
Chapter 835 Single?

Although it is unbelievable, now the greedy wolf dog and the others are standing in front of Bai Jie, she has to believe.

“Dean’s method is unpredictable, I’m afraid he is better than Legendary hero!” Bai Jie’s heart became even more awe-inspiring to Zhang Yu.

At this time, Chen Gu bitterly said with a smile: “No wonder the natural phenomenon appeared in the beginning, and a group of Super Divine Beasts were born, but Dean didn’t respond. It turned out … they were Dean resurrected! Dean, you can hide We are so hard! “

Well, one less! I like to ask everyone to collect: () Zhai Shuyuan is the fastest to update.

Zhang Yu faintly smiled and didn’t explain.

“I have invited them to join the Sky Academy. In the future, they will belong to the Sky Academy Monster Race Department. The position will be temporarily assigned to the Monster Race Department Tutor. The treatment is the same as that of a regular formal Tutor. Jurisdiction. As for Monster Race’s original Evading Revolving Realm Great Demon Tutor … ”Zhang Yu glanced at a group of Evading Revolving Realm Great Demon next to Chen Gu, seeing that they looked at themselves nervously, groaned a little, and said,“ Temporarily descend For teaching assistants, enjoy the same treatment as a formal tutor. When will you break through to the Transcendent Realm and when will you become a formal tutor? “

Fuck, it’s one more missing! Zhai Shu Yuan, the latest chapter updated soon!

“How about I arrange it like this, do you have any opinions?” Zhang Yu looked around and looked at Chen Gu, Bai Jie, and a few Evading Revolving Realm Great Demon Tutor. No, I should call them Evading now Revolving Great Demon Assistant.

Everybody respectfully said: “Dean is wise!”

In fact, a group of Evading Revolving Realm Great Demon Tutor has long felt great pressure. With the development and growth of Sky Academy, more and more Transcendent Realm powerhouses have been born. The pressure of the establishment of Shrouding the Heavens World Branch and Dou Po World Branch made them feel ashamed, because in the Dou Po World Branch, Xiao Xuan, Gu Yuan and other Transcendent Realm powerhouses were just students. And these Evading Revolving realms of Great Demon, but enjoy the treatment of Tutor …

Germany is not worthy!

Sun, I ca n’t watch it again! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().

For many Monster Race students, this is a huge surprise!

I saw all the students in the Monster Race department, all excitedly and gazing at the greedy wolf dog and the others, their hearts were shaking: “God, Divine Beast Tutor, and a group!”

If it’s just the ordinary Super Divine Beast, that’s all, but many Monster Race students, through the dialogue just now by Bai Jie, Zhang Yu and the others, have already guessed the identity of the greedy wolf dog and the others, then But the Super Divine Beast, which had been standing on the top of the Wild World for several thousand years ago, was a hero who had fought a war!

What kind of happiness would it be to listen to such a group of Super Divine Beast Tutor lectures?

“Chen Chen, I have given them to you. If you are familiar with each other, I will leave first.” Zhang Yu explained to Chen Gu and left indifferently, as if he did not care about a group of Super Divine Beasts .

In the sight of everyone, Zhang Yu silhouette is like ripples in space, slowly dissipating.

Chen Gu slowly retracted his gaze, turned his head and looked towards the Greedy Wolf Dog and the others, with a bright smile on his face: “Welcome, welcome to Senior!” For him, Greedy Wolf Dog and the others No doubt Senior, the most important thing is that this group of Seniors has not threatened his status for the time being, so he is also very willing to give them sufficient respect. In contrast, his attitude towards Bai Jie is slightly worse.

The greedy wolf dog and the others glanced at each other, and then arched their hands together: “Faculty!”

Bai Jie sighed a little: “It ’s been a few thousand years, and we can’t think of it, we still have a day to meet again … Unfortunately, you don’t know me anymore!” , Everything she ever remembered.

“It doesn’t matter.” The greedy wolf god dog slightly said with a smile: “Although we have forgotten what we used to do, but when we see you, we have a familiar feeling. I believe that in the future, we will Become friends again! “

“Friend?” Bai Jie’s eyes were strange.

Super Divine Beast, such as the greedy wolf dog and Heavenly Beast, is indeed her comrade in arms, and she does miss them, but this does not mean how good their relationship is. On the contrary, there are actually many between them. Contradictions, although not deadly enemies, are definitely not harmonious, but they are always consistent in their response.

Now hearing the Greedy Wolf Dog said that they would become friends in the future, Bai Jie naturally felt a little incredible.

She never expected, this was actually spoken from someone who was once hostile to each other!

“Why, what’s the problem?” The greedy wolf dog noticed that Bai Jie’s expression was a little strange and couldn’t help asking.

Bai Jie shook his head, thinking of the various contradictions in the past, in fact, the contradictions between race and interests, but now they are all Sky Academy people, and it is a relationship between superiors and subordinates. Once the contradiction, naturally not Re-existence, not to mention, they are all dead once, how can Bai Jie care about them in the past?

Thinking of this, she couldn’t help but smile: “No problem, I’m also looking forward to the future, we can become friends.”

Although the greedy wolf dog and the others lost their memory, after all, it was those people in her memory. With them, Bai Jie finally felt that she was no longer so lonely.

“Speaking back, how many thousand thousand years have you fallen, and now you are resurrected, and you don’t know how strong you are compared to that year?” Bai Jie asked curiously, “You know, for these thousand thousand thousand years, I haven’t been slack. Base, I have reached the top of the Transcendent Upper Realm. On the Illusion Technique, not many people can surpass me in the whole fairy realm. How about it, dare to discuss with me? “

She has some itchy hands and has just unblocked Cultivation Base and Divine Soul. She desperately needs a suitable opponent to vent her depression during Seal.

“I don’t know how strong we were then, but we only have the Cultivation Base of the Transcendent lower realm.” The greedy wolf dog said honestly: “But … if it is against the enemy, the general Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouse, I ca n’t help but think of it.

“Only the Cultivation Base of the Transcendent lower realm?” Bai Jie was a little disappointed, the fighting intent dissipated instantly, and said lazily: “If you only have the Cultivation Base of the Transcendent lower realm, I’m afraid you are not the opponent of the Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouse. Even if you are It ’s Super Divine Beast. Even if you have a wealth of combat experience, you can even perform extremely terrifying Innate Ability, it will be difficult to bridge the gap between you and the Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouse. “

Transcendent lower realm, Transcendent Middle Realm, Transcendent Upper Realm, each level is like a gap that cannot be bridged.

Even the weakest Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouse can defeat a group of more powerful Transcendent Middle Realm powerhouse, and it is easy to kill Transcendent lower realm powerhouse! Unless … this Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouse is the person who refining Divine Spark, even if such a person has the Culture Base of Transcendent Upper Realm, the battle strength is very limited. If you encounter a group of Transcendent Middle Realm powerhouse, you can only choose to run Road, otherwise it will end with only one word-death!

The Greedy Wolf Dog shook his head and said, “I mean, it’s hard to do nothing for us if we are alone in the Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouse!”

When Bai Jie heard it, her eyes were round and round, and then she couldn’t help laughing, as if she heard an extremely absurd joke.

“You joke, maybe, maybe …” Bai Jie smiled and shivered, “No, it’s so funny, let me laugh for a while.”

“Why, you don’t believe it?” The greedy wolf dog raised his eyebrows and looked very serious.

Bai Jie stopped laughing, slowly calmed down, looked at the greedy wolf god dog, and swallowed the Heavenly Beast, Devil and the others serious and serious expressions, could not help frowned, said: “Are you serious? “

“Of course.” The greedy wolf dog said solemnly.

Bai Jie looks at the rest of the Super Divine Beast: “Do you think so?”

Divine Beast looked at each other and then nodded: “Yes!”

Chen Gu, Bai Ling, Red Dragon King, Green Wing Eagle King, and many other Monster Race teachers and students couldn’t help but look at each other in blank dismay, and wanted to interrupt, but they didn’t have the courage. Intervene in the matter between Bai Jie and the greedy wolf dog and the others, lest I say a word wrong, be invited by Bai Jie or the greedy wolf dog and the others to discuss and be fat.

They just watched so quietly, their eyes and their noses, their hearts, their minds were nothing.

“Hehe, interesting.” Bai Jie raised her lips slightly, and an intriguing smile appeared on her pretty face. “Unexpectedly, you have all died once, but you still refuse to lose … Transcendent lower realm , But threatened to fight Transcendent Upper Realm, you seem more arrogant than before! “

The greedy wolf dog and the others are not angry, still smiling: “Is it?”

Bai Jie watched the greedy wolf dog and the others slowly, “It seems that only if I personally fight with you, can you make yourself aware of the reality! Originally, the Cultivation Base of your Transcendent lower realm , I have no interest in doing it, but now it seems that I must get a hand, otherwise, you don’t know how arrogant … ”

“Fight a fight?” The greedy wolf dog frowned, then shook his head: “Let’s forget it.”

“What, scared?”

“It’s not that you’re scared, but that you’re hurting yourself. It would be unfair to you to discuss at this time.”

Bai Jie is a little surprised: “How do you know I was injured and injury has not recovered?”

Sun, I ca n’t watch it again! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().

Her eyes are full of self-confidence, pointing to the mountains, ten thousand zhang, and Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouse.

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