
Chapter 870 Triggering a task

The most terrifying place of the Eight-Star Illusion Technique is not how profound mystery’s novel Illusion Technique is, but that the application of Illusion Technique has reached the point of achieved perfection, and can even allow itself to switch between reality and reality, or Control some simple things to switch between reality and reality. As long as you give the Eight Star Illusion Technique Master enough time, they can even construct an artificial world!

Of course, in order to construct an entire artificial World, it takes a divine force that is difficult to calculate, and it is difficult to calculate astronomical numbers. Moreover, the rules are imperfect, and there is still a huge difference from the real World, but even this is enough to make People were surprised.

What Zhang Yu wants to impart to Bai Ling is not the simple Illusion Technique, but the perception and application of Illusion Technique. It is a consciousness far beyond the seven-star Illusion Technique master!

This is where the Eight Star Illusion Technique Master is most terrifying!

As long as you have the insight and use of the eight-star Illusion Technique master, even the most common and simple Illusion Technique can exert the ultimate horror power, and even the True God Realm powerhouse dares not to belittle it.

Time is respect, space is king, the terrifying of the rules of space and time need not be repeated, this is also the only way for all cultivators to go strong. However, if a special professional realizes his own career to the extreme, he will go out of his own Dao. Without Time Law and Space Law, this is another path to power, but few people can go to the extreme.

At this time, as the maggot instillation proceeded, endless information, like a torrent, rushed into Bai Ling’s mind.

Bai Ling, who was sitting calmly, felt a kind of heartbreaking pain under the impact of the terrifying torrent. The beautiful and touching face was stunned. The muscles on the face were also Constantly twisted, apparently, she is suffering from inhuman torture, and this torture does not come from the body, but from the spirit, directly acting in the depth of one’s soul.

“Must hold on!” Zhang Yu was a little worried, afraid Bai Ling couldn’t hold it.

The content and information contained in the Eight-Star Illusion Technique are extremely amazing. The countless years of accumulation of the Eight-Star Illusion Technique Master must be released in a flash and poured into one’s brain. The impact of terrifying, even The ordinary Transcendent Realm powerhouse is not necessarily able to carry it. Bai Ling is not even the Transcendent Realm powerhouse. It is no wonder that Zhang Yu will be so worried.

If it wasn’t for Bai Ling when he received the Seven Star Illusion Technique, Zhang Yu would not be so risky, and passed the Eight Star Illusion Technique to her in advance.

Bai Jie also looked at Bai Ling nervously, praying silently: “must success!”

I saw Bai Ling gritted her teeth, her tongue seemed to be bitten, and the red blood, mixed with saliva, flowed from the gap between the teeth and overflowed from the corner of her mouth, making her originally beautiful and touching face even more apparent Horrible.

Zhang Yu and Bai Jie can clearly sense that the spirit of Bai Ling is suffering the impact of terrifying. The fragile spirit is trembling violently and rapidly expanding, as if it is going to explode, but in a mysterious power. Under the shackles of my heart, I gradually recovered, and then began to swell, and the circulation continued, like a beating heart.

“Good tenacious spirit!” Zhang Yu couldn’t help but feel a little shocked.

Every time Bai Ling’s spirit reaches the edge of collapse, he will soon collapse when he sees it, but shrinks quickly, and the situation is better than once …

Bai Jie is also shocked to add: “This spirit, I am afraid that it is no less than the eighth-order God World powerhouse?”

It’s too strong!

She ca n’t figure out why Bai Ling ’s spirit is so special. Obviously, only the Cultivation Base in the Evading Revolving realm, but the spirit is stronger than the Transcendent Realm powerhouse, and tenacious than the eighth-order Real God World powerhouse. Although Bai Ling sees Going up and suffering a lot, suffering a lot, but in fact, Bai Ling is not at all dangerous, at least, there is no danger to the soul and body.

Everything went better than she thought, and it went a little unexpectedly.

“What is the reason?” Zhang Yu did not believe in evil. He turned on the Advanced Insight Technique and checked the information of Bai Ling again.

Evil door!

This is the first time that Advanced Insight Technique has failed!

It can’t be said to be a failure, it can only be said that the secret hidden in Bai Ling is too deep, even the advanced Insight Technique can’t see through!

Bai Ling must have hidden secrets. Zhang Yu is very sure, because the fact has proved that the spirit of Bai Ling is really amazing, but the result of the advanced Insight Technique feedback is nothing special. Weird place.

“Good guy, it’s the first time I’ve encountered this situation for so long. Even the advanced Insight Technique is unclear.” Zhang Yu looked at Bai Ling, both shocked and incredible, “Even the system Why ca n’t Bai Ling hide the secret? ”Until now, in Zhang Yu ’s eyes, system is almost omnipotent, but at the moment, it turns out that system is not omnipotent, and advanced Insight Technique is not a panacea.

As time goes by, Bai Ling suffers less and less pain, and the information of the Eight Star Illusion Technique is being absorbed by her at an alarming rate.

After a quarter of an hour, Zhang Yu’s mechatronic voice sounded in his mind: “Congratulations to the host for successfully training an eight-star Illusion Technique teacher and student, do you accept the reward?”


As early as Bai Ling was promoted to the seven-star Illusion Technique division, Zhang Yu received the reward of the eight-star Illusion Technique division, but that was only temporary. As Bai Ling was promoted to the eight-star Illusion Technique division, Zhang Yu originally The temporary eight-star Illusion Technique has also become permanent, so you no longer need to worry about when it suddenly becomes invalid or deprived.

The temporary eight-star Illusion Technique is transformed into the permanent eight-star Illusion Technique. This is the ultimate reward for training Bai Ling!

Zhang Yu got the Eight-Star Illusion Technique long ago, so he did n’t feel special at all. After receiving the reward, he immediately looked towards Bai Ling. Now that system hint has completed the task, it means that Bai Ling has succeeded. Promoted to Eight Star Illusion Technique Master!

Among all teachers and students of Sky Academy, the first eight-star professional is born!

Sure enough, when Zhang Yu’s eyes turned to Bai Ling, Bai Ling’s closed eyes, eyelashes trembled slightly, and then slowly opened his eyes. Beautiful eyes are as deep as black holes, and those eyes are black gems. As if reflecting the entire world, giving the impression that a World is contained in the eyes.

“Dean!” Bai Ling stood up, feeling unreal, “I am an eight-star Illusion Technique master?”

Bai Jie said excitedly: “Success! Girl, you succeed!”

Zhang Yu is also said with a slight smile: “How is it, how does it feel to be an eight-star Illusion Technique master?”

“It feels …” Bai Ling tilted her head and thought for a while, the silhouette disappeared strangely, and even the breath disappeared, as if it had never appeared before, before Zhang Yu and Bai Jie talked, she was again Appears, transforming randomly between presence and absence, “Too amazing, too amazing!”

She never imagined that her current level of Illusion Technique has reached the Peak of Eight Stars, but she is not so skilled or has not completely adapted to that ’s all.

Looking at the entire silver-free time and space, except for the mysterious and unpredictable fantasy realm, her Illusion Technique attainment is the first, even if Zhang Yu, who teaches her Illusion Technique, is only comparable to her, and Can’t beat her. As for the other Illusion Technique masters, even if the seven-star Illusion Technique master and the eight-star Illusion Technique master are all tied together, they are not her opponents.

Of course, she just has a high level of Illusion Technique, but with her current Cultivation Base, she is far from being able to exert her maximum power of Illusion Technique!

“Next, you should spend more time on cultivation. With your current Cultivation Base, it is difficult to exert the true power of Illusion Technique. Although the overall strength is better than the general Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouse, it is difficult to solve it. True God Realm powerhouse poses a deadly threat. ”Zhang Yu warned repeatedly:“ Wait until your Cultivation Base reaches Transcendent Realm to be able to exert most of the power of Illusion Technique, and if you want to fully use the power of Illusion Technique, you need to Cultivation Base can only reach True God Realm! “

True God Realm level eight-star Illusion Technique Master is absolutely terrifying existence!

Any eight-star professional, if paired with the Cultivation Base of True God Realm, will become very scary, second only to Legendary heroes.

Only against the eight-star pros who are also True God Realm!

“This girl, so strong?” Bai Jie was surprised.

Bai Ling is also startled, feeling a little incredible: “I’m better than the average Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouse?”

Doesn’t that mean that she is already comparable to Bai Jie?

Bai Jie is a Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouse, and has a seven-star Illusion Technique next to her, with great strength. Under True God Realm, there are few rivals. According to Zhang Yu, Bai Ling has also reached this level?

“Don’t underestimate the Eight Star Illusion Technique. Even if you can’t use the true formidable power of the Eight Star Illusion Technique, it is enough to beat most Transcendent Realm powerhouse with it.” Zhang Yu faintly smiled, “Now You, under True God Realm, there are few rivals, and when your Cultivation Base reaches Transcendent Realm, it can even be comparable to True God Realm powerhouse! “

paused, Zhang Yu’s eyes stare at Bai Ling: “If your Cultivation Base reaches True God Realm, then in True God Realm, you can dominate!”

Before Bai Ling and Bai Jie reacted, Zhang Yu said, “Of course, it’s still early for you. You still have to raise the Cultivation Base to Transcendent Realm. Besides, this is the most practical at present. , Rice should be eaten bit by bit, don’t aiming too high. “

Bai Ling took a deep breath and calmed down: “I see.”

“Come on, I’m optimistic about you.” Zhang Yu cast a look of admiration and encouragement on Bai Ling, then waved his hand, “Okay, you go to practice, I hope to see you next time, I can see Your progress. “

When the voice dropped, a dark twisted vortex emerged from above Zhang Yu’s head. He waved his hand at Bai Ling, then his body slowly rose, and finally the silhouette completely submerged in vortex until Zhang Yu disappeared, and the dark twisted vortex, Only gradually closed, and eventually disappeared, as if never appeared.

Sky World also appeared a dark and distorted vortex. Zhang Yu neither fast nor slow stepped out of it, and immediately asked the system: “system, what task did I just trigger? Say it again!” After so long, He finally triggered a new task again, naturally he was very concerned, but the main energy at that time was on Bai Ling, and he didn’t care about the task content, which is why he was so anxious to leave.

“Forget it, you don’t have to say it, let me see for myself!” Zhang Yu immediately called up the task list.

The new task is triggered after Bai Ling’s promotion to the Eight-Star Illusion Technique, and it appears at the top of the task list.

Expand the task list, and Zhang Yu takes a closer look at the contents of the new task.

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