
Since becoming the Eight Star Pill Refining Master, Zhang Yu has always had a question in his mind. Is Eight Star the limit of a particular profession?

He asked Bai Jie, but the answer from Bai Jie’s mouth was unknown, because Bai Jie had never heard of the existence of Jiuxing Professional, and even the Legendary hero could not give an accurate answer. Therefore, in Bai Jie’s view, Jiuxing is mostly non-existent. Otherwise, how could Xianyu not even have a Jiuxing professional for countless years?

You know, the existence of Xianyu is extremely long, witnessing the birth and decline of countless Worlds, and the immortality is huge, including hundreds of millions of Worlds, 7th grade Big World alone, there are millions. There are also more than one hundred tiered God Worlds. The population of Xianyu is an astronomical figure. However, so many people and so many years have never given birth to a nine-star professional, so people have to wonder whether nine-star is true. The presence.

After listening to Bai Jie’s answer, Zhang Yu gradually extinguished some whimsical thoughts and no longer expected to become a Jiuxing professional.

At this moment, Zhang Yu was shocked to see what was on the task list.

“Jiuxing … it really exists!” Zhang Yu is unbelievable. For many years, the Jiuxing professional who has never been born in Xianyu actually exists, not what he thought.

Although this fact is extremely incredible and even absurd, Zhang Yu believes in system. Since system released this task, it proves that Jiuxing is real. Moreover, not only did the system mention Jiuxing, it also made it very clear that Jiuxing is the real limit of special occupations.

Took a deep breath, Zhang Yu’s eyes are a little bit hot: “Complete the task, you can unlock the nine-star occupation level, and each occupation level will be upgraded to nine stars!”

There is no doubt that Jiuxing Professional is absolutely terrifying, even more terrifying than Legendary heroes!

Every billion years of fairyland, new Legendary heroes will be born. For countless years, the number of Legendary heroes will be no less than one hundred. There are only a few Legendary heroes in an era, but If you count the entire history of Fairyland, the number of Legendary heroes will be more, but the nine-star professional has never been born, and there is no one!

Therefore, Zhang Yu can totally imagine what kind of sensation would be caused if he became a Jiuxing professional.

If the ordinary person regards the Transcendent Realm powerhouse as a god, then the nine-star professional is a god in a special profession. He has set foot on the domain of God and understood the true meaning of the profession. It is definitely greater than the Legendary hero. Exist, rays of light shine through eternity!

“Bai Ling this girl, is really my lucky star!” Zhang Yu couldn’t help laughing, and just trained Bai Ling to become an eight-star Illusion Technique teacher, and triggered such a task. The reward is probably enough to make that Several Legendary heroes are jealous and full-time nine-star. This is something that Legendary heroes never dreamed of.

鈥淚t seems that more attention must be paid to the training of students with special occupations!鈥?Zhang Yu muttered: 鈥淚n the shortest time, eight star professionals with nine different occupations must be trained!鈥?

So far, only Bai Ling has become an eight-star Illusion Technique teacher, and eight eight-star professionals in the remaining professions.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yu felt that he had a long way to go.

It’s not easy to cultivate eight-star professionals in nine different professions!

Even if Zhang Yu has condyle infusion, it will take a lot of time to complete it. After all, the cool-down time of condyle infusion is too long. After each cast, you need to wait for one month before you can perform it again. In theory, to train an eight-star professional, it takes eight months, and nine, 72 months, or six years.

Of course, Bai Ling is already an eight-star Illusion Technique teacher, Wu Mo is also a seven-star Pill Refining Master, and Xiao Yan and the others also have a one-to-two-star level, so the time it takes is definitely far from it. Far less than six years.

“But even so, it will take years.” Zhang Yu sighed.

A long time?

One day spent in the Wilderness World, and three months in the World. Even if it is six years, the time converted into Wilderness World is only 24 days, less than one month. The actual time required is even shorter. Only half a month, but even so, Zhang Yu still feels too slow, he can’t wait to complete the task and experience the feeling of Jiuxing career.

Perhaps, as a Jiuxing professional, he can just and honourable a wrist with the Legendary hero.

“No!” Suddenly, Zhang Yu frowned slightly. “I only counted the time of cymbal instillation, but didn’t calculate … the time for their Cultivation Base to rise!”

In order to receive the impact of the seven-star career information and the eight-star career information, the requirements for the spirits are extremely harsh. If the Cultivation Base is too low, the spirits are not strong enough, even if Zhang Yu performs the initiation technique for them to impart their deeper feelings Artistic conception, they can not withstand the impact of that torrent of terror.

Wu Mo is an obvious example!

If Wu Mo is not powerful enough to withstand the information shock of the Eight Star Pill Refining Master, I am afraid that Sky Academy’s first eight star professional is him, not Bai Ling.

“Students’ Cultivation Base must at least reach the Transcendent lower realm to be able to withstand the impact of the information of the eight-star profession. This is still a conservative estimate. If the situation is not good, you may even need the Cultivation Base of the Transcendent Middle Realm and the Transcendent Upper Realm. OK. “Zhang Yu’s brow frowned deeply, and Transcendent Realm was able to withstand the shock of the information of the eight-star profession. This is because everyone at Sky Academy has trained Extreme Martial Arts. Otherwise, without True God Realm’s Cultivation Base, it is absolutely difficult to support the impact of eight-star career information.

“That is to say, this task can only be completed when the Cultivation Base of the student reaches Transcendent lower realm, or even Transcendent Middle Realm, Transcendent Upper Realm.” Zhang Yu was silent, only to find that he was too optimistic before In fact, the task is much more difficult than I expected. No, it 鈥檚 not that the task is difficult, but that the task takes too long and is very troublesome. “Even if they practice the Advanced Extreme Martial Arts, in a short time, I am afraid it will be difficult to break through to Transcendent Realm …… “

Even with a hundred times the Time Acceleration, it is not easy for students to practice Transcendent Realm.

I figured this out, Zhang Yu couldn’t help but bitterly laughed: “system ah system, you really have given me a problem!”

He rubbed the temple and got a headache.

The generous reward is right in front of you, but you can only see it and not touch it, and you ca n鈥檛 get it in a short time, it is just torture.

The question before him is the Cultivation Base of the student. This is the difficulty of the task!

If you want to train nine eight-star professional trainees, you must first train nine Transcendent Realm trainees. Bai Ling has a special situation, which is an exception, but except Bai Ling, he must train at least eight Transcendent Realm trainees, and Must be a student of different professions, Xiao Yan and Wu Mo are fine. Deng Qiuchan joined Sky Academy very early, so Cultivation Base is not bad, but other students need more energy to train them. .

For a long time, Zhang Yu sighed: “It seems that I have to find a way to set up some rewards and stimulate the students …”

The only way he can think of at present is to use Grade 7 as a reward and reward it to the students who have made the most progress. In the future, he will give out such a reward for each training. In this way, he will get the reward. Students, cultivation speed will definitely be more amazing, and students who have not received rewards will certainly redouble their efforts when stimulated. Maybe the next one to get rewards is themselves.

Of course, the premise of all of this is that Zhang Yu must be fair and fair, so that every student can see hope, not a black box operation, and set the award list in advance.

But this is obviously not a problem for Zhang Yu. He is Dean of Sky Academy. Who dares to reach out to him?

“For the career of Jiuxing!” Zhang Yu took a deep breath, he worked hard, and must complete this task in the shortest time.

In the sky, Zhang Yu came back to his senses after a moment of contemplation.

He asked system: “System, can you tell me, is your Old Master a Jiuxing professional?”

However, in the face of Zhang Yu’s question, system pretended to be dead and kept silent.

Everything that involves the System Old Master, the system pretends to be dumb every time. It seems to be a taboo problem.

So far, Zhang Yu does n鈥檛 know the real identity of the System Old Master and what kind of ability it has. He just pieced together a little fuzzy information based on sporadic clue fragments, and ca n鈥檛 verify the authenticity of this information. The only thing that is certain is that the Old Master of the system has incredible ability, and the power is definitely more terrifying than those Legendary heroes.

“Is it the vanity, is it you?” Zhang Yu lifts the head, looking up at Wuzhen Void, “Is the Old Master of the system really you?”

Unfortunately, the truth is shrouded in fog. No one knows the answer except system.

Facing the deaf and dumb system, Zhang Yu snorted in his mouth, saying, “Even if you don’t say it, I will find out the truth of it sooner or later! Believe me, that day will not be too long!” When he felt confident that he would wrestle with the Legendary hero, it was time for him to pursue the truth.

But for now, let’s be honest and insignificant, and complete the task of system release.

In fashionable words, this is called robustness!

Changing from the void, Zhang Yu silhouette fell on the treasure mountain in the middle of the mainland. He randomly picked some medicinal herb and prepared a batch of new Grade 7 goddanx. Anyway, it 鈥檚 also idle, it 鈥檚 better to make it first. A batch of Grade 7 Elixir for immediate needs.

“Why, why is this task required to train students … If I can train Tutor, why should I be so hard?” Zhang Yu reluctantly sighed, Sky Academy’s special career Tutor Cultivation Base is not low, especially in the sky of silence Several people have the Cultivation Base of the Transcendent lower realm, and their career levels are also at five or even six stars. With a little training, they can meet the requirements.

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