
Chapter 868 “Sky Sword”

“Okay, your business, wait until Dean comes over. We are not qualified to control so much.” Ao Wuyan waved his hand, and then set his sights on the Void Young Master. “You guys, are interested in joining Sky Academy Westward Journey? “

He already introduced Sky Academy in detail once, so this time goes straight to the topic.

Void Young Master, Five Elements Fist, and Tian Can look at each other, and then respectfully said, “I’ll wait!”

In front of Ao Wuyan, they dare not put on a show, in front of ordinary people, or in front of other drivers Fiend, they can also display their identity, but who is Ao Wuyan? That was the god who defeated the Tathagata Buddha!

Who dares to make trouble in the presence of such a great god?

“What about you?” Ao Wuyan slightly nodded. It is not surprising that the Void Young Master chose them. He focused on Duan Xiaoxiao. Compared to the Void Young Master, he paid more attention to Duan Xiaoxiao. The small Cultivation Base and the strength are far less than Void Young Master, but its luck is extraordinary, second only to Tang Xuanzang, the Child of Destiny of the Westward Journey.

Hearing this, Duan Xiaoxiao’s eyes widened: “I have a share too?”

Ao Wuyan’s mouth slightly raised: “Why, you don’t want to join the Journey to the West?”

“Want to do it, of course!” Duan Xiaoxiao nodded his head like a chicken pecking rice. Ao Wuyan regretted being afraid to take a step back.

Just a joke, Tathagata Buddha is willing to join the Academy, she has a little drive Fiend, how can she refuse?

She’s sure, if today ’s events are spread out, within a day, countless drives from the world, Fiend, the people, and even demons and ghosts, will flock to it. As long as you can join the Westward Journey of Demons and Demons, even if you pay everything, All do not hesitate.

“Very good!” Ao Kun couldn’t help but smile when he saw the crowd nodded. “Chengsheng, Water Demon, Void Young Master, Five Elements Fist, Residual Feet, Duan Xiao, and Big Sun are here … it ’s a pig. The demon pig gangster and the king of Demon King Sun Wukong. “The original nine-member trainee list they had set, unconsciously had seven, only the last two.

At the same time, Ersha, Sansha, Sisha, and Lao Xun all could not help lowering their heads in disappointment, their eyes were full of gloom.

Duan Xiaoxiao looked at the sad expression of several partners, and could not help but feel a little distressed, and then asked Ao Wuyan: “Dare to ask Senior, my friends …”

“I understand what you mean.” Ao Wuyan interrupted Duan Xiaoyan’s words, his eyes fell on the Ersha people, and he shook his head, “but unfortunately, they have not yet reached the Westward Journey of the Magic Branch for the time being. Students’ standards, you have to remember that the Journey to the West is part of the Sky Academy, and the Sky Academy is a transcendent Academy all over the All Heavens Myriad Realms. The requirements for the students are extremely demanding. It seems that there are only nine. Of course, it is not ruled out that there are still people who meet the standards, but we do not yet know. “

After hearing Ao Wuyan’s words, Ersha’s faces turned white, and their hearts became more disappointed and even sad.

An opportunity to change their destiny was just missed by them perfectly!

“If you come, you should know the whereabouts of the pig demon and Sun Wukong, right?” Ao Wuyan didn’t bother with the two evil spirits, turned to Da Riru and asked: “Let’s go, take us to meet them for a while … … “

There are some surprises in Da Ri Ru. Ao Wuyan knows that he knows the whereabouts of Sun Wukong. It is understandable. After all, the story of Ru Lai’s suppression of the demon monkey is widely circulated. The people talk about it and drive Fiend to serve him as a Spiritual God, but about How did Ao Wuyan know about the pig demon pig?

But thinking of the mysterious origins of Ao Wuyan and Ao Kun, he is relieved again, maybe, they have special means that they don’t know.

“Okay, I’ll take you to see the pig demon first.” Da Ri Ru Nodded, very refreshing.

Ao Kun, Ao Wuyan and the others set up branches and recruited students in an orderly manner. Tang Xuanzang, Duan Xiaoxiao, Void Young Master, Water Demon and the others were arranged to temporarily live in the fishing village.

Duan Xiaoenti entire group can use this time to cultivate, Tang Xuanzang is very boring, everyday all is praying that Dean will come sooner, he can’t wait to learn Dean’s immortality!

Just when Tang Xuanzang was bored, Sword World, Li Xiaoyao finally got his wish, arrived at Shushan, and worshipped under Zhang Yu, becoming the third Honorary Disciple after Ye Fan and Xiao Yan under Zhang Yu.

“Teacher!” Li Xiaoyao shouted respectfully after the worship ceremony.

Zhang Yu slightly nodded: “From today on, you are the third Honorary Disciple under your division. Above you, there are two Senior Brothers, First Senior Brother Ye Fan and Second Senior Brother Xiao Yan. . Your two Senior Brothers have now achieved out of the ordinary. Over time, they will be able to become one of the world ’s powerhouses. There is no special requirement for you as a teacher, but you cannot fall behind the two Senior Brothers too. More, otherwise, the teacher can take you under the door, and naturally you can be expelled from the door wall. “

Li Xiaoyao, heart shivered with cold, quickly said: “Disciple keep in mind the teachings of Teacher, and you must work hard to cultivate!”

Zhang Yu’s expression eased a little.

“Ask for your teacher, what kind of ability do you want to learn?” Zhang Yu asked: “There are many spell and cultivation techniques for the teacher. No matter which one you choose, you can achieve extraordinary achievements.”

“Can’t all learn all?” Li Xiaoyao was a little tangled.

“You’re greedy.” Zhang Yu’s mouth twitched slightly, then he shook his head, “I don’t mind teaching you everything, but are you sure you can finish it? Notice, even if you have learned all the spells that a teacher can now And cultivation technique, teachers can immediately create a new spell and cultivation technique … “

“Uh …” Li Xiaoyao froze for a moment, then touched the back of his head awkwardly, “Then I will learn the cultivation technique and spell that Teacher has practiced!”

In his opinion, Zhang Yu’s cultivation must be the most powerful.

Zhang Yu faint smiled at him: “Are you sure?”

Looking at Zhang Yu’s eyes, Li Xiaoyao was hesitant and asked, “Is there anything wrong?”

“Cultivation techniques for the teacher from the other World and for the teacher, and also from the other World, are you sure you want to cultivate?” Zhang Yu asked: “You must know that each World will have its own cultivation system. Only the local cultivation method is the most suitable for this World … Being a teacher does not object to your cultivation techniques for other Worlds, but being a teacher cannot guarantee that you can maximize its effectiveness … Maybe, maybe not, this risk must be borne by you. “

“Ah?” Li Xiaoyao’s face was bitter, and some wanted to cry, “How could this be …”

Zhang Yu said, “You better think carefully before you make a decision.”

Li Xiaoyao pondered for a moment, and asked, “Excuse me, Teacher, First Senior Brother and Second Senior Brother. What cultivation techniques do you practice?”

“Your First Senior Brother Ye Fan is practicing” Immortal Heavenly Gong “, an immortal code of Supreme, which is for the teacher to combine all the world’s top cultivation techniques of First Senior Brother, remove the chaff and leave the essence, and finally A cultivation technique created by him. It ’s best for your First Senior Brother ’s World. ”Zhang Yu indifferently said:“ As for your Second Senior Brother Xiao Yan, he yearns for Xianxia Jianghu because of some special reasons, so he It ’s also the “Immortal Gong” … “

“Are First Senior Brother and Second Senior Brother from the same World?”


“How dare the Second Senior Brother …” Li Xiaoyao was a little surprised.

“You can understand it as … feelings.” Zhang Yu said silently, “You Second Senior Brother has a special feeling for Immortal God, and for this reason, he is willing to take risks.”

paused, Zhang Yu stares at Li Xiaoyao: “Now, say your choice!”

Li Xiaoyao took a deep breath, with a serious and serious expression, solemnly and earnestly: “I want Teacher to take charge of it for me, and I believe that Teacher’s vision must outnumber me many times!” He believes Zhang Yu will not harm him No matter what Zhang Yu chooses to let him learn, he is 100% trusted and supported.

“In this case, then you should study” Sky Sword. “Zhang Yu nodded, saying:” “Sky Sword” is a cultivation technique created by the teacher and the immortal Sword World thousands of cultivation techniques, if matched The sword technique can even exert amazing power. You have an incomparable kendo innate talent. This cultivation technique is the most suitable for you, and it can even be said to be tailor-made for you. “According to the convention,” Sky Sword “Was also deliberately made a flaw by Zhang Yu, at the same level as the premium version of” Extreme Martial Arts “.

Listening to this, Li Xiaoyao couldn’t help getting excited, excitedly said: “” Sword of Heaven “? This name has a domineering feeling!”

It’s full!

“Cultivate” Sky Sword “well. Over time, you will achieve remarkable achievements!” Zhang Yu encouraged.

“How remarkable is it?” Li Xiaoyao said curiously: “Can it be compared to Grandpa’s Teacher General?”

Xianting First Divine General, Three Realms Number One Powerhouse, one of the most powerful masters of all time, Divine General fly peng!

Zhang Yu’s mouth slightly raised: “Cultivate well. Within ten years, the ten generals of Phnom Penh are not your opponents!”

How scary Li Xiaoyao ’s cultivation talent and kendo innate talent are, only Sky Academy talents understand that in just a few years, they have changed from an ordinary person who will not be a person who can do a few tricks with Moon Devoted Church The top powerhouse is almost as good as the current Wine Sword Immortal, which shows how amazing Li Xiaoyao’s innate talent is.

Now with Zhang Yu’s “Sky Sword” tailored for him, Li Xiaoyao’s cultivation speed, I’m afraid it will be more than ten times faster!

Li Xiaoyao, who had shown horrible innate talent, has increased the cultivation speed by ten times or even dozens of times …

Zhang Yu can’t even imagine it. It’s an and so on experience, this speed, I’m afraid only the speed at which he or his Avatar can practice the perfect version of Extreme Martial Arts.

Fortunately, Sky Sword still has a flaw, allowing Zhang Yu to always maintain a certain advantage.

Maybe it ’s because of wandering alone. In the bones, he always has a hint of vigilance to anyone in this World, so that he ca n’t completely trust anyone, even this loved one. Even those who signed the Sky Contract Book in the Sky Academy could not get all his trust.

The only person who can let him relax his mind and can talk is Ao Xiaoyu.

Unfortunately, Ao Xiaoyu is still young and cannot communicate with him much like an adult.

He is always alone.

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