
Chapter 874 Wish You Can Get It

Zhang Yu also felt vaguely after leaving the Westward Journey and Demon World. There seemed to be nothing to do.

He thought back for a moment, but finally remembered Tang Xuanzang.

“I almost forgot about it.” Zhang Yu couldn’t help but patted his forehead, bitterly laughed, and then returned to the Westward Journey to the World.

next moment, a dark and twisted vortex emerges from the Journey to the West and descends from the magic branch.

Zhang Yu silhouette walked out of that vortex, then flashed, and came to the home of Nagato Yamashita.

At this time, Tang Xuanzang sat boredly sitting on the stone wall outside the courtyard, looking at the woods in front, counting in his mouth: “two hundred 81, two hundred 82, two hundred and eighty three …”

The only way he can think of passing time now is to focus on the boring thing of counting trees.

Tang Xuanzang still didn’t respond until Zhang Yu arrived. His attention seemed to be completely in the wood in front of him, and he didn’t even notice a stranger appearing above his head.

“Are you so busy?” Zhang Yu suddenly made a noise.

Tang Xuanzang was startled, sitting still, fell down from the stone wall, and issued a scream: “Ah!”

He stood up nervously, his eyes moved towards all around and glanced at him, like the enemy: “Who, come out soon!”

Zhang Yu silhouette landed slowly and landed in front of Tang Xuanzang, saying: “Tang Xuanzang, hello.”

Looking at the youth coming down from the sky, Tang Xuanzang warned, “Who are you? Drive Fiend?”

“You can call me … Dean!” Zhang Yu indifferently said.

hearing this, Tang Xuanzang stopped for a moment, staring at Zhang Yu in wonder, exclaiming: “Dean!”

Zhang Yu is also a bit surprised: “Have you heard me?”

Then he reacted, it must be that Ao Kun and the others revealed his information in advance, and Tang Xuanzang appeared under the mountain of the Westward Journey Branch, and it must be Ao Kun and the others’s handwriting.

Looking at Zhang Yu’s overly young face, Tang Xuanzang couldn’t believe it: “Are you really Dean?”

He originally thought that Dean would be a kind-eyed and dazzling Great Grandpa. At first glance, the existence of Divine Immortal expert, but he absolutely didn’t expect that Dean would be so young, it seems that he is even older than himself. To be young and not to have any majesty on his body, just like an ordinary young man. If must says that Dean is different from ordinary young people, it is that Dean’s temperament is quite friendly, approachable and has an inexplicable affinity.

“Do you think anyone dares to impersonate me?” Zhang Yu smiled.

Tang Xuanzang immediately believed what Zhang Yu said. Indeed, no one dared to pose as Dean in this world.

He took a deep breath, resisting the excitement in his heart, restraining his inner excitement, and facing Zhang Yu saluted: “Tang Xuanzang, see you Dean!”

Zhang Yu waved his hand and said, “If you want to come, you should have an understood Sky Academy and the Westward Journey and the Demonstration Branch. I won’t say much. I just ask you if you would like to join me and become a Honorary Disciple?”

Tang Xuanzang said nothing, immediately bowed down and said: “disciple Tang Xuanzang, meet Master!”

“Call me Teacher.” Zhang Yu is not very accustomed to the title of Master, and Tang Xuanzang was previously a disciple of Da Ri Ru, and he has always called Da Ri Ru Lai Master. Now Tang Xuanzang pays his respects, naturally It should be renamed, “Before that, I need to find out, does Dairi Rulai know this?”

Tang Xuanzang immediately respectfully replied: “Teacher … Tathagata Buddha has been known and has released the master and disciple relationship with discipline.”

Zhang Yu is nodded with satisfaction.

“That being the case, from today, you will formally worship me and become the fourth Honorary Disciple under my door!” Zhang Yu said, “Before you, there are three Senior Brothers, one from each. First Senior Brother Ye Fan of Shrouding the Heavens World, Second Senior Brother Xiao Yan from Doo World, Third Senior Brother Li Xiaoyao from Sword World. Remember, if you meet in the future, must unite and help each other … “

“Remember the teachings of Teacher!” Compared to Ye Fan, Xiao Yan, and Li Xiaoyao, Tang Xuanzang is more obedient.

Now there are four Honorary Disciples under Zhang Yu, each with their own personality.

Ye Fan is mature, calm and black-belly. His style of action is similar to those of Old Monster who has lived for countless years.

Xiao Yan is full of vigor, bloody and aggressive, and behaves like a heavenly steed, soaring across the skies, not subject to dogmatic rules.

Li Xiaoyao’s temperament is pure, but a little impetuous, and some naive and simple.

Tang Xuanzang is occasionally funny, but it is the most honest one compared to the other three. In modern society, Tang Xuanzang is a typical obedient student and a kind of obedient student. This personality is sometimes prone to bullying.

“I do n’t have much time to teach you, so I will pass the cultivation technique and spell directly to you for a while, and practice it yourself. If you do n’t understand, you can go to the Westward Journey Magic Branch to ask Swallowing Heaven Beast is Dean. “Zhang Yu said,” The so-called Master leads the door. The cultivation depends on the individual. What you can achieve in the future depends on your own good fortune. “

while speaking, Zhang Yu flicked the fingers, a white light shot from his fingertips instantly, and then fell into Tang Xuanzang’s brows.

Tang Xuanzang, before I have time to say anything, I feel that a lot of information suddenly pops up in my mind, that is a complete cultivation technique, apart from this, and some scattered spells, although he has not been exposed to cultivation, not Knowing the power of this cultivation technique and spell, but he is not stupid. How awesome is Teacher? Teacher’s cultivation technique and spell passed down, can it be bad?

Too late to sort out the information in my head, Tang Xuanzang bowed down again, respectfully said: “Thank you Teacher!”

“Get up,” Zhang Yu said, “I don’t have to bow down before everything. We don’t like that.”

Tang Xuanzang heard and subconsciously bowed down, but halfway down, he stood upright again, respecting saluted: “Yes!”

Zhang Yu was nodded with satisfaction, and then said: “While there is still time for the teacher, if you have any questions, hurry up and ask, if there is no doubt, you have to leave for the teacher.”

Tang Xuanzang stopped talking, and finally shook his head: “There is no doubt about disciple.”

“I don’t like to lie about disciple!” Zhang Yu frowned, a bit harsher.

“Sorry, Teacher!” Tang Xuanzang was startled, and was about to bow down again.

“Stand up!” Zhang Yu shouted immediately: “Say something!”

Tang Xuanzang took a spit, and then said it honestly: “Disciple listen to Ao Kun Senior said that although Teacher intends to accept the Disciple as a Disciple, he still needs to pass the Disciple to pass the test. Why? Directly … “After that, he stopped, and he believed that Zhang Yu definitely knew what he meant.

Zhang Yu startled, didn’t expect Tang Xuanzang is still tangling this.

He was silent, thinking about how to organize language.

“Well, if the Teacher finds it difficult, he doesn’t need to answer.” Tang Xuanzang added.

“Actually, you have passed the test. But you do n’t know that’s all yourself.” Zhang Yu gave a cough and said solemnly: “The reason why the teacher only appears now is to test your patience, and you I ’m also quite satisfied with my performance.

He won’t admit that he was killed. He once forgot about it, only to remember it just now.

Tang Xuanzang has no doubt about Zhang Yu’s words, he suddenly realized: “so that’s how it is!”

Thinking that I was already tested, Tang Xuanzang couldn’t help but be grateful. Fortunately, I was able to withstand loneliness, otherwise, I would pass the opportunity of this day.

Seeing that Tang Xuanzang has been confused, Zhang Yu quickly said, “Okay, now you go up the mountain to find Swallowing Heaven Beast and share Dean. If you have any questions in the future, you can ask him. In addition, from now on, It will also be Dean of the Journey to the West, and after the Cultivation Base meets the conditions, he will automatically take over the post of Dean. In this matter, I have notified Swallowing Heaven Beast of Dean by sound transmission, and he will do the next thing Schedule. “

By the way, Zhang Yu’s thoughts move, and a dark twisted vortex appears in front of him.

Zhang Yu stepped into vortex as soon as he lifted his feet, and the silhouette disappeared instantly.

Tang Xuanzang looked at the slowly closed vortex. After the vortex disappeared completely, he sighed admirably: “It is indeed Teacher, this way of leaving is simply cool! They are much stronger than Ao Kun Senior. It’s so straightforward to speak, I just don’t know if Ao Kun will savage him if he hears it.

For a moment, Tang Xuanzang sorted out the cultivation technique and spell passed to him by Zhang Yu, and then full of anticipation and excitement, he moved towards the westward descending magic branch on the mountain.

Sky World.

Zhang Yu stepped out of the dark twisted vortex and quietly wiped his sweat. Tang Xuanzang’s brain circuit is really strange. He almost made him a little bit off the stage. Fortunately, his brain turned fast and Tang Tanganza Fooled.

“However, the harvest is quite good.” Zhang Yu murmured, “Shrouding the Heavens World, Dou Po World, Xian Sword World, Journey to the West and Demons World, unconsciously, they have already attacked four Worlds, and also received them. Four promising futures, the population base has soared a lot … “

Thinking of this, Zhang Yu can’t help but be a little bit tempted, or else, quickly get Journey to the West World and Journey to the West back pass World?

At this time, Zhang Yu not at all stopped following within the body Vortex. Journey to the West World and Journey to the West post-World, although the speed of molding is extremely slow, but after so long time, now The progress is also almost half, which is many times faster than Zhang Yu expected. Zhang Yu could not help wondering if he had overestimated Journey to the West World and Journey to the West post-World. After all, the eighth-order True God World It shouldn’t take shape so quickly …

Of course, this is just Zhang Yu’s guess. Journey to the West World and Journey to the West posthumous World belong to which level, and when they are fully formed, we can see the difference.

“The progress is almost over 50%. If there is a fairy Sword World and a Journey to the West, the molding speed will definitely be greatly accelerated!” Zhang Yu calculated silently that before, only the World and Shrouding the Heavens World could be defeated. With such an effect, if you add two 7th grade Big Worlds, the effect is self-evident, “In the unconsciously, the power of the enchantment technique has entered the outbreak period, and it really starts to reveal its power!”

This is like a snowball. The larger the population base, the more Worlds can be created, and the more and more Worlds, the population base is also growing explosively. It won’t take long for the eighth-order True God World. It will be formed soon …

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