
Chapter 834 Super Divine Beast Appears

“My dear, look, this guy has just broken through to Transcendent Middle Realm, so arrogant!” said Avatar, the greedy wolf dog.

The rest of the Super Divine Beast Avatar are also looking towards Zhang Yu, hoping that Zhang Yu can suppress Dean Avatar’s arrogance.

Zhang Yu is faintly smiled: “Breakthrough to Transcendent Middle Realm is his ability. If you are not convinced, you can work hard to raise the Culture Base to Transcendent Middle Realm.”

Well, one less! I like to ask everyone to collect: () Zhai Shuyuan is the fastest to update.

They don’t have the patience of Dean Avatar, and they can’t get used to the long boring practice.

Seeing each and everyone dodging their eyes and being afraid to answer, Zhang Yu spread his palms: “You do n’t want to cultivate yourself, you must accept the fact that the Cultivation Base has been overwhelmed.”

Fuck, it’s one more missing! Zhai Shu Yuan, the latest chapter updated soon!

“Yeah, we are not that absolutely does not have cultivation.”

Everyone agreed.

Zhang Yu rolled the eyes, saying: “How much time do you spend on cultivation? Have you not counted X in your heart?”

Many Super Divine Beast Avatar looked at each other, then coughed, and chuckled up.

Sun, I ca n’t watch it again! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().

He seems to have forgotten that he doesn’t like cultivation more than these super Divine Beast Avatars, and he can’t stand the boring life.

But no one dares to say him!

Who makes him the deity?

As the saying goes, only state officials are allowed to set fire, and people are not allowed to light.

Don’t say it, it feels like a thief!

Looking at a group of super Divine Beast Avatars who couldn’t hold their heads up, Zhang Yu had a hint of darkness in his heart, but on the surface he looked like a serious and serious look, a look of righteousness … p>

Relying on the identity of the deity, he preached to a group of Avatars, and then Zhang Yu remembered the fairy sword world and the westward journey of the magic world and there were important things waiting for him to deal with, and he fought with Dean Avatar and Super Divine Beast Avatar. With a hello, you are ready to return to Fairy Sword World.

As Zhang Yu was about to leave, Avatar, the greedy wolf dog, suddenly shouted, “Wait, deity.”

Zhang Yu stops and looks at Avatar, the greedy wolf god dog.

“Did you forget something?” Avatar the greedy wolf dog hesitated and asked.

Wen Yan, Zhang Yu hesitated for a moment, he thought for a while, wondered: “Are you there?”

Avarar, the greedy wolf dog, asked impassively: “Did you really forget it?”

The rest of the Super Divine Beast Avatar also stared at Zhang Yu, looking expectant, and a little nervous.

Zhang Yu thought about it seriously, then showed a look of sudden realization, saying, “Oh! I remember!”

Many Super Divine Beast Avatars are all surprised.

“I remembered it! I just walked in a hurry, and forgot to remind Chen Gu, do n’t touch the Lord of Moon Devoted Church. Moon worship is actually a poor person, with great love, but the method is not proper, causing bad consequences. Just when he hasn’t made a big mistake yet, wake him up … “Zhang Yu said seriously:” Thank you! If you didn’t remind me, I would have forgotten! “

Avarar, the greedy wolf dog, feels constipated for a long time, and his face is very tangled.

The smiles of the rest of the Super Divine Beast Avatar also froze.

“No, deity, I mean …” Avatar, the greedy wolf dog, was anxious to explain.

Zhang Yu waved his hand, said with a smile: “You can rest assured, your credit, I will remember, the follow-up rewards will be indispensable to you!”

This time, many Super Divine Beast Avatar can’t hold back anymore, and said directly: “My dear, we mean … you didn’t say, after Bai Jie joins Sky Academy, we can appear just and honorable Are you there? “

Avarar, the greedy wolf dog, asked, “My dear, can you talk?”

I’ve talked about this, and Zhang Yu no longer jokes with them. He converges, and calmly said: “I speak naturally and count.”

I heard that all the Super Divine Beast Avatars have bright eyes.

“Why, Shrouding the Heavens World, are you bored?” Zhang Yu asked back.

“That’s not it.” Avatar, the greedy wolf dog, shook his head and said, “It’s just that we also want to go to other worlds and have a look. After all, we can’t stay here all the time …”

Zhang Yu said: “That being the case, then I will take you to the Fairy Sword World right now, as the teachers and students of the Monster Race department are all over there, and you will get to know each other in the past, and it will save you trouble.”

Hearing this, Avatar, Swallowing Heaven Beast Avatar, Avatar, etc. all have excited smiles.

They have been lurking for so long, and finally they can appear freely in front of people!

“I’ll take them there first, and you can do it yourself.” Zhang Yu said hello to Dean Avatar, and then opened the passage to the Fairy Sword World. It was that huge black vortex, the center of vortex was black and the sight was blurred Even the light was predator, mysterious and dangerous.

“Let’s go.”

Zhang Yu said something lightly, and then he took the lead and stepped into the passage.

Avarar and the others look at each other and flew into the channel. When they reached the center of the channel, an irresistible suction force pulled them into the channel, and then in the channel The other end spit out, and after all the super Divine Beast Avatars entered the channel, the dark and twisted vortex gradually shrank and eventually disappeared.

Immortal Sword World, ten thousand zhang Nether.

The Capricorn Curiously sensed this piece of Heaven and Earth: “Is this the Fairy Sword World?”

“It’s weird. It seems that Heaven and Earth Law is deliberately suppressing our power.” Swallowing Heaven Beast frowned, “In this World, our battle strength is probably not even 1%.” /p>

Of course, they are different from ordinary people. As Zhang Yu’s Avatar, they can mobilize the world ’s laws and exert the power of destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth even without the slightest Cultivation Base.

But if they do n’t use special permissions, they can exert their battle strength only by their own Cultivation Base, it is extremely limited!

“Let ’s go and see the teachers and students of the Monster Race department first.” Zhang Yu indifferently said: “Remember, do n’t expose your true identity …”

The Greedy Wolf Dog asked: “What is your identity?”

Zhang Yu glanced at the Divine Beast Avatar, calmly said: “Avatar! As long as you don’t reveal Avatar’s identity! As for your identity, even if Bai Jie and Chen Gu see it, it doesn’t matter And, I haven’t thought that you can hide Bai Jie … “Bai Jie has a Cultivation Base from Transcendent Upper Realm and has known Super Divine Beast such as the greedy wolf dog for many years. They are very familiar with each other. Even if they want to hide, I am afraid Can’t hide, “If she asked, you said directly that you were resurrected by me and lost your memories.”

“Amnesia?” Many super Divine Beast Avatars have weird expressions.

Zhang Yu nodded: “Yes, you can pretend that you have amnesia!”

On the way, Zhang Yu and Super Divine Beast Avatar agreed some details, and after a while, they caught up with the Monster Race teachers and students.

“Dean!” The teachers and students of Monster Race immediately respected saluted as soon as they saw Zhang Yu.

Chen Gu Yu Guang swept over the greedy wolf god dog and the others, and his expression couldn’t help but condense, these guys, so strong!

Each of their breaths makes Chen Gu feel a bit of oppression, like a huge mountain. This is because of their convergent breath. If they are allowed to release their breath, I am afraid it will be enough to suffocate!

The most terrifying thing is that their breath contains a terrifying coercion, just like the will of Heaven and Earth!

That’s the unique power of Super Divine Beast!

“Super Divine Beast?” Chen Gu swallowed, his arms trembling, “Sixteen Super Divine Beast!”

Oh my god, how many Super Divine Beasts have appeared since the birth of Wilderness World?

Now he saw sixteen Super Divine Beasts at once!

If these Super Divine Beast ’s Cultivation Bases are very low, it ’s not a big deal. The problem is that these Super Divine Beast ’s Cultivation Bases ca n’t even see through them. It seems that each one is far more arbitrary than him. It is very similar to what Bai Jie gave him!

Sixteen Transcendent Upper Realm’s Super Divine Beasts?

What a terrifying power!

Bai Jie is complexion greatly changed, looking at the wolf god dog and the others incredibly: “It’s you!”

She seemed to see something incredible. Nana said: “How is that possible! Didn’t you die long ago? How, why …”

Chen Gu frowned, set his sights on Bai Jie, secretly sound transmission: “Senior know them?”

Bearing Chen Gu ’s words, Bai Jie realized her lost self-control and calmed down slowly. She looked at the greedy wolf dog and the others carefully and said to Chen Gu sound transmission: “If I If they didn’t admit it, they were 100,000 years ago, the super-Divine Beast, such as the greedy wolf dog, Swallowing Heaven Beast, and so on! ”Her voice was trembling,“ But … they are not Did you die a few 100,000 years ago? How could it … “

Chen Gu’s eyes and pupils shrink, some incredibly looked towards towards the greedy wolf dog and the others.

“Look at your reaction, do you seem to know us?” The greedy wolf dog looks like a movie emperor, first glanced at Bai Jie blankly, then wondered: “Can you tell us who we are? “

Bai Jie startedled. She first glanced at Zhang Yu and saw that Zhang Yu had no response, and then asked: “You guys … don’t know me?”

The greedy wolf dog shook his head and said, “I don’t know.”

His face was calm and his expression couldn’t be more true, because what he said was true, he did not know Bai Jie.

The rest of the Super Divine Beast Avatar also set their sights on Bai Jie.

Bai Jie didn’t dare to say anything. She cautiously glanced at Zhang Yu and said, “Dean, what’s going on here?”

“As you can see.” Zhang Yu calmly said: “They are the super Divine Beasts in your memory.”

“But didn’t they die long ago?” Bai Jie held her breath.

She seems to guess something, but she can’t believe her guess.

The Divine Beast, such as the greedy wolf dog, was even threatened by the Predator at the beginning, and there was no chance of reincarnation. In this case, even the True God Realm powerhouse and even the Legendary heroes are helpless. They were rescued, but they just happened to stand in front of themselves alive, Shape Transformation human appearance and breath are exactly the same, without the slightest difference, it can never be camouflaged by others.

Sun, I ca n’t watch it again! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().

Don’t wait for Bai Jie to speak out, he went on to say: “I tried to resurrect True God Realm powerhouse, but later found that the cost was too great, so I chose to give up.”

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