
Chapter 882 Xiao Yan’s Choice

Xiao Yan has never been more relaxed like this now.

When the fog of interest that blinded his eyes was cleared away, he realized the true meaning of life.

He found his original intention of cultivation!

It’s not about fighting for strength, not for comparison, not for showing the limelight, but for protecting relatives, lovers, and friends!

Looking at Xiao Yan coming out of the self-bound world, Zhou Xin’er is also happy for him: “Xiao Yan big brother can figure it out. No matter what you choose, Xin’er will always support you! “

Xiao Yan touched Zhou Xin’er’s forehead, and couldn’t help feeling: “If you have a wife, what should you ask for?”

He couldn’t help tightening Zhou Xin’er, as if trying to rub her into his own body.

Feeling the temperature of Xiao Yan’s hands, the smile on Zhou Xin’er’s face became softer and brighter.

Enjoying a moment of tenderness, Xiao Yan helped Zheng Xin’er and said, “Let’s continue to cultivate.”

“Eh!” Zhou Xin’er nodded, encouraged: “Xiao Yan big brother will definitely be our first Transcendent student at Sky Academy!”

Xiao Yan laughed abruptly: “The first student of Transcendent couldn’t make it to me, don’t forget, the seniors of Long Yan have already been to Transcendent Realm long ago, and the Old Monsters of Shrouding the Heavens World are estimated to have arrived Transcendent Realm. “

See what else Zhou Xin’er wants to say, Xiao Yan said with a smile: “Okay, cultivate, you Xiao Yan big brother don’t care about these vanity names.”

Xiao Yan hasn’t cared about these things since Xie Kaijie and see through fame and fortune.

A few moments later, the two will reconcile and practice seriously.

This time, Xiao Yan has no side to his heart, the practice efficiency is surprisingly high, as if he has opened up the second pulse of Rendu, like a fish back in water, there is no obstruction, the kind of pleasure, even makes him a little intoxicated.

Xiao Yan, who is immersed in cultivation, can hardly feel the change of time in the outside world. It wasn’t until a sound came into his ear that he woke up from that cultivation state: “Xiao Yan.”

Xiao Yan slowly opened his eyes when someone shouted his name.

“Dean!” Xiao Yan stood up immediately, patted the dust off his body, and saluted Zhang Yu respectfully.

Zhou Xin’er next to him is also saluted: “Dean!”

Zhang Yu stands with his hands on his shoulders, with a quiet smile on his face, and says, “Evading Revolving Middle Realm is all right, good.”

Cultivation Base, Xiao Yan is one of the most satisfying among the students.

Don’t look at Bai Ling Cultivation Base a little higher than Xiao Yan, but that’s because when Bai Ling joined Sky Academy, Cultivation Base reached Core Revolving Upper Realm, and he also took heavenly materials earthly from Chen Gu Treasures have also accepted the inheritance of Illusion Domain Divine Fox. The combination of many fortuitous encounters has made Bai Ling ’s Cultivation Base so greatly improved, while Xiao Yan ’s Cultivation Base is actually cultivated, and at most it is taken. Part of medicine pill.

“Dean is a prize!” Xiao Yan bowed his head, respectfully.

Seeing this, Zhang Yu is even more satisfied: “Nice and good, not arrogant and impatient, Ou Shenfeng teaches well!”

hearing this, Xiao Yan touched the back of his head sorry.

“Do you know why I came to you?” Zhang Yu smiled mysteriously.

Xiao Yan was inexplicable, he thought of a possibility, but he was not sure.

Zhou Xin’er Seeing Xiao Yan didn’t speak, even if there was some speculation in his heart, he didn’t say it.

Zhang Yu gave Xiao Yan a deep look, and then said with a smile: “Forget it, let me say it straight. I said before that I will train you, and now Wu Mo has become the seven-star Pill Refining Master, Bai Ling Become the Eight Star Illusion Technique Master, and next, I plan to train you as a Seven Star Refiner Master. Of course, if your Cultivation Base reaches the Transcendent Realm and can withstand the impact of the Eight Star Refiner technique, I do n’t mind training you to become Eight Star Refiner. “

“very good!” Zhou Xin’er smiled excitedly and whispered to Xiao Yan: “Xiao Yan big brother, Dean wants to train you!”

However, to Zhou Xin’er’s surprise, Xiao Yan’s face was not at all with a smile and his emotions were not at all excited.

Xiao Yan’s reaction is too bland!

“Why, don’t you believe I have the ability to train you as an eight-star Refiner?” Zhang Yu asked with an eyebrow.

Xiao Yan took a deep breath, shook his head, and said seriously: “No, I never doubted Dean’s ability! As long as you are willing, nothing in the world can stump you!”

paused, Xiao Yan bowed his head, clinching one ’s teeth and said: “But Xiao Yan urges Dean to take his life! Do n’t waste time and energy on Xiao Yan!”

Zhang Yu was a bit surprised, surprisedly said: “You know I can train you to become a Eight-Star Refiner, and you still refuse?”

He continued: “Do you know, All Heavens Myriad Realms, how many people dream of becoming Master of the Eight Star Refiner, once they become Master of the Eight Star Illusion Technique, they will become one of the most noble people in Xianyu, status Even approaching several Legendary heroes, and now, you have a chance in front of you, you do n’t need to do anything, you just need to be nodded, you can become an eight-star Refiner division!

He looked at Xiao Yan with a low tone: “Are you sure you want to decline?”

I have to say that Zhang Yu’s words have an irresistible appeal to anyone.

Even Xiao Yan was shaken in his heart.

However, when Xiao Yan thought of Teacher Ou Shenfeng, the thought that just came out in his mind was instantly obliterated by him.

“Sorry, Dean!” Xiao Yan’s voice was a little hoarse, it’s hard to imagine, how determined he was to be able to reject such a temptation, “Please forgive Xiao Yan fail to appreciate somebody’s kindness. Cultivate it by yourself, thank you, Xiao Yan will not be blessed! “

Zhou Xin’er was anxious, and whispered in his mouth, “Xiao Yan big brother!”

Xiao Yan shook his head at Zhou Xin’er and said, “Xin’er, don’t advise me, I know what I’m doing!”

“Oh, interesting, you have been the first student to refuse to be trained for so long.” Zhang Yu laughed, “Can you tell me why you refused?”

Xiao Yan’s silhouette emerged from Ou Shenfeng’s head, with a smile on his face: “Because I’m a disciple of Ou Shi!”

He relaxed a lot, and his eyes became firmer: “If I accept Dean’s training, where do I put Teacher’s face? What will others think of Teacher? Although I only worshiped Teacher next year, I I know Teacher very well. He is a very proud and strong person. As a Teacher Sect’s Disciples, I learn the technique of Refiner from others and accept the inheritance of others. What is the face of Teacher? “

“Further, Teacher is only a five-star Refiner, and Dean intends to train me to be a seven-star Refiner, or even an eight-star Refiner.” Xiao Yan shook his head and said, “At that time, how should Teacher face the people in the world? Strange vision? “

Disciple is stronger than Teacher, which should be something to be proud of, but if Disciple is cultivated so strong by outsiders, the nature will be different.

gently put out a breath, Xiao Yan lifts the head, facing Zhang Yu ’s gaze, saying: “If Xiao Yan sacrifices the reputation of the Teacher for the benefit of himself, regardless of the situation of the Teacher, then such Xiao Yan, what is the difference between pigs and dogs? Is Xiao Yan like this really worth the training of Dean? “

“pa pa pa ……”

“Okay!” Zhang Yu couldn’t help but applaud Xiao Yan, with a smile on his face, “I never thought you had such courage, for the Teacher, give up a bright future! Ou Shenfeng really received a good discipline. To be honest, I suddenly regretted it. I should have accepted you from the beginning and should not give it to Ou Shenfeng! “

Xiao Yan blushed and said embarrassingly: “Don’t say it, otherwise, Xiao Yan will be ashamed and unable to show one’s face.”

He wasn’t as great as Zhang Yu said. He had been troubled by this matter before, he had suffered a lot, and even got a little shake in the end. The more Zhang Yu praised him, the more he felt ashamed.

“Look, Master, you disciple, didn’t you let you down?” Zhang Yu looked at Xiao Yan with an appreciation, then turned his head to the direction of the wood behind him.

next moment, Ou Shenfeng slowly walked out of the woods. The wrinkled face was full of comfort and emotion, and his eyes were red.

Xiao Yan froze and looked at Ou Shenfeng in amazement: “Teacher, are you here too? Well, when did you come?”

“European Master!” Zhou Xin’er laughed and hehe ran over, “Aren’t you practicing in the valley? How come here?”

At this time, Zhang Yu said with a slight smile: “I invited Ou Shi.”

Xiao Yan looked at Zhang Yu doubtfully, but didn’t understand the intention of Zhang Yu to invite her Teacher.

“Since I have decided to train you, naturally I have to ask the teacher’s opinions, otherwise, do you think I will teach you the Refiner technique casually?” Zhang Yu faintly smiled, “After all, your situation with Bai Ling is not Similarly, although Bai Ling also worshiped Chen Gu as a teacher, Chen Gu did not have the talent of Illusion Technique and knew nothing about Illusion Technique. He could only teach her practice and battle. Therefore, I taught Bai Ling Illusion Technique without Chen. Gu asked, he wanted me to train Bai Ling. However, your situation is special. Teacher Ou teaches you Teacher of Refiner and teacher of cultivation. I want to train you. I do n’t need to get permission from Teacher Ou first. ? “

He asked with a smile: “Do you know how your Teacher answered?”

Xiao Yan for a while.

“He told me, let me make you an eight-star Refiner teacher!” Zhang Yu smiled and said seriously: “For this reason, he can bear the criticism of outsiders, and does not care about anyone’s evaluation!”

Xiao Yan shivered at the bottom of her heart, her eyes turned to Ou Shenfeng, and her eyes began to turn red.

“You Teacher, you are really good to you!” Zhang Yu couldn’t help but feel sorry. In contrast, he is a teacher who is a lot worse than Ou Shenfeng. At least, it ’s hard for him to help Outer Sect Disciple at such a cost. “I asked him if you do n’t care about his situation and you only care about yourself, will you change this decision, yet he told me that even so, his The decision remains the same. “

“Teacher!” Xiao Yan had a sore nose and some wanted to cry.

“Fortunately, your performance did not disappoint us!” Zhang Yu said with a smile with satisfaction: “This kind of you is worth your effort for Teacher! It is also worth my training!”

“Listen to me first.” Ou Shenfeng waved his hand and said, “Being a teacher who knows you very well and knows what kind of life you aspire to, you can never give you a life like that just by being a teacher. Now, Dean Given the opportunity, you must grasp it, because this is your only chance! Do not feel sorry for the teacher, as long as you become an eight-star Refiner teacher and become famous in Xianyu, it is the best reward for the teacher, that is also The only wish in the teacher ’s heart! “

He has high hopes for Xiao Yan.

Xing Xu felt that this was a bit heavy. He could n’t help but said with a smile: “I hope that one day in the future, you will be able to walk side by side in the fairyland by reporting your name to the teacher. In this way, dreaming for the teacher can also wake up with a smile ! “

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