
Chapter 884 Transmission Array

Xiao Yan A few people laughed, and two of them suddenly flew outside the floating island.

“Separate Dean, Mr. Yin.” Ou Shenfeng’s eyes fell on sword sage Yin Ruozuo and Wine Sword Immortal, said curiously: “I don’t know why the two came?”

Jian Sheng Yin Ruozhu arched his hand, politely: “I heard that Wu Mo Young Master has the achieved perfection of Pill Refining Technique. I wonder if Ou Tutor can introduce it for us?”

Ou Shenfeng said with a slight smile: “Wu Mo is still practicing and cannot be disturbed. If the two are not in a hurry, can you wait a little?”

He knows the origin of Sword Master Yin Ruozuo and Wine Sword Immortal, but before Wu Mo’s retreat, he told everyone that he should concentrate on his cultivation and strive to improve the Cultivation Base. Naturally, he would not wake Wu Mo at this time.

In fact, not only Sword Master Yin Ruozhuo and Wine Sword Immortal, there are many people who want to see Wu Mo. Now there are many people in the pill concocting class and Monster Beast who has the talent of pill concocting is guarded near the place where Wu Mo cultivates. , But their purpose is different from Sword Master Yin Ruozhuo and Wine Sword Immortal. They are rushing to ask Wu Mo for guidance. After all, if a seven-star Pill Refining Master is willing to teach them a little experience, they can make them less detours A few clicks will benefit them a lot, and they may even be promoted directly to the next level.

“Since Wu Mo Young Master is still practicing, then we won’t bother. If Wu Mo Young Master wakes up, please ask Ou Tutor to inform us.” Sword Master Yin Ruozhuo naturally did not dare to disturb Wu Mo cultivation, so please Ou Shenfeng.

“No problem, Wu Mo wakes up, and I will inform you immediately.” Ou Shenfeng agreed quickly.

In a short while, sword master Yin Ruozuo and Wine Sword Immortal left the floating island.

Ou Shenfeng said with emotion: “Did you see that? This is the charm of the Seven Star Pill Refining Master! Even the Transcendent Realm powerhouse must be cautiously in front of him …”

The purpose of Jian Sheng Yin Ruozhuo and Wine Sword Immortal, whether it is Ou Shenfeng, or Xiao Yan, Zhou Xin’er, are very clear.

In fact, the entire Sky Academy, many tutors, students, and their attitudes towards Wu Mo have changed dramatically. Even Bai Jie of Transcendent Upper Realm is very polite to Wu Mo and has not treated Wu Mo at all. As an ordinary student, everyone wants Wu Mo, hoping to get Grade 7 Divine Pill. Naturally, they dare not stand in front of him.

Looking at this scene, Xiao Yan felt deeper in his heart, and he yearned more and more to become a seven-star Refiner division, or even an eight-star Refiner division.

“A Grade 7 Healing Pill is equivalent to one more life, and a Grade 7 empty Divine Pill can help people understand Space Law. Wu Mo big brother is so popular, it is not without reason.” Xiao Yan lamented: “Now in the Sky Academy, except Dean, only Wu Mo big brother can make Grade 7 medicine pill. It is no wonder that everyone respects Wu Mo big brother so much.”

Zhou Xin’er regrets: “Unfortunately, the materials of Grade 7 Divine Pill are too precious and rare. Even the predecessor of Illusion Domain Divine Fox is not much. Even Wu Mo big brother has extraordinary Pill Refining. Technique, it is also difficult to meet the needs of the entire Sky Academy. In my opinion, this journey of Juggernaut and Dean is nothing.

Not to mention the entire Sky Academy, it is their friends who are close to Wu Mo that have only been assigned a Grade 7 Healing Pill or a Grade 7 empty Divine Pill.

The most important thing is that the Grade 7 medicinal herb in Illusion Domain Divine Fox’s collection is almost exhausted.

In other words, when the Grade 7 medicinal herb in the collection of Illusion Domain Divine Fox Bai Jie runs out, Wu Mo will no longer be able to refine Grade 7 Divine Pill.

Of course, this is not absolute. After all, Sword World, Shrouding the Heavens World, and so on are 7th grade Big World. These Worlds also have Grade 7’s pill concocting material, which is no doubt relative to Xianyu. It’s much less. Whether you can get all the materials together depends on luck.

“Even so, it does not affect everyone’s attention to Wu Mo.” Ou Shenfeng shook his head and said, “After all, Wu Mo’s pill concocting achievement profound mystery has reached seven stars, as long as he is provided with materials, he will It can make Grade 7 Divine Pill. Even if everyone is unable to gather the materials for the time being, it will not prevent them from having a relationship with Wu Mo in advance. In this way, when they gather the materials in the future, they will not be able to open their mouths.


Sky Academy has been growing continuously. Ou Shenfeng has no doubt that sooner or later, the Academy will harvest more and more Grade 7 medicinal herb.

“Speaking of which, I also got a Grade 7 medicinal herb in Shrouding the Heavens World, which was called immortal elixir by those in that World.” Xiao Yan laughed, “It’s the Sword World, a high-level medicinal Herb seems to be even more rare. It is rarely mentioned in “History of Immortal Sword”. Compared to Shrouding the Heavens World, this Sword World feels a little bit meaningless. ”

Ou Shenfeng rolled the eyes, saying: “Dean let you come to Sword World, it is for you to experience, not for you to collect medical herbs. If you really need medical herbs, you will directly take Spirit Stone and the branch. People trade, I believe they will be happy. “

Compared to the General Academy, branch students have fewer channels and fewer access to Spirit Stone. The value of Spirit Stone is naturally higher. The value of higher-level medical herbs is far less than that of Spirit Stone So precious. After all, only the Grade 7 medicinal herb refined into Grade 7 Divine Pill can fully realize its value. Otherwise, a single Grade 7 medicinal herb is far less valuable than a Spirit Stone.

“Never mind that.” Xiao Yan grinned and asked him to use Spirit Stone in exchange for a Grade 7 medicinal herb, which he couldn’t bear.

Although he has a lot of Spirit Stones, he also knows that Spirit Stones have an incomparable value in the fairyland, which is by no means a Grade 7 medicinal herb.

Glancing at the direction of Wu Mo’s retreat, Xiao Yan converged with a smile, and said seriously: “Wu Mo big brothers are already seven-star Pill Refining Masters, but they are still working so hard, they are not slack, and I cannot Slack. Teacher, Xin’er, I ’m going to practice first. “

“Go.” Ou Shenfeng nodded, “Dean said, to withstand the impact of the Eight Star Refiner division information, at least you must have the Cultivation Base of Transcendent Realm. You are only now Evading Revolving Middle Realm, which is still a bit away from Transcendent Realm. Far away! “

Zhou Xin’er pumped up: “Xiao Yan big brother come on!”

Shrouding the Heavens World.

After Zhang Yu and Xiao Yan separated, they went directly to Shrouding the Heavens.

Beyond the ancient restricted area, on a high mountain, Shrouding the Heavens is standing there, shrouded in mist by the clouds, faintly discernible, like Immortal Realm.

Zhang Yu didn’t alarm anyone this time, standing quietly at the gate of Shrouding the Heavens branch, glanced over each and everyone building.

He came this time, not to monitor or verify anything, nor to meet anyone, but to build a Transmission Array!

He had already thought about it when he was at Sky World. Sooner or later, the Transmission Array is to be built. In this case, it is better to build it now to avoid trouble. The address of the Transmission Array is after he passes by. After careful consideration, the final decision was established in each branch.

In other words, in the future, the various branches of Sky Academy will assume the responsibility of transmitting World.

So, although there will be some troubles and may even affect the normal operation of the branch, the benefits are also obvious.

First of all, the Transmission Array is built in the branch, with the branch Dean, the students sitting in the town, and people from other worlds, who dare not make trouble, can effectively prevent many chaos and meaningless battles, and even kill.

Secondly, the branch is in charge of the Transmission Array. It can also remove some people with ulterior motives and strictly review the identity and information of the sender. If there is any accident, the branch can also quickly and promptly close the Transmission Passage and cut off the World and The rest of the world.

Finally, everyone who wants to teleport to other worlds must pass through the branch. Invisibly, the power and influence of the branch will be greatly improved. Moreover, the branch can also take this opportunity to show its sacredness to the outside world. With a majestic image.

In short, Transmission Array is too important. It must be in your hands to save a lot of trouble.

Zhang Yu intends to make Sky Academy the most authoritative organization of All Heavens Myriad Realms, and this Transmission Array is undoubtedly an excellent method! Mastering the Transmission Array means that anyone who masters the entire world must abide by the rules set by the Sky Academy, otherwise, they will only be trapped in their world for the rest of their lives!

After examining many buildings, Zhang Yu finally decided to build the Transmission Array directly in the atrium square.

Because the area of ​​the atrium square is large enough, many Transmission Arrays can be established. Even if more and more Worlds are hatched in the future, more and more Transmission Arrays need to be used, and this square can fully accommodate it.

Silhouette flashes, Zhang Yu teleports to the atrium square, the more he observes, the more satisfied he is with the convenience of the place.


next moment, Zhang Yu opens the will of the world, releases a trace of divide sense, opens the wormhole with the stance of Supreme’s creator, and opens up Shrouding the Heavens World and Fighting World.

This is not a Transmission Array in a simple sense, but a more powerful wormhole than a Transmission Array!

The ordinary Transmission Array can only be transmitted within one World range, and the distance is also limited. Such a Transmission Array can be arranged by the Transcendent Realm powerhouse. The deeper you are about Space Law, the more Transmission Array you arrange, the greater the transmission range. The wider the transmission distance, the wormhole is a more advanced Transmission Array. Only the True God Realm powerhouse can be arranged. However, even with the True God Realm powerhouse, the wormholes can only be kept very short. time.

Only the Legendary heroes can make a long-term stable wormhole!

In normal times, Zhang Yu single thought can open the channel of the two Worlds and create a temporary wormhole. At this time, he wants to create a long-term stable wormhole, so it takes a relatively long time. , The movement is also a bit big.

I saw a large-scale spatial ripple in the atrium square, like a ripple on the water surface, and moved towards all directions.

“Teacher.” Ye Fan was also in the crowd. There was a hint of surprise on his face. He hadn’t seen Zhang Yu for a long time, and he still missed it.

Recognizing the surrounding movement, Zhang Yu stopped the movement after stabilizing the wormhole, turned his head to look at the crowd, and finally focused on Ye Fan, admiringly, “Evading Revolving Upper Realm is good. Speaking of which, he has n’t followed Ye Fan ’s Cultivation Base for a long time. He did n’t think of it. It did n’t take long for Ye Fan to have Evading Revolving Upper Realm. Among many students, except Chuan Ying and Gai Jiuyou etc. The rest of the students have been overtaken by Ye Fan.

Child of Destiny, don’t underestimate one!

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