So, in a different way of understanding, that is, the spatio-temporal chaos exists, and it does not exist outside the spatio-temporal chaos!

He is clearly in control of the power of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, but he can’t exert it in front of outsiders. It can’t be applied to the actual place. It feels like he has a strength but has nowhere to vent. This makes Zhang Yu extremely uncomfortable. It’s like a person with a huge sum of money, but for various reasons, can’t use this money, he is treated as a poor person, ridiculed and insulted, and unable to resist.

It took a long time for Zhang Yu to calm down and continue to look at the situation of sporadic time and space.

Perhaps, if you look closely, there will be new gains.

Next, Zhang Yu teleported the aimlessly in the chaotic flow of time and space, and turned on Time Acceleration. After some time, maybe a day, maybe 10,000 years, finally, he found a place that was a bit abnormal. That’s … an empty space.

Unlike the endless nothingness outside the chaos of time and space, this piece of empty space is located in the chaos of time and space, which is very similar to the situation of Shrouding the Heavens World, because Shrouding the Heavens World is also wrapped in an empty space. When viewed from the outside, it is also an empty space. Only through the empty space can you enter it and touch the internal World.

“Is this also a World?” Zhang Yu secretly guessed.

Without hesitation, Zhang Yu immediately stopped Time Acceleration, teleported to the side of empty space, and then transformed itself into nothingness through the eight-star Illusion Technique, and merged into the empty space. Soon, he moved from the other of the empty space. Everywhere breaks out and enters the scene in his sight, exactly as he expected.

“It really is a World!” Zhang Yu eyes shined.

Empty space The center is a space black hole that is constantly rotating and is handling infinite divine light. The center of the black hole collapse is the channel leading to this side of the world, and that channel releases a strong pull every moment Power, only the Transcendent Realm powerhouse can barely resist that horrible pulling force.

Zhang Yu follows the collapsed black hole and enters the passage.

next moment, his vision suddenly became clear.

At the same time, his control over the chaotic flow of time and space also disappeared, and the invincible state also disappeared.

Suddenly changing from an invincible powerhouse to a powerhouse with only the strength of True God Realm, Zhang Yu was extremely uncomfortable, as if a part of his life was deprived, making him feel very uncomfortable.

After a while, he slowly adapted to this feeling, and then began to look at the World outside him.

“Shrouding the Heavens World!” Zhang Yu froze, then a little surprised, “Shrouding the Heavens World is in the same time and space chaos with Sky World, and so far away from Sky World!”

In the past, he directly opened the World channel and shuttled back and forth between several Worlds. He always thought that several Worlds were very close, or even next to each other, and there was no gap in the middle, but at this moment he discovered that the original two There is such a long distance between the worlds. With his ability to chaos in space and time, he opened Time Acceleration and continued to teleport. It took a long time to cross that distance. It can be seen how far this distance is. .

A moment of silence, Zhang Yu set off from Shrouding the Heavens World again, crossed empty space, and roamed again and again.

This time, he shuffles around Shrouding the Heavens World, and turns on local Time Acceleration, trying to find another World!

However, the more he travels through time and space, the more he feels the empty space and time, wherever he goes, except for the chaotic and violent space-time energy, there is nothing left.

Until Zhang Yu felt tired, he stopped looking for other worlds. No doubt, in this circle, he found nothing. Shrouding the Heavens World, Sword World, and Westward Fairy World must be empty. Wrapped in space, he could not sense the existence of the three Worlds at all, just like Sword World and Shrouding the Heavens World. Moreover, the chaos of time and space is too great, and even if he spends so long, he still cannot reach the margins.

“It seems that I can find Shrouding the Heavens World. It is already a great luck.” Zhang Yu gently put out a breath.

At the same time, it also confirmed his guess that … there are only Worlds that have hatched in the chaos of time and space, and these Worlds are all wrapped in empty space. The cases of Sky World and Shrouding the Heavens World prove that Got this.

Looking at the boundless flow of time and space, Zhang Yu couldn’t help but sigh: “So vast a sprawl of time and space, but only a few sporadic worlds embellish it, how lonely are they?” This is the same time and space outside Wilderness World The chaos is completely different. Outside the Wild World, the old world dies all the time, and the new world is born. At every interval, you can see the black space of the collapsed space. The endless world embellishes it, like a sky. The stars, although not necessarily bright, each exude their own glory.

In contrast, the new spatiotemporal flow of this side is extremely cold and depressed, and the World in this spurious spacetime is extremely lonely.

The biggest difference between the two spatiotemporal chaos is that in Zhang Yu’s spatiotemporal chaos, several Worlds are covered by empty space, but there is no empty space outside the Wild World. As long as the Wild World is out, you can Facing the chaos of time and space.

“What caused it?” Zhang Yu eagerly wanted to find out the truth of the matter, because once the mystery is solved, there is hope to erase the empty space outside the World such as Shrouding the Heavens World and let Several Worlds are connected with spatio-temporal chaos, and he can also directly open the channel of spatio-temporal chaos, instead of transforming to nothingness by himself, and heaving through the nothingness.

He thought for a long time, but without a nodded thread.

He doesn’t understand the chaos of time and space.

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