
Chapter 846 Strike

“You’re forcing me to wash Shushan in blood!” Chen Gu’s eyes were indifferent, looking extremely cold-blooded.

Of course, he won’t wash Shushan in blood, but if the sword master Yin Ruozhuo stubborn, he doesn’t mind killing two.

Jianruo Yin Ruozhuo is ready for the deadly battle. He stared at Chen Gu and said, “In this case, Yin will ask your master for advice!”

Yin Ruozhuo is very confident about his strength.

As a nominal Three Realm Number One Powerhouse, although his strength is not as good as General Feipong many years ago, it is not difficult to deal with Daoist in general. Today, the only one who can compete with him is only one person. That is the moon worship Sect Lord Shi Jie.

He believes that even if there are 16 Daoist-level Great Demons in this group of Demon, he may not lose.

Chen Gu’s brows frowned slightly, he didn’t expect that sword master Yin Ruozhuo would be so stubborn.

Behind him, Bai Jie was a bit impatient, indifferently said, “Did you have any misunderstanding of your strength? By your Transcendent Middle Realm’s Cultivation Base, you are also trying to compete with us?”

“Transcendent Middle Realm? This statement is quite interesting.” Jian Ruo Yin Ruozhuo was silent, and he was the first to hear such a novel statement.

In Fairy Sword World, people who have attained the Tao only have the distinction between Tao and Taoism, but there is no specific division of the Cultivation Base. Therefore, sword master Yin Ruozuo only knows that he is stronger than ordinary Taoists, and it is not clear. What level is he at? Now, hearing Bai Jie’s words, he vaguely has a clearer understanding of his Cultivation Base.

Yin Ruozhuo is very clever. When I hear the words Transcendent Middle Realm, I probably understand what they mean.


Since there is Transcendent Middle Realm, there is Transcendent lower realm, Transcendent Upper Realm.

“What about you? What is Transcendent?” Jian Sheng Yin Ruozhuo looked towards Chen Gu and Bai Jie entire group.

Chen Gu did not change his face, and said very calmly, “I am Transcendent lower realm.”

It’s true that his Cultivation Base only has Transcendent lower realm, but his battle strength is comparable to Transcendent Middle Realm.

As for Bai Jie, simply was too lazy to tell the sword sage Yin Ruozhuo that many, and opened his mouth: “What is my Cultivation Base, you don’t need to know, anyway, I want to kill you, it will not be more difficult than stepping on an ant.” Even if the injury does not heal, her strength is still not weaker than the usual Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouse, so her words are not exaggerated.

Jiangruo Yin Ruozhuo would like to say anything, but Bai Jie didn’t give him a chance at all. Her silhouette flashed, lightning fast, and she appeared in front of Jianruo Yinruozhuo in a moment, facing Jianruo Yinruozhuo.

“I will give you three breaths to consider. If not, I don’t mind letting you taste the feeling of life is better than death.” Bai Jie stared at the sword master Yin Ruozhuo expressionlessly.

Being stared at by Bai Jie so much, sword sage Yin Ruozhuo brows frowned, a little dreadful, but very stubborn: “Don’t worry about it, what means do you have, show it!”

Even if this woman is really a Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouse?

at worst is dead!

Even if Shu Shan is destroyed, he is unwilling to let Shu Shan carry the stigma of eternity. Some things are more important than life!

“It is well documented in” The History of Fairy Sword “, you are really stubborn, and it is almost ancient and ancient!” Bai Jie said coldly. She had already watched “The History of Fairy Sword” on her way to Shushan. With a certain understanding, I originally thought that the description of the sword master Yin Ruozhuo in “The History of the Immortal Sword” was exaggerated, but now it seems that the description is not exaggerated at all.

Jianruo Yin Ruozhuo couldn’t understand, but he was not interested in understanding, so he looked at Bai Jie so calmly, without fear in his eyes.

“Okay, since you want to see my means, then I will let you feel it well, just hope that you don’t regret it!” Bai Jie suddenly smiled, but the smile seemed Extremely Dangerous, like a beautiful snake, There is danger in beauty.

Without waiting for the sword master Yin Ruozhuo to speak, the silhouette of Bai Jie flashed again. The slim palm, when the former was too late to respond, was shot on his chest, and it looked like a soft palm, very beautiful. The palm of the hand was like a big mountain, and the sword sage Yin Ruozhuo was shot and flew out. He broke a few stone pillars, but remained intact, and eventually fell into the ground to form a spider-like pit. At the center of the hole is a deep hole, the silhouette of the sword sage Yin Ruohuo, who is struggling in the middle of the hole.

Every time, everyone’s eyes gathered together on Bai Jie.

“The devil!”

Shushan disciples are terrified. Bai Jie 鈥檚 strength is completely beyond their imagination. The incomparable Sect Master in their eyes was photographed by the other hand and fell to the ground. His strength is unknown. People are incredible.

Even the demonic beast of ancient water, isn’t it so scary?

Chen Gu, the greedy wolf dog and the others are no surprises. Bai Jie is also Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouse, and he is also a seven-star Illusion Technique teacher. Even if he is injured, it is not the sword sage Yin Ruozhuo who can resist. Yes, to be honest, Bai Jie’s palm is actually not as powerful as it is, and it is far from reaching the extreme, otherwise, the sword master Yin Ruozhuo may be shot on the spot and burst into a blood mist.

The greedy wolf dog and the others have no doubt that Bai Jie has this strength, because … they can do it.

Bai Jie can naturally do what they can do.

Everyone at Sky Academy took Bai Jie’s move to subdue the sword master Yin Ruozhuo without any surprise. Their expressions were very calm, as if all this was as it should be by rights.

In contrast, Shushan disciplines are desperate and helpless, looked towards Bai Jie’s eyes, full of fear, and some who are not afraid of death, do not hide the hatred in their hearts, if the eyes ability is enough Killing people, I’m afraid Bai Jie has died thousands of times.

However, Bai Jie didn’t care about these tiny ant’s eyes. She stared indifferently at the huge pit. Indifferently said: “Come out, how much strength do I use? I know in my heart. With this strength just now, Not enough to kill a Transcendent Middle Realm powerhouse. “

Sure enough, after her voice fell, the huge pit suddenly had countless earth and stones splashing out. The silhouette of the sword sage Yin Ruohou was wobbly, and reappears were in the sight of everyone, and he saw that his robe was broken and his hair was scattered. There were a few bruises on the face, and there was a trail of red blood on the corners of his mouth, and his chest was slightly sunken a bit, looking very miserable.

He step by step out of the pit, limping, looking very embarrassed.

After a few breaths, he went to the ground, and expression looked at Bai Jie complicatedly: “Unexpectedly, you have such strength.”

“I have never met an adversary since I got the Tao, and even worshiping the moon could not threaten me.” Sword Master Yin Ruozhuan’s eyes were a bit lonely, “I do n鈥檛 dare to say that the Three Realms are invincible, but I can compare with me. There are few people. Now, I can’t stop you from slapping your hands! “

It was really a random hand, no technique was used, otherwise, he is probably a dead man now.

Bai Jie stared at him indifferently, without pride or pride, as if defeating Jian Sheng Yin Ruozhuo was not worth her show.

“If I’m not mistaken, your strength will be no less than General Divine General Feipeng of Xianting many years ago!” Jian Sheng Yin Ruozhuo has some bitterness in his mouth and mixed feelings in his heart, “I dare not He said how strong he is, but he can beat me so easily, only the masters of the level and General Demon respect building! “

Deep take a deep breath, he lifts the head, staring at Bai Jie: “Am I right?”

Bai Jie calmly said: “I don’t know how powerful the flying canopy, but I think it should be Transcendent Upper Realm.”

This is a 7th grade Big World. The strongest person will not exceed the Transcendent Upper Realm.

paused, she continued: “According to the Cultivation Base, I and Feipeng should be one level, but I should be able to defeat him during the Peak period.” She is qualified to say this because of the Peak period She, looking at the whole fairyland, has few Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouses that can match her. “You can think that I have reached the end of this road and touched the threshold of another door.”

Just crossing that door, she can advance to True God, becoming the True God Realm powerhouse of almost Inextinguishable Immortal.

“Better than General Feipeng!” Yin Ruozhuo of the sword master felt deeply weak.

That’s the first Divine General of Xianting, invincible existence!

Thinking of the Daoist-level Great Demon breath that he felt before, he asked intricately, “In this case, you should be the real leader of this group, right?”

Well, Chen Gu expression is a bit unnatural.

Bai Jie gave Chen Gu a flirtatious glance, and then said, “I’m just the deputy head of the Sky Academy Monster Race department. This is the head of our Monster Race department!” She pointed to Chen Gu.

“Is it possible that, he is better than you?” Swordmaster Yin Ruozhuo was a little shocked.

“The position of Sky Academy depends on the strength of Cultivation Base …” Bai Jie said indifferently: “If you want to talk about strength, we are the group of people in the rear left, and the strength is no less than me!”

Jianruo Yin Ruozhuo followed her gaze, and saw that there were sixteen people standing in the back left of Chen Gu, each of which was very hazy, or shrouded in fog, which was invisible.

He shivered: “Nothing is inferior to you?”

Compared to General Feipeng’s powerhouse, this powerhouse close to the limit of Heaven and Earth is full of sixteen … No, seventeen!

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