
Chapter 830 Unsealing

“Wait …” Bai Ling suddenly responded, “Old Ancestor, you’re wrong!”

Bai Jie is interested: “Oh? Then you say, where am I wrong?”

Bai Ling said solemnly: “What you just said is just a hypothesis, the Emperor Jade Emperor, in fact, the Emperor Jade Emperor is not my rival! Dean may not be regarded as the Emperor Jade Emperor, and the Emperor Jade Emperor may I like Dean. Moreover, Cultivation Base is not everything, I believe Dean is not so superficial. “

Well, one less! I like to ask everyone to collect: () Zhai Shuyuan is the fastest to update.

Bai Ling is silent. Although she is very reluctant to admit it, she also has to admit that only Legendary heroes are worthy of Dean.

“Do you think you can become a Legendary hero in the future?” Bai Jie smiled, said resolutely.

Fuck, it’s one more missing! Zhai Shu Yuan, the latest chapter updated soon!

Even if you are the most arrogant person in the world, you dare not say that you will be a Legendary hero in the future.

until now, she is evading this problem, but now, being forced to look at Bai Jie, she can no longer escape!

“Old Ancestor You have been trapped in Transcendent Upper Realm for hundreds of thousands of years. I can reach True God Realm in my life, I’m afraid it is already the limit …” Bai Ling lowered her head, a bit of bitterness in her mouth, “even, I ca n鈥檛 even reach True God Realm … 鈥?/p>

She has never doubted whether she can reach the Transcendent Realm, but True God Realm is different, but she has mastered the power of the taboo of time. Such a character is very rare in the fairy realm. She does not have a complete Illusion The blood of Domain Divine Fox, although innate talent has greatly improved after taking many heavenly material treasure and Heaven and Earth Good-Fortune Pill and other things, but it is not stronger than the outstanding discipline cultivated by those top forces in Xian domain.

Sun, I ca n鈥檛 watch it again! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().

hearing this, Bai Jie twitched slightly.

“Although I don’t think you can become a Legendary hero in the future, you shouldn’t underestimate yourself.” Bai Jie thought of the terrible cultivation speed of Bai Ling in the past few months, and still feel extremely incredible, “how Say, you, including Wu Mo and Xiao Yan, little fellows, the cultivation speed is almost weird, much more terrifying than the so-called geniuses of Xianyu … Think about it, you are only over 300 years old, The future is long, Transcendent Realm will never be your limit … “

These True God Realm powerhouses are practiced for hundreds of millions of years, terrifying terrifying every year!

Bai Ling is hesitant: “Does Old Ancestor think so?”

“How do I think it’s not important, what’s important is, do you really want to be with Dean?” Bai Jie looked at Bai Ling, “Will you pay anything for this?”

Bai Ling without the slightest hesitation: “Of course!”

Bai Jie takes a deep breath, saying: “If so, then you have more reason to accept my bloodline!”

Waiting for Bai Ling to speak, Bai Jie also said, “If you have the full Illusion Domain Divine Fox bloodline, you will have unlimited potential. With the help of Sky Academy, you will not be without hope for being a Legendary hero in the future … 鈥?This is also the only way you can become a Legendary hero! “

“Old Ancestor, wouldn’t you just say it on purpose, lie to me to accept the bloodline of Illusion Domain Divine Fox?” Bai Ling asked suspiciously, “Will you haven’t given up to let me open the door of magic domain? “

Bai Jieyi said rightly: “You think too much, I simply don’t have such an idea, I am purely for your sake.”

“Really?” Bai Ling was dubious, “No matter what you think, I will never accept your bloodline anyway!”

Without the blood of Illusion Domain Divine Fox, Bai Jie is completely abolished, sacrificing Fox Race Old Ancestor and fulfilling himself. Bai Ling cannot do such a thing.

Bai Jie felt a bit weak: “You child, why are you so dead-headed! Even without the Illusion Domain Divine Fox bloodline, I won’t die. At most, it is innate talent and perception damage. Battle strength is a little bit. Falling a little, there is no other impact at all, don’t you think that using this little price in exchange for your unlimited potential is a stable profitable trade? ”

“Old Ancestor, I’m over 300 years old!” Bai Ling rolled the eyes, “Trouble, don’t treat me as a three-year-old! The consequences of being deprived of blood are more clear to you than you!”

Extracting a drop of blood essence is enough to make people weak for many days, then all blood is deprived. What serious consequences should be?

Cultivation Base fell sharply, Divine Soul was damaged, or his life was at risk, and he might even die directly!

Looking at Bai Ling’s stubborn look, Bai Jie was helpless and somewhat relieved.

“That 鈥檚 all, I do n鈥檛 say much, think about it yourself.” Bai Jie sighed, “If you want to be with Dean, then this is your only chance …”

Seeing what Bai Ling wants to say, Bai Jie turned her eyes away and shifted the topic: “This group of little fellows are waking up soon.”

Bai Ling’s attention was suddenly shifted to a group of Small Foxes. Her eyes turned to the past, and as Bai Jie said, a group of Small Foxes had already refining the blood essence of Super Divine Beast Illusion Domain Divine Fox in unconsciously, and It has been refining most of it. The original atmosphere that made the entire valley extremely depressing has dissipated almost. The appearance of a group of Small Foxes has also changed slightly. On the whole, their bodies have grown up and their appearance is more handsome. , The fur seems to have a faint luster, and the breath on the body contains the power of faintly discernable.

Each Small Fox’s Cultivation Base has a slight improvement, and it is only stronger than humans of the same age.

After a while, the Small Fox woke up one by one and opened their eyes.

Their eyes are more energetic, as if they will glow, and spiritual wisdom seems to have improved a lot.

“Bai Ling elder sister!” They seem to have matured a lot at once, and the name of Bai Ling has also changed from 鈥?3 elder sister 鈥檛o鈥?Bai Ling elder sister 鈥?

After saying hello to Bai Ling, their eyes turned to Bai Jie, and after looking at each other, they saluted respectfully: “Old Ancestor!”

Bai Jie is nodded with satisfaction: “Yes, Cultivation Base and spiritual wisdom have improved a lot. I want to come, innate talent should also improve a lot, at no cost Old Ancestor, I refined the essence of blood for you.” Although Fox There are only a dozen Small Foxes left in Race, but Bai Jie believes that they will become the backbone of Fox Race in the future, taking Fox Race to a more brilliant height.

Bai Jie didn’t go anywhere in the next time, she has been staying in the valley to instruct the Small Foxes to practice and answer their many questions. She, the Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouse, personally instructed, the effect is no better than Zhang Yu 鈥檚 enchantment technique How much worse, although it does not have an immediate effect, but the effect will slowly manifest itself in the future.

In the blink of an eye, it was the next morning.

Pick dozens of Spirit Fruits deep in the valley and supervise a group of Small Fox. After eating, Bai Ling said to Bai Jie: “It’s almost time, Old Ancestor, we should go to Sky Academy.”

“It’s been unconsciously, it’s been a day, this time can be really fast!” Looking at a group of Small Fox, Bai Jie was reluctant to leave. Although she stayed in the valley for a day, she felt This has become her home, as if she has lived here for thousands of years.

Shake his head, Bai Jie nodded to Bai Ling: “OK, let’s go.”

Bai Ling warned to a group of Small Fox repeatedly: “You guys are practicing in within the valley, wait for the elder sister to come back.”

After a few words, Bai Ling and Bai Jie rushed to Sky Academy together.

Fortunately, it’s not too far from the Sky Academy. It took only two hours at the speed of two people to rush to Desolate City, and then boarded Desolate Mountain in the respect and envy of everyone in the city.

After entering the Sky Academy, the two hurried to the Atrium Square.

Before entering the square, they saw the silhouette floating in the air from afar.

“Dean!” The seemingly ordinary silhouette made Bai Jie’s heart tremble slightly. No one could remain calm in the face of the existence of a suspected Legendary hero.

Zhang Yu also seems to notice Bai Jie’s gaze. He slightly lifts the head, with a smile like a spring breeze on his face: “Tai Bai, welcome.”

“Bai Jie doesn’t dare.” Bai Jie was somewhat restrained.

Except for Zhang Yu, she had the highest Cultivation Base and the strongest strength, but she was also the most restrained, because she knew better than anyone how terrifying the Legendary hero was.

“I was busy tinkering with a World before, and forgot to release Seal for you, sorry.” Zhang Yu was very easy-going, and the smile on his face was so refreshing, as if talking to an old friend, “I Lift your Seal now. “

The voice fell, and Zhang Yu’s palm waved gently. The source of energy that bound Bai Jie’s divine force and Divine Soul was like turning from steel to a breeze, and passed directly through Bai Jie’s body, around Bai Jie He flew a circle, then submerged into Zhang Yu’s body instantly, and reintegrated into the numerous Vortex within him.

Without restraint, Bai Jie’s divide force within the body, like boiling water, rebounded and boiled violently.

A terrifying momentum that makes Heaven and Earth tremble, and makes the entire Wild World tremble. With her body as the center, moved towards all around radiation. At that moment, it was like the emperor came, letting Heaven and Earth acknowledge allegiance , All living beings worshipped sincerely, even the most powerhouses in Desolate City who were silently lurking were shivered coldly.

Countless Monster Beasts lay on the ground, paying the highest courtesy.

The entire Wilderness World seems to acknowledge allegiance at the feet of this master of breath.

Sun, I ca n鈥檛 watch it again! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().

That war evil king, conquering the evil spirit five clan, breaking through the thousand-year-old super Divine Beast Illusion Domain Divine Fox, is back!

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