
Chapter 853 Destroyed

Jiangruo Yin Ruozuo and Wine Sword Immortal are not at all clear. Before they came, the Emperor Xianting had already spoken out, asking Human Race teachers and students to apologize and compensate for the loss of Xianting. Otherwise, Xianting would spare no expense. , Battle with Human Race Department Life and Death to the end.

Hard words have been released, and everyone has offended. If you regret it now, is it too late?

“By the way, don’t you know that Little Missy?” Suddenly asked the Emperor Xianting.

Wine Sword Immortal wondered, “What little Missy?”

Xianting Jade Emperor looked at Wine Sword Immortal and saw that his expression did not seem to be a fake, and he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

“Nothing, it’s a wild girl that ’s all.” The Emperor Xianting shook his head, obviously not wanting to say more.

However, the surrounding fairy houses and celestial troops and generals are very clear. The reason why the Jade Emperor asked this question was to worry that the Little Missy was a big deal because the Immortal Crane was killed by the Little Missy. At that time, the Jade Emperor was flustered and exasperated, scolded that Little Missy, and the words were awful, if there was something about that Little Missy, Xianting would be even worse off.

Jin Ruo Yin Ruozhuo realized that it didn’t seem easy, and asked, “Can the Jade Emperor elaborate?”

For no reason, why did the Emperor Xianting mention the Little Missy alone?

“It’s nothing, I just taught her a few words casually.” But Xianting Jade Emperor did not want to mention it again. After all, he was flustered and exasperated at that time, and he talked badly and damaged the image. “He was worried about what she was doing. That ’s why I asked more. Since Mr. Mo does n’t know this person, presumably, this person should be just a nobody. ”

A really nobody?

In fact, neither the Emperor Xianting nor the many fairy families have forgotten the respectful appearance of the mysterious group of people towards that Little Missy, but they do not want to remember subconsciously, fearing that things will develop to the worst situation, when the time comes to end it.

“The most urgent thing is how to reconcile with each other.” Xian Tingyu Emperor said solemnly: “I can not let them apologize or I can’t let them compensate, but … I don’t want them to make trouble again in Xianting, this requires , Isn’t it excessive? “

Jianruo Yin Ruozhuo could not help saying with a smile: “Did the Jade Emperor still understand?”

Xianting Jade Emperor frowned.

“The question now is not whether Xianting is willing to reconcile, but … Sky Academy is willing to reconcile.” Jian Sheng Yin Ruozhuo said bluntly: “To put it bluntly, the real right of choice is not in Xianting’s hands at all. , They do not come to the trouble of Xianting, even if it is the best ending. “

Xianting is simply not qualified to ask Sky Academy to do anything.

Xianting Jade Emperor complexion sank.

He is very scared of Sky Academy, but it doesn’t mean that he really has no confidence at all.

“Trouble in finding Xianting? Is it possible that they really dare to kill them?” Xianting Jade Emperor was extremely angry and smiled, “Don’t forget, Xianting is the three realms of the Three Realms, and I am the fairy. The family has the power of immortal dao to maintain the order and operation of the Three Realms. If they kill 朕, the Three Realms will be chaotic and chaotic, and the entire world will be destroyed. 朕 I do n’t believe it, they dare to do it!

If the World is destroyed, Sky Academy will be worse, and it will have to follow the world annihilation.

This is the true spirit of Xianting Jade Emperor!

He believes that no matter how excessive the Sky Academy people are, they dare not hurt his life, at most it is to insult him that ’s all.

“You don’t believe it, I believe it!” Wine Sword Immortal said, “They not only dare to kill the Jade Emperor, they also dare to destroy the entire fairy court!”

Xianting Jade Emperor is even more dissatisfied with Wine Sword Immortal. Who is this person? Why speak for that Sky Academy everywhere?

Jian Sheng Yin Ruozhuo thought for a while and said, “Although I don’t want things to go to the worst, I have to say that if they annoy them, maybe they dare to do something to the Jade Emperor or even wipe out the whole thing. Fairy! “

Xianting Jade Emperor frowned: “Yin Sect Master think so?”

Wine Sword Immortal said that ’s all, why even the sword master Yin Ruozhuo say the same thing?

“I heard them mention a message. Although I don’t know if it is true or false, the Jade Emperor can refer to it.” Jian Sheng Yin Ruozhuo said slowly.

Xianting Jade Emperor said: “Say!”

Jian Sheng Yin Ruozhuo took a deep breath and said, “Listen to them, they … are not from the Three Realms, but from another World! According to them, this world is far more than just our World, and It is the coexistence of All Heavens and Myriad Realms. Our world is just the humble one of Tian Tian Wan within the realm! As for the true and false, Jade Emperor can tell for himself! “

“All Heavens and Myriad Realms?” The Emperor Xianting was shocked.

He kept thinking, where did these mysterious powerhouses come from, and why did they suddenly pop up?

Now, after listening to Jian Sheng Yin Ruozhuo’s words, connecting all the information together, he finally understands.

“No wonder, there was no movement in the entire Three Realms before, but suddenly such a group of powerhouses popped up! No wonder immortal dao power has no influence on them …” Xianting Jade Emperor trembled: “If they come from outside World, then everything can be explained! All Heavens and Myriad Realms, All Heavens and Myriad Realms … “He repeated the words ‘All Heavens and Myriad Realms’, but his face became paler.

Although there is no substantial evidence, the heart of Xianting Jade Emperor is almost certain that All Heavens and Myriad Realms really exist, and the group of mysterious people must also come from other worlds!

Only in this way can everything be explained.

“If they really came from another world, wouldn’t they say …” The fairy eye of the Emperor Xianting shrank, and a horror of fear grew in her heart.

For thousands of years, he can’t remember how many years he has not experienced the feeling of fear.

Jian Sheng Yin Ruozhuo heavily nodded: “It seems that the Jade Emperor finally wanted to understand, yes, for the Three Realms, Xianting aloof and remote is more important than everything, but for those outside the World, Even if the Three Realms are really destroyed, they may not care, at worst, they just pull away and leave … “

The expression of the Emperor Xianting Jade suddenly turned pale, and cold sweat was also revealed on his forehead.

He was a little panicked.

Since sitting on the throne of Jade Emperor, he is so panicked for the first time.

Because his biggest source of confidence has lost his deterrent effect, his life is no longer under his control!

“Yin Sect Master, Mr. Mo, please you must rescue Xianting, save you!” Xianting Jade Emperor no longer has the majesty of aloof and remote, as if falling from the altar, “Mo Sir, you know that group of people, why not tell them, I do n’t ask for anything. On the contrary, I can apologize to them and ask them to forgive me! ”

Looking at the fear of the Emperor Xianting, Wine Sword Immortal couldn’t help but twisted his lips.

In the past, he respected the Jade Emperor quite a bit, but now, the image of the Jade Emperor in his mind is completely broken.

Unexpectedly, the seemingly majestic, aloof and remote jade emperor is just a greedy for life and fear of death.

“Please Yin Sect Master and Mr. Mo to save Xianting!” Many fairy families also spoke anxiously.

Jianruo Yin Ruozhuo sighed and shook his head: “It’s not that I don’t want to save, but that I can’t help it. After all, I’m just a Transcendent Middle Realm powerhouse, and Sky Academy can send a random person to sweep the whole fairy court, and I can’t Stop, otherwise, I have only dead end. “

The emperor of Xianting Jade sank in his heart and said: “Don’t forget the two, you are also the three realms. If the fairy lands are destroyed, the three realms will also be destroyed, and you can’t escape!”

“I do n’t understand why the lips are cold?” Jian Sheng Yin Ruozhu sighed: “But I really can’t do anything!”

The terrifying strength of Sky Academy, the sword master Yin Ruozhuo just think about it, they feel despair and deep weakness.

Seeing the sword Saint Yin Ruozhuo’s expression does not seem to be a fake, the Xianting Jade Emperor and the Immortals are suddenly even more desperate. Is it possible that the immortal court that stands millions and millions of years will be destroyed today?

Jianruo Yin Ruozhuo looked at the pessimistic appearance of everyone, and said, “You do n’t need to be so pessimistic? Although Sky Academy is invincible, as long as the Jade Emperor is slightly better, and sincerely apologize, they may not be immortal Hands on, after all, since Sky Academy intends to set up a branch in Xianjian World, it must be fancy about some of the advantages of this World. If it destroys the Xianjian World, wouldn’t they be busy living? “

The reason why he is so calm is that he guesses that Sky Academy will not do anything to Xianting.

After hearing the words, Xianting Jade Emperor calmed down and relieved a little.

So it seems that Xianting has a chance to survive, and even hopes very much!

“I didn’t know the situation of Sky Academy before, and I was really overly aggressive.” Xianting Jade Emperor resumed a bit of majesty again, “I promise, I will sincerely apologize to them and give them a satisfactory account!” A little face is better than losing his life.

Everyone is old eccentric, I do n’t know how many years, but I still get it.

Just when the Emperor Xianting was a little better, there was a deafening shouted outside the floating island: “What kind of bastard that just insulted Xiaoyu Young Lady, get out of the Old lady!”

At the same time, a terrifying atmosphere instantly covered half of the floating island, covering almost all celestial troops and generals, including the Xianting Jade Emperor and the others, naturally within it.

Feeling the terrifying breath, Divine General could not help but complexion changed greatly, cry out in surprise: “Peerless Great Demon! It is comparable to General Peppong’s Peerless Great Demon!” He stayed at South Heaven Sect for a long time. Later, Feipeng violated the rules of the sky and was degraded. Samsara Reincarnation, who replaced General Feipeng, was L. Divine General. His relationship with General Feipeng was not very good, but they knew each other very well, and therefore, He was very clear about the strength of General Phonpeng, and at this moment, the terrifying Great Demon breath was nothing less than that of General Phonpeng.

“Your Majesty, be careful!” Ting Divine General immediately stood in front of the Jade Emperor, like an enemy.

Countless celestial troops and generals are also guarding the Jade Emperor in the trembling of fear.

Even if they know they are not, they have to shoulder their mission and responsibilities!

Sword Master Yin Ruozuo is also complexion slightly changed: “It’s her!”

Who is the one who speaks, not Bai Jie?

“Yin Sect Master know this person?” Xianting Jade Emperor asked palely.

“This person is the one who has wounded me. It is the peerless Great Demon.” Jian Sheng Yin Ruozuo solemnly said: “Since she is here, it means that the teachers and students of the Sky Academy Monster Race are all here!”

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