
Chapter 881 Questioning Heart

“Unless it is the power of the entire world, or even many Worlds, this task is simply impossible.” Zhang Yu knows how difficult it is to advance a 7th grade Big World, let alone from 7th It is extremely difficult to upgrade grade to eighth grade, even from 7th grade low to 7th grade intermediate.

Sitting on the side of the spirit stream for a long time, Zhang Yu was motionless, thinking like a sculpture, thinking about how to solve this problem.

Somehow, he thought of the three forbidden areas of Wilderness World and the Transmission Array.

Suddenly his eyes brightened, and his eyes glowed again: “Yes, Transmission Array!”

If a transmission channel is established between the worlds, so that people in each world can freely move between them, it may be able to promote the integration and growth of the cultivation system in each world. The more frequently people in each world communicate, the more For each World, the benefits are greater, which can greatly promote the advancement of the World.

Let people promote the integration and development of cultivation by themselves, the effect is probably far better than external intervention!

“Every World that has been attacked can be included, so that those people in the World can freely go in and out of other Worlds that have been attacked.” Zhang Yu’s eyes are getting brighter and brighter, “Like the fairyland, each World exchanges , Integration, blossom, and promote each other’s growth and prosperity.

In this way, the whole time and space will flow into a real fusion, becoming a multi-dimensional universe that embraces Myriad Realms.

The benefits are obvious, and the disadvantages also exist. That is, the fusion of Myriad Realms may cause local chaos. For example, fierce collisions between different cultures and systems may cause many unknown contradictions. Fighting and fighting are accompanied by blood. Will be staged gradually.

Thinking of these disadvantages, Zhang Yu calmed down and considered how to solve these problems.

Even if the struggle between the worlds cannot be completely eliminated, minimize the possibility.

Of course, he doesn’t worry about getting things out of his control. As the master of this time and space, no one can disobey his will.

Time passes slowly. Zhang Yu is like a stone sculpture, motionless without any notice of the change of time.

Sword World.

On the floating island of Xianting, many people of Sky Academy are here in closed-door cultivation, even Super Divine Beast, such as Demon Foal, is no exception.

Since the last time Xianting encountered a crisis, Floating Island has been listed as a restricted area of ​​Xianting, not to mention those mortals on earth, who are Xianting people, and no one dares to approach the floating island, for fear of that Little Demoness mouth Hey, grab them and bake them.

Floating island is hundreds of kilometers in length. Except for the people of Sky Academy, no silhouette can be seen. Whether it is the fairy gods or many celestial troops and generals, the floating island is regarded as a forbidden area of ​​life, let alone Close to the floating island, just look at the direction of the floating island, can not help but take a nap.

At this moment, the people of Sky Academy are all here in closed-door cultivation, making the whole floating island look silent and silent, like a dead island.

Ao Xiaoyu is not on the floating island, but went to Human World. Accompanied by Shushan disciples, he toured the mountains and rivers and tasted the food of Human World.

No one is worried about Ao Xiaoyu’s safety, and not to mention that she has the strength of a Transcendent lower realm. Even if she has no Cultivation Base and is defenseless, no one will dare to hurt her …

“hu!” On the floating island, under an old tree with red leaves, Xiao Yan wakes up from cultivation, and puts out a breath.

Zhou Xin’er followed Xiao Yan very much, and the latter made a little movement, and she woke up: “Xiao Yan big brother, why did you not cultivate?”

Xiao Yan glanced at Zhou Xin’er, said with a slight smile: “I feel a little irritable, maybe I have been practicing for a long time, I feel a bit boring. It doesn’t matter, just rest for a while.”

hearing this, Zhou Xin’er was a little worried and authentic: “Xiao Yan big brother, do you have any thoughts? recently, you always stop at half of your practice and stop, you never did that before. Although You use your smile to cover up, but Xin’er can feel that you are not happy.

Was she getting along with Xiao Yan day and night, would she be confused by Xiao Yan’s strong smile?

No one in this World knows Xiao Yan better than Xiao Yan!

Xiao Yan looked at Zhou Xin’er for a long time, and for a long time, he was silent, and then smiled bitterly: “Xin’er, you said, will Dean teach me the technique of Refiner?”

“Did Xiao Yan big brother worry about this?” Zhou Xin’er thought about it seriously and said, “Xin’er thinks Dean will definitely teach you the technique of Refiner!”

“Why do you see it?”

“It’s very simple, Xiao Yan big brother is so talented, it can be described as Sky Academy number one genius, Dean will not pass you, who?” Zhou Xin’er as it should be by rights.

“Number one genius?” Xiao Yan laughed at himself, “If I used to, I could barely accept it, but now, am I really number one genius?”

Zhou Xin’er frowned and looked at Xiao Yan puzzledly.

Xiao Yan sighed said, “Wu Mo big brother is now a seven-star Pill Refining Master. Everyone is rushing to please Wu Mo big brother. Even Tutors, they all like Wu Mo big brother. Chen Gu Tutor from Monster Race They all respect Wu Mo big brother and treat Wu Mo big brother with an equal attitude. More importantly, Wu Mo big brother ’s Cultivation Base has improved too much. In three months, I almost passed me … “

The number one genius’s name, I’m afraid he can’t make it to him anymore.

“Is Xiao Yan big brother so distressed because of being compared with Wu Mo big brother?” Zhou Xin’er asked.

“Of course not! Xin’er, others don’t understand me, do you still don’t know me?” Xiao Yan shook his head and said, “Wu Mo big brother is one of my best friends. He can make such achievements. I am too late to be happy, how can I be jealous? Just … Seeing that Wu Mo big brother is progressing so fast, but I am still standing still, I do n’t see the future and hope, this feeling, Xin’er, do you understand ? “

Don’t wait for Zhou Xin’er to speak, he also said, “Moreover, the Bai Ling girl of the Monster Race is now more dazzling than Wu Mo big brother. Not only does she own the Cultivation Base of Transcendent Middle Realm, but it also Star Illusion Technique Master. That ’s the Eight Star Illusion Technique Master. Listen to Bai Jie’s predecessor, there are not many Eight Star Illusion Technique Masters in the whole fairy realm! “

Finally, Xiao Yan said bitterly, “What I am really distressed about is that everyone is making progress, and only I am still standing still.”

Zhou Xin’er countered: “Who said that you were on the spot? Your Cultivation Base is rising fast, everyone is aware of it! If I’m not mistaken, Xiao Yan big brother these days, Cultivation Base has improved a lot Right? “

“How high is the Cultivation Base?” Xiao Yan laughed at himself, “What if I reach Transcendent Realm in the future? Does Sky Academy lack Transcendent Realm powerhouse?”

“So Xiao Yan big brother is worried whether Dean will teach you the technique of Refiner?” Zhou Xin’er asked.

“Nice.” Xiao Yan nodded, and he did not hide from this closest girl, “If I can have a deep Refiner accomplishment, then I can really gain a foothold in Sky Academy, and no one will treat me as Ordinary students think that in the future, they may have the opportunity to participate in the senior affairs of Academy … just like the current Bai Ling girl and Wu Mo big brother. “

Today ’s Bai Ling and Wu Mo, although both Cultivation Bases only have Transcendent Middle Realm, but no one treats them as ordinary students, but treats them with an equal attitude. Many decisions will be consulted on both of them.

An eight-star Illusion Technique teacher and a seven-star Pill Refining Master. Even in the Sky Academy, no one dares to despise their existence!

And this also makes Xiao Yan feel unprecedented pressure!

His former number one genius, unconsciously, has been left behind!

In the long run, I am afraid that his former number one genius will become the first joke of Sky Academy!

“I don’t know what attitude Dean really is. After all, I worshiped Teacher as a teacher and followed Teacher to learn the technique of Refiner. Dean doesn’t pass me the technique of Refiner, which is reasonable.” Xiao Yan said in his heart. The biggest concern and worry, “Maybe Dean will give up teaching me the Refiner in order to take care of Teacher’s face …”

He has some troubles, and has a little worry in his eyes.

Zhou Xin’er doesn’t know what to say, Xiao Yan’s worries and concerns are not without reason.

For a long time, she whispered, “Xiao Yan big brother, do you regret worshipping Ou Tutor as a teacher?”

“No!” To Zhou Xin’er’s surprise, Xiao Yan shook his head without the slightest hesitation and said solemnly: “I never regret to worship Teacher as a teacher! Teacher treats me as if I have come out, Teacher is kind to me. No one can compare with Teacher except you. Even my dad doesn’t care about me as much as Teacher! I have only gratitude and respect for Teacher, but I have no dislike! “

paused, he said: “Not to mention, I am not qualified to dislike Teacher! Teacher, he is not disliked, it is my blessing!”

Zhou Xin’er asked: “If Xiao Yan big brother gave up accepting Dean’s training for Ou Tutor, would Xiao Yan big brother be willing?”

“This …” Xiao Yan hesitated. Giving up to accept Dean’s training is tantamount to rejecting a bright future and giving up a wonderful and dazzling life. What Xiao Yan aspires to is rays of light. Life, such a choice, is too difficult for him.

Xiao Yan couldn’t help but think of Teacher’s concerns and care for himself.

“If I choose to give up Teacher in order to achieve myself, what is the difference between me and those people I hate the most?” Xiao Yan asked himself, “when I grow up, I become the one I hate the most. Is it a category of people? “Bullying, fear of hardship, profit-seeking, everything is driven by interests, and any decision is based on interests only. You can even sacrifice your family and love for this.

Think about the clansman faces of the family. Xiao Yan feels sick.

If you choose to achieve yourself and give up Teacher, then … don’t you become the same as those people?

“When did I become so … so … disgusting!” Xiao Yan suddenly felt a little bit hateful, hating her current self. It was only one year before she became a little bit ignorant of herself. The thought of Teacher being good to himself, Xiao Yan was ashamed and unable to show one’s face, “unimaginable, if I choose to achieve myself, how sad would Teacher be?”

Teacher was betrayed by his Senior Brother that year and suffered a huge blow. Now, if he experiences another blow, can Teacher bear it?

Xiao Yan shivered at the bottom of his heart, awakening like a dream, and even shouted subconsciously: “No!”

“What is Xiao Yan big brother talking about?” Zhou Xin’er froze.

Xiao Yan came back to his senses. The anxiety and worry in my heart were swept away, and the whole person seemed a lot more sunny.

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