
Chapter 872 Coming to the Westward Journey and Demon World

Ao Kun and the others are extremely efficient. In a few days, they recruited nine planned students, and also went to drive the Fiend Association to recruit a young and promising driver Fiend. Ten students.

On the other side, Ao Yue also led the Dragon Race children to find a Heavenly Paradise and built the Westward Journey Magic Branch.

Today, the official crowd is heading to the Westward Journey of Demon Magic.

Ao Kun summoned all the students, and then took them to the Westward Journey of the Demons and Demonstration Branch. When all this was done, Ao Kun sighed in relief: “Finally busy!”

The recruiting students are all enrolled, and the branch is also a good place to choose. The branch buildings are like Fairyland Palace, all around the picturesque scenery, the Spirit Qi is rich, and the environment is not worse than the Sky Academy main campus. .

“Yeah, it’s finally busy. Now I just need to wait for Dean to come over for acceptance.” Ao Wuyan was also relieved.

The two fathers and sons looked at each other, and they both showed expectant smiles. The generous rewards couldn’t run away.

“Wait, Dad, have we … have we forgotten something?” Ao Wuyan always felt weird and seemed to have forgotten something important.

Ao Kun startled: “Are you there?”

paused, he groaned: “Don’t say it, I feel the same way. But, what have we forgotten?”

The two couldn’t help thinking about it. After a few breaths, the two reacted almost at the same time, and lifted the head together: “Tang Xuanzang!”

Ao Kun slammed his forehead: “Forget Tang Xuanzang!”

“Go, pick him up!” Ao Kun hurriedly moved.

next moment, the silhouette of the two disappeared into the branch at the same time.

Fishing village.

Tang Xuanzang sat on the wooden board for a long time. When it was time for dinner, he got up and moved towards Changgen’s house. These days, Void Young Master, Duan Xiaoxiao and the others have always lived in fishing villages. They all ate with the Changgen family, and Tang Xuanzang was one of them, but it was strange to him that in the past, Changsheng would come out and call him at this time, but today there is no movement.

Through several corridors and after a few turns, Tang Xuanzang returned to Changgen’s house.

However … To Tang Xuanzang’s surprise, the door of Changgen’s house was locked, there was no movement in the house, and there was no silhouette outside the house.

Tang Xuanzang is a little dumbfounded: “What about people?”

He just walked around the wood house for a few laps and shouted everywhere, but his throat was almost dumb, and no one responded.

“Master! Senior! big brother! Big sister!” Tang Xuanzang had the urge to cry, “Where the hell have you gone!”

He just sat by the river for a while, but after that time, everyone disappeared.

Tang Xuanzang has never felt so wronged. He feels that he has been abandoned and abandoned by everyone, even his Buddha Master, regardless of him.

Tang Xuanzang leaned on the door of the room with long buttocks, Tang Xuanzang leaned against the door, Both eyes are spiritless, as if the soul had been drained, and said in his mouth, “It’s not that Dean is optimistic about me, I want to accept Is it Honorary Disciple? What about Dean? “After waiting for so many days, instead of waiting for Dean, they were abandoned by everyone. Like a homeless orphan, Tang Xuanzang felt very sad,” I am an orphan and no one The orphans you want. ”

He just sat there, looking up at the sky, sad and helpless.

For a long while, there was a strange sound beside, and then Ao Kun and Ao Wuyan’s silhouette appeared together.

“That, sorry, forgot you.” Ao Wuyan said a little awkwardly.

Tang Xuanzang turned his head quietly, his eyes fell on Ao Kun and Ao Wuyan. The pitiful and sad look made Ao Wuyan and Ao Kun both extremely embarrassed, as if they had done something unforgiving.

“It’s normal to forget, after all, I’m an orphan, no one wants it.” Tang Xuanzang faintly said, his voice was full of sadness, making people feel inexplicably sad.

Ao Kun gave a cough and said, “Okay, don’t talk nonsense, we will now take you to the Westward Journey of the Magic Branch, everyone has passed, and the Changgen family has passed, temporarily living at the foot of the branch mountain, you Come with us and wait for Dean over the branch. “

By the way, he did n’t wait for Tang Xuanzang to promise. He directly controlled Tang Xuanzang to fly, and then took Tang Xuanzang with his shoulders, quickly moved towards the Westward Journey of the Demons and rushed to his Cultivation Base. I can’t make others teleport, so I can only work a little hard.

About half an hour later, Ao Kun, Ao Wuyan, and Tang Xuanzang arrived at the Journey to the West.

“You live in Changgen’s house first. If you feel bored, you can go up the mountain at any time, and the branch is built on the mountainside.” Ao Kun sent Tang Xuanzang to Changgen’s house, greeted Changgan and Genji, and then To Tang Xuanzang.

Tang Xuanzang asks, “When will Dean come?”

Ao Kun shook his head: “Dean is so scared, I ca n’t wait for it, I can only tell you that Dean will come within three months!”

“Did he have forgotten my existence?” Tang Xuanzang was silent for a moment and asked, “Otherwise, why hasn’t he been here for so long?”

“Impossible! How could Dean be so unreliable?” Ao Kun said rightly: “You have to believe Dean, he must have been delaying time because of something serious. Dean is in control of everything and everything he does. It ’s a big deal, the whole world! So wait patiently, Dean is busy with his business and will definitely come to see you! ”

Tang Xuanzang suspected: “Is it?”

“Relax, it’s impossible for Dean to forget such an important thing!” Ao Kun solemnly said vowed.

“Well, I believe you once.” Tang Xuanzang had no choice but to trust Ao Kun. “Then I will stay here. If Dean comes, must remember to notify me!” “

Ao Kun said with a smile: “Of course! You can rest assured!”

After speaking, Ao Kun and Ao Wuyan left together. Tang Xuanzang also temporarily resided in Changgen’s new home, and occasionally helped Changgen and Genqian to do some agricultural work …

After another half a month, Zhang Yu finally stopped pill concocting. In this month, he has made 29 Grade 7 gods, and all of them are “empty” to improve the Cultivation Base and the law. “Shen Dan”, Kong Shen Dan contains immense energy, which can help people quickly improve the Cultivation Base. More importantly, Kong Shen Dan also contains the essence of Space Law, which can help people to quickly understand Space Law. Although the value is less than Grade 7 top gods Dan “Fun Soul Dan”, but still has no value in Xianyu.

I believe that with these twenty-nine Grade 7 goddess “empty goddess”, the improvement of the Cultivation Base of Sky Academy students will be greatly accelerated!

Into the Storage Ring after the “Dark God Dan” that had just passed the baptism, Zhang Yu stretched out, and then remembered that he didn’t seem to go to the Westward Journey to see the magic world, and did not know the situation How’s it going.

So he immediately opened the vortex channel, connected to the Westward Journey of the Magic World, took steps, and instantly passed through the vortex channel to the Westward Journey of the Magic World.

He sensed the location of Ao Kun, and accidentally sensed the Journey to the West, and he was surprised to say: “The efficiency is quite high.” Induced the students in the branch, and the building and environment of the branch, Zhang A satisfied smile appeared on Yu’s face, “Nice, better than I expected.”

The voice fell, Zhang Yu silhouette flickered, and then appeared in the Journey to the West.

“Dean!” The Dragon Race department received Zhang Yu’s sound transmission and took the students they enrolled for a while to the branch square.

I saw everyone in Dragon Race, including Ao Kun, Ao Wuyan, Ao Yue and the others, saluted respectfully.

Everyone in the Journey to the West is also saluted, but their look towards Zhang Yu’s eyes is more of a curiosity.

“Is this the legendary Dean?”

“It looks so young!”

“Is he really as powerful as Ao Wuyan Mister said?”

A lot of thoughts came to mind.

But no one dares to be disrespectful to Zhang Yu. Even Sun Wukong, the king of Demon King, is a respectful man. He looked for Ao Wuyan with a stick a few days ago. One, he was tortured by blood. Since then, he has been honest. Seeing everyone is kind, it ’s like changing a person, so that everyone is surprised and dissatisfied. Local Sun Wukong, how could there be such a kind side?

Even if Da-ri comes here, he can’t help but doubt, this monster monkey is not being possessed, right?

Zhang Yu’s eyes fell on the crowd, said with a slight smile: “It seems that Ao Wuyan Tutor has introduced me to you. In this case, I will stop talking nonsense, and distribute the cultivation resources first.” Cultivation resources are spiritual stones.

After the distribution of the spirit stone, Zhang Yu’s eyes fell on Dayu Rulai and the King of Demon King Sun Wukong. These two can be described as the well-known existence of the former Shi Family. Many cultural and entertainment works can be seen. To their silhouette, one is respected as the ancestor of all Buddhas. No matter what World is placed in, it is the existence of Supreme, that is, in the Great Desolate World, it is also a cow, and the other, is the faith of many people, representing unyielding, fight!

“Tathagata Buddha.” Zhang Yu looked at Da Riru, “Although we are meeting for the first time, I have long admired your name!”

Da Ri Ru is suddenly flattered and even a little nervous: “I dare not come!”

The big man who dominates the entire Sky Academy, and sends an unnamed pawn casually under his hands, can abuse him 300 times back and forth. Where can he dare to call the Buddha in front of each other?

“You don’t need to be humble.” Zhang Yu faintly smiled, “I don’t call you that for no reason. In this World, your strength may not be strong, but in many other Worlds, you are not inferior. In the Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouse, it is even stronger. Of course, if I speak now, you may not understand it, but one day you will definitely understand it.

while speaking, he turned his attention to Sun Wukong, the king of Demon King: “Similarly, Sun Wukong, you are also very simple. In many other worlds, you are people’s faith, counted by many people as heroes, especially youngster , Their worship and respect for you, even more than the respect for Tathagata Buddha! I hope that when there is a chance in the future, you must go to another world to see, see what other you, what are you with this world of you Different, why do you bear insults and be cast aside by thousands of people, while you in other worlds are regarded as heroes, symbolizing unyielding, bravery, and resistance! “

Looking at the two men’s aggressive look, Zhang Yu moved with a single heart, and became more determined with a single thought. That is, the World Experience in the future can also be opened to each branch. With the participation of each branch, it can be faster. Raiders each and everyone World, after all, more and more Worlds will be created in the future, but relying on the Sky Academy headquarters may not be too busy.

“The coming of the two worlds, the Sun Wukong of the two worlds, it would be interesting to meet together, right?” Zhang Yu couldn’t help but look forward to it.

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