
Chapter 859 Coming Soon!

“Okay, don’t say it!” Wine Sword Immortal stared at Chen Gu, “I will never betray this relationship with Qing Er! It will never be possible now or in the future!”

Chen Gu was silent, looking at the madness of Wine Sword Immortal. He didn’t dare to stimulate Wine Sword Immortal anymore.

Bai Jie and the others are always silent. They don’t want to mix too much about Wine Sword Immortal.

Jianruo Yin Ruozhuo glanced at everyone, sighed, and then said to Wine Sword Immortal, “Junior Brother, calm down. Mr. Chen Gu must have no other meaning, after all, the person who finally makes the decision is you For yourself, no one else can interfere with your will. “

Well, Wine Sword Immortal calmed down a bit.

“That’s all, not to mention it. Now that the list of students has been determined, let’s go now.” Jian Sheng Yin Ruozhuo said: “Invite them earlier to join the Xianjian World Branch, and everyone can feel relieved earlier. “

A few moments later, the crowd dispersed and moved towards different directions.

To the east of Shu Mountain, the Xianjian World Branch is also in full swing and is extremely efficient.

Journey to the West and Demon World.

The place where the teachers and students of Dragon Race came is the fishing village, where the water monsters appear.

Ao Kun, Ao Yue, Ao Wuyan and the others gazed at the calm river, among the woods on the other side of the fishing village, and the water monsters in the river were under the influence of their Divine Soul.

“I didn’t think too much before. Now it seems that setting up a branch in this World is more difficult than we think.” Ao Kun frowned.

Let ’s not talk about the location of the branch. The students alone are a headache.

Site selection can be found in a place with a strong Spiritual Qi. You will be there, but the students have questions, but they must not be careless!

“Yueer, who do you think should be recruited?” Ao Kun looked towards Ao Yue and asked for the latter’s opinion.

Ao Yue was silent for a moment and said, “Duan Xiaoxiao, Water Demon, Pig Demon Pig Gange, Sun Wukong, King of Demon King.”

Tang Xuanzang and Duan Xiaoxiao are two of the most important characters in “Journey to the West”, and everyone can see that the entire “Journey to the West” is described around Tang Xuanzang and Duan Xiaoxiao. Therefore, Tang Xuanzang and Duan Xiaoxiao are the best candidates for the Journey to the West, and they seem to be Child of Destiny. Dean has already said that he will personally deal with Tang Xuanzang’s problems. Therefore, Ao Yue only Mentioned Duan Xiaoxiao without mentioning Tang Xuanzang.

As for Sun Wukong, the king of the water monster, the pig monster, and the king of Demon King, although it killed many people, after being subdued by Duan Xiaoxiao and Tang Xuanzang, he diligently subdue monsters and defeat demons to protect Tang. Xuanzang went to Xitian to learn from the Scriptures, which can be regarded as a supplement to those who have been killed by them. After Samsara Reincarnation, they may be able to reborn to good people and enjoy high position and great wealth in the afterlife.

Ao Yue believes that Tang Xuanzang and Duan Xiaoxiao can surrender them and get them on the right track. Dragon Race can naturally do it, and it can do better!

“What else? That’s just four.” Ao Kun asked.

Ao Yue expressionless: “It’s gone.”

She couldn’t think of another candidate.

Ao Yue frowned, and then asked Ao Wuyan: “What do you think?”

Ao Wuyan thought about it, and answered, “The four people mentioned by aunt should be best candidates, but the number is too small, and it is not enough.”

paused, hesitated for a moment, and said, “If it doesn’t work, just bring in those three Fiend drivers!”

“You mean … Five Elements Boxing, Residual Foot, Void Young Master?” Ao Kun eyes shined, “These three people also have a certain weight in” Journey to the West “, and they are barely qualified. Join the Journey to the West and Drop the Magic World Branch! “Even the pig demon pig and the gangster can only surpass the three fiends on the full moon night.

At this point, Ao Kun frowned again: “But even if you add three of them, there are only seven of them. No matter what, you have to have ten?”

This time, Ao Wuyan is no different.

He filtered the entire “Journey to the West” and filtered it over and over, but he couldn’t find any suitable candidate.

“Everyone think about it quickly, this task is related to everyone’s rewards, can’t be sloppy!” Ao Kun glanced over many Dragon Race children and urged: “Even if it is not for rewards, we must complete the task, After all, we can lose to anyone, but we ca n’t lose to Monster Race! ”

Dragon Race, born proud, is the proudest race in the world.

The pride of them in the bones does not allow them to lose to anyone!

For a while, many Dragon Race children are thinking and thinking hard.

After a while, a Dragon Race child who looks like only an eight-nine-year-old boy suddenly opened the mouth and said, “Yes, that little girl!”

“What little girl?” Everyone’s eyes focused on the teenager.

“It’s the little girl in the fishing village!” the boy explained, “the one eaten by the water demon!”

The crowd reacted slowly, and Ao Kun even showed a surprise: “I almost forgot! According to the description of” Journey to the West “, the little girl was clever, cute, and a rare unpolished jade. The water monster was one of Tang Xuanzang’s biggest regrets. So it seems that the little girl may also be eligible to enter the list of students.

“I just checked it out with Divine Soul. The child is indeed as described in” Journey to the West “, not to mention innate talent, that cute look is a match for Xiaoyu!” Ao Wuyan praised.

It is comparable to Ao Xiaoyu, which is already the highest rating for little girls!

Ao Kun said with a smile: “Okay, that’s it, this little girl also has a place. So, there are eight people.”

One person counts short, everyone counts long, and it really makes sense.

“Let’s think about it, what else is missing?” Ao Kun looked around and said to everyone.

Everyone thinks hard again, and thinks through every detail of “Journey to the West”, but it is always difficult to think of any suitable candidate.

Ao Yue was a little impatient and said, “Okay, the people mentioned in” The Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons “, but basically everything has been selected by us. There can be no other people. Will you bring in that big day as well? “

“Wait, Yueer, you just said, Da Riru is here?” Ao Kun calmed down, eyes shined, “haha, almost forgot this guy … if you count him, then there are nine Personal! “

“Who?” Ao Yue startled, “Don’t you really want to solicit that big day?”

She frowned and said, “Not to mention that Da Ri Rulai doesn’t seem to be a good stubble, even if he is really a suitable candidate, we may not be able to solicit him. Don’t forget, there is a record in” Journey to the West “. It seems that Da Ri Ru Lai has already left this side of the World, then Tang Xuanzang finally surrendered to Sun Wukong, and the power revealed is mostly just a divine sense left by Da Ri Ru Lai. “

Ao Kun is said with a smile: “Yueer thinks that the big sun has left this realm, but my thinking is just the opposite. He not only stays in this realm, but also … in this being. ”

“What do you mean?”

“Do you still remember the mysterious Teacher of Tang Xuanzang?” Ao Kun’s face had a slightly smug smile. “If I didn’t expect it to be bad, that person would most likely be a big day! Except big day For example, who can guide Tang Xuanzang step by step to see through the red dust, realize the great love in the world, and surrender the water demon, pig demon, and Sun Wukong? When Tang Xuanzang was dying, why was it so coincident to sniff the secrets of the three hundred songs of children’s songs? Why is the power of Sun Rulai coming at this time? All this seems to be a coincidence, but it is more like a plot against it! “

After hearing the words, everyone looked at Ao Kun in surprise.

Tang Xuanzang That Great Buddhist Monk Teacher is actually a big day?

Is it possible?

Recall carefully all the records in “Journey to the West to Drop Demons”, and everyone feels like a cloud.

“Daddy doesn’t say, I haven’t noticed yet. It seems that this big day is really the fat monk beside Tang Xuanzang!” Ao Wuyan looked at Ao Kun with admiration, his eyes full of worship , “I have read” Journey to the West: Demon History “so many times, and I haven’t found this secret!”

Even Ao Yue has to admit that Ao Kun, a former emperor of the dragon, does have wisdom beyond ordinary people.

“Whether the fat monk is here or not, he is eligible to join the Xianjian World branch.” Ao Kun said: “So, our list of students is only nine people. Just find another person, and Can make up ten. “

Ao Wuyan said, “The last one, in my opinion, you do n’t have to think about it. Just go to the Great Tang Empire and pick one. I believe that from the billion people, you will definitely be able to pick a genius that everyone is satisfied with. If you ca n’t even do this, find a Fiend guild and pull the fourth-ranked Fiend. ”

“I have to do this.” Ao Kun nodded, he had no better way.

He looked around and said, “So, Yueer, you take the Dragon Race juniors to find a place to establish a branch, and enroll the students, then leave it to me and Wuyan.” Establishing a branch requires more Therefore, it is most suitable to arrange them with Ao Yue. It is also convenient for him and Ao Wuyan to recruit students. After all, each student is in a different place. They have to travel around with a group of Dragon Race juniors. It will slow them down, too much trouble.

“I don’t care.” Ao Yue indifferently said: “Since you let them follow me, then follow me.”

Ao Kun nodded, to Ao Wuyan: “No rock, let’s go.”

“Where to go first?”

“Of course it’s the opposite fishing village!”

When the voice falls, Ao Kun silhouette flashes and disappears into the woods.

Ao Wuyan shouted, “Daddy, go slowly.” Then, his silhouette disappeared.

On a wooden board on the shore of the fishing village, a cute and cute little girl sits on the edge of the wooden board, stares at the river below, with a pure smile on her face, and two shallow dimples on her cheek, very charming, Where her gaze was, two thick legs were exposed in the river, apparently her father was playing a water demon in the water to tease her.

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