
Chapter 850 Immortal Court Calling For Help

“That’s it!” Wine Sword Immortal haha ​​smiled, as if Druid Sword Master Yin Ruozhuo would join Sky Academy.

Looking at Wine Sword Immortal’s happy look, Juggernaut Yin Ruozhuo was curious: “Why is Junior Brother so happy? Although I promised you to join Sky Academy if you have a chance, I have rejected them before, after all, they do n’t Will definitely come again. “

The group of people are so strange that they do n’t know where to go. It ’s not easy to find them.

Moreover, they are extremely fast. I’m afraid they have just found a clue here and they have already reached another place.

Wine Sword Immortal slightly smiled: “Senior Brother has no idea. The Dean valued a young boy very much, and intended to accept him as a honorary disciple. Therefore, he set a test for the young boy. If the young boy was alone, When he came to Shushan, that Dean would accept him as a honorary disciple and teach him the ability. “

“Therefore, we only need to stay in Shushan and guard the rabbits, and we don’t need to look for them all over the world.” Wine Sword Immortal said comfortably.

Jianruo Yin Ruozhuo was surprised: “That Dean?”

He looked dignified, and asked, “You mean, Sky Academy Dean? The one who possesses great magical power?”

He remembers that Wine Sword Immortal said that Dean had a supernatural ability, and even Myriad Swords Art couldn’t break his defense.

Wine Sword Immortal nodded, saying: “Yes, it’s him!”

“Junior Brother had contact with that Dean. In your opinion, what kind of person is he?” Sword Master Yin Ruozhuo asked.

After hearing the words, Wine Sword Immortal carefully recalled every bit of how he got along with Dean, but finally shook his head and said, “I don’t know what kind of person he is. He feels like me. The expert in the game is like an ordinary young boy. He comes and goes without a trace, and mysterious is so incomparable, like … Heavenly Dao! Yes, it is Heavenly Dao! “

His tone speeded up a bit: “He is just like foundly mystery in Heavenly Dao, can’t be tempted! His eyes, like deep black holes, make people dare not look straight, as if they only look at them once, they will be jailed. Hold on, get caught in it … “

Even with the free and easy-going nature of Wine Sword Immortal, I can’t help but be in awe of the mysterious Dean. It can be seen how difficult the mysterious Dean is.

“I’m getting more and more curious, I really want to see this mysterious Dean!” Sword Master Yin Ruozhu can’t help but have some longing. What kind of person can get such reviews from Junior Brother, which has always been sloppy. Junior Brother, so awesome.

You know, Wine Sword Immortal never had such awe to him and to worship the moon.

Wine Sword Immortal said with a smile: “Senior Brother’s wish can be fulfilled very soon, but now, Senior Brother still thinks about how to settle the people in Shushan.”

You can hear Wine Sword Immortal mentioning this group of people, Shushan disciplines are nervous and looked towards Sword Master Yin Ruozhuo.

The two strongest people in Shu Shan are the sword sage Yin Ruozuo and Wine Sword Immortal. It is because of their existence that Shu Shan can stand on top of the eventful two Immortal Sect. If the sword sage Yin Ruozuo and Wine Sword Immortal joined Sky Academy at the same time, I am afraid that there should not be much energy to take care of Shushan in a short time. Without these two backbones, Shushan has no heads, and it may be changed.

The best way is to immediately choose a new Sect Master!

Moreover, this Sect Master must be a person with high strength and trust by Shushan disciplines!

“The Great Elder is mature and should be the Shushan Sect Master best candidate, but …” Jian Sheng Yin Ruozhu took a glance at an old man below, “Great Elder is old, I am afraid that I do n’t have that much energy to handle Shushan affairs . “

Shu Shan Great Elder praised: “The Sect Master is wise, the old man is aging, and he really ca n’t afford such a big responsibility. Moreover, the old man is indifferent, happy and quiet, so this new Sect Master, It’s better to have another person. “

Jianruo Yinruo’s eyes turned to another person, who was a fifty-sixty-year-old man with a strong physique and hands full of calluses left over from hard work.

“Second Elder is anxious and righteous, strong and strong, but impulsive and irritable. It is also not suitable to be a Sect Master.” Sword Master Yin Ruozhuo shook his head.

Second Elder haha ​​of Shushan smiled: “I have no interest in the position of Sect Master. With this time, I might as well go to mountainside and practice a few more swords.”

Before the sword master Yin Ruozhuo continued to speak, Shushan Fourth Elder and Fifth Elder would all say: “I have no intention of serving as the Sect Master.”

Fourth Elder and Fifth Elder Cultivation Base are lower than the first three elders, and the entry is later, and the prestige in Shushan is far less than the first three elders. Therefore, whether they are intentional or not, Sect Master It is impossible for them to fall on their heads. In this way, they simply refuse to take the initiative, so as not to embarrass Jian Sheng Yin Ruo.

Jianruo Yin Ruozhuo was lightly nodded, and then fell on Third Elder: “So, the new Sect Master is Third Elder!”

Everybody’s gazes converged on Shu Shan Third Elder.

“Then I will give it a try.” Shu Shan Third Elder was silent, opened the mouth and said, “It’s just my ability, far less than Sect Master. Many things, I hope you will be considerate.”

In fact, everyone knows that even if Jian Sheng Yin Ruozhuo and Wine Sword Immortal joined the Sky Academy, Shu Shan is still the two of them. The so-called new Sect Master has the name of Sect Master, but many major event affections. It is still up to Sword Master Yin Ruozhuo and Wine Sword Immortal to make a decision, and it is precisely because everyone has seen through this that several elders and many excellent disciplines have shown an interest in Sect Master.

It can be said that the new Sect Master is a laborious task!

“This is the Sect Master token.” Jian Sheng Yin Ruozhuo handed the Shushan Sect Master token to Third Elder. “From now on, you are the Shushan Sect Master!”

paused, he continued: “As for the vacant elder quota, Fourth Elder and Fifth Elder are successively extended upwards, and then a person with both virtue and talent is selected from the generation of discipline to serve as the new Fifth Elder. Specific candidates, It’s up to you. “

The moment he surrendered the Sect Master token, he is no longer a Sect Master, and naturally has no right to intervene in the internal affairs of Shushan. Of course, if he must intervene, with his prestige in Shushan, naturally No one would object, but he didn’t have to intervene in such a small matter.

Next, Jian Ruo Yin Ruozhuo explained a lot of things and took pains. From this we can see that he really has a deep feeling for Shu Shan.

“Okay, Senior Brother, you’re almost there. Those who don’t know, thought you were telling the fun!” Wine Sword Immortal said.

Before the sword master Yin Ruozhuo spoke, a silhouette suddenly flew from the sky, and a cry came for help: “Yin Sect Master, help!”

The crowd looked up together and saw the silhouette passing by quickly, and soon landed outside the Shushan great hall. He was covered with sweat, wearing a tattered armor, and his face was covered with bruises. Looks very embarrassed.

“Xianting Divine General!” Sword Master Yin Ruozhuo and Wine Sword Immortal looked at each other, both complexion changed.

The Divine General of Divine General is also a Transcendent Realm powerhouse, but the Cultivation Base is not as high as the sword master Yin Ruozhuo. It should be a powerhouse that has just learned the path, or although it has been a long time, the Cultivation Base is not at all. Too much progress, his breathing is chaotic, his breath is quite weak, and his mouth is screaming: “There is trouble in Xianting. I am in the order of the Jade Emperor. Hereby, I would like to help Yin Sect Master!”

Xianting is in trouble!

These four words shook everyone in Shushan.

“What happened?” Jian Sheng Yin Ruozhu narrowed his eyes and asked immediately.

Xianting is the orthodox controller of the Three Realms. It is also a part of Heavenly Dao’s law that can control the Heavenly Dao power. Throughout the ages, no one can shake the status of Xianting. Even in the most brilliant period of Shushan, Dare to fight against Xianting, because no matter how strong the manpower is, it is also bound by immortal dao. The Emperor of Xianting, with a single thought, can deprive him of its power and break it into the dust.

Who dares to fight against Xianting?

“It’s too late, please ask Yin Sect Master to leave immediately, otherwise Xianting can’t keep it!” Divine General said eagerly: “At Xianting, Yin Sect Master will understand!”

Jianruo Yinruo has a bad hunch.

However, the situation was urgent and he couldn’t consider that many, so he had to answer: “Okay, let’s go immediately!”

“Junior Brother is with me too!” Sword Master Yin Ruozhuo hesitated and called Wine Sword Immortal together, “Although you are not qualified, you are not inferior to those who are qualified and may help Something busy! “

No matter what the purpose, Juggernaut Yin Ruozhuo has a reason to bring Wine Sword Immortal.

Then Divine General heard and echoed nodded: “Yes, the reputation of Wine Sword Immortal, all the immortals in Xianting are heard, and I hope Wine Sword Immortal will help!”

“That being the case, let’s go together.” Wine Sword Immortal probably guessed the idea of ​​the sword master Yin Ruozhuo, and did not explain it, and immediately nodded agreed.

Soon, Yin Ruozuo, Wine Sword Immortal, and Divine General of Xianting flew to Xianting together.

The people in Shushan stared blankly at the silhouette that gradually disappeared in the sky. After a long time, they came back to his senses slowly.

One of them couldn’t help but swallowed a spit, and whispered, “Nothing happened in Millions and millions of years in Xianting, why …”

“Shouldn’t you, those great Demons, have you hit the fairy court?”

“Oh my god, that’s Xianting! Xianting Jade Emperor is the existence of Supreme of the Three Realms!”

“Sky Academy, dare to challenge Xianting?”

Although they do n’t know what kind of change happened in Xianting, their intuition told them that the people who made this change, even if they are not Sky Academy, must be related to Sky Academy! Because they ca n’t think of anyone else besides Sky Academy, who can have such courage …

The point is, listening to the meaning of Divine General of Xianting, it seems … Xianting can’t help the enemy!


“We all seem to underestimate Sky Academy!”

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