
Chapter 847 Chapter Dean

Looking at Jian Ruo Yin Ruozhuo’s sadness, many Shushan disciple’s emotions were infected, and there was a feeling of lateness of the hero.

until now, sword master Yin Ruozhuo is the object of countless worship of Daoist. His image in Daoist’s mind is extremely sacred and invincible.

Now, his invincible image is suddenly broken, and Shushan disciplines are a little hard to accept.

“Sect Master …” Everyone looked at Jian Sheng Yin Ruozhuo, the atmosphere seemed a little sad and depressed.

“I’ll ask you again, do you want to join Sky Academy Xianjian World?” Bai Jie was impatient.

Shushan disciplines suddenly became tense, there was fear, and there was anger, but more of a deep weakness.

Jin Ruo Yin Ruozhuo slowly lifts the head, as if he was a few dozen years old, and his eyes were lost. He did not answer Bai Jie ’s question, but looked towards all around Shushan disciple: “You are afraid Are you dead? “

Many Shushan disciples looked at each other. Although many people were quite afraid, they restrained the fear and said in unison: “Don’t be afraid!”

The voice of neat and tidy is so powerful, as if to express their determination.

Jianruo Yinruo laughed a little, and a smile of relief appeared on her pale face: “Since then, we will coexist and die with Shushan!”

The voice dropped, his index finger and middle finger were moved together, and a stroke was made, and a sword flew out of the great hall, floating in front of him.

I saw him looking directly at Bai Jie, indifferently said: “The land of Shushan is an inch, you want to build Academy on Shushan, you can, as long as you kill us! Otherwise, as long as there is still one person in Shushan, It will never be possible for you to build Academy on Shushan! “

Bai Jie lost her last patience, coldly snorted: “stubborn!”

while speaking, she is ready to kill.

Chen Gu just wanted to stop her, but before she spoke, a voice came from the sky: “Stop!”

In this tense moment, this sudden sound suddenly caught everyone’s attention. Whether it is the people of Shushan or the Sky Academy, they all cast their eyes to the sky.

Be careful with the familiar voice in the sky, Shushan disciplines shouted respectfully: “Martial Uncle (Martial Ancestor)!”

“Junior Brother.” Sword Master Yin Ruozhuows tightly frowns, “Why are you back?”

Shu Shan is in danger of perishing and no one can stop it. Wine Sword Immortal is not a good thing now.

Jin Sheng Yin Ruozhuo dare to fight the Sky Academy because he sent a lot of Shushan disciples out, and Junior Brother Wine Sword Immortal is also traveling around the world, even if Shushan is unfortunately destroyed, as long as these Shushanmen survive, future Sooner or later, it can be established again and even prosper. Now that Wine Sword Immortal is back, it means that the possibility of Shushan reconstruction is much smaller. After all, Wine Sword Immortal is one of the two great experts in Shushan.

What makes Sword Master Yin Ruozhuo unexpected is that after seeing Wine Sword Immortal, the people of Sky Academy actually subconsciously shouted respectfully: “Dean Dean!”

Even the greedy wolf dog and swallowing Heavenly Beast and the others are very face-saving, and give a little gift, saying: “Dean Dean!”

For a moment, everyone in Shushan froze, watching this scene in astonishment.

What happened?

Why are these Great Demon so respectful to Wine Sword Immortal? Even the Great Demon, which is comparable to General Phobong, are saluted honestly?

Atmosphere, it was a little quiet for a while, and the needle drop was audible.

“Junior Brother, what is this … what is the situation?” Jian Sheng Yin Ruozhuo’s head was a little hesitant. “Why are they so close to you and their attitude is the same … respectful?” He took a closer look at the Sky Academy crowd, did not Wrong, most people at Sky Academy are very respectful to Wine Sword Immortal, and those few people, although not very respectful, are quite close, and everyone is polite, it seems that Wine Sword Immortal ’s identity is very Impressive.

The more so, the more shocked Swordmaster Yin Ruozhuo was.

You know, these are invincible powerhouses comparable to General Feipeng!

Each of them has the strength of the Three Realms, and each of them is strong enough to make the Three Realms tremble!

However, such a group of people are so close when facing Wine Sword Immortal, and more people are respectful …

This makes Jian Ruo Yin Ruozhuo very puzzled.

What is your Junior Brother’s ability? No one knows better than myself. I am afraid that the Junior Brother’s ability alone is not enough.

Wine Sword Immortal Seeing that the two sides have not started a decisive battle, they cannot help but sighed in relief.

But the actions of the Sky Academy crowd made him dumbfounded.

Facing the inquisitive inquisition of Juggernaut, Wine Sword Immortal was also full of doubts and didn’t know how to answer.

He froze and said to Chen Gu entire group, “Did you recognize the wrong person? I am Mo Yixi, but a person from Shushan …”

paused, he continued: “I don’t seem to have seen you?”

After hearing the words of Wine Sword Immortal, Chen Gu, Bai Ling and the others only reacted. This Wine Sword Immortal is not Shrouding the Heavens World and Dean. Although they are the same person, there is a slight difference after all. It’s just that they are so similar, they are exactly the same, which made Chen Gu, Bai Ling and the others subconsciously regard him as the former Human Race Department Tutor Wine Sword Immortal Senior.

Think of this as Wine Sword Immortal Senior when he was young, everyone couldn’t help but look at him.

“Except for a slightly different temperament, everything is exactly the same.” Chen Gu couldn’t help feeling, “Unexpectedly, Wine Sword Immortal Senior hasn’t changed his appearance for so many years.”

Bai Jie also looked at Chen Gu and the others with some curiosity, and asked Bai Ling secretly: “this person … do you know each other?”

She was a bit surprised. This Wine Sword Immortal is obviously only the Cultivation Base of Evading Revolving Upper Realm, and she looks and dresses like a person who is not a Sky Academy person. Why would everyone in the Sky Academy call him Dean?

Well, Bai Ling sound transmission replied: “In Shrouding the Heavens World, there is a branch, and Dean in that branch is exactly Wine Sword Immortal Senior!”

“What if two different Worlds have the same name? Is it possible that, what is the connection between the two Wine Sword Immortal?” Bai Jie frowned.

Bai Ling nodded, replied: “Old Ancestor guessed it very well. This Wine Sword Immortal Senior is the same person as Dean at Shrouding the Heavens World, but this is Dean when he was young … in fact Whether it is Shrouding the Heavens World, Dou Po World, or the Fairy Sword World we are now in, it is Dean’s anti- heavenly means to reverse time and let history reappear. Therefore, we can see a lot of history in these times. If you ca n’t understand it, you can also think of it as Dean who took us through time and space and traveled to the age where these Seniors are. “

“Shrouding the Heavens World, the Wine Sword Immortal Senior, is a Wine Sword Immortal who has lived from our ancient times to our time. It is in the same era as us, and the Wine Sword Immortal of the Fairy Sword World is countless years ago. Era. They are the same person in different eras. “

She explained in great detail. Bai Jie was not stupid, and she quickly understood what she meant.

Bai Jie murmured in shock: “Did you say that before, all true? Dean … has such an amazing means?” Reverse the time of the entire world, let history reinterpret, The means are simply appalling. She always thought that Bai Ling, Xiao Yan and the others were jokes before, but now she gradually realized that this seemed to be the truth.

On the other side, Chen Gu is also answering the question of Wine Sword Immortal: “You haven’t seen us, but … in the future, you will meet us and … become a Sky Academy branch in another World Dean! “

Wine Sword Immortal stared wide-eyed: “The future?”

Jianruo Yin Ruozuo also frowned, not understanding Chen Gu’s words.

“You all practice Daoist, you should know that the Tao is endless. Although we, who have received the Tao, seem to be powerful, in fact, we have just entered the threshold of the Tao. And the Cultivation Base is deep, with all kinds of incredibles. “Magical Powers, found mystery, we Dean, is this kind of existence.” Chen Gu slowly said, “He found the Fairy Sword World, applied Great Divine Ability, reversed the time, and made you, those who once disappeared in history, , Things reappear, let this part of history reappear … “

He glanced at Wine Sword Immortal and Juggernaut Yin Ruozhuo and said, “Of course, you can also think that we are the people who come through from the future!”

Although there are differences between the two, there is not much difference between Wine Sword Immortal and Juggernaut Yin Ruozhuo and the others.

Wine Sword Immortal glanced at Chen Gu: “That is to say, in the future, will I be another Dean of the World?”

Chen Gu nodded, with a touch of respect: “Yes, Senior will become Dean of Shrouding the Heavens World!”

Wine Sword Immortal glanced at Sword Master Yin Ruozhuo, and some couldn’t believe it, because it was too incredible.

“Do you know, what is my Cultivation Base in the future?” Wine Sword Immortal asked curiously. When communicating with Zhang Yu before, Zhang Yu once briefly revealed the division of Cultivation Base, but not at All mentioned the slightest information about his future.

“I do n’t know what Senior Base is for Senior, but I know that Senior’s strength is definitely up to Transcendent Upper Realm!” Chen Gu solemnly said, “Dean himself said that the strength of Wine Sword Immortal Senior is no less than Transcendent Upper Realm! And we also saw with our own eyes that Senior had beheaded a few Transcendent Middle Realm powerhouses with no difficulty! Although it was just a glimpse, Junior is so impressed and unforgettable! “

Wine Sword Immortal’s eyes narrowed roundly: “The future me, so powerful?”

“Junior Brother!” Sword Master Yin Ruozhuo lightly coughed, reminding: “Do you really believe what they say? Don’t forget their identity …”

Wine Sword Immortal shook his head, “I believe them.”

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