
Chapter 849 Shaking

He wanted to ask Wine Sword Immortal why he betrayed Shu Shan, but Wine Sword Immortal ultimately saved Shu Shan and saved everyone ’s life, and even though Wine Sword Immortal really became a Dean of Sky Academy in the future, That was Wine Sword Immortal in the future, not Wine Sword Immortal now.

So, the words of blame came to the mouth, but swallowed back.

But he was really a little surprised. Wine Sword Immortal has been trapped in love for many years, and he has not been able to get the word. He even suspects that Wine Sword Immortal may be his whole life, and he ca n’t cross that barrier, did n’t expect, Wine. Not only has Sword Immortal straddled, it has also achieved amazing results.

“Listen to the group of Demon, Junior Brother should be an immortal dao powerhouse with General Feipong in the future!” Jian Sheng Yin Ruo has been in the road for many years, knowing how difficult it is, even he is not sure Whether I can reach that height in the future, I never imagined that Wine Sword Immortal could really do it.

Looking at somewhat absent-minded swordsman Yin Ruozhuo, Wine Sword Immortal cares: “Senior Brother, are you all right?”

Jian Sheng Yin Ruozhuo came back to his senses, looked at Wine Sword Immortal with worries in his eyes, and asked, “Are you sure you still recognize me as a Senior Brother?”

“Why not admit it?” Wine Sword Immortal stared at Jian Ruo Yin Ruozhuo, “Although I don’t know why I will join Sky Academy in the future, my relationship with Shushan will always be cut. You are my Senior Brother, I have been my Senior Brother all my life! My Wine Sword Immortal, even if I leave Shushan, I am also a Shushan person! “

Jian Sheng Yin Ruozhuo frowns saying: “But in the future you will be Dean of Sky Academy. It is impossible for one person to join two forces at the same time.”

Wine Sword Immortal said: “But to me, Shushan is not a Sect, but home!”

He stared at the sword master Yin Ruozhuo and said seriously: “My parents died when I was young. By coincidence, I learned some martial arts, ran the rivers and lakes, and drifted on the rivers and lakes until I was in Shushan in my twenties Only slowly settled down. I have lived in Shushan for 20 years, and in my heart, Shushan is my home! “

Shushan disciple has a strong sense of belonging to Shushan. The sword sage Yin Ruozuo, Wine Sword Immortal, and many Shushan disciples are all the same.

While compared to Sword Master Yin Ruozhuo, Wine Sword Immortal is more free and easy-going and unrestrained by various rules.

Jianruo Yin Ruozhuo stared at Wine Sword Immortal for a long time, and sighed: “It seems that you have a decision in your heart. In this case, I will respect your decision.”

Wine Sword Immortal was silent, and then whispered, “Thank you Senior Brother.”

paused, Wine Sword Immortal asked again, “I wonder if Senior Brother has considered joining Sky Academy?”

“Don’t I have explicitly rejected it? Why, Junior Brother hasn’t formally joined Sky Academy yet, just for them?” Jian Sheng Yin Ruozhu frowned.

Wine Sword Immortal shook his head, and did not get angry because Sword Master Yin Ruo misunderstood himself, he said seriously: “I’m not talking for Sky Academy, but I really think that Sky Academy should be the best of Senior Brother Homecoming! If Senior Brother joins Sky Academy, whether it is Senior Brother you or the entire Shushan, you will get infinite benefits. Far more than Senior Brother as Shushan Sect Master, the contribution to Shushan is greater! “

Jiangsheng Yin Ruo laughed awkwardly: “Oh, you talk about it, how will Shu Shan benefit when I join Sky Academy?”

After knowing that Dean of Sky Academy is a human, and that Sky Academy has different races such as Human Race and Monster Race, he has no prejudice against Sky Academy. The reason why he did not want to join Sky Academy is because of him. He cares too much about Shushan too. Like Wine Sword Immortal, he also regards Shushan as his home. His affection for Shushan even exceeds Wine Sword Immortal, because he grew up in Shushan since he was a child.

“The situation at Sky Academy, presumably Senior Brother already knows?” asked Wine Sword Immortal.

Jiangsheng Yin Ruozhuo stunned for a moment: “I don’t understand what you are talking about?”

Wine Sword Immortal said: “That being the case, let me say it again carefully, Sky Academy is a super force across All Heavens and Myriad Realms, what they mentioned is Shrouding the Heavens World, and where we are. World and so on are just one of the Worlds involved in Sky Academy. The strength of Sky Academy is almost horrible. There are only a group of Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouses. Transcendent Middle Realm and Transcendent lower realm. I dare not imagine. Do you agree with this? “

After hearing this, Jianruo Yinruo thought for a while, then nodded.

The strength of Sky Academy, he has already seen a part, but this part alone makes him scared.

“Senior Brother may wish to think that Sky Academy is only an Academy after all. Even if you join Sky Academy, you still enjoy a high degree of freedom, and you can even return to Shushan at any time …” Wine Sword Immortal continued.

Jiangruo Yin Ruozhuo interrupted his words: “What on earth do you want to say? Just speak straight, don’t go around.”

Wine Sword Immortal was silent for a while and said, “I mean, Sky Academy is so powerful, there are definitely a lot of powerful spells, cultivation techniques, heavenly materials earthly treasures, magic medicine pill and so on. If Senior Brother joins Sky Academy, get these spells, cultivation techniques, heavenly materials earthly treasures and so on, and then teach Shushan Disciple, and give them treasure, they will definitely make Shushan’s strength increase in a very short time! ”

Speaking of this, Jian Ruo Yin Ruozhuo didn’t immediately object, but meditated.

Many Shushan disciples are eyes shined, and my heart is inexplicably excited.

However, it has n’t been long before they are excited. The words of the sword master Yin Ruozhuo are like a cold water, pouring them thoroughly: “Cultivation technique and spell, let’s forget it. The reason why Shushan is Shushan is because we practice It ’s the pure Taoist cultivation technique, which is the foundation of Shushan. If we refit other cultivation techniques, is it still Shushan? “

If Shushan’s protective sect and the Myriad Swords Art are no longer practised, Shushan will no longer be Shushan.

“Even if doesn’t cultivate other cultivation techniques and spells, but what about heavenly materials earthly treasures?” Wine Sword Immortal asked: “Sky Academy is so powerful, I don’t believe it, there will be no baby! I There is no doubt that Senior Brother can bring a baby back and he will be of great help to Shushan!

For a time, many Shushan disciples once again ignited hope.

Although it is not a glorious thing for the Sect Master to join other forces, if it is really as Wine Sword Immortal said, then whether it is the Sect Master or their Shushan Disciples, they will get great benefits.

Jianruo Yin Ruozuo still hesitated. Deep down, he still had some resistance to joining Sky Academy.

“If this is what you said, wouldn’t I be a spy?” Jian Ruo Yin Ruozhuo has his own set of rules. He can’t do such things.

Wine Sword Immortal continues to persuade: “Not the same! Spy is a power that penetrates into another power to make a profit for one’s own power … but if Senior Brother joins Sky Academy, it will no longer be the Shushan Sect Master. For Senior Brother, Shushan is at best a home, not a force. As long as Senior Brother does not harm the interests of Sky Academy, it will not be a big deal. Senior Brother cannot always think that to join Sky Academy, you must abandon your home? If so, would anyone join Sky Academy? “

Jianruo Yinruo was a little shaken, but he still couldn’t make up his mind: “But …”

“Senior Brother!” The volume of Wine Sword Immortal increased a bit, “You think about it, since Sky Academy is going to establish a branch in Fairy Sword World, it will inevitably recruit many students. Even Senior Brother, you do n’t join Sky Academy , Others will join Sky Academy, when the time comes, they have the support of Sky Academy, and will inevitably grow up at the fastest speed. Maybe in a short time, they can become a powerhouse comparable to you and me. “

Wine Sword Immortal has a very serious look, and his voice is a little dignified: “If one of them dislikes Shu Shan, how does the Senior Brother deal with it? If a student graduates in the future and builds a force on his own, how should Shu Shan be with himself? How to keep it? Where is the head of seventy two Immortal Sect? Senior Brother ca n’t count on me, I can always take care of Shushan, right? Even if I speak, not everyone will sell me face, after all, the real thing is me in the future, and Not me now. “

These words poke the pain of sword master Yin Ruozuo.

He couldn’t help holding his breath when he thought about the crisis that Shu Shan might face in the future.

Since ancient times, Shu Shan has been the head of the Immortal Sect on earth. The glorious period, even the respect and courtesy of the Jade Emperor, has never fallen. If Shu Shan changed from glory to decline during his period as Sect Master, from the clouds After hitting Fanchen, he has no face to see the Sect Master of all the immortals.

“Are you sure, I can change all of this when I join Sky Academy?” Sword Master Yin Ruo was faintly convinced.

Wine Sword Immortal said very confidently: “Although the strength of Senior Brother is not comparable to those of the Great Demon, in this fairy world, only the moon worship can compare with you. If you join Sky Academy, you will only grow more than Others are faster and achieve more amazing achievements. Even more how, you and my senior and junior brothers will be able to occupy a place in the Sky Academy, which is far easier than fighting alone. “

At this point, Wine Sword Immortal has a look of pride on his face: “Senior Brother has also seen, Junior Brother I, at Sky Academy, I still have some face. We join Sky Academy, and I think it should be better than others. Easier. “

Quite the respectful and polite appearance of the previous Great Demon group, Wine Sword Immortal is more than just face, it is all prestige, do not dare not obey!

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