
Chapter 837 Super Divine Beast Showdown

Immortal Sword World, ten thousand zhang Nether.

The sixteen Super Divine Beasts are all human figures, standing in the void, and each body exudes a faint white light, like a sacred fairy, sacred and noble.

They calmed down, staring at each other quietly, their eyes fixed, under the slightly undulating chest, there was a violent fighting intent hidden.

Bai Jie, Chen Gu, Bai Ling, and many Evading Revolving assistants are looking at them from afar.

Red Dragon King, Green Wing Eagle King, and many other Monster Race students are also very curious about this battle, but they did not get the magical encounter like Bai Ling. The Cultivation Base is not as fast as Bai Ling. To date, most of them are still hovering in Spirit Revolving Realm. Only a few Monster Beasts, such as Red Dragon King and Green Wing Eagle King, have reached the Parting Revolving environment. This is the result of their Cultivation Base rising sharply in a few months after they learned Extreme Martial Arts. Otherwise, even Red Dragon King and Green Wing Eagle King, I am afraid that they are still struggling with Spirit Revolving Realm.

Without reaching the Evading Revolving realm, it will be difficult for them to withstand the power of the Transcendent Realm powerhouse, which was released during full-fighting battles, or even their coercion.

Even the Evading Revolving environment is not 100% safe. If you don’t pay attention, you may be injured.

“Wang.” An Evading Revolving assistant could not help but ask curiously: “Do you think they are bluffing, or are they really so powerful?”

These assistants were all introduced by Chen Gu to Sky Academy. They are regarded as the subordinates of Chen Gu and are very loyal to Chen Gu.

Chen Gu frowned, glanced at Bai Jie secretly, and then said, “Did you say that? I am no longer a Demon King, I will call me the dean!”

Before Bai Jie’s return, before a group of Super Divine Beasts was born, he might still be able to call himself Demon King, but now he is no longer worthy of Demon King, whether it is Bai Jie or the greedy wolf dog and the others, are more qualified than him for the title of Demon King.

paused, Chen Gu shook his head again and said, “As for the strength of the Super Divine Beast Senior, will you know it after a while?”

He has practiced Extreme Martial Arts, and his understanding of the rules is no less than that of the Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouse, so its battle strength is much stronger than the ordinary Transcendent lower realm powerhouse. Divine Soul is also extremely powerful, but even so, he still Can’t see through the Cultivation Base of the Greedy Wolf Dog and the others, but can only feel that they are within the body hiding a terrifying power. Therefore, he is more inclined to the Greedy Wolf Dog and the others. terrifying strength, not talking big.

It’s just that he didn’t say all the speculations in his heart, so as not to cause Bai Jie’s dissatisfaction.

“hmph, dressed up as God, playing the devil.” Bai Jie looked at the group of Super Divine Beast disdainfully, and murmured in his mouth.

During a few conversations, a group of Super Divine Beasts have adjusted their status to Peak.

next moment, the rays of light on them are magnificent, like sixteen dazzling sun hanging in the void.

They are wearing robes, and their temperament is more and more sacred, noble, and indistinct. They are not like Super Race Divine Beast at all, but they are like True Immortal.

one after another huge storm, centered on them, began to sweep away.

In the center of the storm, their robes are fluttering, and their skin is as brilliant as jade, exuding a faint white glow, just like Immortal God is coming!

“This breath …” Bai Jie raised an eyebrow, “Not much weaker than me …”

Cultivation Base of Transcendent lower realm can release such a powerful breath, it is not easy!

Bai Jie’s expression was slightly dignified: “It seems that I really look down on them!”

However, she still insists stubbornly that the greedy wolf dog and the others are by no means her opponents. Maybe, they can barely be able to compete with themselves by joining forces.

At this time, countless people on the ground below, as well as some martial arts people and monks, also noticed the strangeness of the sky.

“What is that?” Countless people lifts the head, one hundred kilometers in radius, and tens of thousands of people are looking at the sky in disbelief.

Cultivation Base is not low, and people with flying ability fly to the sky immediately, hoping to find out the situation, but when they reach the limit, within the body Inner Strength or mana succession, they still find that That one after another is a natural phenomenon like the sun’s dazzling, still far away from them, as if they have been flying for a lifetime, they can’t approach the general.

Soon, the breath of the greedy wolf dog and the others radiates here.

Everyone seemed to feel the anger of the heavens, and was deterred by the coercion contained in that breath, inexplicably panicked.

At this moment, within a hundred kilometers of the circle, everyone was scared coldly and worshipped sincerely.

The Demon ghost hidden in the mountains is also shiver coldly at this moment. They are under the influence of coercion and are more than ten times stronger than humans. Some normally think that the Cultivation Base is extremely high. The Demon on earth, at this moment, felt the coercion of one after another terrifying, but actually felt like a tiny ant and had no resistance. The coercion from Bloodline made them dare not move.

For a time, the sixteen suns in the sky became the focus of all humans and demons!

Some people think it ’s God ’s wrath. It ’s going to bring disaster. Some people think it ’s a strange natural phenomenon. But no one thinks it ’s artificial …

“ao wu ……”

Suddenly, a howling sound came from the sky, ringing through Heaven and Earth.

Next, a sun seems to be getting bigger. The terrifying pressure is also greatly increased in just a short breath.

The opposite sun, and the other sun, also made a wild beast roar sound, releasing a dazzling flare, turning the surrounding Heaven and Earth red, and the temperature of the sky increased sharply, even At the distance of ten thousand zhang, the earth is also affected, the temperature has increased sharply, and some dry places have directly ignited open flames.

“hong long long!”

The people below and Demon have n’t responded yet, the two suns collided instantly, releasing terrifying energy, and the space was undulating with naked eye ripples, forming a wave that swept hundreds of kilometers. Super storm, even if this storm spreads continuously and weakens, and finally reaches the ground, gusts still form, small trees are blown off and blown down directly, big trees are also shaken violently, and some houses are in disrepair. It also collapsed after shaking for a while.

Facing such a natural disaster, everyone is complexion pale, with no blood on his face.

ten thousand zhang Nether.

Looking at the greedy wolf dog and the fire giant who engaged in fierce fighting in an instant, Bai Jie’s indifferent expression finally changed.

She looked at them with a shock: “How is that possible!”

They clearly have only the Cultivation Base of the Transcendent lower realm. Why can they exert such strength when they are suppressed by the World Law? You know, her Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouse, in this side of the World, can play out, but that’s it!

Are they not at all suppressed by the laws of the world? Or rather, the repression?

Bai Jie is not calm.

Chen Gu shrinks his eyes and pupils: “Sure enough, I guessed well! Their strength, simply is not weaker than Illusion Domain Divine Fox!” He was shocked, but not surprised at all.

“Really strong!” Bai Ling and Evading Revolving assistants, all widened their eyes, staring at the greedy wolf dog and the flame giant.

At that moment, the explosive strength and speed of the two were extremely terrifying. Even if they were weakened ten or hundred times by this World, they were still very shocking. They even suspected that even if their The strength is not suppressed, nor can it defeat this group of super Divine Beasts whose strength has been suppressed.

The gap is too big!

“The Senior Wolf Dog Senior and the Giant Fire Senior are so powerful, so the other Seniors … aren’t they terrifying too?” Bai Ling couldn’t help but spit, looking towards Bai Jie’s eyes, a few more Points of concern.

Bai Jie, will they really be their opponents?

Even in the heyday of Bai Jie, dare not say that they can beat them 100%?

Now, Bai Jie’s inventory has not recovered, I’m afraid they are not necessarily their opponents!

Chen Gu also sweated Bai Jie’s sweat. Fortunately, now they are fighting the greedy wolf dog and the flame giant. Bai Jie accidentally escaped, otherwise Baijie might be unlucky.

After the greedy wolf dog and the fire giant battled, the remaining Super Divine Beasts were also unwilling to fall behind. They immediately engaged in a fierce battle. They all knew the basics. Therefore, when they came up, they used their own stunts without any reservation. Such a fierce battle, whoever dares to have reservations, will be eliminated first!

“hong long long!”

in the sky The sixteen suns seem to have life. They collide violently, sometimes entangled and separated, and each collision will release the incomparable energy of rays of light and terrifying. The storm, and the roar of lightning strikes from time to time, shook the earth hundreds of kilometers away.

Monster Race Teachers and students look at the natural phenomenon of the sky, and naturally think of the confrontation between the Super Divine Beast Tutors. Each and everyone’s eyes are glowing: “Earth, even the ancient Super Divine Beast, too. Strong! “

The thought of this group of Super Divine Beasts has their Old Ancestor, and will guide them to practice in the future, their hearts will be extremely hot.

At the same time.

In the distant top of Shu Mountain, in the Great Hall of the Shushan Sword Sect, the sword master Yin Ruozhuo opened his eyes suddenly and stared at the direction of the southwest. There was a shock in the calm and composed eyes: “This is … … Has the breath of Daoist! “He said in his early years, possesses great magical power, which is no different from Immortal God. There are few things in the world that can be concealed from him, and the terrifying breath that passed by just now was captured by him instantly. Arrived.

“Sixteen!” Jian Ruo Yin Ruozhuo is unbelievable, “When did so many Daoists have been born in this world?”

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