
Chapter 873 Swallowing Heaven Beast

“By the way, since you joined the Journey to the West and descending magic, the previous cultivation technique will not need to be practiced anymore. I will let Dean teach you a new cultivation technique. At that time, you will practice the new cultivation technique. Zhang Yu returned to the topic.

Hearing this, Da Ri Ru is a little bit embarrassed: “This … Dean, I used to practice the Buddhist cultivation technique. If I switch to another cultivation technique, will I …”

Zhang Yu said with a smile: “Rest assured, the new cultivation technique, all-inclusive, is compatible with Buddhism and Taoism, and will not conflict with the cultivation technique you practiced before.”

Dayi Rulai was shocked: “Is there such a cultivation technique in the world?”

“Dare to ask Dean, who is Dean?” Sun Wukong seems to be more concerned about this issue.

He is inherently taciturn, and it is very difficult for ordinary people to get his approval. Even if the day comes, he cannot convince him completely.

Ao Kun and the others also looked at Zhang Yu curiously, and they also wanted to know, who would be Dean?

In their memory, Sky Academy currently has only three powerhouses with the strength of Transcendent Upper Realm, a Wine Sword Immortal, an Old Man Tian Ji, and an Illusion Domain Divine Fox Bai Jie, but Wine Sword Immortal has served as Shrouding the Heavens World Dean, Old Man Tian Ji also served as the Dean World Dean, so there is only one Illusion Domain Divine Fox Bai Jie.

Dean, does Dean plan to let Illusion Domain Divine Fox Bai Jie be the Dean of the Journey to the West?

“Wait, I’ll summon him now.” Zhang Yu glanced at Sun Wukong before he said.

Xian Sword World, who was eating Swallowing Heaven Beast with Ao Xiaoyu, and suddenly received Zhang Yu’s sound transmission, and then a black twisted vortex appeared in front of him, and he couldn’t help but look aggressive.

“What’s the matter? Let me go to the Westward Journey to the Demon World to divide Dean?” Swallowing Heaven Beast jerked slightly at the corners of his mouth, and suddenly felt that the fairy poultry barbecue in his mouth was not fragrant at all, and his face was bitter haha: “I just laughed After finishing the greedy wolf dog, it was my turn in an instant … “

The other many Super Divine Beast Avatar also seem to have received sound transmission, can not help but take pleasure in other people’s misfortune and watch Swallowing Heaven Beast: “Hurry up, if the deity is anxious, your life will be even worse Better. “

hearing this, Swallowing Heaven Beast fiercely glanced at them: “You wait, it won’t be long before you will be like me and the greedy wolf dog!”

Immediately, he immediately walked into the dark and twisted vortex and disappeared into the sight of everyone.

Ao Xiaoyu looks blank: “Uncles, why did Uncle Swallowing Heaven Beast go away suddenly?”

“It’s Dean Summon. He went to the Westward Journey to Demon World, and said he wanted him to be the Dean of the Westward Journey to the Demon Branch.” Mo Yanju laughed haha ​​and said, “Xiaoyu, let’s continue, eat, leave that guy alone.”

The rest of the Super Divine Beast is also gorge oneself, they have a hunch, I ’m afraid it wo n’t be long before they will turn to serve as the Dean of a certain World, so, while it ’s relatively free now, hurry up A wave, lest you never have a chance to wave again.

Journey to the West and Demon World.

A few breaths from Zhang Yu sound transmission, Swallowing Heaven Beast appeared next to everyone.

Although Swallowing Heaven Beast appeared in a human form, when he appeared, Sun Wukong, Pig Ganga, and Water Demon suddenly blew their hair, feeling Extremely Dangerous, as if the soul was invisible. Repression makes them feel very uncomfortable, even suffocating.

Ao Kun, Ao Wuyan, and Ao Yue are also quite depressed. Under the traction of the air machine, even a slight momentum is released, which makes the surrounding wind wind erupted and the wind and clouds change color. And the rest of the Divine Dragon of Dragon Race are like Sun Wukong and Pig Gangian, as if pressed by a mountain, almost choking.

“Master!” Da Ri Ru Lai and the others, although they don’t have the feeling of being suppressed by the soul, they also feel a bit depressed, and can’t help looking at the middle-aged man of Swallowing Heaven Beast Shape Transformation.

Everyone’s eyes are focused on Swallowing Heaven Beast, like the enemy.

“Relax, this is the Dean I arranged for you.” Zhang Yu watched everyone ’s response, and smiled faintly, “How are you, are you satisfied?”

Ao Kun asked curiously, “Dean, who is this?”

He joined Sky Academy very early, but he has never seen the middle-aged man in front of him. He couldn’t help but wonder. When did this person join Sky Academy? Why is there a faintly discernable horror of Great Demon on this person? That kind of breath made his Transcendent Realm’s too virtual True Dragon feel a bit depressed.

This feeling, he only appeared when I contacted Illusion Domain Divine Fox Bai Jie.

Zhang Yu set his sights on Swallowing Heaven Beast and said, “Let’s do it yourself.”

Swallowing Heaven Beast smiled, and then glanced at everyone, saying: “Hello everyone, I’m Swallowing Heaven Beast. From today, it’s Dean Westward Demon Branch! I hope you will support my work in the future!”

Nothing has happened with Da Riru and the others, but Ao Kun, Ao Yue, Ao Wuyan and the others are shocked.

Ao Wuyan loses voice: “Swallowing Heaven Beast!”

“Are you Swallowing Heaven Beast? The one who fell in the Battle of the World?” Ao Kun also looked at Swallowing Heaven Beast in disbelief.

Swallowing Heaven Beast faintly smiled: “Yes, that’s me! For some reason, I was resurrected by Dean and accepted Dean’s invitation to join Sky Academy!”

Dragon Race is shocked by everyone.

legendary Super Divine Beast Swallowing Heaven Beast, which is more ancient than Illusion Domain Divine Fox Bai Jie for thousands of years. According to legend, Swallowing Heaven Beast is the second Super Divine Beast born in the history of Wilderness World and has been given too much. The mysterious color, unexpected, Swallowing Heaven Beast, whose soul has been annihilated, has been resurrected, and appears again today after countless thousands of years!

This is the second Super Divine Beast since the birth of Wild World Heaven and Earth!

Unexpectedly, I was able to see his true face!

“Swallowing Heaven Beast’s strength is probably comparable to the ordinary Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouse.” Zhang Yu said with a slight smile: “He is comparable to Wine Sword Immortal and Old Man Tian Ji. Westward Demon Demon Branch, should it be enough? “

Zhang Yu looked around, and finally looked towards Da Riru: ​​”Tathagata Buddha, what do you say?”

Transcendent Upper Realm!

Dariya shook his throat a few times, then folded his hands, and said, “Enough!” Ao Wuyan of Transcendent Middle Realm was able to defeat him easily, foreffortlessly, Swallowing Heaven Beast of Transcendent Upper Realm, I am afraid of a finger You can kill him with your head. Such a big man deigned to serve as Dean of the Journey to the West, and that was the honor of the Journey to the West.

Sun Wukong is not talking anymore, he can’t even fight in the big day, let alone Swallowing Heaven Beast of Transcendent Upper Realm.

Transcendent Upper Realm is too far away for him. His goal now is to break through to Transcendent Realm first.

Seeing that Da Rirui and Sun Wukong are convinced, the others naturally dare not express their opinions.

“Very good, everyone seems to agree, so I announced that Swallowing Heaven Beast from now on will be Dean.” Zhang Yu said, “In the future, the resources of the students will be divided by Swallowing Heaven Beast. Is there any instruction from Academy, which is also conveyed by Swallowing Heaven Beast and Dean … No comment? “

Everyone looked at each other and closed their mouths.

Who would have an opinion in the presence of Dean and Swallowing Heaven Beast?

“Okay, then you will follow Dean to learn a new cultivation technique, and I will leave without any other business.” Zhang Yu waved his hand, and left Ao Kun, Ao Wuyan and The others said, “Don’t forget to work hard at Extreme Martial Arts. Don’t be compared with the people in the branch and lose the face of Dragon Race.”

“Yes!” Dragon Race respected everyone.

Satisfied with nodded, then, a dark twisted vortex appeared in front of Zhang Yu, the sole of his foot lifted up slightly, stepped into the vortex, and then disappeared.

Swallowing Heaven Beast sighed as if destined, glanced at the big day Rulai, Sun Wukong, Duan Xiaoxiao, Void Young Master and the others, saying: “You come with me.”

He turned around and walked straight to a huge building. Although it was the first time to visit the Jiangxi Magic Sub-branch, when he looked at the building, he knew that it was a pass-through room. The professional name was “classroom” . Since the deity gave him the Journey to the West to drop the magic branch to manage it, he must be concerned, otherwise, the deity’s plan was delayed, and the consequences were unpredictable.

With the arrival of Sun Rikong and the departure of Sun Wukong and the others, only Dragon Race members will soon be left in the square.

“Resurrect the deceased Super Divine Beast and let it be the branch Dean. Dean is really a great talent!” Ao Kun was amazed.

Ao Wuyan said: “I guessed right before, Sky Academy hidden dragons and crouching tigers, I’m afraid there are many super powerhouses we haven’t seen! First, Wine Sword Immortal, then Old Man Tian Ji, Now there is another Swallowing Heaven Beast … maybe, there is a True God Realm powerhouse hidden! “

“Is there a True God Realm powerhouse hidden in the Academy, I do n’t know, but I am sure that the Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouse in the Academy is more than just Wine Sword Immortal, Old Man Tian Ji, Swallowing Heaven Beast and Illusion Domain Divine Fox four! “Ao Kun resolutely said:” Since Dean can resurrect Swallowing Heaven Beast, he can resurrect another Super Divine Beast. Maybe, the branch on the other side of Sword World is probably a Super Divine Beast. I just do n’t know who it will be … “

Ao Wuyan and the others are nodded in agreement. This analysis by Ao Kun has great potential.

“I think I know when Dean was resurrected,” Ao Yue said suddenly.

They all cast their eyes on Ao Yue.

I saw Ao Yue indifferently said: “Don’t forget, the purpose of me and Ao Wuyan to leave Long Island!”

Ao Kun reacted, eyes widened suddenly: “You mean …”

Do n’t wait for Ao Yue to answer, he said again: “Yes, it must be that time! At first, the natural phenomenon appeared, and we all thought that it was the young Super Divine Beast who was born, and we thought it was the offspring of those Super Divine Beast. It seems that those super Divine Beasts are all deities! “After all, how can a young super god get the power of Transcendent Upper Realm in such a short period of time?

Thinking of this, Ao Kun could not help but sweat: “It’s dangerous!”

Since he had delusional wanted Ao Wuyan and Ao Yue to look for those super Divine Beasts and kill them in the cradle!

Fortunately, they were not found, otherwise, Ao Wuyan and Ao Yue may be frozen bodies now.

At the same time, they are also feeling invisible pressure. Nowadays, more and more experts in Academy are not even rare in Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouse. If their Cultivation Base stagnates again, I am afraid that it will not take long. Eliminated.

“Let’s hurry up and practice.” For a long time, Ao Kun exhaled, said solemnly: “Now the Human Race department is covered by Dean himself, and the Monster Race department has so many super Divine Beasts, we Dragon If Race does n’t catch up, I’m afraid it will be more and more difficult in the future … “

Everyone agrees with this statement.

Ao Yue said nothing, turned around and left, looking for a quiet place, and retreating.

Under the mountain, a surnamed Tang Xuanzang guy is already crying in the toilet.

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