
Chapter 875 The World To Be Incubated

Zhang Yu is not immersed in the beautiful fantasy of the future. No matter how beautiful the future is, it is a future thing. The most urgent thing is to do the current thing first.

“Journey to the West World and Journey to the West post-history World need to continue incubating, but you can’t put all your hopes on these two worlds.” Zhang Yu was lost in thought, “Sky Academy has now completed the strategy Four Worlds, plus Wilderness World, are five Worlds. Such a large population base would be a waste if it was only used to incubate Journey to the West World and Journey to the West. “

The Worlds that have been hatched are: Wilderness World (formerly World), Shrouding the Heavens World, Fighting World, Fairy Sword World, and Journey to the West.

Worlds in the incubation are: Journey to the West World (51% molding progress), Journey to the West post-biography World (53% molding progress)

According to Zhang Yu’s original plan, before the end of the Sword World and Journey to the West, you must incubate at least one new World as a new World of Training, so that people from Sky Academy and even the branches will continue to go on the strategy. And, the new experience World the more the better.

Journey to the West World and Journey to the West’s post-biography World are very slow. If something unexpected happens during the period, the old World may not be fully formed before the end of the training time of the old World.

Just in case, Zhang Yu decides to make two-handed preparations, while continuing to incubate Journey to the West World and Journey to the West after passing World, and on the other side, adding a new batch of Worlds. In this way, even Journey to the West World and Journey to the West backhaul World will not be fully formed by then, and there will be other New World to choose from.

“This time, what World do you choose?” Zhang Yu meditated silently.

Those Worlds that are suspected of being an eighth-order true God World need not be considered for the time being, that is not in his plan.

Even if he really wants to incubate the eighth-order True God World, he will have to wait until Journey to the West World and Journey to the West. The World is fully formed. Besides, during this period, he can create some 7th grades or even 7th grades or less. World lays a solid foundation. When the foundation is strong enough and the population base is large enough, other worlds can be more easily hatched. Therefore, the early accumulation is particularly important and you cannot take it too fast.

Excluding the eighth-order True God World, the next choice is much simpler.

A lot of stories emerged from Zhang Yu’s mind, including traditional myths and novels. These are undoubtedly good materials …

At this time, Zhang Yu was not limited to the 7th grade Big World. Some suspected sixth-order and even weaker Worlds were also under his consideration, such as “The Deva, the Nāga, and the Eight Sections”, ” Heroes of the Condor Heroes, etc., these popular classics may even be easier to spread, and the potential of these Child of Destiny in the World is also very amazing. As long as you give them a bigger stage, maybe they can soar into the sky. To achieve incredible achievements.

Under a rare Spirit Tree, Zhang Yu is covered with more than a dozen blank booklets. With the surge of Zhang Yu divine sense, the glowing font of each and everyone is on the paper.

After a while, the booklet in front of him was filled with densely packed light words.

For a long time, Zhang Yu divine sense converged, and a smile appeared on his face.

I saw him stand up, more than a dozen books flew to his hand, each of which was as thick as a palm and stacked together.

More than a dozen books, it means that more than ten new Worlds are about to start hatching. These more than ten new Worlds have powerful 7th grade Big Worlds, as well as ordinary second-order and even first-order Tiny World. There are classics. His films, novels, and classical Myths and Legends are divided into three categories by Zhang Yu.

The first category: “Sun God”, “God’s Tomb”, “After Ascension”, “Global Gao Wu”, “Predator Starry Sky”, novel works that have been favored by countless people, each of which is 7th grade Big World , And all are suspected of the top 7th grade Big World.

Second category: “The Deva, the Nāga, and the Eight Sections”, “Biography of Heroes of Shooting Eagle”, “Before and After the Battle of Lu Xiaofeng”, “Feng Yun”, “Xian Xian”, “Flower Thousand Bone”, ” “Myth”, these are mostly Tiny World, only “Flower Thousand Bone” can not be defined for the time being, it may be 7th grade Big World, or it may be sixth-order Tiny World, which is temporarily included in the scope of Tiny World by Zhang Yu.

Third category: “Bao Lin Lantern”, “Brilliant Spring Zhu Bajie”, “a lucky sign Zhu Bajie”, “Chinese Ghost Story”, “New White Lady Legendary”, “Great Sage Equal of Heaven Sun Wukong”, All are Myths and Legends, classic film and television dramas, and most importantly, there are some well-known mythical characters in these Worlds, which are suitable for the people in the branch to attack.

A total of eighteen volumes, representing eighteen new Worlds!

“The population base of the five Worlds should be enough to incubate the top 7th grade Big World?” Zhang Yu is most concerned about the top 7th grade Big World such as “Sun God” and “Tomb of the Gods” because the top 7th grade Big World, each of which has inestimable value, can multiply the comprehensive strength of Sky Academy.

If the formation speed of Journey to the West World and Journey to the West is not as fast, Zhang Yu may not consider hatching the top 7th grade Big World so fast, but Journey to the West World and Journey to the The forming speed of West’s post-biography World made Zhang Yu see the possibility of success. Maybe, now it is really ready to hatch the top 7th grade Big World!

Of course, it ’s unclear what the Journey to the West World and Journey to the West post-biographical World ranks are, maybe these two Worlds are eighth-order true God Worlds?

If these two Worlds are really eighth-order true God World, it means that Zhang Yu already has the ability to hatch the eighth-order true God World!

Although this is unlikely, what happens?

“There are still two months left and the task is very heavy!” Zhang Yu gently put out a breath, and it is not easy to want so many Worlds to hatch out in just two months, especially It is the suspected top 7th grade Big World. The time it takes will definitely be longer than imagined. “But once it succeeds, the harvest will be greater than imagined!”

Even if it fails, Zhang Yu will not lose much. At worst, wait for a while, but if it succeeds, the comprehensive strength of Sky Academy will explode.

Considering that time is running out, Zhang Yu no longer delays, and immediately summon four points Dean: Wine Sword Immortal, Old Man Tian Ji, Greedy Wolf Dog, Swallowing Heaven Beast.

“These all are the world to be created or hatched next.” Zhang Yu handed the booklet to everyone, “You each make a copy, and then try to spread it out, the sooner the better, be sure to leave the rest Within two months, let everyone know the World you are in. In addition, Journey to the West and Journey to the West post-post, do not forget to continue spreading. “

Looking at the thick booklet, several Wine Sword Immortal felt an invisible pressure.

“This …” Wine Sword Immortal said with a bitter smile: “My dear, you also know how big Shrouding the Heavens World is. It will be difficult to spread so many stories in two months!”

Shrouding the Heavens World is a universe world. It is the world with the widest area and the largest population base among the five worlds currently controlled by Sky Academy. No wonder Wine Sword Immortal is so difficult.

Zhang Yu expressionlessly said: “This is the price of freedom. If you do n’t want to do things, you can also give up Dean’s post. Honestly, I will not force you to practice in Sky World.” Wine Sword Immortal Although independent thinking , But after all it is Zhang Yu’s Avatar, the spirit and Zhang Yu are one, and as long as Zhang Yu is willing, the single thought head can make him disappear.

Wine Sword Immortal forced a smile: “Never mind that, let me try.”

“I want to say that this task should be the easiest for you. The Shrouding the Heavens World branch was established the earliest, and the Sky Academy has the greatest influence on Shrouding the Heavens World. These stories are not difficult to spread. On the contrary , Xian Sword World Branch and Westward Journeying Demon World Branch have just been established, and all aspects are still in the process of improvement. The headache should be us, right? “Said the greedy wolf dog.

Information channels, publicity channels, etc., the two new branches are undoubtedly much worse.

By comparison, the situation of Doupou World Branch is the best. It was established very early and the area is not as large as Shrouding the Heavens World. The population base is much smaller. In this way, it is better than Shrouding the Heavens World and Sword. World and Journey to the West are much easier.

“I don’t care what method you use, anyway, this task is left to you.” Zhang Yu looks like an irresponsible arm-flinging shopkeeper, and gives all the headaches to several Avatars, but he himself Save trouble, “As for how to do it, it’s your own business. I just look at the results.”

be that as it may, but Zhang Yu also knows the difficulty of the task. Even if they can’t complete the task, he won’t punish them severely.

He just wants to express his own attitude of importance, so that these guys pay more attention, don’t be lazy.

Wine Sword Immortal looked at each other, all helplessly nodded: “Okay.”

“In addition, you must hurry up.” Zhang Yu reminded: “Dean Avatar has already broken through to Transcendent Middle Realm, and your innate talent and resources are not worse than him, but still stay in Transcendent lower realm, no Shame to shame? Especially Old Man Tian Ji and Wine Sword Immortal you two, you started the earliest, and now Cultivation Base is the lowest, even the Cultivation Base of Swollen Wolf and Swallowing Heaven Beast and the others are a little higher than you, Do n’t I give you freedom, and you just use it to waste time like this? “

The reason for mentioning this is because Zhang Yu found that most of his thousand practitioners of Avatar have cultivated to Evading Revolving Upper Realm, which is about to be Transcendent. Now I see Wine Sword Immortal and the others and stay at Transcendent lower realm. Can’t help but hate iron and not steel.

“Aren’t you the same?” Several Avatar murmured silently.

“Huh?” Zhang Yu’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at them improperly. As his Avatar, they could not conceal Zhang Yu’s thoughts.

“cough cough …” Wine Sword Immortal coughed, and said quickly: “Rest assured, I’ll go back and set up the task, explain the matter, and concentrate on training immediately to ensure that I can break through to Transcendent Middle Realm as soon as possible.”

Old Man Tian Ji, Greedy Wolf Dog and Swallowing Heaven Beast also hurriedly said, “So do we.”

Zhang Yu is nodded with satisfaction: “This is pretty much the same.”

“Okay, you go back quickly.” Zhang Yu waved his hand.

Wine Sword Immortal They made a copy of each of the dozen or so booklets, and then said goodbye to Zhang Yu and returned to their respective World branches.

After a few people left, Zhang Yu picked up a new booklet and outlined the current World strategy and incubation situation.

Raided World: Wilderness World, Shrouding the Heavens World, Fighting World, Sword World, Westward Journeying World.

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