
Chapter 845 The Danger of Shu Mountain

Jade Emperor never thought about eating fairy birds, but suddenly I heard someone roasted them. Somehow, he even wanted to taste the taste of fairy birds. After so long, I ’m grilling one occasionally to eat. Should n’t anyone compare?

At the same time, many fairy homes seemed to be embarrassing, and Yu Guang swept over King Immortal Crane.

In the past, they only used fairy birds as mounts, combat preparation materials, or as ornamental objects, but now, the group of mysterious people seems to have opened a new door for them. It turned out that fairy birds You can also bake it.

“How did I didn’t expect it before?” Many Xianjias felt a little regretful. I knew that they secretly made a fairy bird to go back and beat the teeth festival. Instead of raising cheap outsiders, it was better to be cheap.

For a time, everyone in the great hall looked towards Immortal Crane’s eyes, and all became weird.

It seems that King Immortal Crane is not a noble fairy bird, but … a delicious meal!

I felt the eyes of everyone, and Immortal Crane became more and more uncomfortable. He didn’t know the idea of ​​the Jade Emperor and many fairy houses. Otherwise, he might have been scared cold and scared.

“Jade Emperor.” I didn’t know that Jade Emperor had quietly put on his own Immortal Crane King. Seeing Jade Emperor had not spoken for a long time, he couldn’t help rushing, “I also hope that Jade Emperor will decide for us!”

I heard that the Jade Emperor came back to his senses, and wiped his mouth subconsciously, but fortunately there was no drool, otherwise he would be shamed.

He forced the idea of ​​stewing or roasting the Immortal Crane King, and the most urgent thing is to deal with the group of mysterious people breaking into the floating island and slaughtering the immortal privately, instead of coveting his words. want.

“The celestial beings!” The Jade Emperor stood up from the throne, his words and deeds were all magnificent and magnificent. “I went to the floating island with you, and I wanted to see who it was. Dare to be so bold, run privately on the floating island and kill many immortals! The majesty of Xianting is not to be offended, if you commit it, you will die! “

paused, he said to King Immortal Crane: “You can rest assured, hey, you must be fair for you!”

Just say, the Jade Emperor took the lead out of the great hall and flew to the floating island with the immortals.

In fact, most of these so-called fairy homes are not True Immortal. Even the Jade Emperor has only the Cultivation Base in the Evading Revolving environment. There are only a few individuals who have the Cultivation Base in the Transcendent lower realm. They have the power of Heaven and Earth, and even if they are not strong, they can dominate the Three Realms and let those with high strength bow their heads.

The former Divine General, the first General of the Celestial Court, is the first in the Three Realms in terms of strength. It is comparable to the Demon Building, and even slightly stronger, but such a powerhouse is still made by Heaven and Earth Law. As soon as Jade Emperor opened his mouth, Feipeng did not even have a little resistance.

Perhaps only Nuwa Empress, who possesses great magical power, can break free from the shackles of the law and be at ease.



Shushan disciplines are practicing, Flying Sword is flying across the sky, a scene of prosperity.

Somehow, Shushan Sect Master Sword Master Yin Ruozhuo has some inexplicable anxiety in his heart. It seems that something bad happened.

He was sitting on a wooden chair in the great hall, his brows frowned slightly, he didn’t say anything for a long time, and seemed to be thinking about something.

Suddenly, he stood up, and the silhouette flashed outside the great hall.

Lifts the head, Sword Master Yin Ruozhuo complexion slightly changed, and stared at the cloud that quickly approached: “They are coming!”

That’s not a dark cloud, but a group of “people”!

He never expected. He has just sent out some disciples to investigate the situation. Those disciples have not even stepped out of Shushan’s area, and they have come to the door for convenience.

“Sect Master!” Many Shushan disciples watched Jian Ruo Yin Ruozhuo step out, respecting saluted.

Jiangruo Yin Ruozhuo ignored them, but locked his eyes on the fast-moving dark clouds in the sky, “brows tightly frowns:” If this matter is not handled properly, Shushan may suffer great trouble! “

The way he walks is to be good and everything is natural, but when disaster strikes on him, he cannot calm down.

Soon, the “black cloud” reached the top of Shu Mountain and landed slowly.

Jian Sheng Yin Ruozhuo said aloud before they landed, “I do n’t know that the noble guest is coming, excuse me for not going out to meet you, and I look forward to seeing you all!”

When his words fell, the Sky Academy Monster Race department had already landed.

Bai Jie, the greedy wolf dog and the others don’t seem interested in participating. Each and everyone is silent, standing behind Chen Gu.

Chen Gu stepped forward, his eyes fell on Jianruo Yin Ruozhuo, slightly said with a smile, “You are the Shushan Sect Master?”

“Yin Ruozhuo is under the helm of Shushan Sect Master, I don’t know if anyone will come, what’s the matter?” Jian Sheng Yin Ruozhuo was very frightened of this group of mysterious people, and he obviously felt that all of them were faintly exuding Discernable monster qi. Obviously, these people are not real humans, but Demon Shape Transformation.

Demons capable of Shape Transformation have great capabilities!

In addition, Yin Ruozhuo had previously sensed Daoist level monster qi of sixteen shares terrifying. These sixteen Great Demons are probably hidden in this group of mysterious people.

“Yin Sect Master speaks quickly, then I will not talk nonsense.” Chen Gu said with a smile: “We are here for two things, and I hope Yin Sect Master promises!”

Yin Ruozhuo sank in his heart, but on the surface there was no response. He asked, “What happened?”

“First, we want Yin Sect Master to join an Academy. This Academy is a branch of Sky Academy, named Xianjian World Branch.” Chen Gu neither fast nor slow said: “Second, we want … The Excalibur School can give up a part of the site to facilitate our establishment of the Excalibur World Branch in Shushan! “

Yin Ruozhuo’s face sank: “Are you kidding me?”

Not to mention that he simply hasn’t heard of Sky Academy, he just touched his bottom line just by giving up part of the Shushan site.

Shushan was inherited by Shushan from generation to generation. It belongs to the entire Shushan Sword Sect, and is not owned by anyone.

As Shushan Sect Master, if you give up part of Shushan’s territory, what will Shushan have in the future?

“Do you think we’re joking?” Chen Gu stared at the sword master Yin Ruozhuo lightly.

Chen Gu saw the opponent ’s Cultivation Base at a close distance, not too high. Transcendent Middle Realm, if he started, he was sure to compete with it. Even if he could n’t win, he would not lose easily.

However, it is also conceivable that the worship of Sect Lord is probably also the Cultivation Base of Transcendent Middle Realm. Otherwise, the worship of Sect Lord would have hit Shushan long ago, and cleared the biggest obstacle that prevented him from creating a true, good and beautiful world.

Sword Lord Yin Ruozhuo and Moon Sect Lord Shijie are Transcendent Middle Realm, then the ancient water demonic beast should be Transcendent Upper Realm, because its strength is obviously better than Sword Lord Yin Ruozhuo and Moon worship Sect Lord Shijie Even better, worshipping the moon must rely on its power to be able to destroy the world. It can be seen that it is a lot stronger than the Shi Jie people, but the Shi Jie people have exerted some means to control it’s all.

“Let Shushan divide the territory for you, it is impossible!” Sword Master Yin Ruozhuo said solemnly.

Chen Gu said with a smile: “Don’t rush to reject Yin Sect Master.”

Jianruo Yin Ruozhuo looked at him, not say a word.

“To be honest, Shushan is so big and there are so many hills. It does n’t matter if you divide the site a little, does n’t it?” Chen Gu does n’t want to use force. He hopes that he can come to the site by peaceful means, and to recruit sword master Yin Ruozhuo, “In addition, Sky Academy is different from you Immortal Sects, and its origin is very simple. If you are willing to join Sky Academy, you will definitely get great benefits …”

Jianruo Yin Ruozhuo’s differential expression, he asked a question: “Are you all Sky Academy people?”

Chen Gu and the others glanced at each other, and then nodded.

“Yes, we are all from Sky Academy. How about Yin Sect Master, think about it and join us?” Chen Gu asked with a smile.

“That would be even more impossible!” Jian Sheng Yin Ruozhuo said indifferently: “Shu Shan is the Upright Sect Great Sect, following the Huanghuang Zhengdao, and is regarded as the head of the eventy two Immortal Sect. It is impossible for Shushan to divide the site into a group of Demons and establish a Demon Academy. Yin Mou is even more unlikely to join the Demon! “

He has no prejudice against Demon, knowing that Demon is like people, there are good and bad, but since ancient times, man and Demon have been opposites. He does n’t have the courage to let Shu Shan have any relationship with Demon. Why? The use of the term “same flow and filth” just wants to express his firm determination.

Hearing this, Chen Gu gave a bright smile: “Okay, have a personality!”

In a split second, his face went dark again: “But … I’m here to inform you, not to ask for your opinion!”

In the ugly and ugly face of Jian Sheng, Chen Gu indifferently said, “You promise or reject, we will all build the Xianjian World Branch here, and you must also join the Xianjian World Branch!”

These words are powerful and overbearing, like a demon that is extremely lacking in the law and of natural morality.

Jian Sheng Yin Ruozhuo’s eyes cooled down, and the surrounding temperature seemed to drop a bit: “It seems that I guessed correctly, you don’t have Daoist, but you have fallen into magic!”

“Get the way? Get into the magic?” Chen Gu shook his head. “I don’t understand these. All I know is that Dean has given us the task and we have to perform it, and it must be perfect. Shushan’s site, we want it, you this person , We want it too. “

“No matter how quibble you are, I will never join Sky Academy!” Jian Ruo Yin Ruozhuo is also very irritable. In the face of a group of inscrutable Great Demon, he is not hesitant. “You have the ability to seize Shushan Site, but I cannot shake my will! “

Chen Gu frowned, then his eyes narrowed slightly: “What if I wash Shushan in blood?”

Jian Sheng Yin Ruozhuo’s fist clenched, his face became more and more gloomy, he looked at the Shushan disciplines around the enemy, took a deep breath, and said: “It is their glory to die for the maintenance of Shushan!”

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