
Chapter 860 Surrender to Water Demon

“hehe, hehe …” The cute little girl was sitting on a wooden board, watching the father who was performing hard in the water, laughing like a silver bell, “fool.”

Whether it’s a laughing little girl or a middle-aged man performing hard in the water, I don’t know at all, a terrifying water demon is approaching the middle-aged man at an amazing speed, just a few breaths, water The demon is close at hand.

The villagers of the fishing village are also busy with their own affairs, without even realizing the danger in the river.

The water demon exhales a fierce breath, opens his mouth wide, and bites at the middle-aged man.

However, at this moment, Ao Wuyan extended the hand, and moved towards the river.

Between breathing, the river surface freezes directly, and the river water condenses into ice at the speed visible by naked eye. Except where the middle-aged man is located, the river water in other places, even the bottom of the river, is completely frozen, showing countless Aquatic creatures such as ice flowers and fish and shrimp are frozen in their swimming moments.

The water monster is also imprisoned in the ice, unable to move even a little bit.

This sudden scene has attracted the attention of many villagers in the fishing village.

The little girl stood up in excitement, clapping her palms, her eyes full of surprise: “wa!”

In the river, the father ’s legs of the little girl were struggling on the river surface. After a long while, she turned over, climbed onto the ice surface, and sat on the ice surface with one buttock, and spit out a pile of ice debris. .

I finally managed to slow down, and the little girl ’s father looked blankly towards all around, looking at the weird river below. At this moment, the river has completely turned into a glacial river. It’s inside! “

came back to his senses, he immediately looked towards the little girl, and asked with interest: “Longevity, are you all right?”

Little girl, that is, longevity, listens to Father’s question, shakes her head, and points to Glacier, saying: “Daddy, it’s frozen.”

“Who … it’s okay.” Longevity father sighed in relief, and then quickly climbed ashore, then carefully looked at the glacial river below, and frowned slightly, “Strange, this river is only in winter It is frozen, and there is only a layer of shallow ice on the surface. Why is unfathomable mystery frozen today? “

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

Father, who realized that there must be something wrong with this river, he dare not launch it easily. Of course, even if he wants to launch, he can only stare because the whole river has become a glacial river. Where does he go to launch?

At this time, Changsheng’s mother hurriedly ran from a distance and asked, “Changgen, are you okay?”

Nagagen, the father of Changsheng, heard his wife’s concern, shook his head, and said, “I’m fine, it’s the river …”

He pointed to the glacier below, and frowned deeply.

The roots are sighed in relief, and then look at the frozen river water, with a sad look: “The river water is frozen, so you can’t fish. What should we do this time?” Fishing village lived on fishing. If If fish cannot be caught, the livelihoods of fishing villagers will become a problem.

“Uncle Root, Root Root, let me try!” A villager jumped onto the ice with a hammer, fiercely smashed a hammer, and made a huge noise, but the ice surface did not move, but he himself It was shocked by the huge rebound force, and slipped back a foot or so before stopping.

The rest did n’t believe in evil, so they tried it together, but no matter what they did, they could n’t help it.

“What kind of ice is this? My Wang Wu has dealt with this river for decades and has never encountered such a strange ice.” A middle-aged man was shocked.

They have never encountered any monsters. Although they have heard many legends about monsters, they have not even thought about monsters. They just feel very strange.

“Well, who are you two?” Suddenly, a fishing villager looked at Ao Kun and Ao Wuyan and said with caution: “I know everyone in the fishing village, and I’m sure you are not from the fishing village. In the end, you are Who? Say, aren’t you gambling in this glacier? “

The eyes of everyone fell on Ao Kun and Ao Wuyan.

The Changgen family also looked towards Ao Kun and Ao Wuyan, with a hint of doubt in their eyes.

The river suddenly freezes and becomes a glacier. The fishing village rarely visits anyone. Today, two strangers came from unfathomable mystery. There is no connection between these two things, and no one believes it.

Ao Wuyan didn’t panic, lightly said with a smile: “You should thank me. If it weren’t for me, this little girl, and this little girl’s father, I am afraid that it has already been swallowed by a water monster.”

“Water demon?” Everyone heard it, but they laughed. They lived in the fishing village for a lifetime and have never encountered any water demon. Naturally, they would not believe Ao Wuyan’s words, “Few monsters to scare us. , The people in our fishing village are not afraid of any monsters! Let ’s say, what kind of conspiracy do you have, is it intentionally sent over by Hecun to make trouble?

hearing this, Ao Wuyan’s eyes became a little weird: “Don’t you believe there is a water monster in this river?”

“Crap!” said a villager from a fishing village: “We have lived here for generations. Are there any water monsters in the river? We don’t know yet?”

Ao Wuyan shook his head: “It didn’t happen before, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist now.”

“You will not be honest, be careful we are welcome!” a grumpy fishing villager threatened.

Nagato and Genji also looked at Ao Wuyan with suspicion, and their eyes were a little unhealthy.

The little girl is a little curious in her longevity, and her agile eyes blinked slightly, looking playful and cute.

“Since you don’t believe me, then I’ll show you the true face of the water demon!” Ao Wuyan smiled, spread his right palm to the glacier, and slowly held it up.

With his palm held up, the ice surface of the fishing village villager could not help it anyway, and it made a harsh ka-cha sound. In the shocking eyes of many fishing villagers, it quickly split and formed a huge spider web. The ice surface is covered with huge ice cracks. In the center of the cracks, it seems that something is about to break out of the ice.

next moment, as the ice surface cracked, the silhouette of the water demon appeared in everyone’s eyes.

The frozen river surface also melted instantly and turned into living water. The fish and shrimp in it seemed to be unaffected.

The giant water monster seems to be bound by some power, suspended in the air, its body is half fish and half beast, its teeth are sharp and sharp, it is more frightening than the wild wolf’s fangs, that fierce look, The eyes of hatred make people dare not look at them.

“Water monster!”

“Surely there are water monsters!”

“Oh my god, it’s so big that I can swallow several people in one bite!”

The villagers of Yucun Village are frightened back and forth, and see the true face of the water demon with their own eyes. Who can calm down?

Uncle Gen quickly picked up the daughter Aquatic and retreated to a position that he thought was safer. Then he turned his eyes to Ao Wuyan and Ao Kun with a look of consternation.

“Don’t you believe it? Why, now you know that you’re afraid?” Ao Wuyan pouted.

The crowd swallowed, and no one dared to speak.

They saw the means of Ao Wuyan, they were all shocked. They even thought that Ao Wuyan was a Divine Immortal. How could they dare offend Divine Immortal in the sky?

Everyone is uneasy, for fear of Divine Immortal’s guilt and punishing them.

Unlike other villagers in fishing villages, the head of the village is an A person of virtue and prestige who has the courage and experience and knowledgeable. When he saw this scene, he could n’t help but think of himself when he went to the town to sell fish. When I heard the rumors, I dared to ask, “Dare to ask this Master, is it because you are the legendary drive Fiend?”

Changen also has some insights. When he heard the village chief say this, he could not help but shine: “Yes, drive Fiend! Legend, drive Fiend possess great magical power, subdue monsters and defeat demons, omnipotent, like Divine Immortal! Two is it possible that is the drive of Fiend? “

“Drive Fiend?” Ao Wuyan couldn’t help laughing, he shook his head, “Don’t compare me to those who drive Fiend …”

He is a serious Transcendent Middle Realm powerhouse. The Cultivation Base is higher than Ao Kun, but the rules are much worse than Ao Kun. However, Transcendent Middle Realm powerhouse is no matter which World it is placed in. It can definitely be called the first-class character of Divine Immortal, the strength of destroying heaven extinguishing earth, the life of Eternal Inextinguishable, the god, and the fairy. Compared to those who drive Fiend, I do not know how many times stronger.

“What about you?”

“It doesn’t matter who I am. You just need to know. I’m here to surrender this water demon. By the way, take away one person.” Ao Wuyan indifferently said.

Looking at the struggling water demon in midair, the crowd became even more awed by Ao Wuyan.

The terrifying water monster was subdued by Ao Wuyan, and there was no resistance. It can be seen that Ao Wuyan’s ability must be beyond their imagination.

The village chief is more concerned about another question, he asked, “Who’s taken away?”

“Longevity!” Ao Wuyan’s eyes fell on the little girl, with a soft smile on her face.

“What? You want to take away the longevity?” Upon hearing from the roots, he was immediately anxious, the hot side was instantly vivid and thoroughly, “No! Do n’t think you are powerful, you can act wilfully, longevity is The The old lady ’s lifeblood, do n’t even want to take the longevity in front of The Old lady! At worst, The Old lady fights with you! ”

She is baring fangs and brandishing claws, she looks like she is desperately fighting with Ao Wuyan.

Nagat is also complexion greatly changed, and he does n’t care about the identity of Ao Wuyan and Ao Kun. Even if the other party is Divine Immortal, he will not allow the other party to take away his daughter. I saw him said solemnly: “You bring Anyone can walk, but not longevity! Otherwise, even if I grow up, I won’t let you succeed! “

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