
Chapter 886 Tests and Opportunities

The Worlds that have been attacked currently include Shrouding the Heavens World, Fighting World, Fairy Sword World, and Journey to the West. Therefore, Zhang Yu this time will only set six wormholes, three of which are leading to Fighting World. , Sword World, Journey to the West, and the other three are wormhole exits from those three Worlds.

Six wormholes don’t seem to be many, but because of long-term stable operation, Zhang Yu must spend more effort to set up, so as not to leave any future troubles.

This is not a small amount of work. I can’t afford to be sloppy, so it will definitely not end in a short while.

Moreover, this is the first time that Zhang Yu has set up a wormhole that permanently connects the two worlds. Even if the setup is successful, it cannot be put into use immediately. You must first observe it for a while and confirm that there are no problems before putting it into use.

Wormhole is an extremely important part of World communication between all parties, and it is also a prerequisite for everything. Zhang Yu cannot be too careful.

“That being the case, then we will not disturb Dean. Come with me, everyone.” Wine Sword Immortal said to everyone.

Soon, everyone at Shrouding the Heavens left the Atrium Square with Wine Sword Immortal.

A short while later, everyone came to the mountainside of the branch.

Wine Sword Immortal stopped, glanced over the crowd, and asked, “Dean handed us the teleportation wormhole to us to manage. Everyone, how do we manage it? No tutor, ruthless tutor, you all Once was the co-owner of the universe for an era, do you have any good suggestions? “

Heavenly Emperor startled without a start, then shook his head and said, “I share Dean, and I am used to being alone. Even in the era of becoming emperor, many things were thrown to the people under my hands. There was no practical management experience. “

There is no doubt that this powerful Heavenly Emperor is also an irresponsible arm-flinging shopkeeper.

“Where is the ruthless Tutor?” Wine Sword Immortal looked towards the Empress, asking with expectation.

The Emperor is the same as Wushi Heavenly Emperor, saying: “Sorry, I’m the same as Wushi.” Her rise that year can be described as the enemy of the world. Forcibly stepping on the bones of countless powerhouses, ascending the throne, compared to Wusi Heavenly Emperor, she is harder and more lonely.

Wine Sword Immortal jerks slightly at the corner of his mouth, and he suddenly thinks of a sentence, the upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked.

The deity is an irresponsible arm-flinging shopkeeper. He has his own style and is accustomed to being an arm-flinging shopkeeper. Nowadays, Wu Shi and the Empress do the same. Tutor and students recruited by Shrouding the Heavens Branch seem to be Not so reliable!

“Well, divide Dean, can I talk about it?” Great Accomplishment Saint Physique hesitated and asked.

Wine Sword Immortal sighed in relief, quickly said: “Of course, this matter is related to the entire Sky Academy, you are the Tutor of Shrouding the Heavens branch, of course, have the right to speak.” Finally, a reliable person came forward.

For the Great Accomplishment Saint Physique, Wine Sword Immortal is still more recognized. The counterparty is Dao Companion of Empress Mother of West. When Empress Mother of West became emperor, most things were actually managed by Great Accomplishment Saint Physique. , I think there should be a lot of experience.

“The establishment of the teleportation wormhole will connect the worlds, which is both good and bad for Shrouding the Heavens World.” Great Accomplishment Saint Physique solemnly said.

“oh?” Wine Sword Immortal surprisedly said: “Specifically.”

Everyone is watching the Great Accomplishment Saint Physique curiously. They probably know the benefits, but what’s the disadvantage?

I saw the Great Accomplishment Saint Physique bluntly: “The benefits are obvious, that is, we can communicate with other worlds. This helps us understand the rules and accelerate growth. At the same time, it can enhance our knowledge and open up And so on. In short, the benefits are many, I think, this is also the fundamental reason for Dean to set up a wormhole. As for the disadvantages … “

At this point, he paused before continuing: “The establishment of the teleport wormhole may also cause confusion!”

Everyone frowned slightly.

“Different World cultures, races, ideas, and concepts may bring fierce collisions. If such collisions are within the controllable range, that ’s okay. If you leave the controllable range, it will cause huge Turbulence makes the two worlds confront each other, forging contradictions, and triggers war between the two worlds! “

“In addition, some people with ulterior motives may also pass secret wormholes to achieve unspeakable secrets!”

“But these are not my biggest concerns. After all, the strength of our Sky Academy is not weak. With the strength of each branch, we can suppress many wrongdoers. What really worries me is the future Shrouding the Heavens World Connected World! “

hearing this, everyone couldn’t help but wonder.

Shrouding the Heavens World?

What do you mean?

“According to my observations, at present, our overall strength of Shrouding the Heavens World is not bad. Whether it is the Fighting World, the Sword World or the Journey to the West, in general, it is slightly inferior to us. Therefore, we do n’t need to worry about connecting these Worlds at this time, but have you ever thought about it, if the future Shrouding the Heavens World connects to a World far better than Shrouding the Heavens World? ”Great Accomplishment Saint Physique looked back,“ Everyone I know, we shrouding the Heavens World, which was previously the world of 7th grade. Now the fairy domain is completed, the level has been improved, and it has probably reached the top of the 7th grade, but we have not yet born the corresponding powerhouse, that is, we shrouding The Heavens World has the conditions for the birth of the Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouse, but not at all the birth of the native Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouse. “

Wine Sword Immortal has the strength of Transcendent Upper Realm, but he is from Sky Academy after all, and the world he came from is Sword World, so not at all is counted by Great Accomplishment Saint Physique.

“Suppose one day in the future, Shrouding the Heavens World connects an ancient 7th grade world and even an eighth-order True God world. At that time, what will be the fate of Shrouding the Heavens World?” Great Accomplishment Saint Physique There is no worry in the discourse, “This is naturally a good thing for the entire Sky Academy, but it may not be a good thing for our Shrouding the Heavens branch!”

Currently, the Shrouding the Heavens branch is the most comprehensive among the branches, but if there is a 7th grade top-level World or an eighth-order True God world, then the status of the Shrouding the Heavens branch will be Instead, rankings will continue to drop.

The most important thing is that if this World is connected, then the Shrouding the Heavens branch will inevitably be greatly affected, and many talents and powerhouses will probably flow into those stronger Worlds. This will affect the Shrouding the Heavens branch and even The development of Shrouding the Heavens World was extremely unfavourable.

Wine Sword Immortal solemnly nodded: “You’re right, this question deserves our attention!”

“However, we can’t directly restrict these people from entering and leaving the wormhole, right?” Azure Emperor frowned said, “Dean just said, allowing everyone to freely enter and leave the wormhole. If we do this, it is tantamount to violation. Against Dean’s will … “

Although they don’t want brain drain, no one dares to disobey Dean’s will, and no one dares to challenge Dean’s authority.

Great Accomplishment Saint Physique said: “Of course we can’t restrict everyone’s access to the wormhole, but for everyone who leaves, we can conduct a rigorous review. Only those who are not concentric and stained are eligible to use the worm. Well, so, shouldn’t it be against Dean’s will? “

“What’s this for?”

“Of course it is useful! At least, we can know if this person is a talent in this way!” Great Accomplishment Saint Physique laughed: “If it is a real talent, why don’t we give a certain commitment, as long as they do not leave in the future Shrouding the Heavens World will give appropriate rewards, and even … some of them can even promise to prepare students. When Shrouding the Heavens Branch recruits new students, they will be converted to formal students! I I believe that the appeal of Shrouding the Heavens will be enough to make most people feel good! “

Wine Sword Immortal eyes shined: “This is a good idea.”

It is indeed a good way to select and recruit talents.

Shrouding the Heavens will expand sooner or later, and Wine Sword Immortal has no doubt at all.

“Actually, this can be used not only for people native to Shrouding the Heavens World, but also for people from other worlds.” Great Accomplishment Saint Physique has a wise color in his eyes, “For people from other worlds In this way, we can also attract them to stay as far as possible and join the Shrouding the Heavens World camp. “

Finally, Great Accomplishment Saint Physique gently put out a breath: “In this way, Shrouding the Heavens World will become stronger and stronger, the talent team will become larger and larger, and a virtuous circle. In the future, we will not even fear those old top 7th grades. World! “

Transferring the wormhole is an opportunity for Shrouding the Heavens World, even if it is a test!

If you seize the opportunity, Shrouding the Heavens World will take off and quickly become an existence comparable to the ancient top 7th grade Great World. In the future, there is even hope to be promoted to the eighth-order True God world, and the other branches will be esteemed! Even if it connects to other eighth-order True God realms in the future, Shrouding the Heavens World will not be afraid!

paused, he took a look at Wine Sword Immortal, and said, “Of course, the premise of all this is resources! We have to take out that many resources! Divine medicine, elixir, weapons, heavenly materials earthly treasures, Peerless skills, fairy tales, etc., including the number of preparatory students, are all resources! This plan can only be implemented if it is more willing to pay resources than other branches, otherwise everything is empty talk! ”

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