
Chapter 858 Heart knot

The atmosphere was a little awkward for a while.

Wine Sword Immortal does not speak, and everyone dare not speak out, lest it cause Misunderstanding to Wine Sword Immortal.

I do n’t know how long it has passed, Wine Sword Immortal came back to his senses slowly, said solemnly: “that ’s all, Zhao Linger, Ming Yuanqing and Anu, I will see them personally.”

Ming Yuanqing and Anu are very easy to find. You can find them only by visiting Nanzhao King’s Palace.

“Zhao Linger is on a small island not far from Yuhang Town. The island is called by the locals as immortal spirit island. If you go to Yuhang Town and ask someone, you can find the location of immortal spirit island. “Chen Gu spoke with interest of Zhao Linger’s whereabouts.

Wine Sword Immortal said in amazement: “Yuhang Town?”

He has the urge to spit blood.

Not long ago, he had been to Yuhang Town, but he hurried back to Shushan. As a result, Zhao Linger was near Yuhang Town.

“Is there anything wrong with Dean?” Chen Gu was a bit confused by Wine Sword Immortal’s reaction.

“It’s nothing.” Wine Sword Immortal sighed, at worst, take another trip to Yuhang Town.

Anyway, he’s been there once, and he’s familiar with the road, so the last time he was exploring the road.

Chen Gu didn’t think too much, he turned his head and looked towards Jian Ruo Yin Ruozhuo, and said, “As for Lin Yueru and Jiang Ming, please turn to Yin Sect Master!”

“Lin Yueru, I know, this girl is the daughter of an elder brother I met when I was in the rivers and lakes. My elder brother is now the Nan Wulin Alliance Leader Lin Nantian.” Jian Sheng Yin Ruozhuo said: “But Jiang Ming Senior Brother … Isn’t he already dead? As far as I know, Jiang Ming Senior Brother has died that time, leaving only his soul and obsession, guarding in the lock Demon Tower, and cannot be relieved.


He had thought about it, hoping to be able to surpass Jiang Ming Senior Brother, untie his obsession, and help Jiang Ming Senior Brother to be relieved, but he never had a chance.

Unexpectedly, Chen Gu even included Jiang Ming Senior Brother in the list of students!

“A dead person can also join Sky Academy?” Sword Master Yin Ruozhuo’s head was a little blind.

Chen Gu saw the doubt of the sword master Yin Ruozhuo and explained: “Jiang Ming is indeed dead, but his soul has not yet entered into reincarnation, nor has he died, so he can also join Sky Academy. For Sky Academy Soul body is the only criterion for measuring the annihilation of all living beings! “At this point, he suddenly thought of the greedy wolf dog and the others. At the beginning, the greedy wolf dog and the others even the soul was annihilated, or they were resurrected by Dean Is it, so he immediately changed his mouth, “Even if the fleshhy body is decaying and the soul is annihilated, as long as Dean is willing, he can still be resurrected!”

Hearing Chen Gu’s words, Sword Master Yin Ruozuo and Wine Sword Immortal looked at each other with a shock in their eyes.

Even a soul annihilated can be resurrected?

Is this still Daoist?

This method, not to mention the Jade Emperor, is Nuwa Empress, I’m afraid it is far behind?

“Who the hell is Dean?” Sword Master Yin Ruozuo and Wine Sword Immortal were both more and more in awe of Zhang Yu.

Took a deep breath, Jian Sheng Yin Ruozhuo said: “If Dean can really resurrect Jiang Ming Senior Brother, I would like to try it! For so many years, Jiang Ming Senior Brother has been stuck with obsessions, endless torture, and sometimes Time to be relieved! “

Chen Gu nodded, said with a smile: “All right, Lin Yueru and Jiang Ming, please ask Yin Sect Master to help solicit!”

“I’m a Sky Academy person now, and it’s incumbent on me to help Sky Academy recruit talent.” Sword Master Yin Ruozhuo waved and said, “Mr. Chen Gu need not be polite.”

“Way of worship, Ming Yuanqing, Anu, Zhao Linger, Lin Yueru, Jiang Ming. There are only six students, and three more?” Wine Sword Immortal asked.

“The remaining three, one is the Tang Tang of the Father Father’s Adoptive Father Elder Shi, and the other is the Tang Dynasty champion Liu Jinyuan, and the last one is the butterfly.” Chen Gu said slowly: “These three, we will go out and invite them to join the Sky Academy Fairy Sword World. After all, Yin Sect Master and Fen Dean just joined the Fairy Sword World. You can’t leave everything to you.”

“Elder Shi, I have had several relationships with him.” Jian Sheng Yin Ruozhuo said: “This man is named Shi Gonghu, who is rigid, stubborn, upright, and stern, and is a Three Dynasty Senior of the Black Miao nationality. Respected by countless Hmong people, even the king of Nanzhao Kingdom has trusted and respected him very much. But he never thought that Shi Jie was actually the righteous son of Elder Shi. Moon worship Sect Lord, and this Elder Shi returned There is such a connection. “

Wine Sword Immortal frowned: “Right? How could Elder Shi teach a demon like moon worship?”

Chen Gu sighed, said: “The moon worship Sect Lord is indeed Elder Shi Yoshiko, but there were some misunderstandings when he was young, so that the personality of the moon worship Sect Lord changed a bit, and he became a perfectionist extremist … … The moon worship Sect Lord killed Lin Qing Er indirectly, and dean hates the moon worship Sect Lord, and there is no excuse, but I believe that if Dean touches this person deeply and understands his heart, he will understand that he is not Evil! “

Not only is n’t evil, on the contrary, the moon worship Sect Lord hates the ugliness of the world more than anyone else, and is a real person with great love.

He has the same compassion for all beings and creatures. He believes that people cannot control other beings, even a weed on the roadside. In his eyes, his life has the same right to exist as a human being, saying that he is the most It is not too much to be a good person. Blame it, his means are too extreme.

Not only Chen Gu, but the rest of Sky Academy also respect and admire the worship of the moon.

“You have your opinion, and I have my opinion.” How can Wine Sword Immortal’s hatred of moon worship be eliminated by Chen Gu in a few words? He differedly said: “Maybe you are right, but I keep my opinion.”

Jiang Sheng Yin Ruozhuan saw that the atmosphere was not right, and could n’t help but interject: “I do n’t mention the moon worship anymore, he will see for himself in the future. Junior Brother, you also converge a little bit, I know you have been to Lin Qing Er I ’m still worried, but now we have joined Sky Academy and become the people of Xianjian World branch. In the future … If there is an opportunity, Lin Qing Er may not be able to resurrect! “

Well heard, Wine Sword Immortal feels refreshed.

He thought of Chen Gu’s words!

Dean has the means to connect the heavens through the earth. Even the soul annihilated can be resurrected!

Maybe it’s not difficult for Dean to resurrect Qing Er!

“Yes, Dean does have a way to save the forest Qing Er.” Chen Gu nodded, said: “As far as I know, Dean once traveled a long time and saved a Heavenly Emperor’s parents from a long time and space. And rescued another big brother of Heavenly Emperor! By the way, you should have never heard of Heavenly Emperor. According to your world ’s understanding, Heavenly Emperor is almost the same as entering Daoist. The difference is that Heavenly Emperor is aware of the law. , With Daoist’s realm and sentiment, the mana is limited by Heaven and Earth and has never stepped into this level. “

While Chen Gu said this, Wine Sword Immortal was even more excited, and his breathing was a little quick.

“Putting it that way, Qing Er also hopes to reproduce the world!” Wine Sword Immortal voices were trembling.

Chen Gu glanced at Wine Sword Immortal, solemnly said: “As long as Dean nodded, resurrecting forest Qing Er, it is only a trivial matter. However, how can we ask Dean to take a shot, this is what Dean needs to consider. Things. “

Wine Sword Immortal clenched his fists, said solemnly: “Yes, no matter what the price is, I will definitely ask Dean to take a shot!”

The expression of Sword Master Yin Ruozhuo looks at Wine Sword Immortal complicatedly. In fact, Wine Sword Immortal’s feelings for Lin Qing Er do not exist. The so-called feelings are actually the feelings of Sword Master Yin Ruozhuo for Lin Qing Er. And Seal is in the ancient pendant. Later, he cut off the love thread and successfully entered the road. The ancient pendant also gave Wine Sword Immortal, so that the memory and affection were fused with Wine Sword Immortal.

The real love for Lin Qing Er is the sword master Yin Ruozhuo!

The one who really cannot sacrifice Lin Qing Er is also the sword master Yin Ruozhuo!

It is only that he successfully entered the path, freed from emotional bondage, and broke away from the emotional vortex.

On the contrary, Wine Sword Immortal and Lin Qing Er have never been masked. It is only because of the fusion of memories and feelings from the ancient pendant that they are so infatuated with Lin Qing Er, and regardless of how the sword master Yin Ruozhuo explained, Wine Sword Immortal Unwilling to believe, firmly believe that the person who knows and loves Lin Qing Er is himself.

Wine Sword Immortal’s love for Lin Qing Er becomes stronger, and the more complicated the mood of the sword master Yin Ruozhuo.

Did you ever love Lin Qing Er so much?

He who cut off love can no longer appreciate that love, so he doesn’t know how deep his original love for Lin Qing Er was, and he doesn’t know what he was based on. Perseverance, cutting love, and taking the inaction, he only knew that he had lost something faintly, and lost forever. Occasionally, the heart felt inexplicable pain.

“I do n’t know why Dean is so persistent. I only know that maybe forgetting this relationship is the best choice for Dean.” Chen Gu sighed: “As far as I know, the future of Dean seems to be I did not ask Dean to revive the forest Qing Er! I believe that in the future, Dean will make such a choice, there must be a reason! “

Wine Sword Immortal as if was struck by lightening, it is difficult to set a channel: “What do you say? In the future, I did not ask Dean to revive Qing Er?”

Chen Gu nodded, said: “The future of Dean, came out of this shadow, realized the avenue, Transcendent is alive! Compared to you, the future of Dean is more free and easy, and is not subject to any rules in the world The restraint is for the true great freedom! “

If you have thoughts in your heart, how can you pry into the truth?

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