
Chapter 833 Transcendent Middle Realm

The people’s faces showed an unspoken smile, except that Ao Xiaoyu was blinded in the drum and looked excited.

“Okay, you guys are busy, I won’t bother you.” Zhang Yu waved to the crowd, and before leaving, did not forget to tell Ao Xiaoyu, “Xiaoyu, remember what you promised the big brother.”

“I know, Xiaoyu promises to be obedient.”

Well, one less! I like to ask everyone to collect: () Zhai Shuyuan is the fastest to update.

When Zhang Yu leaves, everyone is relieved.

Unconsciously, Zhang Yu’s majesty is getting heavier and heavier. Even many veteran students, Tutor, will be nervous and restrained in front of him.

Fuck, it’s one more missing! Zhai Shu Yuan, the latest chapter updated soon!

After speaking, he is like slapping himself, how important is it to set up the Sky Academy branch, and how can he incorporate this little ancestor? If something goes wrong, they can only break their teeth and swallow them.

Maybe, his words aroused Ao Xiaoyu’s interest.

Ao Xiaoyu blinked and asked curiously, “What task?”

Chen Gu coughed, closed his mouth, but secretly frowned at the Human Race department, nothing more than to let Xiao Yan entire group hurry up and say something, don’t let this little ancestor mess up.

Sun, I ca n’t watch it again! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().

Ao Xiaoyu is rarely attracted to food, but is obsessed with tasks. He asks, “What kind of task does Xiao Yan big brother, Chen Gu Tutor say?”

Looking at her innocent and unaffected eyes, Xiao Yan could not help but say it.

Xiao Yan’s eyes rolled around and said: “In fact, there is no task, just build some houses, recruit some people, it’s boring. Just leave them to them, and you can still experience it with us World ’s food bar. “He really didn’t dare to let Ao Xiaoyu get involved with the establishment of the Sky Academy branch.

“Really?” Ao Xiaoyu was a little suspicious. He stared at Xiao Yan and glanced at the rest of the others. After seeing everyone showing a sincere look, he couldn’t find any doubt for a while, so he had to believe Xiao Yan ’s words, “Well then, Wu Mo big brother, Xiao Yan big brother, Xinxin elder sister, let ’s go and experience this world ’s cuisine.”

When it comes to food, she brightens her eyes and winks drooling.

This reaction is normal!

Xiao Yan and the others are sighed in relief, this little ancestor is really hard to serve.

“That’s it.” Chen Gu, afraid of Ao Xiaoyu’s remorse, immediately said: “O Master, your Human Race department, accompany Xiaoyu Young Lady to experience food everywhere, and leave the rest to us. Do n’t worry, your credit will be indispensable! ”

Ou Shenfeng thought about it, and nodded said, “Yes.”

In a few moments, the Human Race department and the Monster Race department are divided into two teams. The Human Race department members leave with Ao Xiaoyu, and the Monster Race department members stay and plan well.

“Just that girl, is Ao Xiaoyu?” Bai Jie watched the silhouette between the Human Race department and Ao Xiaoyu, and after a long time, he looked back and asked Bai Ling in a low voice.

The tyrant who gave Spirit Stone as a tattered stone at random was just a little girl?

Bai Ling nodded said, “Yes, that’s Ao Xiaoyu, Dean’s contract Monster Beast. The ontology is a rare blood dragon in the world.”

“Blood Dragon …” Bai Jie was surprised, “Isn’t it Super Divine Beast?”

At a young age, he has reached the Transcendent Realm. He is terrifying. Bai Jie thought that Ao Xiaoyu was a special Super Divine Beast.

“I don’t know.” Bai Ling shook his head. “Listening to Dean, until now, people have misunderstood the blood dragon. The blood dragon is not as bad as people think. On the contrary, the blood dragon is Dragon. The most terrifying existence of Race is terrifying than the too virtual True Dragon … As for whether the blood dragon is super Divine Beast, what specific ability does Dean have not said, I don’t know. “

Her understanding of the blood dragon is limited to some superficial information.

But since Dean said so, the blood dragon must be extremely terrifying, and she had no doubt about Dean’s words.

“Dean said this?” Bai Jie was surprised. “So, I am afraid that the blood dragon is really underestimated by everyone!”

Does the existence of a suspected master level be comparable to ordinary person?

Bai Ling reminded: “Old Ancestor must pay great attention to Xiaoyu in the future. She is not only Dean’s contract Monster Beast, but also Dean’s righteous sister. It is the Little Princess of Sky Academy. Dean is much more serious! Annoying Dean, Dean is broad-minded, generally not accounting, but can annoy Xiaoyu, but the consequences can be serious. Sky Academy teachers and students, I ’m afraid will not agree! ”

“So serious!” Bai Jie was startled.

“What are you mumbling about?” Chen Gu was discussing with the group of Evading Revolving Realm Great Demon on how to set up a branch. He heard Bai Jie and Bai Ling whispering, interjecting: “Bai Tutor, for the location And the list of students, do you have any good opinions? “

Bai Jie turned back, glanced at Chen Gu, shook his head and said, “I don’t know the situation of Xianjian World, so I don’t make any comments. You just plan and then assign the task directly to me.” It wasn’t long before she joined Sky Academy, and she hadn’t seen “The History of Fairy Sword” and knew nothing about Fairy Sword World.

paused, she continued: “But one thing, I have to remind that this side of the World is quite special, Heavenly Dao … or, in other words, it seems to have been weakened a lot, and the space is more than the average 7th grade Big World Stable. Although our Cultivation Base has not been weakened, its strength has been greatly suppressed, and it can only play a small part. “

This feeling is like the entire world has been arranged with a Super Great Formation, suppressing the strength of everyone.

“I found this problem, but it doesn’t matter.” Chen Gu said with a smile: “Our strength is suppressed, and the strength of the indigenous people of this world is also suppressed. If true Start, no one can take advantage of it, and ultimately still have to rely on the Cultivation Base to speak! “

“Just know what you have,” Bai Jie said.

After leaving the Sky Academy, Zhang Yu directly entered the ten thousand zhang void.

As soon as he stepped, he immediately appeared in Yuhang Town.

Yuhang Town, the hometown of the World Child of Destiny Li Xiaoyao, is where the story begins.

Zhang Yu divine sense instantly took the whole picture of the entire Yuhang town into my mind, and Li Xiaoyao, who was lazy and foolish in the Inn, lingering with thoughts, and the wine drinker ―Wine Sword Immortal ……

“It stands to reason that when I come, history has changed, and Li Xiaoyao will not be able to return to the past through the power of Nuwa in the future, and naturally will no longer be associated with Wine Sword Immortal … unexpectedly, it is still I saw Wine Sword Immortal here. “Zhang Yu was a bit surprised,” hehe, Interesting. “

Wine Sword Immortal here is the real Wine Sword Immortal, not his sibe product Wine Sword Immortal Avatar.

However, the Western Sword Immortal Avatar, Cultivation Base is much stronger than this genuine Wine Sword Immortal, but it seems that this genuine Wine Sword Immortal is a fake.

When Zhang Yu was about to talk to this Wine Sword Immortal, he received a message from Dean Avatar in his head, and he couldn’t help showing a smile on his face.

next moment, his silhouette disappeared in Yuhang Town.

Shrouding the Heavens World.

Dean Avatar’s smile was faint in the endless starry sky.

After months of practice, his Cultivation Base has finally gone further on the basis of Transcendent lower realm!

Zhang Yu’s silhouette suddenly appeared beside him, silent.

“Congratulations.” Zhang Yu smiled. “Among many Avatars, you are not the earliest to start, but your Cultivation Base is the fastest to reach Transcendent Middle Realm! Even me, Cultivation Base You have been surpassed … “

“Haha, many thanks dear!” Dean Avatar red light across the whole face, without hiding his joy.

Zhang Yu asked, “How about, do you have confidence to defeat the True God Realm powerhouse?”

Dean Avatar converged his smile, thought it over, and answered, “True God Middle Realm and True God Upper Realm, I definitely can’t beat it. As for True God lower realm, I think there should be a battle, but it hasn’t Definitely win. “

On the rule, the True God Realm powerhouse holds the taboo power of Time Law, and is more mysterious terrifying than the power of Space Law. But Dean Avatar cultivates the perfect Extreme Martial Arts, which can maximize the power of Space Law and achieve absolute control. Formidable power may not lose to the superficial Time Law.

On the divine force, the divine force of the True God lower realm powerhouse is extremely terrifying, but the original energy of Dean Avatar is even better.

“Before playing, everything is unknown.” Dean Avatar shook his head and continued: “The only thing I can guarantee is that under True God Realm, I am invincible!”

His tone is very bland, without showing off at all, as if describing a very ordinary thing.

“That’s not allowed.” A starry sky, a huge silhouette flew over. When approaching Zhang Yu and Dean Avatar, he instantly turned into a human figure. He looked at Dean Avatar and hummed, “Wait for us When the Culture Base reaches Transcendent Middle Realm, you may not be our opponent. “


“You are just working hard while we are lazy, so we first reach the Transcendent Middle Realm, as long as we calm down and work hard, we won’t be able to catch up with you in a short time.”

In a blink of an eye, there were sixteen more people around Dean Avatar, and each and everyone was a little unconvinced.

Undoubtedly, these 16 people are the 16 Super Divine Beast Avatars of Zhang Yu.

“But your Cultivation Base now only has Transcendent lower realm.” Dean Avatar is very calm.

Everyone lags behind.

For a long time, one of them said, “Our fleshhy body is better than you! Even if your Cultivation Base reaches Transcendent Upper Realm, the fleshhy body is not as good as us!”

Every Super Divine Beast, the fleshhy body is extremely powerful. Even the Illusion Domain Divine Fox, which is not good at hand-to-hand combat, has a terrifying fleshhy body …

“You only have the Culture Base of the Transcendent lower realm.” Dean Avatar smiled.

Another said: “Our Innate Ability formidable power is infinite, swallowing the heaven and devouring the earth, omnipotent!”

“You only have the Culture Base of the Transcendent lower realm.” Dean Avatar was calm.

Many Super Divine Beast Avatars are irritated with gnash the teeth, gritted their teeth and said, “Can you not mention the Culture Base?”

Dean Avatar seriously nodded, and then said: “You only have Transcendent lower realm.”

Sun, I ca n’t watch it again! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().

It’s just a lot of Super Divine Beast, and the face is also green.

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