
Chapter 880 Truth

With Zhang Yu’s strength, no slight change can be concealed from him. However, he can be sure that the empty space outside the World of Shooting and Carving has indeed not changed at all!

“That’s weird.” Zhang Yu frowned, and the situation in Shooting and Carving World was obviously different from several Worlds like Shrouding the Heavens World.

The empty space outside Shrouding the Heavens World has been decreasing at a constant speed. The same is true for Fighting World, Sword World, and Journey to the West.

Only the empty space outside the World of Shooting Eagles remains unchanged.

What causes it?

How is Shediao World different from the rest of the World?

Zhang Yu is lost in thought.

In essence, Shooting World is different from World not at all, such as Shrouding the Heavens World, Fighting World, etc. It ’s just a lower level that ’s all.

“The only difference is that Shooting Carving World is still an original World, without the intervention of external forces.” Zhang Yu thought about it for a long time before thinking of this possibility. “Does it have to involve external forces to help Shooting Carving?” Will the growth of the World shrink the empty space around the World of Shooting Eagles? “

Apart from this possibility, Zhang Yu can’t think of other reasons.

When Zhang Yu thought he had found the truth of the matter, the empty space in his vision changed without warning.

I saw that the empty space outside Shediao World quickly shrank at the speed visible by naked eyes, and stopped changing until it shrank to a certain extent.

What happened?

Zhang Yu’s eyes were immediately attracted by the empty space, but he stared at the latter for a long time, but did not notice any movement.

Crossing the empty space and returning to the Eagle World, Zhang Yu cautiously looked at the situation of Eagle World, but found that everything is normal, and there is no abnormal situation in Eagle World, but it can be explained that the empty space It really has shrunk. Zhang Yu can be sure that it is definitely not his illusion.

There is no change in Shooting Eagle World, it proves that the reduction of empty space outside Shooting Eagle World has nothing to do with Shooting Eagle World, but it is caused by some other special reasons.

Zhang Yu crosses empty space again and comes to the chaos of time and space.

The eyes are cast into the vast expanse of time and space, still extremely magnificent, shocking, dazzling.

Zhang Yu vaguely feels that there is no change in the time and space turbulence, or even if there is any change in the time and space turbulence, he is difficult to detect because his divine sense coverage is too small, even the space and time I can’t cover the billions of 1 /10000th. How can I gain insight into the situation of sporadic time and space?

The reason why Zhang Yu thinks that the shrinking of empty space outside Shediao World has nothing to do with spatio-temporal chaos is because the spatio-temporal chaos around this empty space does not have any abnormal changes.

“The shrinking of the empty space has nothing to do with sporadic time and space, and it has nothing to do with Shooting World.” Zhang Yu frowned, becoming more and more confused, “So, what is the reason for the shrinking of the empty space?”

After thinking about it for a while, Zhang Yu still didn’t find the answer, he couldn’t help muttering: “It seems that we can only wait for The Deva, the Nāga, and the Eight Sections World to take shape, then look at The Deva, the Nāga, and Is this the case for the Eight Sections World … “

When referring to The Deva, the Nāga, and the Eight Sections World, Zhang Yu divine sense immediately moved to check the current molding progress of the former.

But when he saw the World vortex, he couldn’t help but hold back: “Has it formed?”

Unconsciously, The Deva, the Nāga, and the Eight Sections World have already taken shape!

“Wait, when did The Deva, the Nāga, and the Eight Sections World take shape?” Zhang Yu suddenly thought of the change in the empty space outside of the World of Shooting and Sculpture, would there be anything special between the two? Connection?

Although The Deva, the Nāga, and the Eight Sections World are two separate worlds, not at all, there is a substantive connection, but why is it so coincident that the empty space outside the world is reduced? , The Deva, the Nāga, and the Eight Sections World just took shape?

For no reason, Zhang Yu remembered what system said at the beginning, creating a world, or advancing a world, is the process of dissolving Seal, and can strengthen the will of the world. At present, this situation does not exactly confirm the system’s What words?

However, the truth of the matter still needs further verification.

“Actually, the verification method is very simple.” Zhang Yu watched Lu Xiaofeng World about 55% of the molding progress, as long as you pay attention to Lu Xiaofeng World, wait for the moment it takes shape, look at the empty space outside the shooting sculpture World Whether it is reduced, we can verify the relationship between the two.

It may be a coincidence, but it ’s not a coincidence, right?

That’s it, Zhang Yu sits cross-legged in the chaos of time and space, patiently watching Lu Xiaofeng World little by little take shape, watching the fuzzy projection gradually become clear, although slightly boring, but compared to cultivation, this is boring Zhang Yu is still acceptable.

Time is slowly passing. I do n’t know how long it has passed. When Zhang Yu felt that his eyes were a little dry, Lu Xiaofeng World was finally about to take shape. The projection was very clear, just like a real world, but without color. A feeling of loneliness and death.

At this point, Zhang Yu finally turned his eyes, staring at the empty space in front of him, silently calculating time in his heart.

“Ten, nine, eight, seven …” Zhang Yu’s breathing was a little tight, somehow tense, and his eyes were staring at the empty space without blinking.

When the number of meditation in Zhang Yu’s mind reached “one”, the empty space in front of him suddenly changed.

Same as the scene that Zhang Yu saw before, the empty space at this moment is rapidly shrinking at the speed visible by naked eye. With just one breath, it is reduced a lot. However, after one breath, the empty space is reduced. It stopped again, maintaining a certain fixed area or volume.

Sure enough!

Zhang Yu’s spirit refreshed, exactly as he guessed, when the new World is born, the empty space outside the original World will be reduced, and the time will be almost at the same time.

At this time, Zhang Yu can basically conclude that incubating a new World can indeed reduce the area or volume of the empty space.

Every new World is born, which can reduce the old World empty space. If the number of new Worlds reaches a certain number, the empty space will eventually disappear completely!

“So, create a new World, this way, I went right!” Zhang Yu couldn’t help laughing, although he accidentally hit and accidentally created a new World for other purposes, but now it seems This road is exactly the right path.

He doesn’t know why the birth of New World made the empty space shrink, and he doesn’t need to dig into it. He just needs to know that doing so is good for himself.

“Advancing the original World and creating a new World can help reduce the scope of empty space and strengthen the will of the World …” Zhang Yu probably knew how to reduce the empty space. “However, the former is Only the empty space outside this World can be affected, and the latter can affect all Worlds! “

To confirm this, Zhang Yu went to Shrouding the Heavens World again.

Crossing the empty space to the shuffle of space and time outside Shrouding the Heavens World. As expected by Zhang Yu, the empty space here has shrunk a lot compared to when he left before, compared to its original size. There should be a lot more area to shrink. And this is obviously the benefit brought by the birth of New World.

After that, Zhang Yu went back and forth to break through the spatiotemporal chaos of World, Fairy Sword World, Journey to the West and World of Sky, and watch the empty space outside these Worlds, and the changes in the empty space of these Worlds. It even verified his guess.

At this point, Zhang Yu finally clearly understood the changing truth of empty space and found mystery.

“Although I do n’t know about empty space, how can I understood reduce the scope of empty space? For me, this is enough.” Zhang Yu laughed, feeling very comfortable and spending so long. Time fought back and forth in various Worlds, and now I have finally learned the truth. All the hard work and sweat are worth it.

A moment later, Zhang Yu left the chaos and returned to Sky World through empty space.

He landed on Baoshan, sitting beside the spirit stream on the mountainside, thinking about the next plan.

Since understood incubates New World can reduce empty space, and understood World can reduce empty space, it should be used well, otherwise, he worked hard to find out the truth.

“Maybe you can incubate some low-level worlds properly again!” Zhang Yu didn’t really care about low-level worlds, but now he has greatly increased the importance of low-level worlds. What he cares about is not low-level ones. The world itself, but the birth of the low-order world, has an impact on the empty space outside the original world. In this respect, the value of the low-order world is not inferior to that of the high-order world.

Incubating the low-level World, this is very simple. Zhang Yu only needs to use the enchantment technique, based on many stories, and compile some historical books.

It is not easy to advance the original World!

Think of Wilderness World, how many billions of years have it spent since its birth?

Even so, it was still with the help of Zhang Yu that he successfully advanced to the 7th grade Big World, otherwise, I am afraid that it will have to survive tens of thousands or even thousands of years …

Think about Shrouding the Heavens World. How many thousands of years did Fairyland repair itself, and barely repaired a little bit, until Zhang Yu went out on his own, and pulled the greedy wolf dog and the others as hard labor, hard work It took only a long time to advance to the top 7th grade Big World.

And Doubo World, Sword World, Journey to the West, etc. do not have the conditions for direct promotion. It is even more difficult to advance …

“Only by advanced can we significantly reduce the empty space range, otherwise, that little change, terrazzo wear, have to wait until time that will never come?” Zhang Yu has seen when New World was born, outside the old World The scene of the rapid shrinking of empty space naturally does not satisfy the reduction and change of in one point. “But, what can I do to advance each World?”

Although Zhang Yu has a little experience, he doesn’t know much.

He only knows that the introduction of a new cultivation system and the improvement of Heavenly Dao Law have greatly helped the advancement of the World. At the time, the Wilderness World was advanced because of the introduction of the Shrouding the Heavens World cultivation system. Opportunity. The point is, Wilderness World itself is on the edge of the advanced, the only thing missing is a kick, and the world of the smashing World, Sword World, etc. is a little far from the advanced!

A low-level World such as The Deva, the Nāga, and the Eight Sections World may not be difficult, but a 7th grade Big World such as Fighting World is as difficult as ever.

What should I do?

Zhang Yu’s brow frowned deeply.

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