
Chapter 831 is comparable to the existence of the Lord of the Magic Realm?

At this moment, Bai Jie is not the most Peaky!

She was the most Peaky moment when she smashed the fairy realm and conquered the five evil spirits.

Now, she played against the Black Mist. Divine Soul cost a lot of money. Later, she played against Zhang Yu. She was seriously injured. The injury was not good, and she refined a dozen drops of blood essence, so that her current battle strength is even Not half of the Peak period, but even then, she is still very powerful and trembling.

Well, one less! I like to ask everyone to collect: () Zhai Shuyuan is the fastest to update.

Tutors with a lower Cultivation Base, as well as students, are sweating and almost choking.

It’s too strong!

Fuck, it’s one more missing! Zhai Shu Yuan, the latest chapter updated soon!

It’s a terrifying power that can make the universe come and go!

That’s a power to comprehend the rules to the extreme!

That’s a power that can’t bear any resistance!

“She should belong to the top class in the Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouse.” Zhang Yu secretly commented, “Even my Avatars may not be her opponents …” His Avatars are only Transcendent lower Realm’s Cultivation Base, even if it has the ability to fight at a higher level, at most it can only be comparable to the ordinary Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouse, and it is difficult to compete with top Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouses like Bai Jie.

Sun, I ca n鈥檛 watch it again! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().

But, after being released from Seal, even though her appearance is the same, her temperament is different, her charm is 30% better than before!

The horrible breath disappeared, and everyone was sighed in relief.

The other creatures in Wilderness World also slowly wake up from panic and gradually calm down.

“Sorry, Dean, I was just too excited, I didn’t control it for a while.” Bai Jie watched Zhang Yu’s projecting gaze, and her heart became tense and explained.

Zhang Yu waved with a smile: “It’s okay, I understand.”

Fortunately, Wilderness World has grown a lot, and it is not far from the final promotion, otherwise, Wilderness World may not really be able to withstand the impact of Bai Jie’s momentum.

If Wilderness World is destroyed as a result, even if Zhang Yu has a good temper, I’m afraid he won’t spare Bai Jie lightly.

Ao Kun, Chen Gu, Ao Yue, Ao Wuyan, Ying Gu, Ou Shenfeng and the others all looked at Bai Jie with fear, and the emergence of the latter made them feel a huge threat! Originally, Sky Academy took the strength of Ao Kun, Chen Gu, and Ao Yue as the best. However, the arrival of Bai Jie was forcibly overpowering them and became the first person under Dean!

“Maybe only Dean Wine Sword Immortal and Dean Old Man Tian Ji can match it!” Ao Kun and the others thought to himself.

until now, the presence of Wine Sword Immortal and Old Man Tian Ji made them feel a lot of pressure. Until later, Wine Sword Immortal and Old Man Tian Ji were appointed by Zhang Yu as Shrouding the Heavens World branch Dean and After breaking through the World Branch Dean, they breathed a little, didn’t expect, Wine Sword Immortal and Old Man Tian Ji had just left, and another Illusion Domain Divine Fox Bai Jie came, God seemed to want to oppose them, Always keep them happy.

Zhang Yu didn’t pay attention to Ao Kun and the others’ reaction. Even if he noticed, I’m afraid he wouldn’t care.

“Have you asked Bai Ling about the experience?” Zhang Yu asked Bai Jie.

Bai Jie hesitated, and then answered honestly: “No.”

Zhang Yu nodded, saying: “Since this is the case, I will introduce you in detail.”

Bai Jie is a bit flattered, let a Legendary hero introduce himself to the training content, have what skills and abilities?

Even the top True God Realm powerhouses in Xianyu, there is no such blessing!

“Subordinates listen to your ears and listen!” Bai Jie said respectfully.

“You should know about the situation of Sky Academy. This wilderness world is obviously not suitable for the training of teachers and students of Sky Academy.” Zhang Yu slowly said: “So, I have selected many strange foreign worlds as Sky Academy teachers. Places of birth, such as Shrouding the Heavens World, Fighting World, etc. These Worlds are extremely special, located in a strange time and space, except for me, no one knows their existence, and no one can find them. Even those in Fairy Land True God Realm powerhouse, even Legendary heroes, do not know their existence. “

He looked at Bai Jie calmly: “You can think that these Worlds are my private Worlds. No one can enter them without my permission, and Legendary heroes can’t.”

There was a shock of shock on Bai Jie’s face.

Suddenly she thought of the fantasy world. Isn’t Dean talking about these Worlds also in strange time and space like the fantasy world?

Thinking of the information described by Zhang Yu, Bai Jie even felt that the truth of the matter is likely to be this way!

“If that is the case, wouldn’t Dean be terrifying more than I thought?” Bai Jie’s heart trembled violently, and there was an unshakable horror in her eyes. “Those Worlds are Dean’s private Worlds, then Strange time and space, isn’t it Dean’s private time and space? “

The master of the entire strange time and space is like the master of the entire fantasy realm!

This existence is much more terrifying than Legendary heroes!

Think about it. Fairyland has such a long history, and dozens or hundreds of Legendary heroes have been born. However, throughout the course of history, no one can unified Fairyland and become the only master of Fairyland. His Holiness, without such a Legendary hero, can’t do it, which shows its difficulty.

“I seem to be in contact with an incredible secret.” Bai Jie’s breathing was quick.

Zhang Yu didn’t know what Bai Jie was thinking about. She didn’t know she had supplemented a lot of things. He just felt that Bai Jie’s reaction was a little strange, and her eyes were inexplicable, which made Zhang Yu’s mind quite confused. He did not perform the enchantment technique himself. What is the situation with Bai Jie?

Zhang Yu recalled his words, it seemed that there was no loophole in not at all.

I can’t figure it out.

Zhang Yu shook his head and simply stopped thinking.

He watched Bai Jie and continued: “These strange foreign worlds, the cultivation system and All Heavens and Myriad Realms are all different. The foreign world has its own special features. The rules and other aspects are different from the ordinary World. All Heavens and Myriad Realms have their own strengths and weaknesses. Most importantly, these special Worlds have many resources and are very suitable for your training Land … “

Bai Jie listened carefully, and had no doubts about Zhang Yu’s words, because she had personally seen Douban World.

“Before, Sky Academy teachers and students had conducted the World experience twice, but now it will be the third time.” Zhang Yu said without delay: “Before I announce the experience of the World, I will talk about the experience again. Reward. “

Bai Jie’s eyes light up when she hears the rewards from the training, her breath is held, her eyes are a little hot.

Zhang Yu’s mouth slightly raised, saying: “This time’s training reward, as before, does not set any mandatory tasks, all rewards, depending on the Culture Base, Transcendent Realm powerhouse, can get thirty Spirit Stones, Evading Revolving powerhouse, you can get ten Spirit Stones, Parting Revolving powerhouse, you can get three Spirit Stones, and Spirit Revolving Realm powerhouse, you can get one Spirit Stone. Under Spirit Revolving, no reward is given. Simply, The higher the Cultivation Base, the richer the reward, and the reward of the True God Realm powerhouse is far more than the Transcendent Realm powerhouse. “

“You don’t have to do anything to get the reward for the experience?” Bai Ling’s eyes widened.

“Yes, you don’t have to do anything to get a reward.” Zhang Yu said with a slight smile.

Bai Ling couldn’t help but swallow a spit, although … the action was quite unsightly and detrimental to the image.

The rest seemed much calmer, after all, they had long been understood.

“By the way, I have to focus on one point. Although there is no compulsory task in this training, I think about it, I have assigned you a task. You can choose to do it or Don’t do it, “Zhang Yu said with a smile.” Everyone who completes the task can double the reward! “

Double the reward!

This time, everyone in the field can no longer be calm.

In particular, there are many Transcendent Realm powerhouses such as Bai Jie, Ao Kun, Chen Gu, Ao Yue.

Thirty Spirit Stones doubled to sixty!

Even for the Sky Academy crowd, this is a great asset!

“Dean, what task are you talking about?” Bai Jie asked nervously.

So lucrative reward, mission … must be rare and unimaginable?

Zhang Yu glanced at her and said slowly: “The task is not difficult, as long as you set up a Sky Academy branch in the World of Experience, recruit no less than ten students who are outstanding in character, innate talent, etc., and will The prestige of the Sky Academy spreads to every corner of the World. For specific standards, you can refer to the Shrouding the Heavens World and Dou Po World. “

Everyone froze, this task is really not difficult.

Just a bit of trouble!

However, with so many of them, if each of them assigns a part of the task, it will not be too much trouble!

“This is the content of the task. If you are interested, you can do the task. If you are not interested, you can choose to meditate.” Zhang Yu lightly said with a smile: “People who complete the task will not wait, Cultivation Base, no matter how much effort is involved, as long as you participate, you can get double the training reward. “

The eyes of everyone became hot.

Do it!

This task, do everything you say!

“Finally, I announce this World of Experience.” Zhang Yu directly announced the World of Experience while hitting the iron. “This World of Experience is not one World, but two Worlds. They are … Xianjian World, Westward Journey. Demon World! “

Sun, I ca n鈥檛 watch it again! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().

“Yes, two Worlds.” Zhang Yu smiled nodded. “Each of you can only choose to enter one of the Worlds. Once you have determined it, you cannot change it until after three months in the World. After the training, you can return to the Wild World. Therefore, you better consider carefully which World is more suitable for you. After all, different races, different Culture Bases, and even the rules of cultivation are different. The suitable World is also different … “

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