
Chapter 836 Inner Concubine

“Is this the style of Super Divine Beast Illusion Domain Divine Fox?” Everyone looked towards Bai Jie’s eyes, full of worship.

At this moment, she is like Goddess, holy and honorable, and her words contain infinite confidence and domineering.

Chen Gu, Bai Ling, Red Dragon King and the others are also looking at Bai Jie, with envy in their eyes and expectations.

The greedy wolf dog and the others have only recently been caught by Dean’s avatar and have nowhere to vent, but now stimulated by Bai Jie’s words, the fire in his heart can no longer be restrained.

“hmph! Fearless!” The greedy wolf dog coldly snorted, with a colder expression, “I don’t need to join hands, just me alone is enough to clean up you!”

Not to mention that he is the clone of Zhang Yu. He has the authority to transfer this World Heaven and Earth Law. Even with his own Cultivation Base, he has no fear of Bai Jie.

The corner of Bai Jie’s mouth raised slightly: “Who is ignorant in the end?

“Since you are so eager to fight with us, well, I can meet your requirements.” The greedy wolf dog calmed down, indifferently said: “I only hope that after the fight, you do not regret it.”

Bai Jie’s eyes are full of self-confidence: “I Illusion Domain Divine Fox, I have never regretted in this life, if you can make me regret, that is your ability!”

The greedy wolf god dog extends the hand, differently said: “Please!”

“Slow.” Bai Jie suddenly shouted.

“Why, back now?”

“No, I just think it’s just you, I’m afraid it’s not enough.” Bai Jie said indifferently.

The greedy wolf dog laughed: “On the contrary, it’s more than enough to clean you up by me.”

Bai Jie’s eyes narrowed slightly: “Are you sure?”

“I’m sure.”

“Don’t regret it?”

“Don’t regret it!”

“Okay, I will fulfill your wish.” Bai Jie looked relaxed, and did not put the greedy wolf dog in his eyes. “The same words are given to you. I hope you wo n鈥檛 regret after playing.”

“It is worthy of being the ancestor of the fox. I don’t think it’s better than sharp-tongued.” The greedy wolf dog gave Bai Jie a glance, “Since so, then you can see the real chapter under your hand!”

Everyone looked at them, looking nervous and looking forward.

Although most people do n鈥檛 know the identity of the greedy wolf dog, they know that the other party must be one of the Super Divine Beasts in the history of Wild World, and Bai Jie is also a Super Divine Beast Illusion Domain Divine Fox. The Super Divine Beast showdown is naturally striking.

Just as the two were about to make a shot, Mo Suju suddenly shouted, “Wait a minute.”

The greedy wolf god dog and Bai Jie Qi Qi set their sights in the past.

“The greedy wolf god dog, I think it’s more suitable for me in this battle,” said Mo Yanju, smiling.

Bai Jie was surprised: “If I remember correctly, should you be a magical horse? Do you think you can challenge me?” For several thousand years, she still remembers the group who died in the war that year. Super Divine Beast looks and names.

The magical horse asked, “why cannot?”

The greedy wolf dog is frowned, saying: “Okay, demon foal, don’t make a fool of yourself.”

“I didn’t make a fool of myself,” said Mochiku twisted his lips. “Everyone has similar identities, and their strengths are comparable. Why should you go?”

Crown wolf dog frowns saying: “You want to fight, there will be opportunities in the future.”

Magic horse shook his head: “Now is now, later is later. I want to fight now, I may not want to fight again in the future.”

“You …”

“The greedy wolf god dog.” At this time, swallowing Heavenly Beast interjected: “I think the words of the magical horse are reasonable. Don’t just care about yourself, but ignore our existence.”

The greedy wolf god dog startedled, and unexpectedly swallowed Heavenly Beast and mixed in.

However, he did n鈥檛 expect that after he swallowed Heavenly Beast, the rest of the Super Divine Beast also spoke out against it.

“We are all about the same strength, who are not all the same? Why do you have to play?”

“Yes, we can be considered to know each other. Everyone has a few pounds or two. Who doesn’t know? If I say, everyone should compete fairly, so the winner can get a chance to play!”

The conversation between a group of super Divine Beasts has made everyone gradually understand their identity.

Chen Gu couldn’t help but swallow a spit, and his eyes were rounded: “greedy wolf dog? Swallow Heavenly Beast?”

He has the Bloodline of the Greedy Wolf Dog and Heavenly Beast, and has evolved to form a new type of Super Divine Beast Bloodline. Therefore, whether it is the Greedy Wolf Dog or Heavenly Beast , Can be called his Old Ancestor. This will not change in any way because of his Bloodline mutation and evolution.

“That is to say, these two Seniors are my Old Ancestor?” Chen Gu’s mouth twitched slightly.

He only knows that this group of people is Super Divine Beast, but didn’t expect, which includes his two Old Ancestor.

Inwardly grumbled in his mind: “Why did Dean recruit these two Old Ancestor into Sky Academy?”

Under the same roof in the future, I ca n鈥檛 see my head down, but I do n鈥檛 know how many generations of him, how should I call these two Old Ancestor? How should we treat them?

Do you call it Old Ancestor, and call me the dean?

It’s too nonsense!

The rest of the teachers and students are almost numb and shocked. None of these super Divine Beast Tutors has a lower status than Bai Jie. Many of them are even older than Bai Jie. Super Divine Beast like thunder piercing the ear can be said to be truly super old eccentric.

The Greedy Wolf Dog, Heavenly Beast, Devouring Foal, Golden Peng Vulture, Roaring Moon Heavenly Wolf, golden eyes Iron Armor, Flame Giant …

Each Super Divine Beast has once led an era of Wilderness World, Tyrant Absolute in the Whole World. In the era they live in, the only one that can rival them is the contemporary Dragon Race patriarch, until After they left Wilderness World, they gradually met their opponents who could match them.

“Golden Peng Vulture!” Green Wing Eagle King stared at the Golden Peng vulture with eyes glowing, “It is actually the Old Ancestor of our Vulture family!”

Golden Peng, can be described as the common ancestor of the Peng and the Diao, regardless of whether it is the Peng or the Diao, they are regarded as proud, and even there have been disputes and even wars for the ancestor’s ownership. !!

However, after countless years of development, the Diao tribe has gradually declined, while the Peng tribe is still strong, and the undaughter has become a vassal of the Peng tribe.

At the same time, the Monster Beasts of the Monster Beast races, including the Wolf Race, Ape Race, and Stoneman race, are looking at their respective Old Ancestor with excitement, with pride and pride in their eyes, even some gradually declining. The Monster Beast race, when they saw Old Ancestor, who once ruled the world, couldn’t help but straighten the waist, excited and excited.

Today, there are three Imperial Family of Monster Race, namely Peng, Stone Race, and insect race. Among them, Peng is the descendant of Golden Peng, and Stone Race is the descendant of Flame Giant. Only the insect race was developed later. , Super Divine Beast has not been born in family history.

Originally, the Peng tribe, Stone Race, and insect race are juxtaposed, divided by the Monster Race land, and dominated the monsters, but now the Peng tribe and Stone Race have appeared Super Divine Beast Old Ancestor, and the situation of the insect race has become awkward. Rise, the students of the insect race of the Monster Race department all have a kind of ambition on their backs, for fear of the race that has been bullied by the insert race, relying on the super Divine Beast Old Ancestor to come to their trouble.

“It seems that the format of the Monster Race is about to be rewritten!” Everyone in the Monster Race thought: “Originally the three Imperial Family, now I am afraid to become sixteen … No, the Seventeenth National Imperial Family! “

The 16 newly added Divine Beasts, plus the Illusion Domain Divine Fox Bai Jie who joined recently, are the 17 Super Divine Beasts!

Seventeen Super Divine Beasts come from different races, and each Super Divine Beast means the rise of a Monster Beast race! Even if these races are already declining, or even endangered, no one dares to doubt, under the leadership of Super Divine Beast, these races will also go to unprecedented glory!

“The Seventeenth National Congress of the Imperial Family … the seventeen Super Divine Beasts are all at the same time!” everyone said secretly, “Our Monster Race has never been so glorious since ancient times! Such a grand event is unprecedented!” Greed The advent of wolf dogs and the others has brought Monster Race to unprecedented glory, and at the same time has allowed Monster Race to reach unprecedented levels of competition.

Bai Ling looked at Bai Jie with anxiety: “Old Ancestor is too strong.”

Although she has great confidence in Bai Jie, this does not mean that Bai Jie will definitely win. If Bai Jie fails, then Fox Race will probably be affected as a result. Originally due to Bai Jie’s return The re-emerging Fox Race may also be hit hard …

This battle seems to be a matter of discussion. In fact, many intangible factors are involved.

Monster Race teachers and students held their breaths, nervous and expecting.

“Don’t talk nonsense, let’s play one of the sixteen first!” The flame giant’s temper is very hot. “We are competing for the final winner to qualify for the battle with Illusion Domain Divine Fox!”

Cold wolf god dog coldly snorted: “Hit, fight, afraid of you?”

The flame giant was in the middle of his arms and said, “Come on now! I have long wanted to fight with you, and compete for the high and low, if not the deity … In short, no one is binding us now, you can let go It’s here! “

while speaking, both the greedy wolf dog and the fire giant fly to the sky.

“What about me?” Mo Zhuju watched the two men flying to the sky and couldn’t help it. He was the first to raise an objection, but didn’t want to lag behind the flame giant.

Heavenly Beast swallowed, “I’ll fight with you!”

Then, the magical foal and Heavenly Beast also flew into the sky.

In the next few breaths, Golden Peng, Roaring Moon Heavenly Wolf, golden eyes, and the others all chose their opponents, ignored the sluggish Bai Jie, and flew towards the ten thousand zhang void. .

In an instant, the sixteen Super Divine Beasts flew away, leaving only a group of teachers and students in the Monster Race department at each other in blank dismay.

“What … what happened?” Bai Jie was stunned, scratching his head, “Don’t you say you want to fight me? People?”

Her challenged object was even hung out and completely ignored?

Chen Gu and the others also twitched slightly at the corners of their mouths. No one could have imagined that a group of Super Divine Beast’s tempers were so hot that without Dean’s restraint, they said they would do it.

Bai Jie’s brows frowned deeply. She glanced over the top of her head, her eyes seemed to see through the layers of white clouds, and saw a group of silhouettes of Super Divine Beast. She murmured, and the silhouette turned into a stream of light. Flying straight to the sky, my mouth was cold: “Each and everyone treats me as a soft persimmon, but I want to see, how much ability do you have …”

Chen Gu groaned a little, then took Bai Ling and other Evading Revolving realms to the Great Demon to quickly follow, and the rest were arranged by him to stay where they were waiting for them to return.

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