
Chapter 844 Rebellion of the Immortal Court

Wine Sword Immortal energetic and bustling rushed to Shushan, while Zhang Yu stepped out and the silhouette disappeared.

Nanjing, Moon Devoted Church.

Walking by the moon and winning, I was disappointed and returned. After a while, I returned to the total sect great hall.

With a kind smile on his face, he gave condolences to the doorkeepers before entering the great hall, raising his hands and showing his demeanor.

After entering the great hall, Baiyue had just prepared to sit down, but suddenly found that a person appeared in front of her out of thin air.

“I don’t know what is important about your visit to this Shi?” Although the moon worship was a little unexpected, it was still calm, smiling at the uninvited mysterious young man.

Looking at the unbelievable worship of the moon, Zhang Yu admired: “It is indeed a worship of the Sect Lord, and the determination is very good.”

I wo n’t be disappointed by the worship of the moon, and my temper is calm: “Thank you for your compliment!”

“You don’t want to know, who am I?” Zhang Yu looked at the moon with curiosity, “You don’t want to know, how did I come here?”

Saying with a smile: “If you are willing to say, you will naturally take the initiative to say that if you are not willing, it is useless to force the moon.”

It’s hard to believe that such a gentle and gentle person had once led a flood of world extinction.

In fact, Moon worship is really a very charismatic person, who also has a scholarly flavor on his body. If you do n’t understand some of his extreme means and past, it may be difficult for anyone to treat him as an enemy. His charm can be seen in Moon Devoted Church’s countless fanatical followers.

Zhang Yu laughed and asked, “Aren’t you afraid I’m here to kill you?”

“Whether life is sad or death is hard?” Moon worshipped with a smile, and there was no fear in his eyes. “If your lord really came to kill me, please do it. This Shi knows that he is not your opponent , I ca n’t make useless resistance. ”Zhang Yu ’s way of playing is too mysterious. The magical method is not as good as Moon worship, and he has no doubt that Zhang Yu has the ability to kill himself.

Zhang Yu’s thumbs up, and his smile on his face is getting brighter and brighter: “I appreciate you more and more.”

“Thank you.” Moon worship is polite, like a perfect person, and there is no hypocrisy in speaking.

“Can I sit?” Zhang Yu pointed to a stool and asked.

“Of course.” Moon worship made a polite gesture, polite and impeccable, “This Shi is not entertained, and guests forgive me.”

Zhang Yu immediately sat down, and then looked at the same moon worship next to me, said with a smile: “I want to invite you to join an Academy, I wonder what you want?”

Moon startled.

“Introduce yourself, I’m Sky Academy Dean, Zhang Yu.” Zhang Yu repeated what he said to Wine Sword Immortal. “Sky Academy, everyone is like a dragon, although status is divided into High and low, but no difference in personality, Sky Academy pursues pedagogy, and treats people, demons, dragons, demons, etc. equally, and everyone who enters the hospital should be harmonious and loving … ”

After hearing the words, worshiping the moon can’t help moving.

He lifts the head, looked towards Zhang Yu: “Does Sky Academy really follow this philosophy?”

This idea is completely consistent with his idea.

until now, he wants to destroy this World and re-create a true, good and beautiful World.

The Sky Academy is exactly the same as his ideal Perfect World!

He felt that he had met a confidant, and met a truly like-minded person!

I am not alone!

“Although Sky Academy still has some flaws, it is gradually getting better. I believe that one day, it will become a truly perfect Academy!” Zhang Yu said with a smile: “Although you are acting extreme, but The starting point is good, as long as you join Xianjian World Branch, you can witness the true, good and beautiful of Human World. In the future, you may even have a chance to travel to All Heavens and Myriad Realms and realize the true love! “

Yueyue frowned and looked at Zhang Yu: “Is there really love in this world?”

For many years, he has been playing games, testing the world, and proving that ‘love’ no longer exists. Although the result unexpectedly exceeded his expectations again and again, his heart was shaken a little, but his actions were not at all stopped, still want to destroy all the evils in the world, and the only way to eliminate the evils in the world is to destroy the world. Only by destroying the world and then recreating a World can we create a truly true, good, beautiful world.

He longs for love but questions it.

He doesn’t believe that there are flawless love in this world, these loves can not stand the test!

“Of course there is,” Zhang Yu grinned.

“Dean Zhang, please!”

If Zhang Yu is just an ordinary person, he has no weight, but his strength is unfathomable, his face is friendly and his personality is charming. Even if he worships the moon, he is willing to listen to his opinions.

Of course, the most important thing is that Zhang Yu’s philosophy is almost the same as that of moon worship. This makes Moon worship feel like Zhang Yu is his confidant. He can also listen to the moon, otherwise, change Even if one is strong, it is difficult to shake the heart of worshiping the moon.

The two are like devout Scholars, discussing the love in the world.

During the discussion between Zhang Yu and worshiping the moon, the fairy garden far from Human World suddenly broke the century-old peace.

On a floating island in Xianting, there are countless strange beasts. That floating island is full of magical and beautiful plants, and sometimes the neighing of fairy birds, such as a beautiful movement, is Xianting. The famous Immortal Beast Island, where all the fairy birds are cultivated by Xianting spent countless resources, can be enjoyed in leisure time, it is pleasing to the eye, and can be used as a mount during wartime, and transports celestial troops and generals. Among them, Even stronger than celestial troops and generals, it can deal with powerful enemies alone.

At this moment, on the floating island, there is a natural phenomenon that has not occurred for thousands of years. I saw that in the middle of the floating island, it was inexplicably rising smoke, and countless fairy birds were astonished. , Fleeing around, screaming in horror.

“Oh, I said little ancestor, eat slowly, don’t hold your back.” Ou Shenfeng cautiously looked at Ao Xiaoyu and persuaded.

paused, he looked towards Xiao Yan, Wu Mo and the others aside, his mouth twitched slightly: “Do n’t you just take care of yourself and do n’t hurry to take care of Xiaoyu Young Lady.”

I saw Xiao Yan and Wu Mo entire group. Like Ao Xiaoyu, they ate their mouth full of oil.

“Teacher, your worries are superfluous. Xiaoyu’s body is a blood dragon. Not to mention this little bit of meat, she can swallow easily even ten times and a hundred times more.” Xiao Yan swallowed her mouth Meat, and then said with disapproval: “Moreover, although the meat of Immortal Crane is not as delicious as the Medical Cuisine prepared by Wu Qingquan Tutor, but it also has a flavor, and it is good to change the taste occasionally!”

Wu Qingquan rolled the eyes: “I can marinate the meat of Immortal Crane and use it as a raw material to cook Medical Cuisine for you, but you have to hurry to eat it.”

Wen Yan, Xiao Yan, Wu Mo and the others all laughed sorry.

This time, thanks to Ao Xiaoyu, almost everyone in the Human Race department ate delicious fairy birds, and many Tutors’ mouths were not idle. Each and everyone tasted the meat of fairy birds. More than half of the immortal birds on the floating island were caught and beaten.

Looking at the Human Race, everyone was so full of oil, Ou Shenfeng couldn’t help but twitch: “Dean asked Xiaoyu Young Lady to follow us, so we wanted to stop Xiaoyu Young Lady, and let her not mess around. Now it ’s okay, the entire Human Race department has been biased by Xiaoyu Young Lady, followed by trouble, if Dean knows it, I do n’t know how to feel. ”

Make evil!

Ou Shenfeng looked at the crowd, then shook his head secretly.

Slightly feeling for a moment, Ou Shenfeng picked up the leg of the fairy bird that has been cooked and bite a bite: “Well, really fragrant!”

Can the immortal birds cultivated by Xianting expend countless resources not be fragrant?

Look at the floating island at this moment. Except for a very small number of fairy birds hiding in the forest, the remaining fairy birds have already fled in panic and disappeared.

“It’s a pity that King Immortal Crane escaped.” Ou Shenfeng felt a little regret. Then, King Immortal Crane should be more delicious than ordinary fairy birds, right? Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but bite down a piece of meat again, as if to eat all the lost.

South Heaven Sect.

The guard who guards South Heaven Sect suddenly sees an Immortal Crane flying in the clouds and screams, and can’t help looking at each other in blank dismay.

“What’s happening? Isn’t the floating island guarded by anyone? Why would an Immortal Crane fly out?” a heavenly man asked in confusion.

Why would they know that the heavenly soldiers guarding the floating island have already been stunned.

Tony barely fell this day, they found more and more fairy birds appearing in their sight. Every fairy bird seemed to have been frightened. They panicked and flew around, many of them. Even moved towards South Heaven Sect rushed straight up.

Until the soldiers responded, the flocks of immortals passed through South Heaven Sect, and the hoarse and screaming sounded the whole fairy court.

Heavenly Palace great hall, the Jade Emperor and the Immortals are enjoying singing and dancing, hearing the chaos and hissing from outside, and frowning: “What happened outside?”

“Report!” Soon, the heaven guards guarding the Heavenly Palace great hall yelled: “Omit the jade emperor, the floating island did not know what happened, a large group of fairy birds escaped in panic and broke into South Heaven Sect , Now I’m whispering around! “

Tian Bing just finished speaking, and another Tian Bing rushed in. Loudly said, “I sue the Jade Emperor, King Immortal Crane, please see me!”

Jade Emperor’s face is very ugly, said solemnly: “Xuan!” His voice showed endless majesty.

Soon, a colored Immortal Crane flew in from outside the hall, suspended above the crowd, its voice was sharp and urgent: “Jade Emperor saves life! Jade Emperor saves life!”

“What happened on the floating island? Hurry up!” Jade Emperor asked, sinking his heart.

“A group of mysterious people broke into the floating island, stunned the guard sky soldiers, killed and injured countless fairy birds, and …”

“And what’s wrong?”

“And bake them and eat them!” King Immortal Crane gritted his teeth, his voice hoarse, his eyes red, “Pray for Jade Emperor! We are dedicated to working for Xianting, without merit and hard work, but now Become someone else ’s meal, if I did n’t run fast, I ’m afraid they ’ve also been poisoned by them … ”

Jade Emperor’s face turned green when he heard this.

Xianting has spent countless resources to cultivate the immortal birds, but they were roasted and eaten as food. This is simply a provocation against Xianting red fruit!

“impudent, it’s too impudent!” The Jade Emperor burned in anger. This group of fairy birds is extremely important, and even he couldn’t bear to say no to them.

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