
Chapter 832 Blending

After hearing Zhang Yu’s words, many students subconsciously looked towards a group of tutors.

Monster Race students take Chen Gu as their respect. Although Bai Jie is stronger, he has only joined Sky Academy for a short time. Prestige is not as good as Chen Gu for the time being. Dragon Race students undoubtedly take Ao Kun as their respect. Ao Kun’s orders are absolutely obedient. Human Race students are more strange. What they respect most is not the stronger Transcendent Realm Tutor, such as Winning the Ancients, Against the Silent Sky, Easy to Difficult, Lian Qing, Yan Pang, Ge Yanyan, etc. Instead, it was Ou Shenfeng.

Although Ou Shenfeng currently only has the Cultivation Base of Evading Revolving Upper Realm, as his Cultivation Base gradually improves, many students of Human Race are more convinced by him, and gradually have the style of Human Race spiritual leader.

Well, one less! I like to ask everyone to collect: () Zhai Shuyuan is the fastest to update.

“I choose Fairy Sword World.” Chen Gu groaned slightly, and then made a choice.

Sword World is also a World where Human Race and Monster Race coexist. However, within this realm, Human Race and Monster Race are in extreme opposition, and Human Race is in a strong position. Monster Race is in an absolute disadvantage. Every time At the moment, many Monster Beasts were suppressed. Chen Gu came from Monster Race and was even more Divine Beast. Naturally, he wanted to change this situation.

Fuck, it’s one more missing! Zhai Shu Yuan, the latest chapter updated soon!

See Chen Gu chose Fairy Sword World, Monster Race is a lot of Evading Revolving Realm Tutor, and the students also chose Fairy Sword World. Even Bai Jie, surprisingly, did not stand up to sing contradictions. At the major event, she Still very much for Chen Gu’s face.

“Since the Monster Race department chooses Fairy Sword World, then our Dragon Race department chooses Journey to the West.” Ao Kun felt indifferent, and said with a smile, “For Sun Wukong, the king of Demon King, and those magic wizards. , I’m still a bit interested. “

“I’m more interested in that big day Rulai.” Ao Yue was quite looking forward. “With a big day Shinruta Sutra, I suppressed a Demon King, I’m afraid it’s not a good stubble … I do n’t know, who is more powerful than him. “Journey to the West is a 7th grade Big World, and the big day is obviously the top powerhouse of the Journey to the West. The minimum Cultivation Base will not be lower than the Transcendent lower realm. It’s not even possible that Day Sun is a Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouse.

Seeing that both the Monster Race and Dragon Race departments have made a choice, Zhang Yu set his sights on the Human Race department: “What about you?”

Sun, I ca n’t watch it again! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().

“Which World do you want to go to?” Ou Shenfeng didn’t rush to make a choice, but asked Xiao Yan, Wu Mo and the others.

Xiao Yan, Wu Mo and the others looked at each other, and then said the same thing: “Xianjian World!” They are youngsters after all, they are very fond of the love and hatred described in “History of Xianjian” and that magical technique Interested, if they can, they certainly hope to enter two worlds, but if they must choose one of the two worlds within the realm, they are more yearning for the fairy sword world.

“The Fairy Sword World is good.” Ying Gu agreed: “Going to see the hometown of Wine Sword Immortal Senior and even seeing Wine Sword Immortal Senior in his youth seems to be a good choice.”

Many people responded, eyes immediately flashed.

They almost forgot that Shrouding the Heavens World branch Dean Wine Sword Immortal Senior is the man of Fairy Sword World!

“Yes, let’s go to Fairy Sword World!” Being reminded by Ying Gu, the Human Race department is all looking forward to it.

Ou Shenfeng nodded, and then said to Zhang Yu: “Dean, we have chosen, and go to Xianjian World.”

Human Race is the choice of everyone. As expected by Zhang Yu, he said with a slight smile: “In this case, I will now send you into the two worlds! In addition, Li Xiaoyao and Tang Xuanzang, do n’t follow They contacted and waited for me to deal with it. “Li Xiaoyao and Tang Xuanzang, both Child of Destiny of 7th grade Big World, were his honorary disciple.

The voice fell, Zhang Yu’s thoughts moved, two naked eye Vortex flew out of him within the body, and quickly became large. In a moment, two huge vortex were formed, vortex is like a black hole, Predator Looking at the surrounding Spiritual Qi, light, etc., the scene is blurred, and the edges are like a twisted magnetic field, and the sight will be affected.

“On the left is the passage to the Fairy Sword World, and on the right is the passage to the Westward Journeying Demon World.” Zhang Yu said calmly, “You can go in now.”

Everyone in the field looked at each other, then divided into three different camps, and moved towards the World channel of their choice.

A few moments, except for Zhang Yu, in the atrium square, you will never see the silhouette again.

“Big brother!” Just when Zhang Yu was also planning to enter one of the worlds, Ao Xiaoyu’s childish voice suddenly came from afar.

Zhang Yu made a move and set his sights on it: “Girl, why are you here?”

Behind Ao Xiaoyu, Zhang Haoran and Shen Lulu also flew over. The faces of these people were all helpless expressions.

“This girl heard that you have opened a new World of Experience, crying and shouting to play, no one can persuade.” Shen Lulu said with a bitter smile: “Blame me, what is bad, Speak about this with this girl. “She hesitated, and said,” Yuer, otherwise, you let her play? “

Zhang Haoran pondered then said: “It’s not a bad thing to let her go to another World for a long time.”

Wen Yan, Zhang Yu didn’t know whether to cry or laugh: “Dad, mother, you spoil her too!”

Since Ao Xiaoyu recognizes the Zhang Haoran couple as the adoptive father, the Zhang Haoran couple has become more and more spoiled for her, as if they are going to make up for the love that Zhang Yu owed to Ao Xiaoyu, without knowing it I’m afraid they will still think that Ao Xiaoyu is their biological daughter, and Zhang Yu, the biological son, is the righteous son.

“Yuer, according to me, your mother said it makes sense.” Grandpa also helped to persuade: “Xiaoyu this child, unlike the children of ordinary people, her Cultivation Base is too high, this wilderness world came to her Say, like a small pond, how can a small pond withstand a True Dragon toss? “

Looking at grandma’s help, Zhang Yu quickly said, “Stop! OK, OK, I promise the head office, right?”

Zhang Haoran Several people have spoken about this, if he didn’t agree, it would be like doing something terrible.

“Wow, very good!” Ao Xiaoyu shouted with excitement immediately, and the fishtail braided slightly, making her look more lovely.

Zhang Yu shook his head helplessly, and then his expression became serious: “First of all, you can enter the World of Experience, as long as it doesn’t disturb, otherwise, I will kick you out immediately, and I will not let you in again Other world experiences. “This girl is somewhat flattered by the Sky Academy and the law and of natural morality. If Zhang Yu doesn’t say anything, there is nothing she dare not do.

Ao Xiaoyu blinked: “Xiaoyu is obedient!”

“Don’t think about getting confused, you can just say, can’t you make trouble?” Zhang Yu is not that easy to be confused.

Ao Xiaoyu twitched his lips, saying: “If you don’t make trouble, you won’t make trouble.”

Zhang Yu nodded with satisfaction: “This is what you promised. If you can’t do it then, don’t blame me for not letting you go to another World.”

Ao Xiaoyu grunted his mouth, snorted and turned his head away, ignoring Zhang Yu.

“You little girl, you have a big temper.” Zhang Yu’s eyes glared, but after seeing Zhang Haoran and Shen Lulu, he gave up preaching this girl with interest, “Well, come on. “

He pointed to the two huge pitch black vortex, saying: “On the left is the Fairy Sword World, and on the right is the Journey to the West, which World are you going to?”

Ao Xiaoyu tilted his head and thought, and said, “Which World is the elder sister they chose?”

“They? They go to Fairy Sword World.”

“Then Xiaoyu also went to Xianjian World.” Ao Xiaoyu laughed hehe said.

“Okay, I’ll take you to the fairy sword world now.” Zhang Yu holding Ao Xiaoyu’s hand, ready to enter the fairy sword world, just walked to the edge of the dark vortex, he stopped again, a few people to Zhang Haoran Asked: “Dad, mother, grandfather, grandma, would you like to go to Fairy Sword World?”

Zhang Haoran shook his head: “We won’t go. With so much time, we might as well play a few more chess games with your grandfather in the small chapel.”

Grandma’s mouth twitched slightly, but for the sake of face, he said brace oneself, “Yeah, chess is more interesting.”

He did find chess more interesting, but he didn’t find it interesting to play chess with Zhang Haoran.

Since they learned chess, he has never played chess with Zhang Haoran, never once!

“Yuer, do n’t worry about us, just go to your business.” Shen Lulu said with a smile: “Just so you are all gone. We can stay and take care of Sky Academy by the way, so as not to be outsiders. Come here to make trouble. “Although this possibility is almost negligible, it has to be guarded.

Zhang Yu nodded: “Okay, you’ve worked hard.”

“Girl, let’s go.” After saying goodbye to Zhang Haoran, Zhang Yu took Ao Xiaoyu directly into the vortex leading to the fairy sword world. When the silhouette of the two did not enter the vortex, the vortex gradually reduced and eventually became As a light, it disappeared. On the other side, the vortex leading to the Journey to the West, also disappeared.

When Zhang Yu and Ao Xiaoyu entered the Fairy Sword World, it was just that the Human Race department and the Monster Race department had not gone far. Zhang Yu quickly took Ao Xiaoyu to catch up with them.

“Dean!” Everyone saw Zhang Yu and hurriedly respected saluted.

“Xiaoyu said that I want to play with you, and you will look after her for me.” Zhang Yu told everyone.

Sun, I ca n’t watch it again! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().

The crowd understood and said in unison: “Dean, rest assured, we will take good care of Xiaoyu Young Lady and not let her suffer a little bit of grievance.” Actually, they meant not to make Ao Xiaoyu mess up.

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