
Chapter 876 Major Discovery (1)

Despite the pressure, the future looks promising.

Now the virtuous circle of each world, everything is moving in a good direction, and Zhang Yu ’s strength is also slowly improving invisibly.

When Shrouding the Heavens World was just created, although he was able to control various rules, his influence on the outside world was extremely limited.

Now, with the emergence of the World of Fighting, Sword World, and Journey to the West, the laws under his control have become more and more obvious to the outside world, and the increase in power has more than doubled.

Don’t look at the magnitude of the increase, but in fact, it is quite amazing.

After all, his current strength is almost comparable to the True God Realm powerhouse, and the True God Realm powerhouse is almost at its peak. Every improvement of the strength is extremely difficult, and it takes countless years or even hundreds of millions of years. It takes an astronomical amount of time to double the power.

It can be said that Zhang Yu has completed those True God Realm powerhouses that can take hundreds of millions of years or even more in just ten days.

This is terrifying cheating!

“I don’t know what my strength is at True God Realm.” Zhang Yu secretly guessed, “I don’t know if I can beat the True God Middle Realm powerhouse?”

Even without the increase in World Will, he can rival the Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouse based on the characteristics of the original energy alone.

With the addition of World Will, he is even more terrifying than the True God lower realm powerhouse!

even more how, his body has been transformed and transformed into the original body, an almost Inextinguishable Immortal constitution, self-healing ability, ability to immune to physical damage, and other aspects are extremely terrifying. He even doubts, True God Upper Realm powerhouse may not be able to help him.

Of course, he just has a strong ability to protect himself. If it is about strength, speed, etc., I am afraid it is not as good as the True God Upper Realm powerhouse.

Zhang Yu has always been very cautious and conservative in his strength estimation. No matter how strong he is, he will not be involved easily.

“System is right, creating more Worlds and adding to World Will will help a lot!” Zhang Yu has already tasted the benefits. The surge in strength during this time is the biggest proof, “estimates etc. The new batch of World has all hatched successfully, and my strength can reach the level of True God Upper Realm … “

This is the real motivation for Zhang Yu to hatch so many Worlds!

The expansion of Sky Academy is only incidental. His real purpose is to promote his own strength!

He is unwilling to endure boring practice, so he can only improve his strength in this way!

The most important thing is that this way, compared with the boring practice, the ability to increase strength is faster, even 10 million times faster!

If he practiced for ten days in isolation, Cultivation Base will definitely improve, but the extent of improvement is limited. In this way, his strength has more than doubled, and the benefits between the two are too great.

As long as you are not a fool, you know what choices are better for you.

Slightly feeling the surge of World Will, Zhang Yu strongly suppressed the urge to manipulate the World Will to test the spatiotemporal disorder, and persuaded himself: “No, it is too easy for people to detect the spatiotemporal chaos test. Inadvertently attracted “, then it’s a big deal!”

Now, naturally, he is not an opponent of “”, and he does not dare to provoke “” at will.

He shook his head: “Even if‘ ’is not attracted, he may be exposed to the vision of those Legendary heroes or attract the attention of other True God Realm powerhouses …”

This is clearly inconsistent with his wretched development.

“It’s a pity that I have improved my strength a lot. I want to find a place to test it, but there is nowhere to go …” Zhang Yu sighed.

Whether it’s the Wild World, the World he created, or the Sky World, he can’t withstand his full power.

Finally, the last time he refined Grade 8 True God Dan, it caused Sky World to be almost destroyed, and it took a few months to repair it slowly. So far, he still has a shadow in his heart, but he dare not go to Sky again. There is a mess in the world.

Time and space are turbulent, and he dares not to go, but the hatched World, the Wilderness World, and the Sky World cannot bear his power.

This makes Zhang Yu feel a little bit aggrieved.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t want to, the more you feel, the more Zhang Yu feels aggrieved and feels a little irritable.

“System, you talk about, when can you let me show my strengths and verify my strength without worrying about being discovered by outsiders?” Zhang Yu asked system.

With a hint of luck, he did n’t expect all at the system to answer. After all, for so long, he has been accustomed to the high cold of the system. This system has no other ability. He is deaf or dumb. The ability to die is absolutely superb.

But what made him absolutely didn’t expect that system responded, and the mechatronic sound rang slowly in his mind: “The host only thought of the worlds, but it missed an extremely important place!”

“Where?” Zhang Yu startled.

“Time and space are chaotic!” system replied.

“I thought about it for a long time, and that place wouldn’t work at all.” Zhang Yu shook his head in disappointment: “Once I show strength in the chaos of time and space, it is likely to attract the attention of many powerhouses and be exposed to outsiders , The consequences are unpredictable. “

System speaks again, without emotion: “I’m talking about another time and space chaos.”

Zhang Yu frowned: “Another time and space chaos, what do you mean? Is there still two time and space chaos in this world?”

“Did the host never think that Shrouding the Heavens World, Doo World, Fairy Sword World, Westward Journeying World and Sky World are located?” System asked: “Does the host think that a small dantian, Can I install All Heavens Myriad Realms? “

Zhang Yu’s eyes widened suddenly. Without the reminder from system, he was afraid it would be difficult to think of this aspect.

until now, he only pays attention to many worlds such as Shrouding the Heavens World, but ignores another question, where are they? Are they really in their dantian?

“No …” Suddenly, Zhang Yu frowned slightly, “I can feel that they are indeed in my dantian! That feeling can’t be wrong!”

System says: “They are in your dantian, but they are not in your dantian.”

Zhang Yu was confused by this saying: “What does it mean?”

“They are in your dantian, but your dantian is not just a dantian, but a special space independent of Heaven and Earth! This is the biggest difference between you and others!” system slowly said: “The host can liken his dantian to the chaos of timeless space and time, while the worlds such as Shrouding the Heavens World and Doo World are like wild worlds and are located in the chaos of time and space … It is complicated to explain, and It ’s not clear, the host only needs to know that your dantian is a special space independent of Heaven and Earth, and this space has no concept of size. In your opinion, it seems very small, but in fact, it may be smaller than the wilderness World is more chaotic in time and space! “

It’s complicated, at least, Zhang Yu understands only part of it.

dantian is a part of his body, which means that special space is also a part of his body, and he is just a small humble dust in this vast and boundless spacetime, but system said that this special space may be more Is there more turbulence in space and time? Isn’t this contradictory?

One thing, he understood.

That is, his dantian is a special space independent of Heaven and Earth, while the worlds such as Shrouding the Heavens World are located in the special space. Outside the barriers of the world, there is also an endless stream of time and space. !!

“Is this really the case?” Zhang Yu’s eyes narrowed slightly.

He no longer paid attention to system, and immediately opened a dark and twisted vortex channel in front of him. Unlike the past, this vortex channel is not leading to the rest of the World, but … directly to the World Beyond the barrier.

“Nothingness!” Zhang Yu’s pupils narrowed, and when they saw the opposite side of the vortex channel, at a glance, it was an empty space, not a spatiotemporal flow as system called it.

Zhang Yu is not afraid of empty space. He has become an eight-star Illusion Technique master. He can also be transformed into nothingness and merge with empty space, but it cannot last for too long, otherwise his consciousness will be affected. Assimilation becomes nothingness.

system said at this time: “Through nothingness, take a closer look and you will find a surprise.”

Zhang Yu was suspicious and immediately passed through the vortex channel. At the moment of contact, he also transformed into nothingness and walked in nothingness. Soon, he passed through an empty space and came to a magnificent and shocking World. !!

“This is … the chaos of time and space!” Zhang Yu’s eyes widened, a little unbelievable, “the endless, vast expanse of time and space!” Even if he extended the sense of diversity, he would be far from reaching time and space. On the margins, the most important thing is that apart from the turbulent energy of time and space chaos and the chaotic storm turbulence, there is nothing left.

“This energy … the breath is familiar!” Zhang Yu closed his eyes and realized it carefully. After a moment, he opened his eyes and was shocked in his eyes. “No, the breath of this energy is exactly like my breath! “

What the hell is going on?

But system started pretending to die again at this time, without any movement.

Zhang Yu frowned, then spread out again, looking around, he faintly felt that this violent time and space flow, very kind, just like his hands and feet, can be driven and controlled at will, when this idea just emerged At that time, he immediately tried, and the shocking scene happened. I saw that under the control of his mind, the horrible time and space turbulence really moved with his mind and turned into a violent air vortex. Swept all around.

Hundreds of kilometers of space-time energy are like docile sheep, let him drive it!

The terrible energy shock can even wipe out a top 7th grade Big World in an instant, even the eighth-order true God World can hardly withstand the impact of this energy storm!

It’s too strong!

This is the formidable power that he only mobilized from space-time energy within billions of kilometers!

And he feels that he can mobilize even the space-time energy outside the coverage of his sense of divide sense! It was a very wonderful feeling, or rather unfounded intuition!

In order to confirm his idea, he immediately tried, but the entire space-time turbulence of space-time energy shuddered slightly, one after another extremely terrifying space-time energy, gathered from all directions, as if destroying heaven extinguishing earth Under such terrifying power, let alone the Transcendent Realm powerhouse, which is the True God Realm powerhouse, I am afraid that it will be killed in an instant!

Unfortunately, this magical power exists only in this strange time and space chaos. Once it leaves, Zhang Yu will be beaten back to its original shape, and its strength will decrease sharply.

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