’s all right,” Zhang Haoran said, “Let’s get out of here.”

“Wait.” Bai Jie suddenly shouted, paused, and she said something awkwardly: “Vice Dean, you see, although I only signed the contract now, in fact Dean has allowed me to join Sky Academy, and I also stayed in the World for three months … Is this Spirit Stone … “Her cheeks are a little red,” Should I share a little bit? “

Spirit Stone of Sky Academy, she has been thinking about it for a long time.

In order to get Spirit Stone, she even threw a lot of exercises and so on.

Sun, I ca n’t watch it again! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().

Zhang Haoran looked at Bai Jie with interest: “Want a Spirit Stone?”

Bai Jie is nodded and doesn’t hide his thoughts at all.

“No.” Zhang Haoran shook his head, “Since Dean didn’t deliberately give you a Spirit Stone, I can’t give it to you privately … If you really want Spirit Stone, wait for Dean tomorrow When you come here, you ask him for it. If he does, he will give it to you. If he does not, then no one can help you. “

“This …” Bai Jie hesitated.

She can’t figure out Dean’s thoughts, if not, she wouldn’t ask Cheek Dean cheekily.

But she can’t persuade Deputy Dean because Bai Ling has just introduced it. Deputy Dean is Dean’s father. Although her strength is low, her status is very special, and she can never offend.

“Okay, I see.” Bai Jie sighed and dispelled the entanglement.

Zhang Haoran wasn’t staying, turned around and took a steady step, slowly moving towards the Champs House.

Zhang Haoran was far away, and Chen Gu was looking towards Bai Jie, indifferently said: “Aren’t you hundred thousand years in Xiandang? How can you even look at this Spirit Stone?”

Ao Kun, Ao Yue and the others also looked at Bai Jie with a little surprise, seeming to be very surprised that Bai Jie coveted and asked for Spirit Stone.

“You don’t know the true value of Bai Ling Stone at all.” Bai Jie glanced at the crowd. “Even in Fairyland, Spirit Stone is also an extremely scarce and precious resource. It is the currency of the highest High grade … I conquer evil spirits. Countless times, many contributions have been made to accumulate eight-nine Spirit Stones, and most Transcendent Realm powerhouses do not even have Spirit Stones. It is conceivable how precious and rare Spirit Stones are. “

She said with a sneer: “You should thank Sky Academy, thank you Dean, if you have not joined Sky Academy, depending on your strength, even if you spend millions of years in Fairy Land, you may not be able to get a Spirit Stone.”

Time is the least valuable thing in Fairyland. Those Transcendent Realm powerhouses have lived for hundreds of millions of years. An ordinary Transcendent Realm powerhouse wants to accumulate a number of Spirit Stones in several thousand thousand years. It is completely crazy. .

At this point, she couldn’t help but sigh: “The benefits of Sky Academy are so rich that they are unimaginable …”

“Really?” Everyone was dubious.

“Believing or not with you.” Bai Jie didn’t bother to explain, as she did what she did, she no longer paid attention to Ao Kun entire group, turned to Bai Ling and said, “Girl, go, go back to Qingqiu Mountain first. “

Bai Ling stood still, her eyes darkened.

Bai Jie frowned: “Girl, don’t you go?”

I saw Bai Ling slowly lifts the head, tears: “Old Ancestor, Qingqiu Mountain, I can’t go back.”

“What do you mean?” Looking at Bai Ling’s sadness, Bai Jie had a bad hunch in her heart, “What the hell happened? Why wouldn’t you say it?”

Seeing this scene, Chen Gu was feeling heavy, sighed, and said, “Because of Qingqiu Mountain, there is no Fox Race anymore.”

Ao Kun, Ao Yue and the others are silent.

Many teachers and students sighed secretly.

Bai Jie’s body trembles slightly, her eyes staring at Chen Gu: “What the hell is going on!”

When she left, Qingqiushan was fine. Fox Race was very prosperous. There were many Evading Revolving powerhouses. It is one of the top races in the Wild World Monster Race. How few hundred thousand? In the year of Qingqiu Mountain, no Fox Race? So where did Fox Race on Qingqiu Mountain go?

“Not long ago, Wilderness World experienced a crisis of extinction, and Fox Race was one of the victims.” Chen Gu said solemnly: “You remember when I was in the endless magic forest of Fox Race in Qingqiu Mountain. Is there a scene where you first met in a cave? Qingqiu Mountain Fox Race was hit at that time! Except for a dozen small Foxes, the entire Fox Race was almost massacred … “

“I’m a Fox Race, there are only a dozen Small Foxes left?” Bai Jie as if was struck by lightening, the whole person was petrified.

Her face turned pale quickly, her heart seemed to be cut by a knife, her eyes opened.

A few 100,000 years ago, when Fox Race was most prosperous, there were millions of people. It was glorious, and it was very glorious. Even after gradually declining, the number has remained above the hundred thousand for a long time. However, Bai Jie I never imagined that I had only been away for a few thousand thousand years, and Fox Race had already reached such a situation. The huge Fox Race had only a dozen Small Foxes left?

“Why, how …” Bai Jie was a bit lost, as if she had suffered a huge blow.

Fox Race, which once ruled the entire Monster Race and was revered as the Monster Race Imperial Family, ended up in such a way that Bai Jie was a little unacceptable.

Ao Kun sighed, comforted: “Senior doesn’t have to be sad. In that disaster, my Dragon Race was also hit hard. Most of the elites in the clan have fallen. It can be described as the same illness as Fox Race … Besides, although Fox Race was almost destroyed, but After all, more than a dozen Small Foxes have survived. I believe that in the near future, Fox Race will return to its glory. “

“No need to comfort me.” Bai Jie quickly cleared her mood and calmed down, “I’m not as fragile as you think.”

Her gaze fell on Chen Gu, her face was a little gloomy, and she asked, “Who the hell is the one who shot Fox Race?”

Chen Gu shook his head and said, “That man is dead.”

“Is he a descendant?” Bai Jie frowned, and then asked without hesitation.

“Dead!” Chen Gu calmly said to Bai Jie’s gaze, “Everyone who is related to that person is dead, there is no one left!”

Bai Jie shook her fists and felt very weak. Fox Race suffered such a disaster. She, Old Ancestor, could do nothing.

She looked towards Bai Ling with complex eyes: “Girl, why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

“I.” Bai Ling bit her lip and trembled, “I don’t know what to say, I’m afraid Old Ancestor can’t accept the news.”

Bai Jie looked around and saw that everyone was not surprised at all. It seems that the news of understood has long been sadly said with a smile: “Co-authoring all people understood this matter, I am still in the dark. Here? “

The people are silent and speechless.

“I hope this matter is really irrelevant to you.” Bai Jie took a deep look at the crowd, “I will investigate on my own, if it is true as you said, it will be that’s all, but if it is related to you , I will never give up! ”How can the hatred of extermination be good? Although Fox Race is not destroyed, it is not much different from the destroyed.

Ao Yue face turned cold: “What do you mean …”

“Little girl.” Ao Kun hurriedly grabbed Ao Yue, and sound transmission advised: “Forget it, Fox Race was in great trouble. She was hit by this, and her mood is understandable …”

Although the rest of them are quite uncomfortable, everyone is more restrained and does not care about Bai Jie.

Bai Jie also said to Bai Ling, regardless of everyone ’s reaction, “Where is the surviving clansman? Where? Take me now!”

Bai Ling didn’t dare to refute, and immediately said goodbye to everyone, then flew straight to Dark Abyss.

Although Bai Jie was Sealed by Cultivation Base, the speed is only faster or slower than Bai Ling. When he jumps, his silhouette becomes a phantom. After a few rises and falls, it disappears.

The crowd was disturbed by Bai Jie, and there was no mood to talk about anything. They said goodbye to each other immediately and returned home.

Dark Abyss.

Bai Ling and Bai Jie’s silhouette traveled through the rolling mountains, and I don’t know how long they flew. In front of a huge waterfall, Bai Ling stopped and slowly fell down. Bai Jie fell on Around her, she just made a lot of movement, a huge impact, and the boulder under her body was covered with cracks, making a huge impact sound.

Bai Jie didn’t care about the destroyed boulder. She followed Bai Ling’s gaze and saw a small rock like a hill below the waterfall. More than a dozen Small Foxes were attracted by the abnormal noise just now. Qi moved towards Bai Ling and Bai Jie looked over here, a pair of eyes full of innocent and unaffected, suddenly full of joy, a path of crisp sounds also sounded in the valley: “Thirteen elder sister!”

A dozen or so Small Foxes have actually practiced Vortex Realm in unconsciously.

“Well, the Cultivation Base of these little fellows …” Bai Jie was a little surprised, “Have you all arrived at Vortex Realm?”

Her Divine Soul was sealed, and she couldn’t sense the Cultivation Base of the Small Foxes, but she had a way to judge it, but that ’s all not so precise.

Bai Ling ’s attention was completely on a group of Small Foxes, and she did n’t seem to hear Bai Jie ’s words. She flew straight to the group of Small Foxes, with a bright smile on her face: “elder Sister came back to see you, do you miss elder sister? “

“Did not the elder sister leave yesterday?” said Small Fox vaguely, “Why do we miss it?”

Bai Jie said for a moment, then reacted, said with a slight smile: “You are right, it ’s the elder sister who misremembered. However, did you practice well when the elder sister was away?”

She doesn’t seem to be surprised by Small Fox’s Cultivation Base.

“Little raccoon is very good!” A Small Fox immediately made an immature voice, “The raccoon has cultivated to Vortex Middle Realm!”

Bai Ling couldn’t help but smiled and squeezed Small Fox’s face, boasting: “Little raccoon is so good!”

“And me, I’m very good!”

“I am also good!”

Small Foxes are vying to sell.

Bai Ling’s eyes were all smiled into a crescent moon, and he said, “Remember what the elder sister said when he left? As long as you practice well, I will reward you when the elder sister comes back!” She took out more than a dozen Spirit Stones. “Come and come, one for each person. With the new Spirit Stone, you don’t have to be afraid to run out of the previous Spirit Stone.”

“Wow! Spirit Stone again!”

“elder sister very good!”

Many Small Fox took over the Spirit Stone happily, and then put the Spirit Stone into the Storage Bracelet.

It was also at this time that Bai Jie found out that these Small Foxes had a Storage Bracelet in hand, and listening to Bai Ling’s meaning, it seemed that it was not the first time that she had sent Spirit Stones to these Small Foxes.

“No wonder these little fellows have cultivated to Vortex Realm at a young age …” Bai Jie has a clear comprehension, “this girl, it ’s very good for these little fellows!”

Sun, I ca n’t watch it again! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().

Bai Ling is much more generous than her Fox Race Old Ancestor!

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