
Chapter 852 Kicked The Steel Plate

At the same time, Divine General also sound transmission asked: “Mr. Wine Sword Immortal know this person?”

Wine Sword Immortal does n’t know how to do it either, simply nodded: “It ’s hard to know, but there is some communication.”

“Since you are an acquaintance, it is easy to handle.” Divine General laughed sound transmission and said, “Mr. Wine Sword Immortal can tell them directly, as long as they apologize to the Jade Emperor and compensate for some losses, the Jade Emperor will Do n’t investigate their offense. ”

After hearing that, Wine Sword Immortal’s eyes became strange.

Ling Divine General feels a little strange: “Why, Mr. Wine Sword Immortal, what do I think is wrong?”

“I want to know, is this what you mean, or the meaning of Jade Emperor?” Wine Sword Immortal asked.

Ling Divine General said, “Natural means Jade Emperor.”

Wine Sword Immortal is silent.

Jiangruo Yin Ruozuo also twitched his eyes slightly. This jade emperor really dares to think!

“If so, then there is no need to negotiate, let’s go back.” Wine Sword Immortal said suddenly.

Ling Divine General complexion slightly changed with a gloomy look: “Mr. Wine Sword Immortal, what do you mean?”

Wine Sword Immortal shook his head, calmly said: “It’s nothing, just feel that since it’s impossible to talk, there is no need to talk.”

“You haven’t talked about it, how do you know why?” asked Divine General.

“My Junior Brother is right.” At this time, Yin Ruozhuo, the silent swordsman, also spoke, and slowly sound transmission said: “If the emperor insisted on apologizing and compensate for the loss, then … I suggest that you don’t need to talk anymore, because if this word is heard in the other person’s ears, the result will be even worse. “

paused, Jian Sheng Yin Ruozhuo said directly: “If the Jade Emperor’s mind is decided, then our senior and junior brothers will not be involved in this matter.”

Ling Divine General is unbelievable: “Are you afraid of these people?”

“Forget it, it’s nothing to tell you, I’ll go to Jade Emperor directly.” Wine Sword Immortal shook his head.

He arched his hand to Ou Shenfeng by the woods, and said, “I haven’t figured out the matter just now, I’m bothering you, continue.”

After all, he went straight back to the people in Xianting without looking back.

Jian Sheng Yin Ruozhuo glanced at L Ting Divine General, stepped on the soles of his feet gently, and the silhouette drifted away like a big goose.

Ling Divine General saw Ou Shenfeng’s eyes fall on himself, and could not help but lightly coughed, and evacuated quickly, for fear that Ou Shenfeng would call out and give Daoist all that sum to Damonist.

Wine Sword Immortal soon returned to the Jade Emperor.

“Three Qing families, are you this?” Xianting Jade Emperor looked at them puzzledly.

Many fairy houses around are also looking at Wine Sword Immortal.

Wine Sword Immortal looks directly at the Emperor Xianting and asks, “Dare to ask the Emperor, are you determined to apologize to the other party and compensate Xianting for the loss?”

“Mr. Wine Sword Immortal …”

“In front of the Jade Emperor, I don’t dare to be called immortal, the Jade Emperor still calls me Mo Xi.”

“Mr. Mo.” Although the jade emperor of Xianting was slightly dissatisfied, he was patient, and said, “They violated the majesty of Xianting and slaughtered the numerous immortal birds on the floating island. Did they apologize and compensate them? A little loss, is it wrong? “

Wine Sword Immortal indifferently said: “Yes.”

Xianting Jade Emperor’s face is slightly better, and continues: “I have no intention to take their lives, it is kind enough, is it possible that, such a small requirement, they can not meet it? They also said Unreasonable? “

“Reason?” Wine Sword Immortal sighed. “Reason is only useful when both parties are at the same level.”

Xianting Jade Emperor frowned: “What does this mean? Mr. Mo thinks that the other party is not at the same level as Xianting?”

paused, he also said, “In addition, I have another question, do you seem to know Mr. Mo’s behavior and the attitude of the person who claims to be Ou Shenfeng?

He is a little skeptical of Wine Sword Immortal’s position.

Will this Wine Sword Immortal come to help Xianting, or to these people?

“It doesn’t matter if we know each other. What’s important is that today’s issue, we’re afraid we can’t help Jade Emperor.” Wine Sword Immortal was too lazy to explain that many, directly indicating that he would quit the incident.

Ling Divine General suddenly shouted: “impudent!”

The Emperor Xianting shook his hand to stop the attack of Divine General, and then looked at Wine Sword Immortal seriously: “Mr. Mo are you sure?”

Wine Sword Immortal calmly nodded: “Very sure.”

“What about Yin Sect Master?” Xianting Jade Emperor turned his head and looked towards Jian Sheng Yin Ruozhuo, “I do n’t know how Yin Sect Master thinks about it?”

Jian Sheng Yin Ruozhuo was silent for a while, then said: “If the Jade Emperor insists on his own way, then I can only choose to quit.”

As soon as the words come out, not only the Xianting Jade Emperor, the surrounding fairy houses, celestial troops and generals, are all complexion changed.

Jianruo Yin Ruozhuo is their biggest source of energy. If Jianruo Yin Ruozhuo doesn’t care about this, then Xianting is really going to suffer a lot!

“Yin Sect Master needs to think clearly. Xianting is in charge of the operation of Heaven and Earth to maintain the order of the Three Realms. If something happens in Xianting, the entire world, I am afraid it will be destroyed!” .

“Don’t the Jade Emperor really understand what we mean?” Jian Sheng Yin Ruozhuo sighed, saying: “This is not because we don’t want to help, but … we can do nothing.”

The people in Xianting looked at Jianruo Yin Ruozhu incredulously.

Ling Divine General retorted: “How is it possible! Yin Sect Master is the Number One Powerhouse of the Three Realms, second only to General Feipeng and Demon Respect Building many years ago. What can be done in these three realms to stump you? Although that group of people is out of the ordinary, the strongest person can even easily beat me, but his strength will not exceed you at most? As long as Yin Sect Master joins hands with our Xianting, any enemy who comes to commit crimes, Everyone is very easy! “

The crowd is nodded, and they agree with the words of Divine General.

What they fear is the powerhouse that claims to win the ancients. The strength of that person is extremely horrible. Without the constraints of winning the ancients, those who are left are definitely not Xianting’s opponents.

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