
Chapter 885 Connected

The so-called Evading Revolving Upper Realm is the name of Wilderness World. It is defined according to the Cultivation Base level of Shrouding the Heavens World. Ye Fan’s current Cultivation Base is already the Seven Immortal Emperors!

With the completion of Shrouding the Heavens World, there are basically no Immortal Emperor and Eight Emperor. Under True Immortal, the ultimate of Cultivation Base is Immortal Seven Emperor, as long as the Cultivation Base After breaking through the Seven Immortal Emperors and reaching the Eight Immortal Emperors, you can set foot on Immortal Ascension Road, lead the immortal immortal light and Spiritual Qi of Immortal Realm, and become True Immortal.

The reason for this is because there is a huge difference between Xianba Zhundi and Xianqi Zhundi, although they are also Zhundi, but Xianba Zhundi is already an alternative enlightenment. It is not much different from Xianji Heavenly Emperor. His own understanding of the law and the Culture Base are actually not weaker than Xianji Heavenly Emperor, but they have not been recognized by Heaven and Earth and cannot be used to do everything, so they are considered to be in the category of Zhundi.

Now Heavenly Dao changes, and the immortal realm is complete. As long as you reach the Eight Immortals, you can become immortal!

In such a short time, Ye Fan has grown from an ordinary person who would not be a fairy seven quasi-perfect emperor.

Not to mention Chuan Ying, Ning Fei, Gai Jiuyou, Divine King Jiang Taixu, even the Empress, Wushi Heavenly Emperor and the others are quite shocked and have a sense of unrealism.

Pombo is crying “perverted”, with a severe blow.

“It’s all the credit given to the immortal merits by Teacher.” Ye Fan is not humble, he is very calm, but also very humble.

Immortal Tiangong?

It is true that immortal Tiangong is much stronger than many ordinary scriptures and ancient scriptures. Everyone at Shrouding the Heavens is practicing. The cultivation speed is incredible, as if tailored for them. Not only Ye Fan, the others practice immortal Tiangong, and the effect is also amazing. In a short time, Cultivation Base has been greatly improved.

It’s just that the credit for raising Ye Fan Cultivation Base so fast is all due to immortality, but nobody believes it.

After all, Ye Fan ’s improvement of Cultivation Base these days is obvious to everyone, and everyone is cultivating immortal merits. Why is Ye Fan alone able to raise Cultivation Base to Xian Qi Zhun in such a short time? emperor? Others are still wandering about Dragon Transformation cheats, while others are still wandering around the Four Saints and the Five Saints.

You know, when Ye Fan joined Shrouding the Heavens, the Cultivation Base is almost negligible, not much different from mortals.

golden-winged little Peng King has long lost the pride of the past. Looking at the calm Ye Fan, he couldn’t help but think of something that Wine Sword Immortal Dean had said at the beginning. I believe that Ye Fan can become the Celestial Emperor powerhouse that overwhelms Heavenly Emperor in the future, but now, I believe it! It is indeed the protagonist of an era! “Seeing Ye Fan’s Cultivation Base catching up step by step, then surpassing himself Can he not believe it?

Those who can crush his golden-winged little Peng King must be out of the ordinary!

At this time, Wine Sword Immortal asked, “Dean, what are you going to do?”

The crowd was also came back to his senses, and they looked at Zhang Yu one after another. They did not understand why he made such a big movement in the atrium square.

What is that dark twisted vortex?

“I didn’t want to disturb you. Since you are here, I will let you know by the way.” Zhang Yu said with a slight smile: “I plan to arrange the World Transmission Array in each branch. It can also be called a wormhole. , From then on, you can travel to and from the branches to see the world outside Shrouding the Heavens! “

As soon as this remark was made, many students were breathing shortly.

World Transmission Array!


Round trip to each branch!

See the world beyond Shrouding the Heavens!

These words, like thunder, deeply impact the hearts of many students.

Although they have long understood Shrouding the Heavens World, they are only one of the humble worlds in All Heavens Myriad Realms, but knowing and knowing, they did not at all went to the outside world to see, Dean did not speak, and No one dared to make such a request to Dean. They originally thought that this day might be a long time, maybe ten thousand years, maybe even longer, but didn’t expect, this day came without warning.

The day came too fast, and they were too late to be mentally prepared.

Looking at the many trainees standing in place, Zhang Yu’s eyebrows were raised, “Why, you don’t want to go to another World to see?”

“Think, of course!” Even a person as calm as Gai Jiuyou, at this moment, his voice was trembling.

The rest were so excited that they couldn’t even speak.

Only Ye Fan, his expression is very calm, there is no wave.

As for Wu Shi Heavenly Emperor and the others, although a little surprised, but also very calm, not at all too much reaction.

After all, they have been to Douban World for a long time. When Xiao Yan and Gu Xun’er got engaged, they were also used by Dean Summon to support Xiao Yan and Gu Xun’er! Compared to the World of Fighting, they are more interested in the rest of the World, especially Journey to the West World and Journey to the West. The two Worlds have some similarities in Shrouding the Heavens World. The characters, names, and identities are very similar, but their experiences are different. They want to see if the two Worlds have any connection with Shrouding the Heavens World.

However, after all, they have seen the outside world. With the knowledge, naturally they will not make it like this to make a fuss about nothing.

“You see it, this wormhole is the World Transmission Array.” Zhang Yu pointed to the dark twisted vortex next to him. “Through this wormhole, you can reach the other side of the world. This wormhole It ’s the way to the World of Fighting. I will arrange other wormholes next. You can go to different Worlds through different wormholes.

paused, Zhang Yu also said, “In the future, this atrium square will be used for World transmission. The left is the entrance and the right is the exit.”

The so-called entrance is the entrance transmitted from Shrouding the Heavens World to another World.

The so-called exit is the exit transmitted from another World to Shrouding the Heavens World.

Correspondingly, in other Worlds, entrances and exits are also distinguished, so that the management order can be standardized. Otherwise, once there are too many people going back and forth, it will easily cause large-scale chaos and collapse Not conducive to management.

However, the minds of many students are obviously not on this, but rather pay more attention to what Zhang Yu said is the fight against the world.

“Breaking the World!” Everyone is eyes shined, looking at the dark twisted vortex with anticipation, “This wormhole is the gateway to the Blasting World?”

A long time ago, “Broken History” has been circulating in the ancient stars of Shrouding the Heavens World. The unyielding boy named Xiao Yan made countless people shout and applaud. The phrase “prosperity and decline” “never last, do not bully extremely the youngster” is even more widely heard by people. It is called the most inspirational discourse of this era and is sought after by numerous young geniuses.

After learning that this wormhole is the gateway to the world, many students are excited.

Even the Tutors of Great Accomplishment Saint Physique, Empress Mother of West, Azure Emperor, and Arrogant are all looking forward to it. After all, only the Emperor, Wu Shi and Ye Fan were the three who had visited the World.

Zhang Yu smiled nodded: “Yes, the World that this wormhole leads to is exactly the World recorded in” Broken History! “

Divine King Gai Jiuyou asked: “Dare to ask Dean, is that the World Breaking, like us, also the world that Dean reversed years, subverted history, and re-evolved?”

“It’s true.” Zhang Yu admitted frankly: “In fact, the world where all branches will be in the future will be so.”

He didn’t explain anything, and he wasn’t afraid of the Tutors and students of Shrouding the Heavens.

Hearing Zhang Yu’s confirmation, everyone is more excited.

“That is to say, when we went to Fight World, we could see the young Xiao Yan who once shouted ‘prosperity and decline never last, do not bully extremely the youngster’?” Divine King Jiang Taixu could not help expecting Get up, “Juvenile Flame Emperor, proud and unyielding, after suffering, and eventually become Flame Emperor, and this person’s value emotion, value friendship, has made a huge contribution to Human Race, when I first watched” Breaking History ” , I have always regretted that I could n’t be born in the same era and not in the same World. I never imagined that I now have the opportunity to meet him! “

The others are also nodded. They still admire the teenager Flame Emperor.

Only Ye Fan seems very calm and seems to have no waves.

“Little Child Ye, why aren’t you excited at all?” Pombo wondered: “But it’s Xiao Yan! Young Emperor! Why don’t you react at all?”

Ye Fan calmly said: “I have long understood this matter, that Xiao Yan has been accepted by the Teacher as a Honorary Disciple. I and Fierce person Tutor and Wu Shi Tutor have been to the World of Fighting and met Xiao Junior Brother Yan. One side. “

Pombo’s eyes widened: “Have you been to Douban World? Then why have you never told me?”

“Uh … it’s not a major event, why do you say that?” Ye Fan froze. “Not to mention you never asked me!”

“Well, you said … I’m speechless.” Pombo let out his hand weakly.

“I have n’t seen anything in the World of Fighting. If you want to go, do n’t you have a chance now?” Ye Fan looked indifferent. “Teacher has a wormhole, which means We can go in and out of Shrouding the Heavens World freely, let alone go to break the World, just go to another World, there is no problem to come. “

Wine Sword Immortal is seriously nodded: “Yes, how to manage these wormholes is an important question!”

Zhang Yu’s mouth slightly raised: “I’m only responsible for arranging the wormhole. As for other problems, you should solve it yourself. I have only one requirement, that is, we must not cause World confusion because of wormhole transmission. Otherwise, I will Will erase these wormholes … “

“Okay, everyone can disperse. I will let you know when all the wormholes are set up.” Zhang Yu waved his hand, “I don’t have to stay here all the time.”

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