
Chapter 862 Unexpected Harvest

On a loess avenue outside the forest, a mechanical ox cart rushes towards the forest.

“Boss, I heard that the water monster has high magic power. Many Fiends are planted in its hands. Do we really want to get on?” A teenager with a braid on his back sat in the front of the car, facing the ox in the car behind him. People asked.

In a bullock cart, a heroic woman in a black and white classic dress said arrogantly, “What are you afraid of? We went south and north, what monsters have n’t seen, a little water monster, is this not just reaching over to snatch away the grain? “

Undoubtedly, this man is the woman Duan Xiao, who is famous for driving the Fiend Guild, and Tang Xuanzang is destined to meet.

“Yeah, old man, don’t be aspirational to destroy yourself.” Another woman beside Duan Xiaoxiao echoed, “Isn’t it just a water monster? Dare to be arrogant, just kill it!”

There are also two fat and thin men in the car, both of them weirdly dressed and looking very weird.

One of them said, “We are driving the Fiend Guild anyway, we can be in the top thirty, and we have a head and a face. How can we be afraid of a water monster?”

“This time the Fiend Guild rewarded thehundred thousand tael of silver, which is the highest in recent years. If we can subdue this water monster, not only can we get thehundred thousand tael of silver, but our ranking will not rise. Less, maybe you can go directly to the top ten! “Another person’s eyes shined, his eyes glowing,” At that time, we will become a top-notch Fiend household name, and if you just shot it once, you can get a lot of money! ”

Although a bit risky, the gains are too great.

The thought of becoming the top driver Fiend in the future will make everyone excited.

Today, Void Young Master, Tiancanjiao, and Five Elements Fist are the most famous. They are famous all over the world, and even Imperial Court respects them. In addition to these three, there are more than a dozen Fiend extremely famous It is very popular, and its Middle Section is a small father. Duan Xingtian is one of them. Duan Xiaoxiao can achieve so much at this age and is also inseparable from her family. Exorcism Shi Family is easier than ordinary families. Birth genius.

“Boss Boss, there is a silly guy in front of you to block the way, what should I do?” The boy in front suddenly shouted.

Chan Xiaoly coldly snorted: “Hit it!”

The boy’s eyes stared round, then he gritted his teeth, controlled the ox cart to rush forward, and shouted, “Go away if you don’t want to die!”

The stupid man standing in the middle of the road was startled. He watched the ox cart rushing forward, quickly dispelled the idea of ​​riding a downwind ride, and turned away, he just wanted to ride a downwind ride, but didn’t Explain your life here.

“hong long long!”

The ox cart whistled past from his side, the wheels raised dust and made a loud noise.

When the ox cart passed, the curtain at the tail end of the ox cart was slowly pulled up, revealing a delicate and pretty face with British spirit: “Where’s the caller, please block the road next time, be careful this Young Lady ! “

Don’t wait for the man to talk back, Duan Xiaohua lowered the curtain.

“I …” The man opened his mouth, but inhaled the dust, and suddenly coughed violently, and finally managed to calm down. “I just want to take a ride! What a fierce thing! “

“Forget it, it ’s almost there anyway, it doesn’t matter if you take another cut.” Shook the head, he sticks the stick and continues to rush to the direction of the forest. The goal of his trip is obviously related to Duan Xiaoxiao entire. Like the group, he came to surrender the water demon, but his behavior seemed too shabby, and I was afraid that no one would believe that he was a Fiend driver.

After taking a few steps, he stopped suddenly, and quickly touched the book in his arms, and found that the book was still there, and immediately sighed in relief.

On the cover of the book, there are a few big words: “Three hundred children’s songs!”

Hey man, there are three hundred children’s songs, his identity is ready to come out.

Tang Xuanzang!

Yes, this man who looks like a flower child is exactly the Child of Destiny, Tang Xuanzang of Journey to the West!

After a moment, the ox cart stopped in a lush mountain with a huge lake, and Duan Xiaoentire group stepped down from the ox cart while watching the surroundings while watching the surrounding environment.

“A lot of big trees are broken, there are gullies and potholes everywhere, and there is a faint blood smell in the air. There must have been fierce battles here and more than once.” Be careful! “

“Boss, most of the water monsters are in the lake!” The boy pointed to the lake in front.

Duan Xiaoxiao nodded, said: “Since it is a water demon, she naturally lives in the water.” She took off the uncertain flying ring of her wrist, and the mana was continuously poured into it, then she controlled the flying ring to shoot at the center of the lake, and At her loudly shouts, the infinite flying ring suddenly bloomed dazzling rays of light, and became larger at a speed visible by naked eye, and finally released a powerful force and shot at the lake.

A lake that was originally calm without ripples suddenly turned into huge waves, like a tsunami, and the water surface rolled violently.


A terrifying roar came from the lake. Then, a silhouette like Dragon not Dragon swept up from the water, and the strong claws patted on the flying ring, and fixed the flying ring. One claw flew.

“pu!” Duan Xiao was backed by a force, and suddenly spit out blood, and looked pale.



Some people around were startled and hurriedly asked, “Boss, are you all right?”

Duan Xiaoxiao complexion slightly changed, and whispered, “We look down on this water demon, its mana is just as good as my dad!”

Complexion greatly changed everyone, Duan Xiaofather is the famous top driver Fiend, second only to Void Young Master, Five Elements Fist, and Heaven’s Foot, even Imperial Court has to Duan Xiaofather Relying heavily, the mana of this water demon is comparable to a small father?

Are you okay?

“Run!” Duan Xiaoxiao made an immediate decision, “We are not its opponents!”

hearing this, the boy immediately jumped on the ox cart, and the others also helped Duan Xiao to board the ox cart and immediately turned to flee.

The water demon opened his eyes and glanced at the direction of Duan Xiaoentire group’s escape. He said, “If it weren’t for the immortal who ordered me not to kill anyone, you would already be a group of dead …”

At this moment, the water monster suddenly received Ao Kun’s sound transmission: “Leave them, especially the highest driver Fiend of the Cultivation Base, but don’t hurt their lives …”

“Uh …” The water demon froze a bit, and couldn’t help but feel a little tricky. It is difficult for some strong people to leave this group of people without hurting them. However, I know the waters of Ao Kun and Ao Wuyan’s identity. The demon, not at all hesitant, immediately chased Duan Xiaoren as Ao Kun ordered.

His speed is very fast. In just a few breaths, he has caught up with the ox cart and stopped in front of the ox cart.

The ox cart suddenly brakes, and draws two long deep trenches on the ground. The boy turns his head and asks, “The water demon is in front, what should I do?”

“Rush up, at worst perish together!” Duan Xiao gritted his teeth, loudly said.

However, before they had time to act, there was a Sven voice outside the ox cart: “Don’t be impulsive!”

Duan Xiaoxiao looked over and couldn’t help frowned: “It’s you again!”

“This Young Lady, don’t be impulsive.” I don’t know when I arrived at Tang Xuanzang in the forest, and he revealed a smile that was friendly and charming. He said seriously: “Although the water monster is powerful, it is not a way to overcome it. If this Young Lady believes in the next, then give the next opportunity to let it down to conquer it! “

In the distance, the water demon looked at Tang Xuanzang, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes were quite bad.

In front of him, he is going to subdue him, this guy, so brave!

He stared at Tang Xuanzang indifferently, and was not in a hurry to do so, but he wanted to see what kind of capability this person named Huazi could have.

“Are you sure you can subdue it?” Duan Xiao looked at Tang Xuanzang suspiciously.

“Of course!” Tang Xuanzang is full of confidence, but he is very embarrassed. He has no confidence in the power of the three hundred songs, but he has no other way but to give it. medicine to a dead horse.

Duan Xiaoxiao was silent for a while, and said, “Okay, you try it!”

I saw Tang Xuanzang take off his bag, took out three hundred songs in his arms, spread it on the ground, opened the first page with a clear eye, and took out a conch-like thing. The melodious music came from that conch. It came out that in the eyes of everyone’s surprise, Tang Xuanzang opened his mouth: “child, child, why are you so bad, bully, cheat, why did you do it …”


The whole forest, deadly silent!

Only Tang Xuanzang’s singing echoes in the mountains …

The corners of the mouth twitched slightly.

“Shut up!” The water demon was intolerable, shouted loudly.

Tang Xuanzang is startled, but pretends to be calm, turns his head and looks at the aggressive Duan Xiao said, “Look, it’s already effective!”

By the way, he ignored the water demon and continued to sing.

“What should I do, I want to hit him!” Duan Xiaoxiao was behind, Esha gritted his teeth.

Sansha squeezed his fist: “I want to!”

“Dad, otherwise, let’s hurry up!” Ao Wuyan covered her ears. “I’m worried that if I go on like this, I can’t help doing it with him!”

Ao Kun also resisted the urge to kill, and said, “Hurry up!”

However, he didn’t have time to do it, but there was another yelling in the field: “You shut up for me!”

next moment, after the woods at one end of the road, a robust man with a bearded waist came out with a look of pride, and said to Tang Xuanzang, “If you are not afraid of me pinching your neck, then you continue!”

“And there is an old man!” At the other end of the woods, an old man with long beards and white hair came out with a stick on his stick, and his face was full of baleful qi. “The original old man’s goal was a water monster , But if you continue to sing, the old man will definitely kill you first! “

“Everyone is here!” A Flying Sword pierced through the sky, pointed directly at Tang Xuanzang, and finally stopped a few feet in front of Tang Xuanzang. The crowd looked around and saw the four old ladies carry each other The sedan chair walked hard. Above the sedan chair, a handsome, handsome man in white clothes looked at Tang Xuanzang. He looked pale, as if he had been staying for a few days and nights. Dark circles were extremely obvious.

He coughed artificially. He held a piece of parchment, wiped his mouth, and looked at Tang Xuanzang. “Children, listen to Uncle, it’s dangerous here, so go home and eat milk.”

Water demon complexion slightly changed, looking at the three people who just appeared, his intuition tells himself that these three people are very strong!

The two looked at each other with faint smiles on their faces. Once they stepped on, the silhouette of the two disappeared in place.

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