
Chapter 861 to pull a snake from its hole

Changen asked cautiously, “Two Immortal Elder, do you know where you intend to take the longevity? Can we see her again?”

If you can’t see your daughter again in this life, Nagane would rather not learn anything about fairy.

Although most families have a patriarchal focus, Changgen is different. In his eyes, longevity is the heart and soul of their husband and wife. They simply cannot imagine that without longevity, their lives would be How will I spend it.

“Yes, Immortal Elder, can we see Longevity in the future?” Gen Yan asked nervously.

Ao Kun and Ao Wuyan glanced at each other, and Ao Kun opened the mouth and said: “Sky Academy does not restrict students from going home, you can visit your daughter at any time as long as you want. You can even move to Academy, Live with you daughter. “

hearing this, the villagers of the fishing village have no doubt and look enviously towards the Changgen family.

“very good! Changgen, your family is lucky!”

“Unexpectedly, the sky will really drop the pie, and I will hit you!”

“What more hesitation, long root, promise quickly!”

Many villagers persuade.

One of the villagers was even more courageous and said to Ao Kun, “Dare to ask Immortal Elder, what are the conditions for recruiting students at Sky Academy? My family also has a clever boy. He has been smart since he was young, and it is no worse than longevity. No, do you also take the smelly brat into Academy? “In the eyes of parents, their children are always the best, although they always praise others’ children.

Looking at the silly boy standing beside the villager, Ao Wuyan twitched slightly: “Is it clever? Why didn’t I see it?”

Ao Kun said indifferently: “We have already looked at the entire fishing village, and only one longevity person is eligible.”

At the moment, many villagers are disappointed. Such a good opportunity is a pity!

Although Changgen is very awesome of Ao Kun and Ao Wuyan, but out of prudence, he still asked: “Dare to ask Immortal Elder, what ability can Sky Academy teach elder students?”

“flying through the skies or escaping through the ground, soar into the clouds and mount the mists, ups and downs, immortality … as long as you can think of it, Sky Academy can teach!” Ao Kun faintly smiled, ” Without accidents, your daughter will become a fairy in the future, a true fairy! “

“gu lu.” The villagers around the fishing village couldn’t help but swallowed a spit.

“Well … teach reading and literacy?” Chang Gen whispered.

“pu!” Many villagers were almost choked to death.

Co-authoring In Changgen’s eyes, reading and literacy is more important than those fairy arts?

Ao Kun ca n’t help but smile. He stared at Nagane. In the latter’s nervous eyes, lightly said with a smile: “Of course teaching, and reading and literacy is the most basic course. If you ca n’t even read and literate, , How can you feel the avenue, understand Heaven and Earth is reasonable? “There are also people who can understand the avenue, but there are too few of them, which can be almost ignored.

Nagamoto and Nakamura looked at each other, and then Nagan bent down slightly, respectfully said, “Thank you Immortal Elder, I agreed on behalf of the little girl.”

“I hope Immortal Elder can be kind to longevity …” Gen Qiao changed her carefree in the past. In front of the immortal, she was still very temperamental, afraid to offend the immortal and cause the daughter to lose the immortal fate.

Ao Kun and Ao Wuyan are not unexpected. After all, no one can reject immortal fate, especially mortals like long roots and roots.

Changsheng looked at Ao Kun and Ao Wuyan curiously, his eyes blinked, full of innocence, and extremely spiritual.

After a while, Nagane cautiously asked, “I don’t know when Immortal Elder is going to leave, and take Changsheng to that … Sky Academy?”

People’s eyes turned to Ao Kun, and they also saw that Ao Kun’s status seemed higher than Ao Wuyan, and he wanted to be a more powerful fairy.

“Not in a hurry.” Ao Kun slightly smiled and waved his hand, saying: “The Sky Academy Westward Journey and Demonic Branch is still under construction and is expected to be completed within three months. Therefore, in a short period of time, we will not Take away the longevity … you should also cherish the days you live with the longevity. After all, after the longevity joins the Sky Academy Westward Journey and the Magic Branch, in the future, although I can meet with you, most of the time will be spent on cultivation … “

Chang Gen doesn’t understand very much, but he didn’t dare to ask too much, so he had nodded: “Then we will not disturb Immortal Elder, longevity, go, go home first …”

The rest of the fishing villagers have no reason to stay, and have to leave with reluctance.

When everyone left, Ao Kun’s eyes turned to the water demon trapped in the air, looking at the fierce look of the latter, with a smile on his face: “Although he was blinded by the radon, he was lost It is sane, but it is kind in nature … “Thinking of the description of the water demon in” The Journey to the West “, Ao Kun couldn’t help feeling the magic of the creation,” The human soul, the body of half a fish and half a beast, but perfectly integrated Together, there is no contradiction, it is amazing! “

This World is much more interesting than Wild World.

The water demon has no sage, or the sage has long been lost, simply does n’t know how to think, but only knows how to retaliate human beings by instinct, but now he is bound by Ao Wuyan, under the pressure of the horrifying god Dragon Qi, he has been scarred to the point of shivering, although on the surface it looks fierce, in fact, my heart is full of fear.

“Half fish and half beasts should belong to the Monster Race, but strictly speaking, they should belong to the aquarium in the Monster Race and belong to my Dragon Race.” Ao Kun exudes a majestic breath, “Since now I have encountered Me, then I will give you a chance, so I haven’t bothered to add you to the list of students at the Sky Academy Westward Journey! “

The voice dropped, Ao Kun directly forced a drop of blood essence, and then slowly controlled the blood essence to fly to the water demon. In the end, the blood essence did not enter the water demon within the body.

next moment, the water monster changes at a speed visible to naked eye. The radon on her body begins to dissipate, her crazy eyes begin to return to normal, and the scales on the body surface begin to change slightly, and her body shape is also moved towards The direction of Divine Dragon has changed. Although it has not completely transformed into Divine Dragon, it also has some characteristics of Divine Dragon. Even its head also grows two horns. The Cultivation Base has been greatly improved. Evading Revolving lower realm.

A drop of blood essence of Too True Dragon is to immortal pills and marvelous medicines!

Just a drop of blood essence makes the water monster exude a trace of dragon power. Although this dragon power is almost negligible, no one can deny its existence. If luck is later, the water monster says Maybe it is really possible to evolve into a Divine Dragon!

After a few breaths, the dragon-shaped water demon with a greatly changed body shape emits a white light, and the body shape changes again. After a while of peristalsis, it turns into a human.

“Dragon, dragon …” The water demon turned into a human being, and his mind was completely restored to normal. He looked at Ao Kun with excitement, and both adored and awed, his voice was shaking.

This is a legendary Divine Dragon!

Human worship of Divine Dragon is far better than that of other races!

Ao Kun shook his head and said, “You can call me … Mister!”

Until the Water Monster has not fully joined Sky Academy, it is not eligible to call Ao Kun a Tutor.

“Mister!” The water demon calmed down a little, but the awe and worship in his eyes remained the same. “Thank you Mister for helping me to recover my mind. What kind of mission does Mister have, despite speaking, the villain go through water and tread On fire, don’t hesitate! “He still remembers before he turned into a demon. In terms of self-awareness, he still instinctively regarded himself as a human, not a monster.

Ao Kun smiled: “Don’t say, there is one thing that really needs your help.”

paused, he said: “I need you to come out and make a little noise to attract two special people …”

“What does Mister mean?”

“You only need to make noises, you don’t need to worry about anything else.” Ao Kun did not explain, said differently: “Be careful, make noises as big as possible, the bigger the better, but don’t hurt anyone!”

Although I do n’t understand, the water demon respectfully said, “The villain understands.”

Ao Kun waved his hand and said, “Now that you understand, then go. Remember, don’t tell anyone what happened today!”

Ao Wuyan understood it, immediately released the bondage of the water demon, and made the water demon return to freedom.

The water demon salutes Ao Kun and Ao Wuyan respectfully, then incarnation as the body, drills into the river like Dragon not Dragon, swims quickly, and soon reaches the other side of the river, a huge body Many trees were crushed, and wherever they passed, huge gullies were left, which was noticeable.

“Daddy this move is awesome!” Ao Wuyan laughed, “In this way, we don’t have to look around, as long as we wait here, Xiao Xiao and Tang Xuanzang will take the initiative to come home.”

The Journey to the West is very big. With both of them, it takes a lot of energy to find Duan Xiaoxiao and Tang Xuanzang. Instead of waiting for them, it is better to wait for them to take them to your door, saving time and effort. Why not do it?

As long as Duan Xiaoxiao and Tang Xuanzang are found, it is tantamount to find a fat monk, the guy who is suspected to be here.

In the next few days, Ao Kun and Ao Wuyan both kept an eye on the water demon, and let the water demon stir the situation and attract the attention of all parties. As the water demon’s movement became more and more quiet, The existence of more and more people understood the water demon has attracted many dressing up as God, playing the devil and Cultivation Base. Each and everyone was very embarrassed. When they left, the news of the water demon spread more and more, and finally attracted some powerful Fiend’s attention.

Unfortunately, the water demon absorbed a drop of the blood essence of True Dragon, which also contained Ao Kun’s divide force. The Cultivation Base and strength have been greatly improved. The general drive Fiend can’t help him.

Ao Kun and Ao Wuyan just waited so patiently. Until the sixth day, a self-proclaimed Young Lady driver Fiend finally appeared!

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