
Chapter 843 Parting

Looking at Zhang Yu with a smile, Li Xiaoyao’s eyes shined: “Senior, you promised?”

“Agree?” Zhang Yu indifferent expression, fadedly smiled, “I will assign you a task. If you complete it, I will accept you as a honorary disciple, pass your ability!”

Li Xiaoyao was anxious, and said, “Senior, you didn’t say that just now! You just said, as long as you give a reason for satisfaction, you will teach me ability!”

He was afraid Zhang Yu would assign him an impossible task.

“But I’m not satisfied.” Zhang Yu narrowed his smile and stared at Li Xiaoyao lightly.

“Don’t you say you like it?”

“Like, doesn’t mean satisfaction.”

“This …” Li Xiaoyao had nothing to say.

But he was really reluctant to give up such a good opportunity, he could not help but grit his teeth, and asked, “Dare to ask Senior, what task do you plan to arrange for me?”

If the task is hoped to be completed, he will not give up, but if the task is too difficult, it will not be completed with his ability.

Zhang Yu said with a smile: “It’s very simple. You only need to go to Shushan by yourself. The moment you ascend Shushan, even if you complete the task.”

Li Xiaoyao is unbelievable: “That’s it? No other requirements?”

“Yes, it’s that simple.” Zhang Yu Wei said with a smile: “You’re just an ordinary person who gives you tasks that are too difficult. You can’t complete them, and I won’t embarrass you naturally. How about this Task, do you do it or not? “

“Let me think.” Li Xiaoyao hesitated, he thought of his own puppet.

If he is gone, take care of Inn alone, who will take care of it?

Although he fights like a foe normally, he cares about him and regards him as a close homage.

“Smelly Brat, don’t agree with this Senior yet!” At this moment, Li Yaner, who was hiding under the account, stood up and urged.

Li Xiaoyao said, “But if I go, what do you do?”

Li Yier is very pleased. She is very touched by Li Xiaoyao’s filial piety, but she says, “Smelly Brat, do you really think of you as an ordinary person? Truth tells you, you are not an ordinary person! Back then … “

“cough cough.” Seeing Li Yaner’s long story, Zhang Yu couldn’t help lightly coughed, reminding her.

“In short, your uncle has also traveled north and south, and has trained a good martial art, no one needs to take care of it.” Xia Ming, now that you have this opportunity and you have been favored by Senior, you should cherish it and revive the glory of Li Family! ”

Li Xiaoyao said strangely, “I am father?”

“Wait a minute first.” The next sentence from Li Yier, immediately ding dong 咚 ran upstairs.

After a while, she walked down holding a long box, then gently placed the long box on the table, and said, “This is what you father left to you, you open it.”

Zhang Yu applauded: “Okay! Have ambition!”

This is where Zhang Yu admires Li Xiaoyao. The chivalry and kindness of in the bones cannot be destroyed by anything.

“Well, please forgive Xiaoyao for not being able to accompany you, because Xiaoyao must complete the tasks assigned by Senior and must learn ability!” Li Xiaoyao turned around, moved towards Li Yaner kneeling, and struck three loudly, Eyes are lightly red, “In the coming days, I hope you take care of your body!”

After speaking, he stood up, wrapped the sword box with a long cloth, and carried it on his back.

Looking at Zhang Yu, Li Xiaoyao solemnly said: “Senior, good-bye in Shushan!”

The voice fell, and Li Xiaoyao walked directly to the Inn gate.

“Wait.” Li Yaner suddenly shouted: “Happy, trip to Shushan, thousands of mountains and rivers, bring the winding around, don’t suffer yourself.”

while speaking, she walked quickly to the account, and found a bag in a wooden cabinet below the account. The heavy bag was obviously loaded with a lot of things, but she lifted it without any effort. , And then handed it to Li Xiaoyao: “Remember, when you go out, you do n’t lose your wealth, otherwise, you will be remembered by the thief and your life will not be guaranteed! Your father and mother are robbers, but this does not mean that all bandits in the world are like this … /p>

“This …” Li Xiaoyao froze, but he knew very well that the bag contained the savings of Li Huan’s life, but now he gave them all to himself.

“Hold on, mother-in-law, mother!” Li Aoer shoved her baggage directly into Li Xiaoyao’s hands, then took two steps, turned around, and turned her back on Li Xiaoyao, “Smelly Brat, hurry and get away, without you This is annoying, I don’t know how comfortable it is in the future! “It was just her voice, with a choke on the corners of her eyes, and tears of crystals, slowly falling down.

Li Xiaoyao stared back at Li Yan’er’s back. For a long time, he turned and walked out the door.

After Li Xiaoyao’s footsteps disappeared, Li Yaner slowly turned around, but his face was already covered with tears.

“Child, you must be careful!” he said softly in his mouth, and Li Yaner couldn’t cry.

After a long time, Li Yaner slowly calmed down his emotions. Yu Guang saw Zhang Yu and Wine Sword Immortal, hurriedly wiped away his tears, and embarrassedly said, “Sorry, let the two seniors watch the joke.”

“Li Family is a temperament person, and value emotion, value friendship, we admire too late, how can a joke?” Zhang Yu haha ​​smiled, “However, you do not have to worry about Li Xiaoyao, since I have the intention to accept him For the honorary disciple, naturally he will not ignore it. “He had already secretly entered a dive sense in Li Xiaoyao within the body, and once Li Xiaoyao was in danger, the divine sense would naturally activate.

A short while later, Zhang Yu and Wine Sword Immortal said goodbye to Li Yan and walked out of Inn.

To prevent Moon Devoted Church from coming back for revenge, Zhang Yu also broke into a sense of divinity within the body of Li Aoer, so that he was foolproof.

Wine Sword Immortal was next to Zhang Yu on the street and asked curiously, “Dean, where are you going next?”

Zhang Yu slowly turned his head and looked at Wine Sword Immortal, meaning: “It doesn’t matter where I go, it’s you, if you don’t go back to Shushan, I’m afraid Shushan will be gone …”

“What’s the meaning of Senior?” Wine Sword Immortal complexion slightly changed, he asked angrily.

“There is a group of Daoist, many of them are stronger than your Senior Brother …” Zhang Yu smiled and said, “They are … rushing to Shushan … intending to build an Academy on Shushan!”

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