
Chapter 848 Dean’s Prestige

Chen Gu nodded, said: “Yes, Dean’s method, no one can guess.”

His eyes are a little fanatical: “These Transcendents, in Dean’s eyes, are like a dust of the universe. Even if we all add up, we will not be defeated by Dean single thought.”

Hearing this, Jian Ruo Yin Ruozhuo is unbelievable: “How is that possible!”

“Why not?” Chen Gu faintly smiled, looking at the sword master Yin Ruozhuo.

“No matter how strong a person is, there should be a limit. How can he be so strong?” Sword Master Yin Ruozhuo was a bit incomprehensible.

In his cognition, General Feipeng and Demon respect the building, even if it is the ultimate powerhouse in the world, it is also the ultimate in spiritual practice.

He suspects that Chen Gu is exaggerated. Maybe the Dean is really strong, but it’s absolutely impossible to be strong enough to regard them as tiny ant.

“Do you think I need to lie to you?” Chen Gu frowned.

At this time, Bai Jie, who has been silent for a long time, said, “Dean is stronger than what he said.”

As Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouse, what she says is more important than Chen Gu’s words.

“Dean single thought head, we can determine our life and death.” The greedy wolf dog was silent for a moment, said.


They are both Zhang Yu’s clones. If Zhang Yu wants to deprive them of their lives, they can single thought their heads, which is easier than stepping on the ants.

At least, you have to lift your feet if you step on the ants?

Jianruo Yinruo’s indifferent state of mind was completely broken, and there was a trace of shock in his eyes.

If these words are spoken from someone else’s mouth, he may not believe them, but from the mouth of Bai Jie and the others, he will have to believe them. Because Bai Jie defeated him in one move and had the power to absolutely crush him, there was no need to lie to him.

“How about thinking about joining our Sky Academy again?” Chen Gu smiled and smiled: “Although you can only join the Xianjian World branch, the treatment will not be much worse than those of us in the main hospital … and The competition pressure of the branch is far less than that of the head office, and it will not restrict your freedom too much.

Jin Sheng Yin Ruozhuo flatly refused: “Impossible! I Ruo Zhuozhuo, who was born in Shushan and died in the ghost of Shushan, it is impossible to betray Shushan and join other forces in this life and forever!”

“Senior Brother.” Wine Sword Immortal saw this, can’t help but be anxious, worried that the sword master Yin Ruozhuo annoyed the Sky Academy crowd.

“Junior Brother doesn’t have to say anything if he wants to persuade me.” Sword Master Yin Ruozhuo was very stubborn, “I’ve decided!”

Jianruo Yin Ruozhuo is more stubborn than Bai Jie, who was stubborn.

He turned his head, and set his sights on Chen Gu, Bai Jie and the others, said solemnly: “If you want to seize the territory of Shushan, despite your hands, Yin Mou is willing to accompany him to the end, despite his defeat.”

At the moment, everyone at Sky Academy is looking towards Chen Gu.

The atmosphere is tense again.

Chen Gu has n鈥檛 had time to speak, but Wine Sword Immortal said, “I am the future, is it really another Dean of the World?”

Well, Chen Gu startedled, but still nodded: “Good.”

“Will you sell me a face and give up building the Sword World Branch in Shushan?” Wine Sword Immortal didn’t know his words would work, so he felt nervous and hesitant, but he knew that Sect Master Senior Brother You can only brace oneself to say, “The world on earth is so big, and Heavenly Paradise is also a lot. Why do you stare at Shushan?”

“This …” Chen Gu was a little embarrassed.

But, for the face of Wine Sword Immortal, he couldn’t help it.

Silent, Wine Sword Immortal sighed: “Since Senior has spoken, let’s find another place to establish the fairy sword world branch.”

Bai Ling, Bai Jie, Greed Wolf Dog and the others have no objection.

Wine Sword Immortal may not be stronger than them, but after all, it is a branch of World, Dean, which is stronger than them, and more trusted by Dean. Whether you can be guilty or not, try not to offend.

When everyone in Shushan heard Chen Gu’s words, they all looked at Wine Sword Immortal incredibly.

Even Wine Sword Immortal himself was stunned.

He just gave living medicine to a dead horse, tried to persuade him, but unexpectedly, Chen Gu actually agreed.

My face is so big?

“Have you taken this seriously?” Wine Sword Immortal asked with certainty.

“Dan has spoken, do I dare not listen?” Chen Gu bitterly said with a smile: “Even if I dare not listen, you ask, do they dare?”

Bai Jie, the greedy wolf dog, and the others looked at each other, and then opened the mouth and said: “We should follow Dean’s orders, and we shall abide by them.”

Everyone in Shushan is stared wide-eyed.

Many of them looked at Wine Sword Immortal with admiration, but unexpectedly, Martial Uncle (Martial Ancestor) had such a big face!

Even these incomparable powerhouses must obey his orders!

It’s so powerful!

unimaginable, what awesome he is in the future!

“Junior Brother actually ordered them to move them!” Jian Ruo Yin Ruozhuo was also quite shocked, and looked towards Wine Sword Immortal with a slight surprise.

With the glance of sword master Yin Ruozhuo and many Shushan disciples, Wine Sword Immortal was inexplicably relieved.

As a super powerhouse separated from Tao, he has long been accustomed to this kind of worship, awe, and shocking eyes. However, in Shushan, he rarely has such treatment, let alone The Sect Master Senior Brother, whom he has always regarded as an idol, was shocked by him at this moment, which made him feel a little bit vacant.

This feeling is cool!

If it’s not the right time, he even wants to laugh three times to express the happiness in his heart.

Wine Sword Immortal Although calm in his heart, he still looks calm and calm on the surface.

When he saw Chen Gu and the others, he really seemed to be willing to obey his orders. He said, “Since you are willing to listen to me, you might as well take a step back and don’t embarrass my Senior Brother. If he is willing to join Sky Academy I won’t stop, but if he doesn’t want to, please don’t force him. “

Although the bully people by flaunting one’s powerful connections depend on their future status, Wine Sword Immortal has not been complacent. Between words, they are more polite rather than condescending to direct them to do things.

Chen Gu frowned, more and more helpless.

“We must abide by Dean’s order. However, I have to remind Dean that Yin Sect Master is one of the most important target students of Xianjian World Branch. If Yin Sect Master is absent, Xianjian World Branch will probably There is a lot of eclipse, when the time comes, Dean may be unhappy, “Chen Gu warned cautiously.

Wine Sword Immortal hesitated.

The mysterious Dean impressed him so much that he was a little drowsy now.

Moreover, Chen Gu and the others yelled him to divide Dean, each and everyone invincible powerhouse, but also courteous and polite to him, and there was no violation of his orders. In unconsciously, he regarded himself as The real branch has grown.

“This matter, let me consider it.” Wine Sword Immortal was difficult to decide for a while, and simply said, “But you must evacuate from Shushan immediately!”

He knows the swordman Yin Ruozhuo’s temperament, and if Sky Academy’s people continue to be forced so strongly, things will only get worse.

Just in case, it’s better to let the people of Sky Academy leave first, and other things can be handled slowly.

The Sky Academy looked at each other, and then they were lightly nodded. After paying respectfully, Chen Gu, Bai Ling and the others flew away directly. Bai Jie, the greedy wolf dog and the others were also polite. Say hello, and leave very decisively, without hesitation.

After a few breaths, there are no more Sky Academy people on Shushan.

Disciple of Shushan around, looking towards Wine Sword Immortal, more and more worship!

“Oh my God, Martial Uncle (Martial Ancestor) drank a bunch of invincible Great Demon in a few words!”

“The Great Demon is so strong, he all bows to Martial Uncle (Martial Ancestor)!”

“very good! Shushan kept it!”

“We don’t have to die!”

“Martial Uncle (Martial Ancestor) is amazing!”

Shushan disciplines discuss spiritedly, looking at Wine Sword Immortal with admiration, his face is full of pride and pride.

Wine Sword Immortal not only saved Shu Shan, but also saved their lives. More importantly, a group of invincible Great Demons obeyed him, and it is no wonder that everyone would be so excited.

Wine Sword Immortal at this moment has become the focus of attention, as if even more powerful than the Emperor Xianting.

Feeling the quietly gaze of everyone, Wine Sword Immortal’s heart is also very relieved, as if he has embarked on a life peak!

Everyone has vanity, but some people have stronger vanity, and some have weaker vanity. Wine Sword Immortal is no exception. Most people praise him, but he does n鈥檛 feel anything, but Shu Shan The younger generation worshipped him so much, but it greatly satisfied his vanity.

“Sure … really gone.” Jian Ruo Yin Ruozhuo is still unbelievable, looking at the silhouette of the Sky Academy crowds.

Looking at the appearance of Jian Ruo Yin Ruozhuo, Wine Sword Immortal’s vanity was greatly satisfied. At that moment, the vicissitudes of his face could not help but reveal a bright smile.

He never thought that a person who didn’t know the truth had such a big face!

A few words to repel a group of invincible Great Demon!

In a word, relocate Xianjian World Branch!

Who can do the whole Fairy Sword World?

I’m afraid that even the fairy emperor of the aloof and remote can’t do it, right?

This feeling is actually a reminder of Wine Sword Immortal …

“How long, since Qing Er fell, I have never been so happy again.” Wine Sword Immortal couldn’t help thinking of Nu Wa’s descendant, Lin Er, thinking of the woman he admired, “Dean possess great magical Power, almost omnipotent, I wonder … Is there any way he can resurrect a dead person? “

Thinking of Chen Gu’s previous statement, Wine Sword Immortal’s breathing suddenly became a little rapid. If Chen Gu didn’t lie, then … the mysterious Dean can definitely revive Lin Qing Er!

After all, if mysterious Dean can reverse the entire world’s time, shouldn’t it be difficult to bring someone out of that endless stream of time?

Thinking of this, Wine Sword Immortal became more nervous: “If I ask that Dean, will he help me?”

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