
Chapter 879 Good Things Are Paired

Zhang Yu’s eyes shine again!

The situation of chaos in time and space disappointed him for a while, but the change in empty space made him see hope again.

Although the change of empty space is very subtle, it is difficult to detect without careful observation, but it is indeed changing, and the area is gradually shrinking. The so-called rope sawn wood is broken and water droplets are pierced. One day, this empty space will disappear completely.

Although this day may be far away, it finally gives Zhang Yu hope.

“What is causing the empty space to shrink?” Zhang Yu stared at the void in front of him, trying to find the truth.

There is a reason for the change in empty space. As long as you find the reason and then use it, maybe you can speed up the reduction of empty space.

Zhang Yu’s brain turned quickly.

Each piece of empty space is wrapped with a World. There is no doubt that the empty space must have a close and special relationship with the World it is wrapped in. The shrinking of the empty space must also have a direct or indirect relationship with the World it wraps. .

Zhang Yu has never been stupid, and I quickly guessed why the empty space changed so much.

“World grows!” Zhang Yu’s eyes narrowed slightly, “The faster the world grows, the faster the empty space shrinks!”

Zhang Yu shuttled several Worlds, observed several times, and finally confirmed his guess.

However, this is only his initial judgment, and no conclusion has been reached. After all, this matter is extremely important. Even him, he cannot easily conclude, in order to avoid any problems …

Unless verified by big data, Zhang Yu won’t be completely sure!

“However, other worlds are still incubating, and there is no more data to support this argument at the moment.” Zhang Yu frowned, more and more eagerly hope that other worlds can hatch immediately.

In this process, Zhang Yu also tried to ask the system, but the system pretended to be dead from beginning to end. The questions raised by Zhang Yu were like throwing a stone and see it sink without trace in the sea. Response, so he had to choose to give up.

Fortunately, he never puts hope on system, so there is no disappointment.

Zhang Yu’s consistent attitude towards system is that you can rely on it, but not on it!

Shake your head, Zhang Yu no longer paid attention to system, move the sense of divine, check out the World in Dan Tian.

I saw Shrouding the Heavens World, Fighting World, Fairy Sword World, and Journey to the West, as bright pearls, standing in Dantian. Each World is a Vortex. Vortex projects the entire world. It’s as if a World’s material plane is combined with a dark matter plane.

Around several World Vortex, there are scattered Worlds that are being hatched, and more densely packed ordinary Vortex.

Countless Vortex, like all the stars cup themselves around the moon, surround these World Vortex in the center.

Suddenly, Zhang Yu raised an eyebrow and was a little surprised: “So fast!”

Among the many World Vortex that are being hatched, a few World hatch speeds are extremely fast. In just a short time, it has already formed 3% 40 and it is still accelerating at an amazing speed. Zhang Yu takes a closer look. The few Worlds that incubate very fast are The Deva, the Nāga, and the Eight Sections World, Shediao World, etc.

After a closer look at all the World Vortex, Zhang Yu has a general understanding in his heart.

Incubation World formation progress: 1, Yangshen World (1% progress), Tomb World (1% progress), World after ascension (1% progress), Global Gaowu World (1% progress), Predator Starry Sky World (progress 1%); 2, The Deva, the Nāga, and the Eight Sections World (progress 32%), Shediao World (progress 38%), Lu Xiaofeng World (progress 19%), Fengyun World (progress 6% ), Wuxian World (progress 9%), Hua Qiangu World (progress 2%), Myth World (progress 12%); 3, Baolian Lantern World (progress 1%), Chunguang brilliant Zhu Bajie World (progress 1%) , A lucky sign Zhu Bajie World (1% progress), Chinese Nether Soul World (4% progress), New White Lady Legendary World (1% progress), Great Sage Equal of Heaven Sun Wukong World (1% progress).

While the World began to hatch in the early days, Journey to the West World and Journey to the West post-World, the current progress is 52% and 54%. Compared with the last view of Zhang Yu, it is slightly improved, but the distance is completely Forming, there is still a huge gap.

“7th grade Big World is too slow to form, but Tiny World like The Deva, the Nāga, and the Eight Sections has an extremely fast forming speed.” This also provided Zhang Yu with another The idea is that … Low Wu World is not useless, at least, it takes a short time to form, and it can increase a large population base. , A Low World can be formed! “

It’s too fast!

In less than an hour, I created a Low World, and even Zhang Yu was shocked by the speed of this terrifying!

When did it become so easy to create a World?

However, it’s not surprising to think that Zhang Yu has now attacked four 7th grade Big Worlds, based on four 7th grade Big Worlds, and created these Tiny Worlds faster.

The hardest time, Zhang Yu has passed through unconsciously!

“However, 7th grade Big World still takes a lot of time to form.” Zhang Yu looked at a lot of World vortex that had only a little fuzzy projection, and could not help shaking his head secretly. “Not to mention these top 7th grade Big tombs of God World, even an ordinary 7th grade Big World like the new White Lady Legendary, has just got a little fuzzy shadow.

Of course, this is just Zhang Yu’s personal guess. In fact, what level these Worlds are actually, it is still uncertain.

Just as he originally guessed that Journey to the West World and Journey to the West post-biography World are eighth-order true God World, it turns out that these two worlds might not be at all as strong as he imagined …

Which level are these worlds in, and the moment they are fully formed, the answer will be revealed.

Before that, everything might exist.

At this time, Zhang Yu is not in a hurry to study the empty space either. Instead, he carefully observes that the world in Dantian is gradually taking shape. He also needs more data to study and corroborate his arguments. Before that, he researched No amount of meaning.

Time passes slowly, and soon, the time it takes to burn one stick of incense, and the Eagle World has reached the final stage of formation. Seeing that a new World is about to be born again.

However, at this moment, Zhang Yu suddenly refreshed, and immediately opened the channel of Sky World. Next moment, he stepped into the dark and twisted vortex. The silhouette disappeared from Shrouding the Heavens World ten thousand zhang. Already.

I saw Sky Spirit Baoshan, beside the spirit stream, Zhang Yu’s eyes fell on a cultivating Avatar, with a satisfied smile on his face.

The cultivating Avatar has more than ten times more breath, giving a sacred, majestic feeling, exuding a faint white light, like the Spiritual Spirit of Supreme, inviolable.

Transcendent Realm!

A thousand cultivating Avatar, one of them finally broke through to Transcendent Realm! Obviously, this is just the beginning! Because of the thousand cultivating Avatars, the construction time is short. They have the same top talents, the same resources, and absorb the same Spiritual Qi. Since the first breakthrough, the second is not far away. !!

This means that the rest of Nine Hundred Ninety Ninth, who practice Avatar, will also make breakthroughs one after another!

This is definitely good news for Zhang Yu!

“Wait for so long, and finally wait for this day!” The smile on Zhang Yu’s face grew brighter, “A thousand Transcendent lower realm Avatar is equivalent to a thousand Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouse!” If he Integrate and refining this thousand Avatars, then his strength will suddenly increase and reach an amazing level.

True God Upper Realm?

Once a thousand cultivating Avatars are integrated, Zhang Yu may not even look at True God Upper Realm powerhouse!

At this moment, Zhang Yu finally has a little bit of confidence and dares to fight against the Legendary heroes of Xianyu.

Of course, for security reasons, Zhang Yu is more restrained, as the saying goes, not afraid of 10,000, just in case, he is not worried about the True God Upper Realm powerhouse, but for the Legendary heroes, he still has a little A little dazed, even if there are really a thousand Transcendent lower realm Avatars, he won’t provoke the Legendary heroes.

“Anyway, I am now almost able to protect myself.” The pressure in Zhang Yu’s mind was virtually dissipated, and the whole person felt much more relaxed, and seemed to be able to breathe comfortably. Already.

Some encouragement, so that the Avatars continue to practice seriously, Zhang Yu leaves Baoshan and teleports to the ten thousand zhang void.

In the cold wind, he observes the World hatched by Dan Tianzhong. In unconsciously, the Shooting Eagle World has hatched successfully!

The Deva, the Nāga, and the Eight Sections World, Lu Xiaofeng World, and several other low-level Worlds are also not far from the successful incubation.

Zhang Yu appeared a dark twisted vortex in front of him, then raised his feet and stepped into that vortex.

In a moment, Zhang Yu ’s silhouette appeared in the Realm of Shooting and Carving, only to see that the moment he appeared, the surrounding space was actually a collapse, as if he could n’t withstand a certain horrible force, the The entire world is trembling slightly, but the magnitude of the trembling is so small that almost no one can detect it.

This scene suddenly scared Zhang Yu to quickly restraining aura, for fear of accidentally killing this world.

Even if Zhang Yu converges, the surrounding space still trembles violently, and Space Crack appears from time to time. Fortunately, only a few tens of kilometers of space are affected. Outside this range, it will not be affected.

Until Zhang Yu thoroughly restrained aura without leaking anything, this situation gradually improved and eventually returned to normal.

“hu ……” Zhang Yu breathed a little sigh of relief, but it was so relaxed, and the breath was accidentally leaked a little bit, so the entire shooting sculpture World shuddered again, and the surrounding space collapsed and split into pieces. Space Crack criss-crossed, like spider webs, densely packed around Zhang Yu.

The corners of his mouth jerked slightly, and Zhang Yu immediately controlled the breath.

Don’t dare stay here for too long, Zhang Yu immediately crossed the World barrier and came outside the World.

Like Shrouding the Heavens World, Doo World and other Worlds, the outside of Shooting Eagle World is also surrounded by empty space.

Zhang Yu transforms to nothingness, merges with empty space, then shuttles over, and soon arrives outside the empty space.

There is no change in the empty space outside this World! From the beginning to the end, it has always maintained the same appearance, neither increasing nor decreasing, as it has been since ancient times, it is unchanged forever!

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