
Chapter 878 Changes in Empty Space

The time and space are magnificent and shocking, making people linger, but Zhang Yu doesn’t appreciate this beautiful mood at the moment, because he finds that he has no way to go back.

As the master of time and space chaos, I am lost in the time and space chaos. This is probably the only one in the world.

Zhang Yu staring at the vast expanse of time and space, can’t help but be silent.

He only cares about traveling in time and space, but understands the time and space, but he forgets how to return to this important issue.

“Oh, now it seems that I can only try one’s luck.” Zhang Yu sighed, he has no other way. The only way is to try one’s luck. If you are lucky, you can find a World soon. If you are unlucky, you may have to wait much longer.

But he is not very anxious. The time and space are not infinite. He believes that one day, sooner or later, he will eventually find his way home, but it may take a long time.

I applied Time Acceleration to my body, and Zhang Yu silhouette disappeared instantly. At an amazing speed, I was traveling through the vast time and space chaos. There was no regularity, no clear direction and destination.

I don’t know how long it has passed. Finally, when Zhang Yu’s spirit is quite exhausted, he finally finds an empty space.

The empty space wrapped in the chaos of time and space, stands quietly here, as it has been since ancient times, silent, no light, no darkness, as if the chaos of time and space was erased.

Zhang Yu’s spirit refreshed, instantly teleported to the empty space, and then turned into nothingness, passing by.

When Zhang Yu passed through nothingness and came to the edge of the huge black hole in space, he could not help but sighed in relief.

It’s finally figured out!

without the slightest hesitation After passing through the black hole in the space, next moment Zhang Yu came to the world connected by the black hole in space.

“It’s Shrouding the Heavens World again! It seems that I have a relationship with Shrouding the Heavens World!” Zhang Yu sighed, and encountered Shrouding the Heavens World twice in a row. This probability is extremely low, as seen by Zhang Yu Luck is indeed good.

I’m sure this is Shrouding the Heavens World, and Zhang Yu has the bottom of his heart, so let go.

Silhouette flashed, Zhang Yu came to Shrouding the Heavens World branch, watching Wine Sword Immortal holding a bottle gourd and pouring wine into his mouth.

“How long has it been since we last met?” Zhang Yu appeared next to Wine Sword Immortal with no warning, and suddenly made a noise, startling Wine Sword Immortal.

Wine Sword Immortal took a sip, then quickly dropped the bottle bottle gourd, respectfully moved towards Zhang Yu saluted: “Dean!”

Zhang Yu rolled the eyes: “Pretend to pretend, there are no outsiders here.”

Wine Sword Immortal forced a smile, and then asked questioningly: “My dear, haven’t we just met? How are you …”

“Just now?” Zhang Yu didn’t know how long he spent in the chaos of time and space, because he turned on Time Acceleration to the extreme. The multiple of Time Acceleration was not even clear to him, “How long is it? ? “

Wine Sword Immortal didn’t quite understand Zhang Yu’s intention, but still said honestly, “Probably … less than half ayaka?”

hearing this, Zhang Yu calculated that after the Wine Sword Immortal left, he stayed in Sky World alone for less than a half a joss stick, and then went into time and space, that is, he was in time and space. After staying there for so long, it is only a moment to the outside world, and it is not even time consuming.

“Okay, I probably figure it out.” Zhang Yu nodded, leaving with a teleportation.

Wine Sword Immortal stared blankly at where Zhang Yu disappeared, full of doubts.

So, what’s going on?

is it possible that, the deity oversees himself in secret? I just saw that I was lazy, so I came out and warned myself indirectly?

Thinking of this possibility, Wine Sword Immortal didn’t dare to be lazy. He immediately sat down and thought about it. He picked up bottle gourd and drank a few sips, and then stuffed bottle gourd and took a drink. And started practicing.

As for those stories, he arranged for people to spread the news as soon as he came back. The rest of the things do n’t need to be done by himself. Just ask about it on time to understand the progress of the spread.

If Zhang Yu is an irresponsible arm-flinging shopkeeper, then these Avatars are actually not much better.

50 steps and hundreds of steps that ’s all.

However, Zhang Yu’s sudden appearance still reminded Wine Sword Immortal to dare not be lazy.

This can be considered Zhang Yu.

ten thousand zhang Void, Zhang Yu is not interested in following every move of Wine Sword Immortal, he breaks the void again and comes outside Shrouding the Heavens World, the edge of the twisted black hole in space.

He still has many questions about the chaotic flow of time and space, and the empty space that wraps the world, which needs to be studied slowly.

For example, is it possible to cultivate in the chaos of time and space, if it ca n’t be cultivated, what is the cause, if it can be cultivated, what is the efficiency and how can it be used.

Across the empty space again, Zhang Yu’s silhouette appears in the chaos of time and space, and behind him is the empty space that surrounds Shrouding the Heavens World.

Because of prudence, Zhang Yu didn’t go further, lest when the time comes, he couldn’t find his way, and went to trouble again.

A few hundred kilometers away from the empty space, Zhang Yu stopped and sat cross-legged, trying to practice.

But he soon discovered a strange problem, that is … when he just mobilized the original energy of within the body, the whole space and time turbulence caused a terrible storm of space and time energy, Heaven and Earth turning upside Down, as if the chaos of time and space is about to run away, when he stops running Extreme Martial Arts, the energy of chaos will immediately return to calm, calm and tranquil, like a cut are just his illusion.

The loop is repeated several times, and the result is the same.

“So, the energy of chaotic flow in space and time is actually the original energy?” Zhang Yu was a little surprised, “These energy are under my control, they are part of me, so I cannot perform secondary absorption refining. ? “

What he does now is like spending money on his own stuff.

The spatio-temporal chaos is the substantial manifestation of the original energy in heterosexual space. The two are integrated. Zhang Yu wants to absorb the refining spatio-temporal chaos and transform it into the source energy. Isn’t that a joke?

“So, this place may be the cultivation of Holy Land for others, but for me, it has no effect.” Zhang Yu was silent, with a bit of loss in her heart.

A certain whimsical thought in his heart was ended.

If you want to quickly increase the Cultivation Base by relying on the spatiotemporal flow, it is obviously impossible to improve the law.

The only way he can quickly improve his strength is to honestly incubate the new world of each and everyone. Of course, if he is not too boring, he can practice in isolation.

“I can’t cultivate by myself, and others can’t get in …” Zhang Yu didn’t know how to describe his mood at the moment, “So, the only value of this place is that I can entertain myself here?” At least, Zhang Yu hasn’t found any real value so far.

So what’s the significance of the existence of this chaotic time and space?

Even if he has the strength of invincible in the whole world, he ca n’t take it out, but only entertain himself. What ’s the point?

“Why do you suddenly feel that this place is quite awkward?” At first Zhang Yu was still very excited and excited, but as he understood more and more the time and space, the excitement in his heart slowly cooled down, and now it is more like being Like a pour of cold water, the whole person’s heart was soaked, “It seems to be very powerful on the surface, in fact, it has no value!”

Even system told him that he could verify his strength here, but it was all wrong!

Because he is thinking, it will affect the whole time and space chaos. Single thought head can cause horrible Time and Space Storm!

So, how do you verify your strength?

“system! Is this where you can verify your strength?” Zhang Yu found that system also seemed to be unreliable.

System said, “Here we can verify the strength of the host! This system is not lying.”

Zhang Yu frowned: “So why …”

“In fact, this is the true strength of the host! What is verified here is also the true strength of the host!” explained the system: “The host can be understood that most of your strength has been sealed, and now , You are in the process of unblocking, and it is only here that you can exert your true full strength, and outside the world, you will be constrained, so that your strength will drop sharply!

system continues: “The process by which the host creates the World and advances the World is the process of unsealing! The more Worlds the host creates, the higher the level of the World created, the weaker the Seal and the strength of the host The stronger! “

Zhang Yu is doubtful.

“The Old Master once said that from the moment of birth, all creatures are invincible! But everyone ’s power is sealed by Seal! And the source of energy is a key that can open the key of Seal. “!” There was no emotional fluctuation in the voice of system. “As long as the Seal is completely released, the invincible power can be released!”

This idea is a bit similar to unlocking a gene lock, but not exactly the same.

Zhang Yu knows little about it, and is too lazy to argue with system, saying: “Okay, even if you are telling the truth, but what I want to verify is the strength I can show now, not the real strength, This place, okay? “

At this time, system stopped talking, and entered the pretend mode.

Zhang Yu shook his head. It seemed that he had already expected such a result.

“Forget it, study the empty space first.” The chaotic flow of time and space basically has no research value. Zhang Yu turned his attention to the empty space. There is no doubt that the empty space is a very special kind. Existence can also be called “non-existence”. If you can understand the empty space, the help to Zhang Yu is absolutely tremendous.

However, when Zhang Yu stared at empty space for a while, he had nowhere to start.

Empty space itself means that it does not exist. Since neither exists, how can we study it?

No matter what you want to study, there must be at least one object, and empty space represents non-existence, which means that Zhang Yu does n’t even have the object to be studied, and can only stare at the shrinking image that is artificially cut out. The space is dazed.

“Wait, keep shrinking!” Zhang Yu suddenly shrinks his eyes and pupils, he suddenly responds, “This empty space is shrinking!”

Without the obstruction of empty space, what kind of power will that terrifying energy in the chaos of time and space explode? What kind of power will the unlimited law break out?

Zhang Yu can’t imagine it!

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