
Chapter 869 Sky Academy Second Eight-Star Illusion Technique Master

“Really? After the completion of” Sky Sword “, the ten generals of the flying cape are not my opponents?” Li Xiaoyao mouth opened wide, excited and excited.

Zhang Yu indifferently said: “Of course. The premise is that you work hard and don’t hang off all day long.”

Li Xiaoyao nodded heavily, clenched his fists and said, “I must work hard!”

He doesn’t expect to surpass General Feipong. As long as he can reach the level of General Feipeng, he will be satisfied.

“Okay, sit down, I’ll pass you” The Sword “now,” Zhang Yu said.

Li Xiaoyao immediately sat down cross-legged and was very excited.

Zhang Yu extend the hand means that the forefinger gently touches Li Xiaoyao’s eyebrows, and the information of the entire “Sword of Heaven” follows Li Xiaoyao’s eyebrows, perfused in Li Xiaoyao’s mind.

This method has the same effect as the 醍醐 infusion technique. The difference is that the information injected by this method has only substantial content, no illusory perception and artistic conception, and it cannot accommodate Zhang Yu’s own experience, which is similar to the transfer of power Jade slip, but it eliminates the medium and link in the middle.

Li Xiaoyao can receive all the information in “Sky Sword”, but only just received it. If he wants to learn, he has to practice from the beginning himself, so that he can gradually accumulate experience and finally master it.

“From today, you are the young Dean of the Sword World branch of Xian.” After teaching “Sky Sword” to Li Xiaoyao, Zhang Yu continued: “When will you have enough strength to be on your own, then Can be promoted to branch Dean! “

Li Xiaoyao said curiously: “Who is the current branch Dean? Wine Sword Immortal Senior?”

He saw that everyone at the Sky Academy called Wine Sword Immortal as Dean, and subconsciously thought that Wine Sword Immortal had been identified as Dean of Sword World.

“The real Dean, and others.” Zhang Yu shook his head and said, “Wine Sword Immortal has already served as Dean of the Shrouding the Heavens World branch, and it is not suitable to serve as Dean of the Sword World again, and, now, Wine Sword Immortal is still too late, if I let him be the Sword World of Dean, I’m afraid I can’t convince the public. “

paused, Zhang Yu said, “I will let Monster Race be the Super Divine Beast Tutor greedy wolf dog to serve as the fairy Sword World Dean. His strength is no less than that of the general Phonpeng, and he should be able to convince the public.”

Zhang Yu’s mind had already made a plan. Except for Dean Avatar, the remaining Avatars served as a World Dean.

In this way, you can firmly control each World in your own hands, and you can make every command or idea you convey to the World branches as fast as possible, and you will create new ones in the future. World will also be more convenient, which will save a lot of time and trouble.

Li Xiaoyao seems to understand something, and responds: “Oh.”

He doesn’t know who the greedy wolf dog is, but since Teacher decides to let the greedy wolf dog be Dean of the immortal Sword World branch, the greedy wolf dog must have extraordinary ability.

“Go get everyone together.” Zhang Yu instructed.

Li Xiaoyao respectfully nodded, and quickly walked away, summoning everyone from the Sky Academy and the Xianjian Branch.

In a short while, everyone is gathered here in a huge square to the east of Shushan.

Students of the Sky Academy Human Race Department, Monster Race Department, and the Sword World branch of Xian are all standing in the square.

“Teacher, they’re all here.” Li Xiaoyaohui reports.

Zhang Yu nodded, then waved his hand: “Okay, you go down, too.”

Li Xiaoyao turned and returned to the crowd.

“First announced, I intend to let the greedy wolf god dog serve as the Dean of Sword World, I don’t know if you have any opinions?” Zhang Yu’s eyes glanced at everyone with a calm expression.

Sky World Academy looked at each other, and although a little surprised, nobody said anything.

In the Sword World branch of Xian, many people are very confused. Who is the greedy wolf god dog?

Jin Sheng Yin Ruozhuo and Wine Sword Immortal listened to the greedy wolf dog, then silent, the strength of the greedy wolf dog, they are relatively well-understood. General General Amphora stood shoulder to shoulder and was naturally eligible to serve as Dean of the Sword World Branch of Xian.

Seeing everyone silent, Zhang Yu was satisfied: “Very good, everyone seems to have no opinion.”

The greedy wolf dog didn’t care about this position of Dean, and even had some resistance, but the deity has already decided. What can he say besides agreeing?

“In addition, I plan to let Li Xiaoyao be a Dean.” Zhang Yu continued: “When Li Xiaoyao can stand on his own, he will be officially promoted to Dean, and the greedy wolf dog will be able to retire. … “

Everyone ’s eyes turned to Li Xiaoyao, everyone understood Li Xiaoyao went to Dean’s door and became Dean’s Honorary Disciple. This level of identity is even more honorable than Dean. He came to do Dean less, even if some people did not agree Can only hold my heart.

But if Lin Yue is the master of fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth, even in front of Zhang Yu, he directly questioned: “I don’t agree! Dean, Li Xiaoyao is so weak, I can beat him with one finger, How do you qualify for less Dean? “

“Yueru!” Jian Sheng Yin Ruozhuo whispered, “Don’t talk nonsense!”

“I’m telling the truth, but I didn’t make any rash remarks.” Lin Yueru twisted his lips. “Uncle Jian Sheng, Li Xiaoyao’s kid, can’t even beat a slightly stronger mortal. Why should he make him less Dean?” “

Jiangsheng Yin Ruozhuo’s eyelids flickered slightly, for fear that Lin Yue’s move would offend Dean.

Zhang Yu smiled and waved his hands, then looked at Lin Yueru with interest, and said, “little girl, otherwise, we bet.”

“Bet?” Lin Yueru startedled.

“Yes. We bet. Three years, we use three years as the time limit. If three years later, Li Xiaoyao can’t beat you, this Dean is yours, if Li Xiaoyao wins, then How about letting him take over? “Zhang Yu looked at Lin Yueru with a smile.

Lin Yueru raised her eyebrows and then confidently said, “Okay! I only hope Dean talks!”

The people at the Sword World branch, including the sword sage Yin Ruozuo, Wine Sword Immortal, and even the Lord of the Moon Devoted Church, looked at Zhang Yu with some surprise. Although they knew that Li Xiaoyao’s innate talent must be strong, otherwise Zhang Yu will not accept him as a Honorary Disciple, but they never think that Li Xiaoyao can catch up with Lin Yueru within three years, let alone surpass Lin Yueru!

To put it plainly, they are not optimistic about Li Xiaoyao.

Strangely, Zhang Yu seems to be very confident in Li Xiaoyao, even believing that Li Xiaoyao can defeat Lin Yueru three years later.

Only everyone in the Sky Academy looked at Lin Yueru with strange eyes. This little girl was trying to compete with Li Xiaoyao, the evil devil. Is it because you feel too comfortable, and sincerely add a block to yourself?

How scary Li Xiaoyao’s innate talent is, no one knows better than everyone at Sky Academy!

They even suspect that Li Xiaoyao will be able to surpass Lin Yueru!

“Xiao Yan, Wu Mo, what are your expressions?” Lin Yueru and Xiao Yan and the others are both youngsters. Although they have only been together for a few days, they are also very familiar. Human Race is the majority of people, she Able to name them, especially Xiao Yan and Wu Mo, who are obviously outstanding talents.

Zhou Xin’er looked sympathetically at Lin Yueru and said, “Sister Yueru, I hope you don’t regret it.”

Lin Yueru said, “Cut, I will not regret Lin Yueru! Let alone Li Xiaoyao, let alone three years, even if you give him ten years, I am not afraid!” Few people in Peers can match her. She is slightly proud, but also has absolute confidence.

“Smelly mother-in-law, who is afraid of who!” Li Xiaoyao also straightened his chest and said in disapproval.

“Okay, that’s how the matter is decided.” Zhang Yu waved his hand, then took out a pile of spiritual stones, and said, “Everyone at the Sky Academy can get training resources, and the people at the branch are no exception. the past few days, you should have understood the role and value of the spirit stone, now, I will give you the spirit stone, I hope you work hard to cultivate, do not slack off.

Zhang Yu dismissed the crowd after distributing the stone, saying: “Bai Ling stay, others can disperse.”

The people salute each other respectfully, and then they disperse separately. The sword master Yin Ruozhuo and Wine Sword Immortal went to the headquarters of Sword Sect of Shushan Xian. The Moon Devoted Church owner entered the Book Collection Pavilion. The thing, but one thing is that everyone is the same, that is, everyone’s face is filled with a bright smile, even the Lord of Moon Devoted Church is no exception.

It’s Bai Jie. Although Zhang Yu didn’t let her stay, she still took the initiative to stay. It seemed to be guessing something, and she was quite excited.

“Why don’t you leave?” Zhang Yu looked at Bai Jie from afar.

“Dare to ask Dean, are you … planning to teach Bai Ling Eight Star Illusion Technique?” Bai Jie asked boldly.

Hearing this, Bai Ling also reacted, and then he was inexplicably excited.

Although she is looking forward to this day every day, when this day really comes, she can’t believe it, she has a kind of unrealism like dreaming.

“It’s been more than a month since I last taught Bai Ling’s seven-star Illusion Technique.” Zhang Yu indifferently said: “In fact, I should teach Bai Ling eight-star Illusion Technique a few days ago. It ’s just because of an important thing that I ca n’t get rid of it temporarily. Now that things are over, naturally it is time to honor our promises.

He looked towards Bai Ling and asked: “A few days late, don’t you mind?”

Bai Ling shook her head quickly: “It’s okay!”

“Dean, me, can I stay and watch?” Bai Jie trembled.

“What’s so nice about this?” Zhang Yu didn’t quite understand Bai Jie’s idea. “Forget it, since you want to stay and look, then stay.” It’s not something uncommon, one more person It doesn’t matter if you watch from the side.

For Zhang Yu, this is just a trivial matter, but for Bai Jie, it is a significant thing!

She wants to witness the birth of the first eight-star Illusion Technique master of the fox family outside the fantasy realm!

Fantasy Realm is the Place of Origin of Illusion Technique. Fox is the creator of Illusion Technique. However, Foxes outside the Realm have never given birth to the Eight-Star Illusion Technique Master. Instead, other races, especially Human Race, a lot of eight-star Illusion Technique teacher was born in history. This is a shame to the fox family. Now, this bond like a curse is finally about to be broken. No wonder Bai Jie is so excited.

Of course, the most important thing is that once Bai Ling becomes the eight-star Illusion Technique master, the gate of the fantasy domain will hopefully reopen!

“Sit down, don’t be nervous.” Looking at Bai Ling’s excitement, Zhang Yu said with a slight smile: “If nothing else, you will become the second eight-star Illusion Technique teacher at Sky Academy. “

first is himself!

Bai Ling and Bai Jie already know that Zhang Yu ’s Illusion Technique has reached at least eight stars, so it ’s no surprise.

Bai Ling took a deep breath, trying to calm down his mood as much as possible, sitting cross-legged on the bluestone paved floor, with expectations in his eyes and tension.

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